23 research outputs found

    The Rich Globular Cluster System of Abell 1689 and the Radial Dependence of the Globular Cluster Formation Efficiency

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    We study the rich globular cluster (GC) system in the center of the massive cluster of galaxies Abell 1689 (z=0.18), one of the most powerful gravitational lenses known. With 28 HST/ACS orbits in the F814W bandpass, we reach magnitude I_814=29 with >90% completeness and sample the brightest ~5% of the GC system. Assuming the well-known Gaussian form of the GC luminosity function (GCLF), we estimate a total population of N(GC_total) = 162,850 GCs within a projected radius of 400kpc. As many as half may comprise an intracluster component. Even with the sizable uncertainties, which mainly result from the uncertain GCLF parameters, this is by far the largest GC system studied to date. The specific frequency S_N is high, but not uncommon for central galaxies in massive clusters, rising from S_N~5 near the center to ~12 at large radii. Passive galaxy fading would increase S_N by ~20% at z=0. We construct the radial mass profiles of the GCs, stars, intracluster gas, and lensing-derived total mass, and we compare the mass fractions as a function of radius. The estimated mass in GCs, M(GC_total)=3.9x10^10 Msun, is comparable to ~80% of the total stellar mass of the Milky Way. The shape of the GC mass profile appears intermediate between those of the stellar light and total cluster mass. Despite the extreme nature of this system, the ratios of the GC mass to the baryonic and total masses, and thus the GC formation efficiency, are typical of those in other rich clusters when comparing at the same physical radii. The GC formation efficiency is not constant, but varies with radius, in a manner that appears similar for different clusters; we speculate on the reasons for this similarity in profile.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    AGB Connection and Ultraviolet Luminosity Excess in Elliptical Galaxies

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    Relying on infrared surface brightness fluctuactions to trace AGB properties in a sample of elliptical galaxies in the Virgo and Fornax clusters, we assess the puzzling origin of the "UV-upturn" phenomenon, recently traced down to the presence of a hot horizontal branch stellar component. We find that the UV-upturn actually signals a profound change in the c-m diagram of stellar populations in elliptical galaxies, involving both the hot stellar component and red-giant evolution.Comment: 13 pages & 13 figures -- To appear in the Astrophysical Journal (Sep '08 issue). Further info on SBF models at http://www.bo.astro.it/~eps/home.htm

    The Hubble Deep Field South Flanking Fields

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    As part of the Hubble Deep Field South program, a set of shorter 2-orbit observations were obtained of the area adjacent to the deep fields. The WFPC2 flanking fields cover a contiguous solid angle of 48 square arcminutes. Parallel observations with the STIS and NICMOS instruments produce a patchwork of additional fields with optical and near-infrared (1.6 micron) response. Deeper parallel exposures with WFPC2 and NICMOS were obtained when STIS observed the NICMOS deep field. These deeper fields are offset from the rest, and an extended low surface brightness object is visible in the deeper WFPC2 flanking field. In this data paper, which serves as an archival record of the project, we discuss the observations and data reduction, and present SExtractor source catalogs and number counts derived from the data. Number counts are broadly consistent with previous surveys from both ground and space. Among other things, these flanking field observations are useful for defining slit masks for spectroscopic follow-up over a wider area around the deep fields, for studying large-scale structure that extends beyond the deep fields, for future supernova searches, and for number counts and morphological studies, but their ultimate utility will be defined by the astronomical community.Comment: 46 pages, 15 figures. Images and full catalogs available via the HDF-S at http://www.stsci.edu/ftp/science/hdfsouth/hdfs.html at present. The paper is accepted for the February 2003 Astronomical Journal. Full versions of the catalogs will also be available on-line from AJ after publicatio

    Globular cluster systems in fossil groups: NGC6482, NGC1132 and ESO306-017

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    We study the globular cluster (GC) systems in three representative fossil group galaxies: the nearest (NGC6482), the prototype (NGC1132) and the most massive known to date (ESO306-017). This is the first systematic study of GC systems in fossil groups. Using data obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys in the F475W and F850LP filters, we determine the GC color and magnitude distributions, surface number density profiles, and specific frequencies. In all three systems, the GC color distribution is bimodal, the GCs are spatially more extended than the starlight, and the red population is more concentrated than the blue. The specific frequencies seem to scale with the optical luminosities of the central galaxy and span a range similar to that of the normal bright elliptical galaxies in rich environments. We also analyze the galaxy surface brightness distributions to look for deviations from the best-fit S\'ersic profiles; we find evidence of recent dynamical interaction in all three fossil group galaxies. Using X-ray data from the literature, we find that luminosity and metallicity appear to correlate with the number of GCs and their mean color, respectively. Interestingly, although NGC6482 has the lowest mass and luminosity in our sample, its GC system has the reddest mean color, and the surrounding X-ray gas has the highest metallicity.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Near-IR Surface Brightness Fluctuations and Optical Colours of Magellanic Star Clusters

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    This work continues our efforts to calibrate model surface brightness luminosities for the study of unresolved stellar populations, through the comparison with data of Magellanic Cloud star clusters. We present here the relation between absolute K_s-band fluctuation magnitude and (V - I) integrated colour, using data from the 2MASS and DENIS surveys, and from the literature. We compare the star cluster sample with the sample of early-type galaxies and spiral bulges studied by Liu et al. (2002). We find that intermediate-age to old clusters lie along a linear correlation with the same slope, within the errors, of that defined by the galaxies in the barM_{K_s} vs. (V - I) diagram. While the calibration by Liu et al. was determined in the colour range 1.05 < (V - I_c)_0 = barM_{K_s} >= -9, 0.3 <= (V - I) <= 1.25. This implies, according to Bruzual & Charlot (2003) and Mouhcine & Lancon (2003) models, that the star clusters and the latest star formation bursts in the galaxies and bulges constitute an age sequence. At the same time, there is a slight offset between the galaxies and the star clusters [the latter are ~ 0.7 mag fainter than the former at a given value of (V - I)], caused by the difference in metallicity of roughly a factor of two. The confrontation between models and galaxy data also suggests that galaxies with K_s fluctuation magnitudes that are brighter than predicted, given their (V - I) colour, might be explained in part by longer lifetimes of TP-AGB stars. (Abridged version.)Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    Globular cluster systems and galaxy formation

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    Globular clusters are compact, gravitationally bound systems of up to a million stars. The GCs in the Milky Way contain some of the oldest stars known, and provide important clues to the early formation and continuing evolution of our Galaxy. More generally, GCs are associated with galaxies of all types and masses, from low-mass dwarf galaxies to the most massive early-type galaxies which lie in the centres of massive galaxy clusters. GC systems show several properties which connect tightly with properties of their host galaxies. For example, the total mass of GCs in a system scales linearly with the dark matter halo mass of its host galaxy. Numerical simulations are at the point of being able to resolve globular cluster formation within a cosmological framework. Therefore, GCs link a range of scales, from the physics of star formation in turbulent gas clouds, to the large-scale properties of galaxies and their dark matter. In this Chapter we review some of the basic observational approaches for GC systems, some of their key observational properties, and describe how GCs provide important clues to the formation of their parent galaxies.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in the book "Reviews in Frontiers of Modern Astrophysics: From Space Debris to Cosmology" (eds Kabath, Jones and Skarka; publisher Springer Nature) funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership grant "Per Aspera Ad Astra Simul" 2017-1-CZ01-KA203-03556

    Measuring the GC luminosity function up to z

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    The Distribution and Ages of Star Clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud: Constraints on the Interaction History of the Magellanic Clouds

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    International audienceWe present a new study of the spatial distribution and ages of the star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). To detect and estimate the ages of the star clusters we rely on the new fully automated method developed by Bitsakis et al. Our code detects 1319 star clusters in the central 18 deg 2 of the SMC we surveyed (1108 of which have never been reported before). The age distribution of those clusters suggests enhanced cluster formation around 240 Myr ago. It also implies significant differences in the cluster distribution of the bar with respect to the rest of the galaxy, with the younger clusters being predominantly located in the bar. Having used the same setup, and data from the same surveys as for our previous study of the LMC, we are able to robustly compare the cluster properties between the two galaxies. Our results suggest that the bulk of the clusters in both galaxies were formed approximately 300 Myr ago, probably during a direct collision between the two galaxies. On the other hand, the locations of the young (50 Myr) clusters in both Magellanic Clouds, found where their bars join the H I arms, suggest that cluster formation in those regions is a result of internal dynamical processes. Finally, we discuss the potential causes of the apparent outside-in quenching of cluster formation that we observe in the SMC. Our findings are consistent with an evolutionary scheme where the interactions between the Magellanic Clouds constitute the major mechanism driving their overall evolution