89 research outputs found

    Supplementation of xylo-oligosaccharides to suckling piglets promotes the growth of fiber-degrading gut bacterial populations during the lactation and nursery periods

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    Modulating early-life microbial colonization through xylo-oligosacharides (XOS) supplementation represents an opportunity to accelerate the establishment of fiber-degrading microbial populations and improve intestinal health. Ninety piglets from 15 litters were orally administered once a day from d7 to d27 of lactation with either 5 mL of water (CON) or 5 mL of a solution containing 30 to 60 mg of XOS (XOS). Supplementation ceased at weaning (d28) when all piglets were fed the same commercial pre-starter diet. Growth performance did not differ between treatments during the experimental period (d7 to d40). Piglet's fecal microbiota (n = 30) shifted significantly from the end of lactation (d27) to nursery period (d40) exhibiting an increase in microbial alpha diversity. Animals supplemented with XOS showed higher richness and abundance of fiber-degrading bacteria and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production at d27 and d40. Additionally, the predicted abundance of the pyruvate to butanoate fermentation pathway was increased in the XOS group at d40. These results show that supplementation of XOS to lactating piglets promotes fiber-degrading bacterial populations in their hindgut. Moreover, differences observed in the nursery period suggest that XOS can influence the microbiota in the long-term

    Utilització de fraccions líquides i digerits en cobertora de cultius d'hivern

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    Cada vegada es generen més efluents (fracció líquida, fracció sòlida, digerits,...) derivats de tractaments de dejeccions ramaderes, sobretot en zones amb elevada càrrega ramadera. Cal adaptar el maneig agrícola d’aquests efluents a les seves característiques, que són diferents dels purins originals.Els resultats que es mostren s’han obtingut amb el finançament del Projecte LIFE AGRICLOSE (LIFE17 ENV/ES/000439) i dels Plans per la millora de la fertilització agrària a les Comarques Gironines, el Vallès i Osona.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efficient tunable laser operation of Tm:KGd(WO4)2 in the continuous-wave regime at room temperature

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    Tm:KGd(WO/sub 4/)/sub 2/ is studied as a three-level laser on the /sup 3/F/sub 4/ /spl rarr/ /sup 3/H/sub 6/ transition and a tunable source in the 2-/spl mu/m spectral range, operating at room temperature. An overall tunability extending from 1790 to 2042 nm is achieved with maximum output powers of 400 mW for an absorbed pump power of 1 W. Various doping levels, pump wavelengths and polarization configurations are compared and the advantages of the monoclinic double tungstates over other Tm-hosts are outlined

    How copper can impact pig growth : comparing the effect of copper sulfate and monovalent copper oxide on oxidative status, inflammation, gene abundance, and microbial modulation as potential mechanisms of action

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    The beneficial effect of elevated concentrations of copper (Cu) on growth performance of pigs has been already demonstrated; however, their mechanism of action is not fully discovered. The objective of the present experiment was to investigate the effects of including Cu from copper sulfate (CuSO) or monovalent copper oxide (CuO) in the diet of growing pigs on oxidative stress, inflammation, gene abundance, and microbial modulation. We used 120 pigs with initial body weight (BW) of 11.5 ± 0.98 kg in 2 blocks of 60 pigs, 3 dietary treatments, 5 pigs per pen, and 4 replicate pens per treatment within each block for a total of 8 pens per treatment. Dietary treatments included the negative control (NC) diet containing 20 mg Cu/kg and 2 diets in which 250 mg Cu/kg from CuSO or CuO was added to the NC. On day 28, serum samples were collected from one pig per pen and this pig was then euthanized to obtain liver samples for the analysis of oxidative stress markers (Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and malondialdehyde, MDA). Serum samples were analyzed for cytokines. Jejunum tissue and colon content were collected and used for transcriptomic analyses and microbial characterization, respectively. Results indicated that there were greater (P < 0.05) MDA levels in the liver of pigs fed the diet with 250 mg/kg CuSO than in pigs fed the other diets. The serum concentration of tumor necrosis factor-alpha was greater (P < 0.05) in pigs fed diets containing CuSO compared with pigs fed the NC diet or the diet with 250 mg Cu/kg from CuO. Pigs fed diets containing CuSO or CuO had a greater (P < 0.05) abundance of genes related to the intestinal barrier function and nutrient transport, but a lower (P < 0.05) abundance of pro-inflammatory genes compared with pigs fed the NC diet. Supplementing diets with CuSO or CuO also increased (P < 0.05) the abundance of Lachnospiraceae and Peptostreptococcaceae families and reduced (P < 0.05) the abundance of the Rikenellaceae family, Campylobacter, and Streptococcus genera in the colon of pigs. In conclusion, adding 250 mg/kg of Cu from CuSO or CuO regulates genes abundance in charge of the immune system and growth, and promotes changes in the intestinal microbiota; however, CuO induces less systemic oxidation and inflammation compared with CuSO. Elevated concentrations of copper promote pig growth performance by modulating cytokines and intestinal microbes

    Body weight of newborn and suckling piglets affects their intestinal gene expression

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    Modern hyperprolific sows must deal with large litters (16-20 piglets) which reduce piglet birthweight with a concomitant increase in the proportion of small and intrauterine growth retarded piglets. However, larger litters do not only have a greater variation of piglet weights, but also a greater variation in colostrum and milk consumption within the litter. To further understand the impact that body weight has on piglets, the present study aimed to evaluate the degree of physiological weakness of the smallest piglets at birth and during the suckling period (20 d) compared to their middle-weight littermates through their jejunal gene expression. At birth, light piglets showed a downregulation of genes related to immune response (FAXDC2, HSPB1, PPARGC1α), antioxidant enzymes (SOD2m), digestive enzymes (ANPEP, IDO1, SI), and nutrient transporter (SLC39A4) (P < 0.05) but also a tendency for a higher mRNA expression of GBP1 (inflammatory regulator) and HSD11β1 (stress hormone) genes compared to their heavier littermates (P < 0.10). Excluding HSD11β1 gene, all these intestinal gene expression differences initially observed at birth between light and middle-weight piglets were stabilized at the end of the suckling period, when others appeared. Genes involved in barrier function (CLDN1), pro-inflammatory response (CXCL2, IL6, IDO1), and stress hormone signaling (HSD11β1) over-expressed compared to their middle-weight littermates (P < 0.05). In conclusion, at birth and at the end of suckling period, light body weight piglets seem to have a compromised gene expression and therefore impaired nutrient absorption, immune and stress responses compared to their heavier littermates. At birth and during lactation phase, the light body weight of piglets born from hyperprolific sows predisposed to a higher expression of stress and pro-inflammatory genes

    Study of Regulatory T-Cells in Patients with Gastric Malt Lymphoma: Influence on Treatment Response and Outcome

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    Purpose FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) play an essential role in modulating host responses to tumors and infections. The role of these cells in the pathogenesis of MALT lymphomas remains unknown. The aims of the study were to quantify the number of infiltrating FOXP3+ and CD3+ cells in patients with gastric MALT lymphoma at diagnosis and to study kinetics of these cells and CD20+ tumor cells after treatment and during long-term follow-up. Methods FOXP3+, CD3+ and CD20+ cells were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and the number of cells was quantified using a micrometric ocular. Samples of 35 patients with gastric MALT lymphoma at diagnosis and after treatment were included. Diagnostic samples were compared to 19 cases of chronic gastritis and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the stomach. Results The median number of FOXP3+ infiltrating cells was higher (27 cells/cm2) in gastric MALT patients than in DLBCL (10 cells; p = 0.162) but similar to chronic gastritis (20 cells; p = 0.605). No characteristic or specific distribution pattern of infiltrating FOXP3+ cells was found. Gastric MALT lymphoma patients responding to bacterial eradication therapy had higher number of FOXP3+ cells at study entry. Kinetics of both infiltrating FOXP3+ cells and tumor CD20+ cells were strongly dependent on the treatment administered. Discussion Gastric MALT lymphomas have a number of Treg cells more similar to chronic gastritis than to DLBCL. Patients with higher number of tumor infiltrating FOXP3+ cells at study entry seem to have better response to antibiotics. Kinetics of Treg and tumor cells are influenced by type of treatmen

    Differential diagnosis between Parkinson's disease and essential tremor using the smartphone's accelerometer

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    Background: The differential diagnosis between patients with essential tremor (ET) and those with Parkinson's disease (PD) whose main manifestation is tremor may be difficult unless using complex neuroimaging techniques such as 123I-FP-CIT SPECT. We considered that using smartphone's accelerometer to stablish a diagnostic test based on time-frequency differences between PD an ET could support the clinical diagnosis. Methods: The study was carried out in 17 patients with PD, 16 patients with ET, 12 healthy volunteers and 7 patients with tremor of undecided diagnosis (TUD), who were re-evaluated one year after the first visit to reach the definite diagnosis. The smartphone was placed over the hand dorsum to record epochs of 30 s at rest and 30 s during arm stretching. We generated frequency power spectra and calculated receiver operating characteristics curves (ROC) curves of total spectral power, to establish a threshold to separate subjects with and without tremor. In patients with PD and ET, we found that the ROC curve of relative energy was the feature discriminating better between the two groups. This threshold was then used to classify the TUD patients. Results: We could correctly classify 49 out of 52 subjects in the category with/without tremor (97.96% sensitivity and 83.3% specificity) and 27 out of 32 patients in the category PD/ET (84.38% discrimination accuracy). Among TUD patients, 2 of 2 PD and 2 of 4 ET were correctly classified, and one patient having PD plus ET was classified as PD. Conclusions: Based on the analysis of smartphone accelerometer recordings, we found several kinematic features in the analysis of tremor that distinguished first between healthy subjects and patients and, ultimately, between PD and ET patients. The proposed method can give immediate results for the clinician to gain valuable information for the diagnosis of tremor. This can be useful in environments where more sophisticated diagnostic techniques are unavailable

    Fecal Microbiota and Hair Glucocorticoid Concentration Show Associations with Growth during Early Life in a Pig Model

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    Identifying characteristics associated with fast or slow growth during early life in a pig model will help in the design of nutritional strategies or recommendations during infancy. The aim of this study was to identify if a differential growth during lactation and/or the nursery period may be associated with fecal microbiota composition and fermentation capacity, as well as to leave a print of glucocorticoid biomarkers in the hair. Seventy-five commercial male and female pigs showing extreme growth in the lactation and nursery periods were selected, creating four groups (First, lactation growth, d0-d21; second, nursery growth, d21-d62): Slow_Slow, Slow_Fast, Fast_Slow, and Fast_Fast. At d63 of life, hair and fecal samples were collected. Fast-growing pigs during nursery had higher cortisone concentrations in the hair (p < 0.05) and a tendency to have a lower cortisol-to-cortisone ratio (p = 0.061). Both lactation and nursery growth conditioned the fecal microbiota structure (p < 0.05). Additionally, fast-growing pigs during nursery had higher evenness (p < 0.05). Lactation growth influenced the relative abundance of eight bacterial genera, while nursery growth affected only two bacterial genera (p < 0.05). The fecal butyrate concentration was higher with fast growth in lactation and/or nursery (p < 0.05), suggesting it has an important role in growth, while total SCFA and acetate were related to lactation growth (p < 0.05). In conclusion, piglets' growth during nursery and, especially, the lactation period was associated with changes in their microbiota composition and fermentation capacity, evidencing the critical role of early colonization on the establishment of the adult microbiota. Additionally, cortisol conversion to cortisone was increased in animals with fast growth, but further research is necessary to determine its implication

    Mutational Profile Enables the Identification of a High-Risk Subgroup in Myelodysplastic Syndromes with Isolated Trisomy 8

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    Simple Summary Trisomy 8 (+8) is one of the most frequent cytogenetic alterations found in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). MDS patients harboring isolated +8 show clinical heterogeneity, and life expectancy varies between several months and several years after diagnosis. We aimed to investigate whether the mutational profile of isolated +8 MDS patients could help to clarify the heterogeneous prognosis of these patients. In fact, we found that mutations in STAG2, SRSF2 and RUNX1 are independent prognostic factors, enough to define the course of the disease in terms of overall survival and leukemic transformation in isolated +8 MDS. Therefore, these findings might help to identify patients at a high risk of evolving disease and open new horizons by changes in the management of a high subset of patients within MDS with isolated +8. Trisomy 8 (+8) is the most frequent trisomy in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and is associated with clinical heterogeneity and intermediate cytogenetic risk when found in isolation. The presence of gene mutations in this group of patients and the prognostic significance has not been extensively analyzed. Targeted deep sequencing was performed in a cohort of 79 MDS patients showing isolated +8. The most frequently mutated genes were: TET2 (38%), STAG2 (34.2%), SRSF2 (29.1%) and RUNX1 (26.6%). The mutational profile identified a high-risk subgroup with mutations in STAG2, SRSF2 and/or RUNX1, resulting in shorter time to acute myeloid leukemia progression (14 months while not reached in patients without these mutations, p < 0.0001) and shorter overall survival (23.7 vs. 46.3 months, p = 0.001). Multivariate analyses revealed the presence of mutations in these genes as an independent prognostic factor in MDS showing +8 isolated (HR: 3.1; p < 0.01). Moreover, 39.5% and 15.4% of patients classified as low/intermediate risk by the IPSS-R and IPSS-M, respectively, were re-stratified as a high-risk subgroup based on the mutational status of STAG2, SRSF2 and RUNX1. Results were validated in an external cohort (n = 2494). In summary, this study validates the prognosis significance of somatic mutations shown in IPSS-M and adds STAG2 as an important mutated gene to consider in this specific subgroup of patients. The mutational profile in isolated +8 MDS patients could, therefore, offer new insights for the correct management of patients with a higher risk of leukemic transformation