25 research outputs found

    A Small Platform for Astrophysical Research Based on the UPM-Sat 1 Satellite of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

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    UPM-Sat 1 is a small scientific, in-orbit demonstration, educational satellite which has been designed, built, tested, integrated, launched and operated by a team of professors, students, and auxiliary personnel belonging to the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). After completion of UPM-Sat 1 Mission a new small satellite, UPM-Sat 2, oriented to low-Earth-orbit scientific mission has been designed. In this paper the different subsystems of UPM-Sat 1 are described and the main characteristics of the second small satellite UPM-Sat 2 are outlined

    L’efecte de l’edat relativa en la participació en el Pla nacional de tecnificació esportiva i la consecució de grans èxits esportius en piragüisme

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    L’objectiu principal del present treball ha estat identificar, en funció del trimestre de l’any en què s’ha nascut, la proporció de piragüistes d’aigües tranquil·les que formen part del Pla nacional de tecnificació esportiva (PNTD) de la Reial Federació Espanyola de Piragüisme (RFEP) i els que obtenen una medalla en els campionats del món i jocs olímpics. S’ha analitzat el trimestre de l’any en què han nascut els 152 piragüistes de 16 anys que han estat seleccionats per formar part de les concentracions del PNTD de la RFEP entre els anys 2009 i 2011, i els 76 piragüistes espanyols que fins a l’actualitat han obtingut una medalla en els campionats del món i jocs olímpics. Entre els participants del PNTD prevalen els nascuts en el primer trimestre (37,5 %) (x2 = 18,68; p

    El efecto de la edad relativa en la participación en el Plan nacional de tecnificación deportiva y la consecución de grandes éxitos deportivos en piragüismo

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    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo ha sido identificar, en función del trimestre del año en el que se ha nacido, la proporción de piragüistas de aguas tranquilas que forman parte del Plan nacional de tecnificación deportiva (PNTD) de la Real Federación Española de Piragüismo (RFEP) y los que obtienen una medalla en los campeonatos del mundo y juegos olímpicos. Se ha analizado el trimestre del año en el que han nacido los 152 piragüistas de 16 años de edad que han sido seleccionados para formar parte de las concentraciones del PNTD de la RFEP entre los años 2009 y 2011, y los 76 piragüistas españoles que hasta la actualidad han obtenido una medalla en los Campeonatos del Mundo y Juegos Olímpicos. Entre los participantes del PNTD prevalecen los nacidos en el primer trimestre (37,5 %) (x2 = 18,68; p

    Molecular effects of polystyrene nanoplastics on human neural stem cells

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    All Results NPs cells files are available from the Dryad repository (doi:10.5061/dryad.zpc866tf9).Nanoplastics (NPs) have been found in many ecological environments (aquatic, terrestrial, air). Currently, there is great concern about the exposition and impact on animal health, including humans, because of the effects of ingestion and accumulation of these nanomaterials (NMs) in aquatic organisms and their incorporation into the food chain. NPs´ mechanisms of action on humans are currently unknown. In this study, we evaluated the altered molecular mechanisms on human neural stem cell line (hNS1) after 4 days of exposure to 30 nm polystyrene (PS) NPs (0.5, 2.5 and 10 μg/mL). Our results showed that NPs can induce oxidative stress, cellular stress, DNA damage, alterations in inflammatory response, and apoptosis, which could lead to tissue damage and neurodevelopmental diseases.S

    Neurotoxicity and endocrine disruption caused by polystyrene nanoparticles in zebrafish embryo

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    Nanoplastics (NP) are present in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Humans can be exposed to them through contaminated water, food, air, or personal care products. Mechanisms of NP toxicity are largely unknown and the Zebrafish embryo poses an ideal model to investigate them due to its high homology with humans. Our objective in the present study was to combine a battery of behavioral assays with the study of endocrine related gene expression, to further explore potential NP neurotoxic effects on animal behavior. Polystyrene nanoplastics (PSNP) were used to evaluate NP toxicity. Our neurobehavioral profiles include a tail coiling assay, a light/dark activity assay, two thigmotaxis anxiety assays (auditory and visual stimuli), and a startle response - habituation assay in response to auditory stimuli. Results show PSNP accumulated in eyes, neuromasts, brain, and digestive system organs. PSNP inhibited acetylcholinesterase and altered endocrine-related gene expression profiles both in the thyroid and glucocorticoid axes. At the whole organism level, we observed altered behaviors such as increased activity and anxiety at lower doses and lethargy at a higher dose, which could be due to a variety of complex mechanisms ranging from sensory organ and central nervous system effects to others such as hormonal imbalances. In addition, we present a hypothetical adverse outcome pathway related to these effects. In conclusion, this study provides new understanding into NP toxic effects on zebrafish embryo, emphasizing a critical role of endocrine disruption in observed neurotoxic behavioral effects, and improving our understanding of their potential health risks to human populations.This work was supported by the Joint Research Institute IMIENS (Grant Number: IMIENS-2020-001-PIC), and the Spanish Government (Grant Number: PID2021-125948OB-I00 from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UE to ADV).S

    Profiling small scale domestic grower cannabis users

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    El cannabis es la sustancia ilícita más consumida a nivel mun-dial, con una prevalencia estimada entre el 2.8 y el 5.0% de la población adulta. El auge del consumo de cannabis ha llevado a un aumento en el cul-tivo para el propio consumo. Como consecuencia, nos planteamos un es-tudio de campo con el objetivo de contrastar si consumidores con y sin au-tocultivo se diferencian en el perfil sociodemográfico, patrones de consu-mo, riesgo de consumo problemático, dependencia, y síntomas y trastornos asociados. Para ello, 761 consumidores de cannabis, 480 hombres y 281 mujeres, de los cuales 251 autocultivaban para su consumo (182 hombres y 69 mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 60 años (M = 26.36, DT = 5.68), respondieron a un cuestionario sociodemográfico y de patro-nes de consumo, a escalas de medida del consumo problemático de canna-bis, dependencia del cannabis, abuso del cannabis, y de dependencia de la nicotina y del alcohol. Los resultados mostraron que el autocultivo es ca-racterístico mayoritariamente de los varones, con bajo nivel académico y laboralmente activos. Asimismo, la práctica del autocultivo se relaciona con un mayor consumo de cannabis, una mayor implicación en la venta ilegal del producto, policonsumo y con problemáticas psicosociales derivadas de dicho consumo. Adicionalmente, los que autocultivan informan de mayo-res niveles de dependencia y de riesgo de consumo problemático de canna-bis. Se discuten las implicaciones para la prevención y tratamiento de los trastornos por consumo de cannabisCannabis is the most widely used worldwide drug with preva-lence between 2.8 and 5.0% of the adult population. Increasing use of can-nabis has carried out to an escalation in home growing for self-consumption. As a consequence, a field study to contrast if the domestic cannabis growers exhibited a different sociodemographic profile, a con-sumption pattern, a problematic use risk, dependence level, as well as on the clinical symptoms and related disorders, was designed. As for this, 761 cannabis users, 480 males and 281 females, of whom 251 were homegrow-ers for personal use (182 males and 69 females), with ages ranging from 18 to 60 years (M = 26.36, SD = 5.68), answered to a sociodemohgraphic and consumption pattern questionnaire, and to cannabis problematic use, can-nabis dependence, cannabis abuse, and nicotine and alcohol dependence scales. The results showed that homegrowers are mostly males, with low academic training and working. Moreover, homegrowers have a higher cannabis consumption rates, are more implied in cannabis selling, polysub-stance use, and with more psychosocial problem driven from cannabis use. Finally, homegrowers inform of higher problematic cannabis use and a higher level of cannabis dependence. The implications of the results for prevention police, and treatment of the cannabis use disorder are dis-cussedS

    DNA damage and molecular level effects induced by polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics (NPs) after Chironomus riparius (Diptera) larvae

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    In this work, we analyzed the early molecular effects of polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics (NPs) on an aquatic primary consumer (larvae of Chironomus riparius, Diptera) to evaluate their potential DNA damage and the transcriptional response of different genes related to cellular and oxidative stress, endocrine response, developmental, oxygen transport, and immune response. After 24-h exposures of larvae to doses of PS NPs close to those currently found in the environment, the results revealed a large genotoxic effect. This end was evidenced after significant increases in DNA strand breaks of C. riparius larvae quantified by the comet assay, together with results obtained when analyzing the expression of four genes involved in DNA repair (xrrc1, ATM, DECAY and NLK) and which were reduced in the presence of these nanomaterials. Consequently, this reduction trend is likely to prevent the repair of DNA damage caused by PS NPs. In addition, the same tendency to reduce the expression of genes involved in cellular stress, oxidative stress, ecdysone pathway, development, and oxygen transport was observed. Taken together, these results suggest that PS NPs reduce the expression of hormonal target genes and a developmental gene. We show, for the first time, effects of PS NPs on the endocrine system of C. riparius and suggest a possible mechanism of blocking ecdysteroid hormones in insects. Moreover, the NPs were able to inhibit the expression of hemoglobin (Hb C), a protein involved in oxygen transport, and activate a gene of the humoral immune system. These data reveal for the first time the genomic effects of PS NPs in the aquatic invertebrate C. riparius, at the base of the food chain.This article has been funded by the project of IMIENS. We would like to thank Laura Flores and Sonia de la Mata for their technical support. This work is part of Celia Sabroso’s final project (student of the Universidad Europea de Madrid).S

    Factores de riesgo asociados a enfermedades cardiovasculares en la población adulta en cuatro estratos socioeconómicos del municipio de Guatemala

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    Describir el comportamiento epidemiológico de los factores de riesgo asociados a enfermedades cardiovasculares crónicas no transmisibles en población adulta de cuatro estratos socioeconómicos del municipio de Guatemala. Estudio de tipo descriptivo, transversal, con muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, en cuatro sectores cartográficos, 223 viviendas. Los datos se recolectaron por medio de una encuesta con base al cuestionario del método progresivo (STEPS) modificado. La prevalencia de factores de riesgo modificables asociados a enfermedad cardiovascular en población adulta de cuatro Estratos socioeconómicos del municipio de Guatemala fue de: consumo de cigarrillos (15%), consumo nocivo de alcohol (26%), sedentarismo (83%), obesidad central (47% y el consumo excesivo de sal (36%). La prevalencia de factores de riesgo no modificables asociados a enfermedad cardiovascular en población adulta, en 4 estratos socioeconómicos del municipio de Guatemala fue de: grupo etario femenino con mayor riesgo cardiovascular (36%), antecedente de diabetes mellitus (11%),antecedente de hipertensión arterial (35%) y antecedente de dislipidemia (17%). El comportamiento epidemiológico de los factores de riesgo asociado a enfermedad cardiovascular varía entre los estratos socioeconómico; de los factores de riesgo modificable el más prevalente en los cuatro estratos fue el sedentarismo; de los factores de riesgo no modificables el más prevalente en los cuatro estratos fue el antecedente personal de diabetes mellitus; el sedentarismo es el factor de riesgo más prevalente en las mujeres de cuatro estratos socioeconómicos y el consumo nocivo de alcohol es el factor de riesgo más prevalente en los hombres de los cuatro estratos socioeconómicos

    Do Clinical Trials Meet Current Care Needs? Views of Digestive Oncology Specialists in Galicia (Spain) Using the Delphi Method

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    Background: In recent years, abundant scientific evidence has been generated based on clinical trials (CT) in the field of oncology. The general objective of this paper is to find out the extent to which decision making is based on knowledge of the most recent CT. Its specific objectives are to pinpoint difficulties with decision making based on the CT performed and find out the motivations patients and clinicians have when taking part in a CT. Methodology: Combined, prospective study, based on the Delphi method. A lack of correspondence between the people who take part in CT and patients who come for consultation has been identified. A need for training in analysing and interpreting CT has also been identified and a lack of trust in the results of CT financed by the pharmaceutical industry itself has been perceived. Conclusions: There is a difficulty in selecting oncological treatment due to the lack of correspondence between the patients included in the CT and patients seen in consultation. In this process, real world data studies may be highly useful, as they may provide this group with greater training in interpreting CT and their results.S