1,163 research outputs found

    Consultoría en un modelo prospectivo estratégico Unidad de Gestión de Proyectos y Consultoría de la Universidad de Ibagué

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    174 páginas y anexos.The present strategic foresight study aims to demonstrate the horizon that the UGPC f the University of Ibagué should take by 2030, the methodology used is the voluntarist approach of the French prospective school (strategic foresight), starting from a state of art, that will allow to know the evolution of the Unit; At the same time, a competitive technology and intelligence surveillance.El presente estudio de prospectiva estratégica, pretende demostrar el horizonte que debe tomar la UGPC de la Universidad de Ibagué al 2030, la metodología que se utiliza es el enfoque voluntarista de la escuela prospectiva francesa (prospectiva estratégica), partiendo de un estado de arte, que permitirá conocer la evolución de la Unidad; paralelamente se realizará un ejercicio de vigilancia tecnología e inteligencia competitiva, para identificar las mejores prácticas de consultoría en el mundo y como se concibe esto en el futuro, así como determinar en qué sectores podría explorar la unidad q e sea una oportunidad para la región y universidad. Basados en lo anterior y mediante el uso de herramientas que nos provee la prospectiva, se definirá claramente los factores de cambio y determinación de variables estratégicas, a las que se analizara como los actores interactúan con ellas, y que además serán soporte para el diseño de los escenarios de la UGPC de la Universidad de Ibagué. Como la prospectiva por sí sola no nos lleva al propósito final, pero si nos da las luces para construir el camino que debemos seguir, se seleccionara el futurible (futuro deseado de la UGPC), para diseñar las estrategias que nos llevaran a alcanzarlo.Magíster en Prospectiva y Pensamiento EstratégicoMaestrí

    Metodología para determinar la factibilidad de proyectos inmobiliarios en el municipio de Sabaneta para estratos 4 y 5

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    La evaluación y formulación de proyectos contiene los instrumentos que permiten establecer la viabilidad o factibilidad de los mismos; sin embargo, a pesar de su importancia, es inquietante que dicho análisis en algunas ocasiones esté simplemente basado en la experiencia o en la intuición, sin tener en cuenta cada uno de los componentes que afectan su vialidad como un conjunto integral de implicaciones que determinan el éxito o fracaso de éstos. El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad dar solución a tal problemática a partir de una metodología que integre, de forma lógica y secuencial, cada uno de los parámetros básicos que hacen parte de un adecuado estudio de factibilidad para el desarrollo de proyectos inmobiliarios en el municipio de Sabaneta - Antioquia, a partir de un análisis comparativo de dos lotes ubicados en el sector

    Relationship of Physical Activity and Sleep Duration with Self-Concept, Mediterranean Diet and Problematic Videogame Use in Children: Structural Equation Analysis as a Function of Gender

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    Engagement in physical activity and sleep duration are crucial to the adequate psychosocial and healthy development of children. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop an explanatory model of the relationships of physical activity and sleep duration with self-concept, Mediterranean diet and problematic use of videogames. Accordingly, a structural model was contrasted by means of a multi-group analysis according to gender. A non-experimental study was conducted with a descriptive, cross-sectional design for a sample of 1154 students aged 11-12 years (M = 11.41 +/- 0.49). An ad hoc questionnaire was used to record sociodemographic and physical-health attributes (physical activity time and sleep). Adherence to a Mediterranean diet was assessed using the KIDMED questionnaire, self-concept was assessed using "self-concept form-5" (AF-5) and problematic videogame use was assessed using the "Video Game-Related Experiences Questionnaire". For data analysis, a multi-group structural equation analysis was performed. The results showed that physical activity was positively associated with self-concept, while sleep duration and self-concept were negatively related to problematic videogame use. In boys there was a direct effect of self-concept on sleep duration and adherence to the Mediterranean diet, while girls did not generate such differences. Although there is a negative association between physical activity and problematic videogame use in the theoretical model and in boys, girls showed a direct association between these factors. Finally, physical activity and sleep duration were directly related in boys and indirectly related in girls

    Small-molecule TIP60 inhibitors enhance regulatory T cell induction through TIP60-P300 acetylation crosstalk

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    Foxp3 acetylation is essential to regulatory T (Treg) cell stability and function, but pharmacologically increasing it remains an unmet challenge. Here, we report that small-molecule compounds that inhibit TIP60, an acetyltransferase known to acetylate Foxp3, unexpectedly increase Foxp3 acetylation and Treg induction. Utilizing a dual experimental/computational approach combined with a newly developed FRET-based methodology compatible with flow cytometry to measure Foxp3 acetylation, we unraveled the mechanism of action of these small-molecule compounds in murine and human Treg induction cell cultures. We demonstrate that at low-mid concentrations they activate TIP60 to acetylate P300, a different acetyltransferase, which in turn increases Foxp3 acetylation, thereby enhancing Treg cell induction. These results reveal a potential therapeutic target relevant to autoimmunity and transplant.NIH AI141710Grant PID2020-114256RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Grants P21_00212 and A-FQM-386-UGR20 funded by FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidade

    El Capital en el siglo XXI

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    TEORÍA Y PRAXIS No. 27, Junio-Diciembre 2015; 93-95TEORÍA Y PRAXIS No. 27, Junio-Diciembre 2015; 93-9

    Diseño de captación y purificación de aguas lluvias para la fábrica de lácteos Belén

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    El presente trabajo expone una propuesta de diseño y estudio de factibilidad de recolección y potabilización de aguas lluvias, con el fin de generar una fuente alterna de agua para los servicios de higiene y aseo de la Fábrica de Lácteos Belén. La propuesta brinda mejoras al medio ambiente y reduce los costos de la empresa relacionados al consumo hídrico. Así mismo, minimiza los consumos hídricos provenientes de la empresa prestadora del servicio y genera los estándares de calidad establecidos por la ley para una buena práctica de manufactura.The present work exposes a design proposal and feasibility study for the collection and purification of rainwater, with the intent of generating an alternative source of water for the Services of hygiene and cleanliness of Fabrica de Lácteos Belen. The proposal seeks to provide environment improvements and reduce the water consumption costs of the company. Likewise, to minimize the use of water coming from the public company providing the Service and generate the quality standards established by law for a good manufacturing practice.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Time series analysis acceleration with advanced vectorization extensions

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    Time series analysis is an important research topic and a key step in monitoring and predicting events in many fields. Recently, the Matrix Profile method, and particularly two of its Euclidean-distance-based implementations—SCRIMP and SCAMP—have become the state-of-the-art approaches in this field. Those algorithms bring the possibility of obtaining exact motifs and discords from a time series, which can be used to infer events, predict outcomes, detect anomalies and more. While matrix profile is embarrassingly parallelizable, we find that auto-vectorization techniques fail to fully exploit the SIMD capabilities of modern CPU architectures. In this paper, we develop custom-vectorized SCRIMP and SCAMP implementations based on AVX2 and AVX-512 extensions, which we combine with multithreading techniques aimed at exploiting the potential of the underneath architectures. Our experimental evaluation, conducted using real data, shows a performance improvement of more than 4× with respect to the auto-vectorization.This work has been supported by the Government of Spain under project PID2019-105396RB-I00, and Junta de Andalucía under projects P18-FR-3433, and UMA18-FEDERJA-197.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Exact relativistic models of thin disks around static black holes in a magnetic field

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    The exact superposition of a central static black hole with surrounding thin disk in presence of a magnetic field is investigated. We consider two models of disk, one of infinite extension based on a Kuzmin-Chazy-Curzon metric and other finite based on the first Morgan-Morgan disk. We also analyze a simple model of active galactic nuclei consisting of black hole, a Kuzmin-Chazy-Curzon disk and two rods representing jets, in presence of magnetic field. To explain the stability of the disks we consider the matter of the disk made of two pressureless streams of counterrotating charged particles (counterrotating model) moving along electrogeodesic. Using the Rayleigh criterion we derivate for circular orbits the stability conditions of the particles of the streams. The influence of the magnetic field on the matter properties of the disk and on its stability are also analyzed.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:gr-qc/0409109 by other author

    Propuesta de evaluación de la madurez logística de Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas basado en lógica difusa

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    Introduction: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have serious problems when it comes to comprehensively assess their logistics processes, thus affecting the correct decision making, generating a negative effect on the overall performance of the company. Objective: This paper has as main objective to propose a methodology to fully evaluate the maturity of the logistic processes in MSMEs, which supports a successful decision making. Methodology: The concepts of maturity models and fuzzy set theory are the basis for developing the comprehensive evaluation methodology for small organizations. Results: The main results include a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) for the comprehensive evaluation of MSME’s logistic processes, based on the criteria of expert decision makers of large organizations. Likewise, a matrix is ​​proposed to classify the logistic performance of the company according to the result obtained by the FIS. These results are tested in a select group of manufacturing MSMEs. Conclusions: The developments are the product of research and experiences of the authors in the topics of this paper. The developed methodology showed positive results in its implementation with a group of MSMEs. Finally, the developed methodology allowed to bring the experience of experts to the environment of MSMEs.Introducción: Las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (Mipymes) cuentan con serios problemas a la hora de evaluar de manera integral sus procesos logísticos, afectando de esta forma la toma acertada de decisiones generando un efecto negativo en el desempeño general de la empresa. Objetivo: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal proponer una metodología para evaluar integralmente la madurez de los procesos logísticos en Mipymes, que apoye una acertada toma de decisiones. Metodología: Los conceptos de modelos de madurez y de teoría de conjuntos difusos son la base para desarrollar la metodología de evaluación integral para las pequeñas organizaciones. Resultados: Los principales resultados incluyen un sistema de inferencia difusa (FIS) para la evaluación integral de los procesos logísticos de Mipymes, basado en el criterio de tomadores de decisiones expertos de grandes organizaciones. Asimismo, se plantea una matriz para clasificar el desempeño logístico de la empresa según el resultado obtenido por el FIS. Estos resultados son puestos a prueba en un selecto grupo de Mipymes manufactureras. Conclusiones: Los desarrollos son producto de investigaciones y experiencias de los autores en los temas del presente trabajo. La metodología desarrollada muestra resultados positivos en su implementación con un grupo de Mipymes. Finalmente, la metodología desarrollada permite llevar la experiencia de expertos al ambiente de Mipymes