212 research outputs found

    Anthropometric characteristics of elite paddle players: Pilot study

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las características antropométricas, la composición corporal y el somatotipo de una muestra internacional de jugadores de pádel de alto nivel de ambos sexos. En el estudio participaron 29 jugadores (15 varones y 14 mujeres) de categoría absoluta. Un total de 16 variables antropométricas fueron evaluadas. Se encontraron diferencias entre sexos en las variables masa, talla e IMC (p<0,001); en los pliegues tricipital, muslo, pierna (p<0,001) y en el sumatorio de 6 pliegues; en los perímetros brazo, muslo (p<0,001) y pierna (p<0,03); y en todos los diámetros analizados (p<0,001). Asimismo se encontraron diferencias en los componentes endomórfico (p<0,01), mesomórfico (p<0,001) y ectomórfico (p<0,05) del somatotipo. Los jugadores presentan un somatotipo mesomórfico-endomórfico y las jugadoras endo-mesomórfico. Esta investigación aporta datos biotipológicos actualizados de referencia para el pádel de élitePaddle is one of the racket sports that has grown the most in recent years. However, there are few or very limited studies that address the biotype of this discipline, especially in the elite paddle. The aim was to describe the anthropometric characteristics, body composition and somatotype of an international sample of high level paddle players. 29 subjects national top level (15 male and 14 female) participated in this study. 16 anthropometric variables were evaluated. Differences were found between sexes in the variables weight, height and BMI (p <0.001); in triceps, thigh and leg folds (p <0.001); in the arm, thigh (p <0.001) and leg (p <0.03) perimeters; and in all diameters analysed (p <0.001). Differences were also found between men and women in the endomorphic (p <0.01), mesomorphic (p <0.001) and ectomorphic (p <0.05) components of the somatotype. Male players present a mesomorphic-endomorphic somatotype while female players are preferably endo-mesomorphic. This research provides up-to-date reference data for somatotype in elite paddle playersInstituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses por el proyecto “Análisis de las demandas fisiológicas del pádel de competición: estudio de marcadores asociados al rendimiento físico-deportivo.

    Comparison of the effect of repeated-sprint training combined with two different methods of strengt training on young soccer players

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    Comparison of the effect of repeated-sprint training combined with two different methods of strength training on young soccer players. J Strength Cond Res 29(3): 744–751, 2015—The aim of this study was to assess the effect of combining repeated-sprint training with 2 different methods of muscle strength training on physical performance variables in young players. Twenty-one soccer players with mean (±SD) age of 18.1 (±0.8) years, weight 69.9 (±6.5) kg, and height 177.1 (±5.7) cm, and competing in U-19 category, were randomly assigned to 2 experimental groups: squat group (SG: n = 10) and take-off group (TG: n = 11). Intervention in both groups consisted of the combination of a weekly session of repeated-sprint training (the same for both groups), with 2 weekly sessions of strength training (different for each group), for 8 weeks in the final period of the season. The strength sessions for the SG consisted of conducting a series of full squats executed at maximum velocity in the concentric phase. Intervention in the TG was the performance of 2 specific strength exercises (take-offs and change of direction), with measurements taken before and after consideration of the following variables: repeated-sprint ability (RSA), yo-yo intermittent recovery test level 1 (YYIRT1), countermovement jump (CMJ), and average velocity in full squat progressive loads test. The SG improved CMJ height in 5.28% (p <= 0.05) and FS37.5-47.5-67.5 (p <= 0.05), whereas the TG improved FS17.5-27.5-37.5-47.5-67.5 (p <= 0.05). There were no significant changes in the values of RSA or YYIRT1 in either group. The results seem to show that the combination of a weekly session of repeated-sprint training with 2 weekly sessions of strength training could be an insufficient stimulus to improve RSA in the final period of the season.Actividad Física y Deport

    Anthropometric profiles in table tennis players: Analysis of sex, age, and ranking

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    Table tennis has recently evolved towards a more spectacular sport increasing match-play demands and the intensity and speed of actions by regulations and equipment modification. Since these changes can alter the body composition and performance, this study aimed to analyze the differences in anthropometric attributes of 495 table tennis players (288 men, 207 women) according to sex, age, and ranking. Players were classified according to sex, age categories (Senior, Under-18, Under-15, Under 13, and Under 11), and ranking position. Anthropometry measurements included eight skinfolds’ thicknesses (biceps brachii, triceps, subscapular, iliac crest, supraspinal, abdominal, thigh, and medial calf), four girths (biceps brachii relaxed and contracted, thigh, and calf), and three breadths (biepicondylar femur, biepicondylar humerus, and bistiloyd wrist) to determine fat mass, lean mass, bone, cross sectional area (CSA) for arm, leg, and thigh, and somatotype. Results revealed that table tennis players presented differences in body mass composition, anthropometry, and somatotype according to sex and age category and ranking. It seems confirmed that regular table tennis practice during the childhood is associated with a healthy body composition status, that appears to be maintained across older ages if keeping the practice. Senior table tennis players showed a fat mass <20% and lean mass ~45% in men and ~37% in women. A new contribution is that higher lean mass in the upper limbs was associated with higher ranking position (i.e., better performance), endomorphic somatotypes were negative related to performance, and ectomorphic profiles seems more effective, which suggest the potential influence of morphologic changes in table tennis competition performance

    Comparison of a proprioceptive training program on stable base and unstable base

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    The aim is to compare two proprioceptive training programs on a stable (G1) and an unstable (G2) base in terms of balance and stability. During a 5 week period, 18 professional football players underwent a proprioceptive training program, 9 in G1 and the other 9 in G2. The Standard Excursion Balance Test was applied before and after the intervention program. Significant intragroup differences were found in the variables LEFT FRONT, ANTEROLATERAL LEFT (ANTLAT.LEFT), BACK RIGHT and ANTEROMEDIAL RIGHT (ANTMED.RIGHT) (p<0,005) for the G1, and FRONT RIGHT, FRONT LEFT, POSTMED.RIGHT, POSTMED.LEFT and MED.RIGHT (p <0,005) for G2. We conclude that there are no significant differences between the unstable base training and training stable base regarding improvement in balance and stability.Actividad Física y Deport

    Análisis del perfil fisiológico, metabólico y estructural del tenis de mesa desde una perspectiva de género

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    En las últimas dos décadas el tenis de mesa ha experimentado importantes transformaciones en su reglamento y en los materiales de juego. Estas modificaciones han supuesto una evolución hacia un tenis de mesa más moderno y dinámico. Diversas investigaciones describen el esfuerzo y la dinámica de juego del tenis de mesa masculino. Sin embargo, existe un gran desconocimiento de la estructura de juego y del impacto que supone la práctica de este deporte en las mujeres. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar la respuesta fisiológica y metabólica y la estructura de juego del tenis de mesa actual considerando a ambos géneros. Una muestra de 48 jugadores de elite (24 jugadores y 24 jugadoras), participaron en una competición simulada para evaluar la respuesta cardiaca, los niveles de lactato y diferentes parámetros estructurales de juego. Se han encontrado diferencias entre el juego masculino y femenino en los registros cardíacos mínimos (p<0,004) y máximos (p<0,001), en los niveles de lactato (p<0,001), en los tiempos de juego (p<0,01) y en el número de golpeos efectuado por jugada (p<0,01). El tenis de mesa se caracteriza en ambos géneros por la realización de esfuerzos submáximos, una gran variabilidad cardiaca y un metabolismo de predominio anaeróbico aláctico. El juego desarrollado en la competición masculina es más rápido y explosivo que el de la femenina caracterizado por efectuarse un mayor número de golpeos por jugada. Se hace necesario la realización de nuevos estudios en donde se considere el estilo de juego y los materiales de juego utilizado por los deportistas analizados. Esta investigación resulta de gran interés y relevancia en la actualidad por ser pionera en el tenis de mesa femenino describiendo el esfuerzo y la dinámica de juego que lo caracteriza

    Biopriming of cucumber seeds using actinobacterial formulas as a novel protection strategy against Botrytis cinerea

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    This work highlights the ability of various actinobacterial formulas, to control the incidence of gray-mold caused by Botrytis cinerea in cucumber seedlings. Protocols applied aimed at the preliminary characterization of the actinobacterial collection and the biopolymers used as carriers were very useful for predicting their phytotoxic, phytostimulating and biopesticidal capacity. First, the phytostimulatory or phytotoxic potential of 3 biopolymers at 3 different concentrations and a collection of 10 actinobacteria were analyzed by calculating the germination index in cucumber seeds by seed dipping (biopriming). In general, two-member consortia and independent actinobacteria previously selected reached a phytostimulant effect on cucumber seedlings after their application by biopriming. Likewise, the selected actinobacteria were characterized, sole and in co-cultures, according to its ability to inhibit the growth of B. cinerea by dual culture bioassays. Finally, after selecting the most effective actinobacterial formulas, a preventive gray-mold bioassay was performed based on cucumber seed biopriming. The strains A5 and A7, in axenic and co-culture, showed to be the most efficient strains against the in vitro growth of B. cinerea. Seed biopriming strategy with actinobacterial formulas revealed a remarkable promoter effect in the early stages of plant development and after the infection with the phytopathogen fungus was remained. Definitely, the microbial formulas used in this work showed a phytostimulant and biopesticide character, laying the foundations for subsequent studies that allow a deeper scrutiny of the mechanisms of action that grant the specialization of the effect that occurs between beneficial microorganisms and specific plant hosts

    Uncovering new indicators to predict stability, maturity and biodiversity of compost on an industrial scale

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    Currently, the metagenomic study of the composting process has gained great importance since it has allowed the identification of the existence of microorganisms that, until now, had not been isolated during the process by traditional techniques. However, it is still complex to determine which bioindicators could reveal the degree of maturity and stability of a particular compost. Thereby, the main objective of this work was to demonstrate the possible correlation between traditional parameters of maturity and stability of compost, with other indicators of biodiversity in products highly heterogeneous from composting processes on an industrial scale. The results demonstrated the enormous influence of the raw materials in characterizing the products obtained. Even so, important relationships were established between the Chao1 and Shannon indexes, and certain parameters related to the maturity, stability and toxicity of the samples, such as nitrification index, humification rate, phenolic content, germination index or oxygen consumptio