139 research outputs found
Gestión de la competición durante el triatlón de distancia olímpica. Análisis de los resultados de las temporadas 1998, 1999 y 2000
El presente estudio pretende investigar la gestión de competición que adoptan los triatletas tanto en categoría femenina como masculina, en los triatlones de distancia olímpica de pruebas internacionales del máximo nivel competitivo. Se han utilizado los registros de los triatlones más relevantes de las temporadas 1998, 1999 y 2000. Los resultados muestran notables diferencias en el porcentaje de la diferencia respecto al mejor tiempo (%ΔDMT) en los sectores de carrera a pie y de natación, siendo prácticamente nula en el sector ciclista para los 8 primeros puestos analizados. Aunque en el sector de carrera a pie es donde se observan las mayores diferencias y por lo tanto la mayor variabilidad en el rendimiento, esto sugiere que es en este sector donde se decide la competición. Por último se ha encontrado un mayor nivel de rendimiento del sexo masculino con respecto al femenino de las posiciones estudiadas, esto sugiere que en esta categoría se podrá optimizar el rendimiento durante los próximos años
Gestió de la competició durant el triatló de distància olímpica. Anàlisi dels resultats de les temporades 1998, 1999 i 2000
L’estudi que presentem pretén d’investigar la gestió de competició que adopten els triatletes tant en categoria femenina com masculina, als triatlons de distància olímpica de proves internacionals del màxim nivell competitiu. S’han utilitzat els registres dels triatlons més rellevants de les temporades 1998, 1999 i 2000. Els resultats mostren notables diferències en el percentatge de la diferència respecte al millor temps (%ΔDMT) en els sectors de cursa a peu i de natació, i és pràcticament nul·la en el sector ciclista per als 8 primers llocs analitzats. Encara que en el sector de cursa a peu és on s’observen les més grans diferències i per tant la major variabilitat en el rendiment, això suggereix que és en aquest sector on es decideix la competició. Finalment, s’ha trobat un nivell més alt de rendiment del sexe masculí respecte del femení de les posicions estudiades i això suggereix que en aquesta categoria es podrà optimitzar el rendiment durant els pròxims anys
Desarrollo de una interfaz gráfica de usuario para HTML2XHTML
En estas páginas se abordará el problema de la generación de código en C# para Linux y sus posibles soluciones así como se implementará una pequeña aplicación para mostrar su uso. Se realizará una interfaz gráfica para la aplicación html2xhtml en lenguaje C# que sea compatible tanto para sistemas Windows como Linux. Para ello, se va a utilizar el proyecto Mono. Este proyecto provee de bibliotecas para la ejecución de programas escritos en C#, con el entorno .NET de Microsoft, para que puedan ser ejecutados en entornos Linux. Además se realizará un repaso a las tecnologías existentes para este cometido y se investigará a fondo el Proyecto Mono de Software Libre que lo permite. El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar una interfaz gráfica para html2xhtml y facilitar su uso por parte de los usuarios. De este modo, las ejecuciones de la aplicación en consola serán totalmente invisibles para el usuario. Además la interfaz gráfica deberá funcionar tanto en Windows como en Linux. Para ello, haremos uso del Proyecto Mono: unas bibliotecas de software libre para poder ejecutar aplicaciones escritas en C# utilizando una distribución Linux. Sobre el Proyecto Mono hablaremos más adelante. Por lo tanto, otro de los objetivos de este estudio, es evaluar el funcionamiento del Proyecto Mono sobre C# y comprobar, de primera mano, si es posible ejecutar una aplicación escrita en Código C# en Linux mediante el entorno de ejecución de Mono. Además, en nuestra aplicación del motor gráfico, se le añadirán diversas mejoras para hacer más fácil y comprensible al usuario HTML2XHTML como que la interfaz gráfica debe facilitar tareas como la conversión de múltiples ficheros a la vez o la posibilidad de editar el resultado de la conversión.Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestió
Effect of the Photoexcitation Wavelength and Polarization on the Generated Heat by a Nd-Doped Microspinner at the Microscale
Thermal control at small scales is critical for studying temperature-dependent
biological systems and microfluidic processes. Concerning this, optical
trapping provides a contactless method to remotely study microsized heating
sources. This work introduces a birefringent luminescent microparticle of
NaLuF4:Nd3+ as a local heater in a liquid system. When optically trapped with
a circularly polarized laser beam, the microparticle rotates and heating is
induced through multiphonon relaxation of the Nd3+ ions. The temperature
increment in the surrounding medium is investigated, reaching a maximum
heating of ≈5 °C within a 30 μm radius around the static particle under
51 mW laser excitation at 790 nm. Surprisingly, this study reveals that the
particle’s rotation minimally affects the temperature distribution, contrary to
the intuitive expectation of liquid stirring. The influence of the microparticle
rotation on the reduction of heating transfer is analyzed. Numerical
simulations confirm that the thermal distribution remains consistent
regardless of spinning. Instead, the orientation-dependence of the
luminescence process emerges as a key factor responsible for the reduction in
heating. The anisotropy in particle absorption and the lag between the
orientation of the particle and the laser polarization angle contribute to this
effect. Therefore, caution must be exercised when employing spinning
polarization-dependent luminescent particles for microscale thermal analysis
using rotation dynamics.Projects CNS2022-135495,
PID2023-151078OB-I00 and TED2021-129937B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”Spanish Ministerio de Universidades, through the FPU program
(FPU19/04803)Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la
Junta de Andalucía and by FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa” (P18-FR-3583
Microbenthic Net Metabolism Along Intertidal Gradients (Cadiz Bay, SW Spain): Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Environmental Factors
Microphytobenthos (MPB), the photosynthetic primary producing component of
microbenthos, shows variable patterns in its biomass distribution along the intertidal
gradient as a result of the interactions of factors such as light, tides, temperature,
and grazing pressure. These patterns have been studied more extensively in northern
European estuaries than southern European coastal systems. Even less information is
available regarding temporal changes in MPB primary production rates in these systems.
For this reason, we followed the seasonal changes in net production in light and dark
respiration rates (determined by oxygen microelectrodes) and MPB biomass (estimated
by sediment chlorophyll a) along the intertidal gradient of the inner Cadiz Bay during
a year. Sediment cores were collected along two transects (five sampling stations per
transect) with distinct sediment granulometry: one muddy [Puerto Real (PR)] and one
muddy-sandy transect [San Fernando (SF)]. Our results show that MPB biomass and
net production increased seawards reaching their maxima in winter. In contrast to what
is observed in northern European systems, the higher solar irradiance and temperatures
occurring in summer in southern Spain likely inhibit MPB production. In Cadiz Bay,
spatial patterns of MPB biomass and net production depended on season and location
due to the environmental heterogeneity observed. Environmental variables, analyzed
by principal component analysis (PCA), were used to explain the variability of MPB
metabolism by multiple regression. Selected principal component (PC) axes explained
60% of the net production in light and 41% of the dark respiration rates variability
in PR, while they only accounted for 25% of the same rates in SF. The differences
observed between transects and the variability in the environmental variables explaining
them highlight the importance of considering the spatial heterogeneity of our system to
estimate the contribution of MPB to the inner Cadiz Bay productivity. In our case, this
contribution is significant accounting for up to 49% of the total benthic production of the
inner Cadiz Bay intertidal sediments, confirming previous global estimates
Validació d’un test de natació, avaluant la velocitat aeròbica màxima (VAM) per tal de calcular els ritmes d’entrenament per a triatletes i nedadors
L’objectiu del present estudi és validar un test de natació avaluant la Velocitat Aeròbica Màxima (VAM) per a prescriure ritmes d’entrenament. Set triatletes i nedadors van nedar 400 m a la màxima intensitat possible, després van realitzar una prova triangular per avaluar la VAM. Una setmana més tard, es va mesurar el temps i la distància límit a VAM, així com el llindar làctic individual mitjançant un test progressiu composat per sis repeticions de 200 m a diferents velocitats. Una setmana després, els dos primers tests van ser repetits (retest). Tenint en compte que la mostra utilitzada per a desenvolupar el present estudi és molt petita i que l’índex de repetibilitat de la prova de VAM s’allunya un 3 % de l’interval de confiança, cal dir que existeixen diferents indicis com ara la duració del temps límit, la menor velocitat i el major VO2màx respecte a la prova de 400 m, que ens porten a pensar de que aquesta eina pot arribar a ser vàlida agafant una mostra d’estudi mol més gran
Light-to-Heat Conversion of Optically Trapped Hot Brownian Particles
Anisotropic hybrid nanostructures stand out as promising therapeutic agents in photothermal conversion-based treatments. Accordingly, understanding local heat generation mediated by light-to-heat conversion of absorbing multicomponent nanoparticles at the single-particle level has forthwith become a subject of broad and current interest. Nonetheless, evaluating reliable temperature profiles around a single trapped nanoparticle is challenging from all of the experimental, computational, and fundamental viewpoints. Committed to filling this gap, the heat generation of an anisotropic hybrid nanostructure is explored by means of two different experimental approaches from which the local temperature is measured in a direct or indirect way, all in the context of hot Brownian motion theory. The results were compared with analytical results supported by the numerical computation of the wavelength-dependent absorption efficiencies in the discrete dipole approximation for scattering calculations, which has been extended to inhomogeneous nanostructures. Overall, we provide a consistent and comprehensive view of the heat generation in optical traps of highly absorbing particles from the viewpoint of the hot Brownian motion theory.Grants PID2022-136919NA-C33, PID2019-106211RB-I00 (NANONERV), PID2021-127427NB-I00, PID2020-118448RBC21, PID2019-105195RA-I00, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Grant CNS2022-135495, and TED2021-129937B-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033“European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR” from the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad of Spain (grant CTQ2017-86655-R) and from FEDER/Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades of Andalucía (grants P18-FR-3583 and P20_00727/PAIDI2020)HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01 grant agreement ID: 101065163Spanish Ministerio de
Universidades, through the FPU program (FPU19/04803)Consejería de Salud y Familias (Junta de
Andalucía) for his senior postdoctoral grant (RH-0040-2021
Management of permanent teeth with necrotic pulps and open apices according to the stage of root development
This paper analyzed the distribution of treatments for permanent teeth with necrotic pulps and open apices according to the stage of root development. Dental records from all root canal procedures performed in permanent teeth with necrotic pulps and open apices over a period of 14 years by residents of the Speciality of Endodontics, University of Guadalajara, Mexico, were analized. Records from 206 treatments were mainly divided into the following 3 different stages according to criteria described by Cvek: stage IV (n = 79, 38.3%), stage V (n = 66, 32%) and stage III (n = 53, 25.7%). Few cases involved the initial stages of root development (stages I and II) (n = 8, 3.8%). Such teeth were submitted to four different treatments: MTA apical barrier (n = 69), Ca(OH)2 replacements (n = 34), gutta-percha (n = 67) and a plug of Ca(OH)2/gutta-percha (n = 36). The teeth with intermediate root development (Cvek stage III) showed a predilection for the MTA apical barrier and Ca(OH)2 replacement techniques (P ? 0.001). Furthermore, the stage of root development did not influence the apical extent of the root filling. The finding of permanent teeth with necrotic pulp and open apices is not exclusive to young patients with an open apex. Moreover, teeth with fragile, irregular and divergent apical morphologies, such as Cvek?s stages´ I and II, were not common and may be considered to be unusual findings. The diverse endodontic procedures were reliable regardless of the stage of root development
Implementation, efficacy and cost effectiveness of the unified protocol in a blended format for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: a study protocol for a multicentre, randomised, superiority controlled trial in the Spanish National Health System
INTRODUCTION Emotional disorders (EDs) have become the most prevalent psychological disorders in the general population, which has boosted the economic burden associated with their management. Approximately half of the individuals do not receive adequate treatment. Consequently, finding solutions to deliver cost-effective treatments for EDs has become a key goal of today’s clinical psychology. Blended treatments, a combination of face-to-face and online interventions, have emerged as a potential solution to the previous. The Unified Protocol for the Transdiagnostic Treatment of EDs (UP) might serve this purpose, as it can be applied to a variety of disorders simultaneously and its manualised format makes it suitable for blended interventions.
METHODS AND ANALYSIS The study is a multicentre, randomised, superiority, clinical trial. Participants will be 310 individuals with a diagnosis of an ED. They will be randomised to a treatment as usual (individual cognitive behavioural therapy) or a UP condition in a blended format (face-to-face individual UP +online, app-based UP). Primary outcomes will be ED diagnostic criteria and depression and anxiety symptoms. Cost efficiency of the intervention, app usability, as well as opinion and confidence in the treatment will also be evaluated. Assessment points will include baseline and 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after UP treatment.
ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION The study has received approvals by the Ethics Research Committee of Navarra, Castellón, Euskadi, Castilla y León, Extremadura, Lleida and Aragón. The study is currently under an approval process by the Ethics Research Committees of all the remaining collaborating centres. Outcomes will be disseminated through publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at international conference meetings.Funding for the study was provided by the PI20/00697 project integrated in Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2017–2020 and co-funded by the 'ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la investigación del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Otra manera de hacer Europa'. Co-funding for this study was also provided by Gobierno de Aragón and FEDER 2014–2020 'Construyendo Europa desde Aragón' (research team: S31_20D). These funding sources had no role in the design of this study and will not have any role during its execution, analyses, interpretation of the data or decision to submit results
Enabling HW-based task scheduling in large multicore architectures
Dynamic Task Scheduling is an enticing programming model aiming to ease the development of parallel programs with intrinsically irregular or data-dependent parallelism. The performance of such solutions relies on the ability of the Task Scheduling HW/SW stack to efficiently evaluate dependencies at runtime and schedule work to available cores. Traditional SW-only systems implicate scheduling overheads of around 30K processor cycles per task, which severely limit the ( core count , task granularity ) combinations that they might adequately handle. Previous work on HW-accelerated Task Scheduling has shown that such systems might support high performance scheduling on processors with up to eight cores, but questions remained regarding the viability of such solutions to support the greater number of cores now frequently found in high-end SMP systems.
The present work presents an FPGA-proven, tightly-integrated, Linux-capable, 30-core RISC-V system with hardware accelerated Task Scheduling. We use this implementation to show that HW Task Scheduling can still offer competitive performance at such high core count, and describe how this organization includes hardware and software optimizations that make it even more scalable than previous solutions. Finally, we outline ways in which this architecture could be augmented to overcome inter-core communication bottlenecks, mitigating the cache-degradation effects usually involved in the parallelization of highly optimized serial code.This work is supported by the TEXTAROSSA project G.A. n.956831, as part of the EuroHPC initiative, by the Spanish Government (grants PCI2021-121964, TEXTAROSSA; PDC2022-133323-I00, Multi-Ka; PID2019-107255GB-C21 MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; and CEX2021-001148-S), by Generalitat de Catalunya (2021 SGR 01007), and FAPESP (grant 2019/26702-8).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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