60 research outputs found

    Classical and quantum quintessence cosmology

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    This paper implements the idea of considering the instantonic creation of brane worlds whose five-dimensional bulk contains a negative cosmological constant and a scalar quintessence field with time-dependent equation of state, restricting to the case that the quintessence field couples minimally to Hilbert-Einstein gravity. We construct an Euclidean formalism, both for the four- and five-dimensional cases, singling out a Hamiltonian constraint that depends on the parameter defining the quintessence state equation. Specializing at several particular values of that parameter, we obtain solutions to the constraint equation and analyse them both classically and quantum mechanically. It is found that these solutions can represent either asymptotically anti-de Sitter wormholes or pure anti-de Sitter spaces whose quantum states are obtained by means of the Wheeler de Witt equation. Starting with the different five-dimensional solutions, an instantonic procedure is applied to describe the creation of geometrically equivalent inflating de Sitter branes whose quantum states are also evaluated in some cases. We thus consider the quantum state of the universe to be contributed by all the instantonic paths that correspond to these particular brane worlds.Comment: 12 pages, RevTex, 1 figure incorporate

    Quintessence in brane cosmology

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    In order to reconcile the non conventional character of brane cosmology with standard Friedmann cosmology, we introduce in this paper a slowly-varying quintessence scalar field in the brane and analyse the cosmological solutions corresponding to some equations of state for the scalar field. Different compensation mechanisms between the cosmological constant in the bulk and the constant tension resulting from the combined effect of ordinary matter and the quintessence scalar field are derived or assumed. It has been checked that the Randall-Sundrum approach is not necessarily the best procedure to reconcile brane and standard cosmologies, and that there exists at least another compensating mechanism that reproduces a rather conventional behaviour for an accelerating universe.Comment: 10 pages, additional physical motivation and connections to high energy physics and observations, to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Two-point Padé-type approximation to the Cauchy transform of certain strong distributions

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    AbstractIn this paper we are mainly concerned with the Cauchy transform of certain strong distributions satisfying a type of symmetric property introduced by A.S. Ranga. Algebraic properties of the corresponding two-point Padé-type approximants are given along with results about convergence for sequences of such approximant

    Unified Model for Dark Energy

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    A new model for the universe filled with a generalized Chaplygin fluid is considered which unitarily describes as a single vacuum entity both a quintessence scalar field and a cosmological constant, so unifying the notion of dark energy. While the evolution of the universe filled with such a fluid does not obviously contradict the present cosmic acceleration, the introduced single dark-energy component, for equations of state with characteristic parameter ω1\omega\geq -1, behaves like an usual quintessence fluid with constant equation of state at early high densities, and like a pure cosmological constant at late cosmological times.Comment: 5 pages, some misprints corrected, a comment on the initial equation of state inserted, one reference adde

    Brane russian doll

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    It is shown that an (n-1)-dimensional inflating brane world instantonically created from nothing can exist in the region beyond the Rindler horizon of the Lorentzian spacetime associated with another inflating brane world in n dimensions which is also instantonically created from nothing. Generalizing this construction we obtain an unbounded from above tower of successive brane worlds, each having one more dimension than the one which it nests and one less dimension than the one which nests it.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Eternally accelerating universe without event horizon

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    Increasing astronomical evidence indicates that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. By simply solving Einstein equations we show in this letter that a wide class of generic quintessence models leading to eternal acceleration is associated with spacetime static metrics which do not exhibit future event horizons, and therefore do not pose the same problems for string theory as asymptotic de Sitter space.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Interplay Between Gravity and Quintessence: A Set of New GR Solutions

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    A set of new exact analytical General Relativity (GR) solutions with time-dependent and spatially inhomogeneous quintessence demonstrate 1) a static non-empty space-time with a horizon-type singular surface; 2) time-dependent spatially homogeneous `spheres' which are completely different in geometry from the Friedmann isotropic models; 3) infinitely strong anti-gravity at a `true' singularity where the density is infinitely large. It is also found that 4) the GR solutions allow for an extreme `density-free' form of energy that can generate regular space-time geometries