822 research outputs found

    Testing the chemical tagging technique with open clusters

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    Context. Stars are born together from giant molecular clouds and, if we assume that the priors were chemically homogeneous and well-mixed, we expect them to share the same chemical composition. Most of the stellar aggregates are disrupted while orbiting the Galaxy and most of the dynamic information is lost, thus the only possibility of reconstructing the stellar formation history is to analyze the chemical abundances that we observe today. Aims. The chemical tagging technique aims to recover disrupted stellar clusters based merely on their chemical composition. We evaluate the viability of this technique to recover co-natal stars that are no longer gravitationally bound. Methods. Open clusters are co-natal aggregates that have managed to survive together. We compiled stellar spectra from 31 old and intermediate-age open clusters, homogeneously derived atmospheric parameters, and 17 abundance species, and applied machine learning algorithms to group the stars based on their chemical composition. This approach allows us to evaluate the viability and efficiency of the chemical tagging technique. Results. We found that stars at different evolutionary stages have distinct chemical patterns that may be due to NLTE effects, atomic diffusion, mixing, and biases. When separating stars into dwarfs and giants, we observed that a few open clusters show distinct chemical signatures while the majority show a high degree of overlap. This limits the recovery of co-natal aggregates by applying the chemical tagging technique. Nevertheless, there is room for improvement if more elements are included and models are improved.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Corrected typo

    GRB 221009A: A light dark matter burst or an extremely bright Inverse Compton component?

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been considered as potential very high-energy photon emitters due to the large amount of energy released as well as the strong magnetic fields involved in their jets. However, the detection of TeV photons is not expected from bursts beyond a redshift of z0.1z\gtrsim 0.1 due to their attenuation with the extragalactic background light (EBL). For these reasons, the recent observation of photons with energies of 18 and 251 TeV from GRB 221009A (z=0.151) last October 9th, 2022 has challenged what we know about the TeV-emission mechanisms and the extragalactic background. In order to explain the TeV observations, recent works exploring candidates of dark matter have started to appear. In this paper, we discuss the required conditions and limitations within the most plausible scenario, synchrotron-self Compton (SSC) radiation in the GRB afterglow, to interpret the one 18-TeV photon observation besides the EBL. To avoid the Klein-Nishina effect, we find an improbable value of the microphysical magnetic parameter below 10610^{-6} for a circumburst medium value >1cm3> 1{\rm cm^{-3}} (expected in the collapsar scenario). Therefore, we explore possible scenarios in terms of ALPs and dark photon mechanisms to interpret this highly-energetic photon and we discuss the implications in the GRB energetics. We find that the ALPs and dark photon scenarios can explain the 18 TeV photon but not the 251 TeV photon.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    The SED of Low-Luminosity AGNs at high-spatial resolution

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    The inner structure of AGNs is expected to change below a certain luminosity limit. The big blue bump, footprint of the accretion disk, is absent for the majority of low-luminosity AGNs (LLAGNs). Moreover, recent simulations suggest that the torus, a keystone in the Unified Model, vanishes for nuclei with L_bol < 10^42 erg/s. However, the study of LLAGN is a complex task due to the contribution of the host galaxy, which light swamps these faint nuclei. This is specially critical in the IR range, at the maximum of the torus emission, due to the contribution of the old stellar population and/or dust in the nuclear region. Adaptive optics imaging in the NIR (VLT/NaCo) together with diffraction limited imaging in the mid-IR (VLT/VISIR) permit us to isolate the nuclear emission for some of the nearest LLAGNs in the Southern Hemisphere. These data were extended to the optical/UV range (HST), radio (VLA, VLBI) and X-rays (Chandra, XMM-Newton, Integral), in order to build a genuine spectral energy distribution (SED) for each AGN with a consistent spatial resolution (< 0.5") across the whole spectral range. From the individual SEDs, we construct an average SED for LLAGNs sampled in all the wavebands mentioned before. Compared with previous multiwavelength studies of LLAGNs, this work covers the mid-IR and NIR ranges with high-spatial resolution data. The LLAGNs in the sample present a large diversity in terms of SED shapes. Some of them are very well described by a self-absorbed synchrotron (e.g. NGC 1052), while some other present a thermal-like bump at ~1 micron (NGC 4594). All of them are significantly different when compared with bright Seyferts and quasars, suggesting that the inner structure of AGNs (i.e. the torus and the accretion disk) suffers intrinsic changes at low luminosities.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. To appear in the proceedings of "Astrophysics at High Angular Resolution" (AHAR 2011

    Low-resolution spectroscopy and spectral energy distributions of selected sources towards sigma Orionis

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    Aims: We investigated in detail nine sources in the direction of the young sigma Orionis cluster, which is considered a unique site for studying stellar and substellar formation. The nine sources were selected because of some peculiar properties, such as extremely red infrared colours or too strong Halpha emission for their blue optical colours. Methods: We took high-quality, low-resolution spectroscopy (R ~ 500) of the nine targets with ALFOSC at the Nordic Optical Telescope. We also re-analyzed [24]-band photometry from MIPS/Spitzer and compiled the best photometry available at the ViJHKs passbands and the four IRAC/Spitzer channels for constructing accurate spectral energy distributions covering from 0.55 to 24 mum. Results: The nine targets were classified into: one Herbig Ae/Be star with a scatterer edge-on disc, two G-type stars, one X-ray flaring, early-M, young star with chromospheric Halpha emission, one very low-mass, accreting, young spectroscopic binary, two young objects at the brown dwarf boundary with the characteristics of classical T Tauri stars, and two emission-line galaxies, one undergoing star formation, and another one whose spectral energy distribution is dominated by an active galactic nucleus. Besides, we discover three infrared sources associated to overdensities in a cold cloud in the cluster centre. Conclusions: Low-resolution spectroscopy and spectral energy distributions are a vital tool for measuring the physical properties and the evolution of young stars and candidates in the sigma Orionis cluster.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Morphological studies of the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic survey galaxy population in the UGC 10214 Hubble space telescope/advanced camera for surveys field

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    We present the results of a morphological analysis of a small subset of the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic survey (SWIRE) galaxy population. The analysis is based on public Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) data taken inside the SWIRE N1 field, which are the deepest optical high-resolution imaging available within the SWIRE fields as of today. Our reference sample includes 156 galaxies detected by both ACS and SWIRE. Among the various galaxy morphologies, we disentangle two main classes, spheroids (or bulge-dominated galaxies) and disc-dominated ones, for which we compute the number counts as a function of flux. We then limit our sample to objects with Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) fluxes brighter than 10 μJy, estimated ~90 per cent completeness limit of the SWIRE catalogues, and compare the observed counts to model predictions. We find that the observed counts of the spheroidal population agree with the expectations of a hierarchical model while a monolithic scenario predicts steeper counts. Both scenarios, however, underpredict the number of late-type galaxies. These observations show that the large majority (close to 80 per cent) of the 3.6- and 4.5-μm galaxy population, even at these moderately faint fluxes, is dominated by spiral and irregular galaxies or mergers

    New RPC front-end electronics for hades

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    Time-of-flight (TOF) detectors are mainly used for both particle identification and triggering. Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) detectors are becoming widely used because of their excellent TOF capabilities and reduced cost. The new ESTRELA* RPC wall, which is being installed in the HADES detector at Darmstadt GSI, will contain 1024 RPC modules, covering an active area of around 7 m2. It has excellent TOF and good charge resolutions. Its Front-End electronics is based on a 8-layer Mother-Board providing impedance matched paths for the output signals of each of the eight 4-channel Daughter-Boards to the TDC