1,093 research outputs found

    Bound states in the continuum driven by AC fields

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    We report the formation of bound states in the continuum driven by AC fields. This system consists of a quantum ring connected to two leads. An AC side-gate voltage controls the interference pattern of the electrons passing through the system. We model the system by two sites in parallel connected to two semi-infinite lattices. The energy of these sites change harmonically with time. We obtain the transmission probability and the local density of states at the ring sites as a function of the parameters that define the system. The transmission probability displays a Fano profile when the energy of the incoming electron matches the driving frequency. Correspondingly, the local density of states presents a narrow peak that approaches a Dirac delta function in the weak coupling limit. We attribute these features to the presence of bound states in the continuum.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Fano-Andreev effect in a T-shaped Double Quantum Dot in the Coulomb blockade regime

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    We studied the effects of superconducting quantum correlations in a system consisting of two quantum dots, two normal leads, and a superconductor. Using the non-equilibrium Green's functions method, we analyzed the transmission, density of states, and differential conductance of electrons between the normal leads. We found that the superconducting correlations resulted in Fano-Andreev interference, which is characterized by two anti-resonance line shapes in all of these quantities. This behavior was observed in both equilibrium and non-equilibrium regimes and persisted even when Coulomb correlations were taken into account using the Hubbard-I approximation. It is worth noting that the robustness of this behavior against these conditions has not been studied previously in the literature.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Independent Component Analysis to Detect Clustered Microcalcification Breast Cancers

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    The presence of clustered microcalcifications is one of the earliest signs in breast cancer detection. Although there exist many studies broaching this problem, most of them are nonreproducible due to the use of proprietary image datasets. We use a known subset of the currently largest publicly available mammography database, the Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM), to develop a computer-aided detection system that outperforms the current reproducible studies on the same mammogram set. This proposal is mainly based on the use of extracted image features obtained by independent component analysis, but we also study the inclusion of the patient's age as a nonimage feature which requires no human expertise. Our system achieves an average of 2.55 false positives per image at a sensitivity of 81.8% and 4.45 at a sensitivity of 91.8% in diagnosing the BCRP_CALC_1 subset of DDSM

    Plant by-product antioxidants: control of protein-lipid oxidation in meat and meat products

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGProtein-lipid oxidation is one of the main causes of quality deterioration in meat and meat products during processing and storage. The application of natural antioxidants in muscle food appears a sustainable option for reducing the consumption of synthetic antioxidants with confirmed carcinogenic and toxicological effects. Hence, the food industry today prefers low-cost natural additives instead of synthetic ones. Agro-food industry generates a large quantity of plant by-products annually during the cultivation and processing of agricultural products. There is a wide variety of natural antioxidants in plant by-products. Several parts of plant (seeds, peels, leaves, husks, stems, and roots) as unexploited novel sources of natural antioxidant can be applied either through technological strategies to control oxidative process in meat and meat products. This paper provides an overview of the current trends in the use of natural antioxidants from plant by-products for potential applications against protein–lipid oxidation in muscle food. In addition, the effect of encapsulation of plant by-product antioxidants on the protein–lipid oxidation of meat and meat products is reviewed.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. IN607A2019/0


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    Educar en competencias es elemento de cambio para la EducaciĂłn Superior y acerca intereses y demandas de estas a los de las unidades empleadoras. La competencia comunicativa es una competencia especĂ­fica y de las mĂĄs importantes para el profesional del perfil humanĂ­stico. Se utiliza en su diagnĂłstico, control y evaluaciĂłn, una matriz de competencias comunicativas como instrumento cientĂ­fico y operativo con el que se puede precisar con claridad las competencias; y quĂ© evaluar en el estudiante y en el egresado. Esta se basa en las cuatro ĂĄreas lingĂŒĂ­sticas bĂĄsicas y agrega otras competencias. Se propone en este artĂ­culo un sistema de tareas y acciones docentes desde la carrera y la clase con vistas al mejor uso de la lengua materna con fines comunicativo profesionales de los estudiantes de Humanidades. La propuesta de aplicaciĂłn es en las carreras Español – Literatura y Estudios Socioculturales, con un indudable progreso para los alumnos de la presencialidad y la semipresencialidad

    Table olive wastewater as a potential source of biophenols for valorization : a mini review

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    The table olive industry generates high amounts of wastewater annually during the alkaline treatment, fermentation, and washing steps of olives. High conductivity and salt content, as well as the high organic and biophenol contents of these waters, is a worldwide problem, especially in the Mediterranean region, which is the major table olive producing area. There is a wide variety of bioactives found in wastewater derived from table olive processing. The main compounds of table olive wastewater, such as those derived from phenolic, hydrocarbon, and sugar fractions, can be recovered and reused. In this review, the table olive manufacturing processes and the volumes and composition of wastewater generated from the different methods of table olive processing are discussed. In addition, biophenols of table olive water and their biological activities are also introduced. The high concentrations of valuable biophenols, such as tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol, show promising potential for valorizing table olive wastewater; however, more research is needed in this area

    Metastasis of renal clear-cell carcinoma to the oral mucosa, an atypical location

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    The majority of cases of metastatic tumors involve the mandible and some the maxilla but they are considerably less common in intraoral soft tissues. In addition, the primary tumor is known in the majority of cases; although in onethird of such cases, metastasis is the first clinical manifestation. The most common primary tumors metastasizing to the mouth are lung carcinoma in men and breast carcinoma in women. An oral metastasis implies a serious prognosis, as in the majority of patients there is multiple organ involvement at the time of diagnosis. We present the case of a 52-year old patient with renal pathology who came to the emergency room due to a rapidly increasing gingival tumor. With the provisional clinical diagnosis of a pyogenic granuloma,the tumor was excised. Subsequent anatomopathological analysis revealed a tumor metastasis compatible with clear-cell carcinoma, and its renal origin was confirmed by means of immunohistochemical techniques

    Compassionate communities: How to assess their benefit? A protocol of a collaborative study between different countries.

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    BACKGROUND Communities and local governments invest in compassionate communities (CCs) a great deal of time, money, effort, and work. However, it is not known whether the CCs are having the effect they are expected to have, so the value of continuing with these initiatives is unknown, and there is a need for a model for evaluating CCs to solve the question. OBJECTIVES To identify a set of core outcomes or benefits that should be measured to assess the impact of the CCs. DESIGN Multiple-methods study involving three communities, each in a different country (Argentina, Colombia, and Switzerland). METHODS AND ANALYSIS To identifying the set of core outcomes, which is the first step in developing the CC evaluation model, five phases will follow: online meetings, literature review, fieldwork, Delphi survey, and social transfer. We will involve members of the local communities of Bern, Buenos Aires, and Medellin at three different levels: (1) citizens (e.g. patients, caregivers, and family members), (2) organizations and institutions involved in the program implementation (e.g. health care organizations, churches, non-governmental organizations, and schools), and (3) political and governmental sectors. ETHICS The study will be conducted following existing international regulations and guidance such as the Declaration of Helsinki. The ethics committee of Pallium Latin America and the ethics committee of the canton of Bern considered our application exempt from the need for approval. Ethics approval in Bern and Buenos Aires is in the process of being obtained. The ethics committee of the Pontifical Bolivarian University approved this protocol. DISCUSSION We expect that this project will help bridge the gap in knowledge regarding the measurable impact of the CCs and enhance more CC development

    Infrared color selection of massive galaxies at z > 3

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    We introduce a new color-selection technique to identify high-redshift, massive galaxies that are systematically missed by Lyman-break selection. The new selection is based on the H_{160} and IRAC 4.5um bands, specifically H - [4.5] > 2.25 mag. These galaxies, dubbed "HIEROs", include two major populations that can be separated with an additional J - H color. The populations are massive and dusty star-forming galaxies at z > 3 (JH-blue) and extremely dusty galaxies at z < 3 (JH-red). The 350 arcmin^2 of the GOODS-N and GOODS-S fields with the deepest HST/WFC3 and IRAC data contain 285 HIEROs down to [4.5] 3) HIEROs, which have a median photometric redshift z ~4.4 and stellar massM_{*}~10^{10.6} Msun, and are much fainter in the rest-frame UV than similarly massive Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs). Their star formation rates (SFRs) reaches ~240 Msun yr^{-1} leading to a specific SFR, sSFR ~4.2 Gyr^{-1}, suggesting that the sSFRs for massive galaxies continue to grow at z > 2 but at a lower growth rate than from z=0 to z=2. With a median half-light radius of 2 kpc, including ~20% as compact as quiescent galaxies at similar redshifts, JH-blue HIEROs represent perfect star-forming progenitors of the most massive (M_{*} > 10^{11.2} Msun) compact quiescent galaxies at z ~ 3 and have the right number density. HIEROs make up ~60% of all galaxies with M_{*} > 10^{10.5} Msun identified at z > 3 from their photometric redshifts. This is five times more than LBGs with nearly no overlap between the two populations. While HIEROs make up 15-25% of the total SFR density at z ~ 4-5, they completely dominate the SFR density taking place in M_{*} >10^{10.5} Msun galaxies, and are therefore crucial to understanding the very early phase of massive galaxy formation.Comment: ApJS, in pres
