1,559 research outputs found

    Learning of the Object Oriented Paradigm Through Interactive Video-Games Development

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    The Object Orientation Paradigm (OOP) is more than Object Oriented languages. Learning the syntax of a language as C++ or Java is a relatively easy task compared with the understanding of the principles of OO Modeling and Design (OOD), which require a high ability of abstract reasoning. Moreover, it is not enough to teach the artifacts of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) as the Unified Modeling Language (UML) if those principles are not properly understood. We wanted to engage the students in a motivating framework, so both the principles of OOD are properly acquired and put in practice with CASE and programming tools

    Prevención de complicaciones y reducción de riesgos en implantología oral considerando los factores humanos y la conciencia de la situación

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    In recent years, the percentage of dental implant placement has increased, and the presence of adverse events and complications are not uncommon. The vast majority of recommendations for reducing complications associated with dental implant placement are analyzed from the point of view of their direct causes, evaluating the technique and/or the individual, but not the system as a whole, being this the actual etiology of complications. The inclusion of human factors and situation awareness has recently gained increasing importance in oral implantology complications and has allowed global analysis of both the individual and the environment, providing solutions based on prevention. However, knowledge and use of these aspects in oral implantology are still in the process of popularization, and therefore, the objective of this article was to describe the human factors involved and situation awareness for preventing complications and reducing the risks associated with dental implant placement procedures.En los últimos años, se ha incrementado el porcentaje de colocación de implantes dentales y, con ello, también la mayor presencia de eventos adversos, por lo que las complicaciones no son infrecuentes. La gran mayoría de recomendaciones para la reducción de complicaciones asociadas con la colocación de implantes dentales están analizadas desde el punto de vista de sus causas directas, juzgando la técnica o al individuo, pero no al sistema en conjunto, cuando este constituye la etiología real de las complicaciones. Recientemente, se ha empezado a considerar más importante la inclusión de los factores humanos y la conciencia de la situación en la comprensión de las complicaciones en implantología oral. Esto ha permitido analizar de manera global tanto al individuo como a su entorno, y aportar soluciones basadas en la prevención. Sin embargo, el conocimiento y la utilización de estos aspectos en implantología oral están aún en vías de popularización, por lo que el objetivo del presente artículo es difundir el enfoque de los factores humanos y la conciencia de la situación en la prevención de complicaciones y en la reducción de riesgos en los procedimientos de colocación de implantes dentales

    Planificación docente, semipresencialidad, nuevos métodos y técnicas para la virtualización de la docencia

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    El presente proyecto pretende aprovechar el esfuerzo realizado en el proyecto refª 188 que presentamos con el mismo título en la convocatoria 2016-17. Dicho proyecto nos ha permitido adoptar una concepción más precisa del concepto de semipresencialidad y su vinculación con las nuevas tecnologías (b-learning), y la percepción de las oportunidades, y también de los límites estructurales, que presenta su desarrollo en el marco de la materia "Políticas Públicas", y de las asignaturas en las que se despliega esta materia en las distintas titulaciones de Grado y Postgrado en las que participan los profesores investigadores y los profesores colaboradores que suscriben esta propuesta. De esta forma, la propuesta parte del diagnóstico elaborado con las conclusiones del proyecto 188, y se centra en objetivos ya muy concretos, relativos a los siguientes elementos: - Apoyo en experiencias exitosas (Instituto Ortega y Gasset / Universidad de Vigo) - Aplicación conocimientos sobre instrumentos metodológicos adquiridos en el proyecto anterior: "Prototipar" (Fase del método de learning by doing de TEAMLABS) - Identificación del grupo de referencia idóneo (número de alumnos / gestión compartida por varios profesores para superar la masificación) - Definición de la secuencia idónea entre actividad presencial y trabajo en línea: Guía docente - Estrategia de articulación teoría / prácticas: Consolidación de un programa común - Construcción de materiales didácticos (formatos, ubicación en la plataforma virtual, enlaces web, etc.) - Gestión de materiales didácticos: Referencias bibliográficas, materiales audiovisuales (incorporación de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas al Proyecto) - Socialización de una guía metodológica para el diseño y realización de las actividades prácticas: Memorandum - Exploración de vías de promoción de la igualdad e integración en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje - Expediente "0" papeles: La plataforma virtual como gestor de las interacciones propias del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje. - Explorar la posible internacionalización de la docencia semipresencial en la materia de Políticas Públicas: Posibilidad de incorporar materiales en inglés en distintos formatos)

    Headache, Delirium or Encephalitis?:A Case of Residual Mutism Secondary to Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis

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    Encephalitis is a heterogeneous syndrome that is diagnosed through clinical assessment and the assistance of laboratory, neuroimaging and electroencephalographic workup. Over the past 10 years, autoimmune encephalitis has been more frequently recognized; however, most reports come from highly specialized hospital settings. Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NDMAR) encephalitis has been associated with paraneoplastic encephalitis syndromes and was first recognized in 2005. We present the case of a 34-year-old male patient who debuted clinically with a headache associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms (i.e., visual and auditory hallucinations, anxiety, aggressiveness) and memory deficits, progressing to autonomic dysfunction (i.e., tachycardia and hypertension), seizures, and stupor with catatonic features. Initially, infectious, metabolic, and toxicological etiologies were excluded; followed by the assessment of immunological and paraneoplastic etiologies, yielding positive IgG levels for anti-NMDAR antibodies. The patient was treated successfully with systemic steroid therapy and therapeutic plasmapheresis, while mutism was the only sequela. Although large case series reporting on paraneoplastic and autoimmune anti-NMDAR encephalitis have been reported in the literature in recent years, this case is of particular importance due to the stepwise differential diagnosis and treatment management procedure that was used in a regional but not highly specialized hospital setting

    Planificación docente, semipresencialidad, nuevos métodos y técnicas parra la virtualización de la docencia

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    El proyecto pretende construir una plataforma colaborativa de intercambio entre profesores que imparten la materia "Políticas Públicas" en distintas titulaciones, con la finalidad de coordinar programas, materiales y experiencias docentes, y construir un aula virtual para la enseñanza de la asignatura en los grados, másteres y títulos propios, en las modalidades presencial, semi-presencial u on-line

    Poor sensitivity of fecal gluten immunogenic peptides and serum antibodies to detect duodenal mucosal damage in celiac disease monitoring

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    A lifelong gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only current treatment for celiac disease (CD), but strict compliance is complicated. Duodenal biopsies are the “gold standard” method for diagnosing CD, but they are not generally recommended for disease monitoring. We evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of fecal gluten immunogenic peptides (GIPs) to detect duodenal lesions in CD patients on a GFD and compared them with serum anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG) IgA antibodies. A prospective study was conducted at two tertiary centers in Spain on a consecutive series of adolescents and adults with CD who maintained a long-lasting GFD. Adherence to a GFD and health-related quality of life were scored with validated questionnaires. Mucosal damage graded according to the Marsh–Oberhüber classification (Marsh 1/2/3) was used as the reference standard. Of the 97 patients included, 27 presented duodenal mucosal damage and 70 had normal biopsies (Marsh 0). The sensitivity (33%) and specificity (81%) of GIPs were similar to those provided by the two assays used to measure anti-tTG antibodies. Scores in questionnaires showed no association with GIP, but an association between GIPs and patients’ self-reported gluten consumption was found (p = 0.003). GIP displayed low sensitivity but acceptable specificity for the detection of mucosal damage in CD.This research was funded by a grant from Asociación Castellana de Aparato Digestivo (year 2018) to A.J.L

    Lansoprazole Increases Inorganic Pyrophosphate in Patients with Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Crossover Trial

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    Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is characterized by low levels of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) and a high activity of tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP). Lansoprazole is a partial inhibitor of TNAP. The aim was to investigate whether lansoprazole increases plasma PPi levels in subjects with PXE. We conducted a 2 × 2 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial in patients with PXE. Patients were allocated 30 mg/day of lansoprazole or a placebo in two sequences of 8 weeks. The primary outcome was the differences in plasma PPi levels between the placebo and lansoprazole phases. 29 patients were included in the study. There were eight drop-outs due to the pandemic lockdown after the first visit and one due to gastric intolerance, so twenty patients completed the trial. A generalized linear mixed model was used to evaluate the effect of lansoprazole. Overall, lansoprazole increased plasma PPi levels from 0.34 ± 0.10 µM to 0.41 ± 0.16 µM (p = 0.0302), with no statistically significant changes in TNAP activity. There were no important adverse events. 30 mg/day of lansoprazole was able to significantly increase plasma PPi in patients with PXE; despite this, the study should be replicated with a large number of participants in a multicenter trial, with a clinical end point as the primary outcome.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Predicting Clinical Outcome with Phenotypic Clusters in COVID-19 Pneumonia: An Analysis of 12,066 Hospitalized Patients from the Spanish Registry SEMI-COVID-19

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    (1) Background: Different clinical presentations in COVID-19 are described to date, from mild to severe cases. This study aims to identify different clinical phenotypes in COVID-19 pneumonia using cluster analysis and to assess the prognostic impact among identified clusters in such patients. (2) Methods: Cluster analysis including 11 phenotypic variables was performed in a large cohort of 12,066 COVID-19 patients, collected and followed-up from 1 March to 31 July 2020, from the nationwide Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI)-COVID-19 Registry. (3) Results: Of the total of 12,066 patients included in the study, most were males (7052, 58.5%) and Caucasian (10,635, 89.5%), with a mean age at diagnosis of 67 years (standard deviation (SD) 16). The main pre-admission comorbidities were arterial hypertension (6030, 50%), hyperlipidemia (4741, 39.4%) and diabetes mellitus (2309, 19.2%). The average number of days from COVID-19 symptom onset to hospital admission was 6.7 (SD 7). The triad of fever, cough, and dyspnea was present almost uniformly in all 4 clinical phenotypes identified by clustering. Cluster C1 (8737 patients, 72.4%) was the largest, and comprised patients with the triad alone. Cluster C2 (1196 patients, 9.9%) also presented with ageusia and anosmia; cluster C3 (880 patients, 7.3%) also had arthromyalgia, headache, and sore throat; and cluster C4 (1253 patients, 10.4%) also manifested with diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Compared to each other, cluster C1 presented the highest in-hospital mortality (24.1% vs. 4.3% vs. 14.7% vs. 18.6%; p 20 bpm, lower PaO2/FiO2 at admission, higher levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and the phenotypic cluster as independent factors for in-hospital death. (4) Conclusions: The present study identified 4 phenotypic clusters in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, which predicted the in-hospital prognosis of clinical outcomes

    Current clinical spectrum of common variable immunodeficiency in Spain: The multicentric nationwide GTEM-SEMI-CVID registry

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    Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) constitutes a heterogenic group of primary immunodeficiency disorders with a wide-ranging clinical spectrum. CVID-associated non-infectious morbidity constitutes a major challenge requiring a full understanding of its pathophysiology and its clinical importance and global variability, especially considering the broad clinical, genetic, and regional heterogeneity of CVID disorders. This work aimed to develop a nationwide, multicenter, retrospective study over a 3-year period describing epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, therapeutic, and prognostic features of 250 CVID patients in Spain. The mean diagnostic delay was around 10 years and most patients initially presented with infectious complications followed by non-infectious immune disorders. However, infectious diseases were not the main cause of morbimortality. Non-infectious lung disease was extraordinarily frequent in our registry affecting approximately 60% of the patients. More than one-third of the patients in our cohort showed lymphadenopathies and splenomegaly in their follow-up, and more than 33% presented immune cytopenias, especially Evans' syndrome. Gastrointestinal disease was observed in more than 40% of the patients. Among biopsied organs in our cohort, benign lymphoproliferation was the principal histopathological alteration. Reaching 15.26%, the global prevalence of cancer in our registry was one of the highest reported to date, with non-Hodgkin B lymphoma being the most frequent. These data emphasize the importance of basic and translational research delving into the pathophysiological pathways involved in immune dysregulation and diffuse lymphocytic infiltration. This would reveal new tailored strategies to reduce immune complications, and the associated healthcare burden, and ensure a better quality of life for CVID patients

    Predictors of clinically significant quality of life impairment in Parkinson’s disease

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    COPPADIS Study Group.Quality of life (QOL) plays an important role in independent living in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients, being crucial to know what factors impact QoL throughout the course of the disease. Here we identified predictors of QoL impairment in PD patients from a Spanish cohort. PD patients recruited from 35 centers of Spain from the COPPADIS cohort from January 2016, to November 2017, were followed up during 2 years. Health-related QoL (HRQoL) and global QoL (GQoL) were assessed with the 39-item Parkinson’s disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) and the EUROHIS-QOL 8-item index (EUROHIS-QOL8), respectively, at baseline (V0) and at 24 months ± 1 month (V2). Clinically significant QoL impairment was defined as presenting an increase (PDQ-39SI) or decrement (EUROHIS-QOL8) at V2 ≥ 10% of the score at baseline (V0). A comparison with a control group was conducted for GQoL. GQoL did not change significantly in PD patients (N = 507; p = 0.686) or in the control group (N = 119; p = 0.192). The mean PDQ-39SI was significantly increased in PD patients (62.7 ± 8.5 years old; 58.8% males; N = 500) by 21.6% (from 16.7 ± 13 to 20.3 ± 16.4; p < 0.0001) at V2. Ninety-three patients (18.6%) presented a clinically significant HRQoL impairment at V2. To be younger (OR = 0.896; 95% CI 0.829–0.968; p = 0.006), to be a female (OR = 4.181; 95% CI 1.422–12.290; p = 0.009), and to have a greater increase in BDI-II (Beck Depression Inventory-II) (OR = 1.139; 95% CI 1.053–1.231; p = 0.001) and NMSS (Non-Motor Symptoms Scale) (OR = 1.052; 95% CI 1.027–1.113; p < 0.0001) total scores from V0 to V2 were associated with clinically significant HRQoL impairment at the 2-year follow-up (Hosmer–Lemeshow test, p = 0.665; R 2 = 0.655). An increase in ≥5 and ≥10 points of BDI-II and NMSS total score at V2 multiplied the probability of presenting clinically significant HRQoL impairment by 5 (OR = 5.453; 95% CI 1.663–17.876; p = 0.005) and 8 (OR = 8.217; 95% CI, 2.975–22.696; p = 0.002), respectively. In conclusion, age, gender, mood, and non-motor impairment were associated with clinically significant HRQoL impairment after the 2-year follow-up in PD patients.Mir P. has received honoraria from AbbVie, Abbott, Allergan, Bial, Merz, UCB and Zambon and have received grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [PI16/01575] co-founded by ISCIII (Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación) and by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), the Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo de la Junta de Andalucía [CVI-02526, CTS-7685], the Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social de la Junta de Andalucía [PI-0437-2012, PI-0471-2013], the Sociedad Andaluza de Neurología, the Jacques and Gloria Gossweiler Foundation, the Fundación Alicia Koplowitz, the Fundación Mutua Madrileña.Peer reviewe