562 research outputs found

    Interaction and imitation in a world of Quixotes and Sanchos

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper studies a two-population evolutionary game in a new setting in between a symmetric and an asymmetric evolutionary model. It distinguishes two types of agents: Sanchos, whose payoffs are defined by a prisoner’s dilemma game, and Quixotes, whose payoffs are defined by a snowdrift game. Considering an imitative revision protocol, a revising agent is paired with someone from his own population or the other population. When matched, they observe payoffs, but not identities. Thus, agents in one population interact and imitate agents from their own population and from the other population. In this setting we prove that a unique mixed-strategy asymptotically stable fixed point of the evolutionary dynamics exists. Taking as an example the compliance with social norms, and depending on the parameters, two type of equilibrium are possible, one with full compliance among Quixotes and partial compliance among Sanchos, or another with partial compliance among Quixotes and defection among Sanchos. In the former type, Sanchos comply above their Nash equilibrium (as they imitate compliant Quixotes). In the latter type, Quixotes comply below their Nash equilibrium (as they imitate defecting Sanchos)

    The Kitāb al-Tajribatayn ‘alā adwiyat Ibn Wāfid of Ibn Bājja and Sufyān al- Andalusī. Arabic edition and Spanish translation of jīm, ḥā’ and khā’

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    El Kitāb al-Taŷribatayn ‘alà adwiyat Ibn Wāfid, cuyos autores son Ibn Bāŷŷa y Sufyān al-Andalusī, es una obra farmacológica escrita en el siglo XII y de la que, hasta ahora, no se ha encontrado copia manuscrita alguna. Se trata de una recopilación de medicamentos simples, ordenada alfabéticamente, en la que se describen las propiedades farmacológicas de plantas, animales y minerales. Estre trabajo propone la reconstrucción de una parte de lo que debió de ser el conjunto de la obra, a través de las citas que Ibn al-Bayṭār recopiló en el Kitāb al-Ŷāmi‘, concretamente se presentan la edición árabe y su traducción al español de las letras ŷīm, ḥā’ y jā’.The Kitāb al-Tajribatayn ‘alā adwiyat Ibn Wāfid is a pharmocological work written by Ibn Bājja and Sufyān al-Andalusī in the 12th century, of which no handwritten copy has so far been found. It consists of an alphabetized compilation of simple drugs that describes the parmacological properties of several plants, animals and minerals. This paper proposes to reconstruct what must have been the whole work by means of the quotes that Ibn al-Bayṭār collected in the Kitāb al-Jāmi‘, and specifically presents the Arabic edition with the Spanish translation for the letters jīm, ḥā’ and khā’

    El Kitāb al-Taŷribatayn ‘alà adwiyat Ibn Wāfid de Ibn Baŷŷa y Sufyān al-Andalusī. Edición árabe y traducción al español de las letras ŷīm, ḥā’ y jā’

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    The Kitāb al-Tajribatayn ‘alā adwiyat Ibn Wāfid is a pharmacological work written by Ibn Bājja and Sufyān al-Andalusī in the 12th century, of which no handwritten copy has so far been found. It consists of an alphabetized compilation of simple drugs that describes the pharmacological properties of sever-al plants, animals and minerals. This paper proposes to reconstruct what must have been the whole work by means of the quotes that Ibn al-Bayṭār collected in the Kitāb al-Jāmi‘, and specifically pre-sents the Arabic edition with the Spanish translation for the letters jīm, ḥā’ and khā’.El Kitāb al-Taŷribatayn ‘alà adwiyat Ibn Wāfid, cuyos autores son Ibn Baŷŷa y Sufyān al-Andalusī, es una obra farmacológica escrita en el siglo XII y de la que, hasta ahora, no se ha encontrado copia manuscrita alguna. Se trata de una recopilación de medicamentos simples, ordenada alfabéticamente, en la que se describen las propiedades farmacológicas de plantas, animales y minerales. Este trabajo propone la reconstrucción de lo que debió ser el conjunto de la obra a través de las citas que Ibn al-Bayṭār recopiló en el Kitāb al-Ŷāmi‘, concretamente se presentan la edición árabe y su traducción al español de las letras ŷīm, ḥā’ y  jā’

    Descriptive approximation to the Kitāb al- Taŷ ribatayn by Avempace and Sufyān al-Andalusī

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    The Kitāb al-Taŷribatayn is one of the works belonging to the invaluable scientific heritage from the XIIIth century in al-Andalus. It has been attributed to Ibn Bāŷŷa and Sufyān al- Andalusī. Unfortunately, no manuscript remains, but the numerous quotations by Ibn al- Bayṭār in his Kitāb al-Ŷāmi‘ allow us to get a good approximation to what The book of the two experimentations must have been. Our work in search of such quotations found more than 200 active principles belonging to the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. Their pharmacological properties are described.El Kitāb al-Taŷribatayn es una obra que forma parte del importante legado científico del al-Andalus del siglo XIII y está atribuida a Ibn Bāŷŷa y a Sufyān al-Andalusī. Desgraciadamente, no se conserva copia manuscrita alguna, pero a través de las múltiples citas que Ibn al-Bayṭār hace en su Kitāb al-Ŷāmi‘ podemos aproximarnos en gran medida a lo que debió ser el Libro de las dos experimentaciones. Hemos encontrado algo más de 200 simples pertenecientes al reino vegetal, animal y mineral y cuyas propiedades farmacológicas son descritas

    Una experiencia en el aula: edición y traducción del Kitab al-Yami` de Ibn al-Baytar. Capítulo de la letra `ayn (2ª parte)

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    Resultados de la experiencia de edición y traducción de un fragmento del Tratado de los simples medicinales de Ibn al-Bayṭār llevada a cabo por los estudiantes de la asignatura “Ciencia Árabe” del Área de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos de la Universidad de Sevilla bajo la dirección de la Profª. Ana María Cabo González(1).Results of the experience in editing and translating a fragment of Ibn al-Bayṭār’s work Treatise on Simple Remedies that has been carried out by the students of “Arabic Science” in the section of Arab and Islamic Studies of the University of Sevilla promoted by Prof. Ana María Cabo González

    An edition of the Kitāb al-Ǧimāʿ by ʿĪsā b. Māssah al-Baṣrī from manuscript number 888 of the Collection of Arabic Manuscripts of the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo of El Escorial in Madrid (Spain) with an English translation

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    Manuscript number 888 of the Collection of Arabic manuscripts of the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo of El Escorial (Spain) contains a small treatise composed by physician and pharmacologist ʿĪsā b. Māssah al-Baṣrī (9th century). This work offers a detailed description of different causal agents that originate the sexual impulse and its culmination, the coitus. The treatise enumerates and interprets the physical factors that conform man’s sexual response, which is viewed as a purely physiological process, as well as the cultural and psychological factors that shape and modulate the sexual preferences of each individual

    Compliance with Social Norms as an Evolutionary Stable Equilibrium

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper studies a two-population evolutionary game in a new setting in between a symmetric and an asymmetric evolutionary model. It distinguishes two types of agents: Sanchos, whose payoffs are defined by a prisoner’s dilemma game, and Quixotes, whose payoffs are defined by a snowdrift game. Considering an imita- tive revision protocol, a revising agent is paired with someone from his own popula- tion or the other population. When matched, they observe payoffs, but not identities. Thus, agents in one population interact and imitate agents from their own population and from the other population. In this setting we prove that a unique mixed-strategy asymptotically stable fixed point of the evolutionary dynamics exists. Taking as an example the compliance with social norms, and depending on the parameters, two type of equilibrium are possible, one with full compliance among Quixotes and par- tial compliance among Sanchos, or another with partial compliance among Quixotes and defection among Sanchos. In the former type, Sanchos comply above their Nash equilibrium (as they imitate compliant Quixotes). In the latter type, Quixotes comply below their Nash equilibrium (as they imitate defecting Sanchos).This study was funded by the Spanish Government (projects ECO2014- 52343-P and ECO2017-82227-P), as well as financial aid from Junta de Castilla y León (projects VA024P17 and VA105G18), co-financed by FEDER funds

    Culture of information and information exchange in a public hospital : a study based on the information orientation model and social network analysis

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    The structures of hospitals have evolved to make them centre on patients and their pathologies, with care procedures that are both interprofessional and interorganisational. This has given rise to work environments made up of teams obliged to collaborate in their problem-solving, with an essential focus on proper collaborative information behaviour (CIB). The aim was to study this behaviour in a clinical service of a hospital in relation to two aspects: information culture (IC) and the exchange of information. This entailed designing a two-part descriptive study. The first step was to administer a survey based on the information orientation model to know more about the service's IC. The second phase focussed on the exchange of information from the perspective of an analysis of social networks. The main characteristic of IC was its proactive nature, especially in the use of information to improve one's own work (mean = 4.58) and to respond to changes and new developments relating to work (mean = 4.18). The factor that least characterised IC was control, particularly in relation to knowledge of the objective of the activity itself (mean = 2.67) and the dispersion of information about hospital processes (mean = 2.64). On social networks, factors contrary to an interprofessional CIB were identified, such as homophily and low reciprocity in terms of relationships. In practice, the results identified a need to reinforce the perception of information as a resource, the proper use of which benefits job performance at both an individual and group level. A need to reinforce flows of internal hospital-related information was likewise evident. From a theoretical and methodological point of view, a useful tool is made available for diagnosing the collaborative information behaviour of an organisation and designing strategies to improve it