207 research outputs found

    Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre Métodos Anticonceptivos en Adolescentes de 4º y 5º Año del Instituto Nacional Acoyapa San Sebastián del Municipio de Acoyapa, Departamento de Chontales en el período del 1º de Mayo al 31 de Agosto del 2015

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    La sexualidad ha sido un tema de gran curiosidad en todas las épocas y en el momento actual constituye uno de los temas más comentados en el mundo; pero en la adolescencia que es un período de incertidumbre, el entendimiento de lo futuro es aún incipiente, lo que impide la posibilidad de anticipar consecuencias. El desarrollo emocional es todavía incompleto, y existe un escaso desarrollo de las habilidades de comunicación interpersonal, lo que dificulta, en cierta forma, el negociar con la pareja situaciones vinculadas con las relaciones sexuales y el uso de métodos anticonceptivos. El tipo de estudio es descriptivo, de corte transversal, el cual se llevó a cabo en dolescentes de 4° y 5° año del Instituto Nacional Acoyapa San Sebastián, fundado en 1887, ubicada en la zona D del Municipio ya mencionado, El universo estuvo constituido por 194 jóvenes, la muestra fue de tipo no probabilístico, por conveniencia, establecidos de acuerdo a los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. La fuente de información fue secundaria, de datos indirectos, extraída de las encuestas. Resultados: Encontramos los factores socio-demográficos de 159 estudiantes que formaron parte del estudio, la edad de 15-17 años corresponde el 81.13% (129), entre 18-19 años el 18.87% (30), referente al sexo el 39.62%(63) son del sexo masculino y en un 60.38% (96) al sexo femenino, en relación al nivel conocimiento el 22.64%(36) fue mala, regular, 39.62%(65) y bueno 39.62% (65), La actitud tomada por los adolescentes hacia los métodos anticonceptivos fue desfavorable con 9.43% (15) y el 90.57% (144) presentan actitud favorable, los adolescentes que iniciaron la vida sexual activa representado por 41.51% (66) y los que no con 58.49% (93) y los que usaron en la primera relación sexual algún método fue del 50


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    La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), considera que para el uso personal y doméstico, que comprende el consumo, saneamiento, lavado de ropa, preparación de alimentos e higiene personal y doméstica; se requieren al menos entre 50 y 100 litros de agua por persona al día (ONU, 2015); por los 7,347 millones de personas que habitaron el mundo en el año 2015 (Banco Mundial, 2015), se habrían necesitado proveer de 268 km3 de agua potable, esto es tan solo el 0.2% del agua contenida en lagos, ríos, humedad en suelo y aire, plantas y animales. El servicio de agua potable es uno de los menos reconocidos por la población cuando se tiene, pero también los de mayor penuria cuando escasea. De aquí la importancia del presente trabajo que tiene por objetivo conocer la problemática que presenta la actual gestión del agua potable en el Municipio de Tlaxcala, capital del Estado de Tlaxcala, México; por lo que requiere de un diagnóstico minucioso y actualizado en lo referente a la operación técnica, comercial y financiera del agua potable y alcantarillado en el Municipio, tanto en los Comités de agua de las comunidades, como en la comisión de agua potable y alcantarillado de Tlaxcala (CAPAM). El servicio de agua potable se desenvuelve en un contexto institucional, normado por leyes y reglamentos, mismas que pueden y debieran ser reformadas con una visión social pero sustentable económica y ecológicamente, que permita y promueva el desarrollo de los organismos operadores si y solo si, es en beneficio de los propios usuarios. Para avanzar hacia la sustentabilidad, se identifican 3 líneas que requieren abordajes multidisciplinarios: Reformas al Marco Jurídico Institucional, optimización de la operación física, nueva gestión comercial y administrativa financiera

    Analysis of Academic Achievement in Higher-Middle Education in Mexico through Data Clustering Methods

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    In recent years, there is a natural need to look for new ways to analyze and process data from different sources. One of these ways is through data analysis methods. Thus, given the importance of making academic diagnoses, this paper presents the academic achievement analysis, in Language and Communication and Mathematics, of students from autonomous, public and private schools of Higher-Middle Education in Mexico through data analysis methods. Data analyzed were registers of the National Plan for the Evaluation of Learning, which puts into operation the National Institute for the Evaluation of Education in coordination with the Secretariat of Public Education, Mexico. A variety of academic achievements was observed, highlighting Insufficient and Elementary in the evaluated population, while a small number reached acceptable achievements, that is, Satisfactory and Outstanding. This contrasts a notable difference between the levels reached by students, which leads them to delay or stop their university studies because they obtain a completion certificate of studies without having the necessary knowledge to pass the entrance examination in the universities

    Imbricaciones entre el campo del diseño y las TIC

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    En las sociedades en desarrollo como la nuestra la presencia de las tic en el campo educativo, principalmente en los niveles de maestría, doctorado y posdoctorado en los cuales la enseñanza no se centra en la forma instrumental ni presencial, están incidiendo en la conciencia sobre el cuerpo social y humano. La información desplegada presiona a las instituciones para transformar su organización en torno al acontecer humano. Por consecuencia, la universidad pública se enfrenta a situaciones emergentes, en lo general en la didáctica y en particular, en la reflexión disciplinar. En este marco, la respuesta de la enseñanza del diseño ha sido adaptarse a los nuevos escenarios de práctica y reflexión en el uso de las tecnologías. Al asimilarse este conocimiento se renueva, desplazando a lo anacrónico. Así, se reconocen en el uso de las tic dos aspectos: primero, las capacidades extendidas de la percepción y comprensión del cuerpo humano sobre el mundo; y segundo, el papel interventor que juegan los diseñadores y el campo del diseño en la composición de las estructuras formales tecnológicas de procesamiento, almacenamiento y transmisión de información en cualquier tipo de organización. Es la conciencia académica la que trabaja sobre estos asuntos para adaptarse a la actual circunstancia. En el centro de esta reflexión está la praxis del diseño y sus imbricaciones con la política y la epistemología. Finalmente, se trata de un trabajo de investigación analítico y sintético aplicable de manera constante e innovadora por parte de los profesionales en la enseñanza del diseño

    Short-term microbial response after laboratory heating and ground mulching adition.

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    Fire alters soil organic matter inducing quantitative and qualitative changes that presumably will affect post-fire soil microbial recolonisation. Several studies have evidenced marked soil organic carbon reduction after moderate and high intensity fire, which limit the total recovery of microbial biomass during years. In order to evaluate the role of soil organic matter alteration in short-term microbial colonization process, we perform a preliminary experiment where unaltered soil from Sierra Nevada Natural Park was heated at 300 ºC during 20 minutes in a muffle furnace (H300) to simulate a medium-high intensity fire. After heating, soil samples were inoculated with unaltered fresh soil, rewetted at 55-65% of water holding capacity and incubated during 3 weeks. At the same time, unheated soil samples were incubated under the same conditions as control (UH). In addition, trying to partially alleviate soil organic matter fire-induced alterations effects on microbial colonization, we include an organic amendment treatment (M+). So, part of heated and unheated samples were amended with a mix of ground alfalfa:straw (1:1) and soil microbial abundance and activity were monitored together with soil organic matter changes. Heating process reduces total organic carbon content. After one week of incubation carbon content in heated samples was lower than the control one, in both, amended and un-amended samples. Microbial biomass and respiration were negatively affected by heating. Ground mulching addition increase microbial biomass and respiration but was not enough to reach control values during the whole study. Nevertheless, viable and cultivable fungi and bacteria showed different pattern. After two weeks of incubation both, fungi and bacteria were higher in heated samples. Ground mulching addition appears to stimulate fungal response in both, heated and unheated samples. Preliminary results of this experiment evidence the transcendence of soil organic matter fire-induced changes on microbial colonization process and the importance to determine several microbial parameters to obtain a more faithful conclusion about microbial response. The organic amendment appears to alleviate partially heated-induced damage, highlighting the positive stimulation on fungal abundance in both, heated and unheated samples.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through research projects POSTFIRE (CGL2013-47862-C2-1-R) and GEOFIRE (CGL2012-38655-C04-01)Peer Reviewe

    Short-term microbial response after laboratory heating and ground mulching adition

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    Fire alters soil organic matter inducing quantitative and qualitative changes that presumably will affect post-fire soil microbial recolonisation. Several studies have evidenced marked soil organic carbon reduction after moderate and high intensity fire, which limit the total recovery of microbial biomass during years. In order to evaluate the role of soil organic matter alteration in short-term microbial colonization process, we perform a preliminary experiment where unaltered soil from Sierra Nevada Natural Park was heated at 300 ºC during 20 minutes in a muffle furnace (H300) to simulate a medium-high intensity fire. After heating, soil samples were inoculated with unaltered fresh soil, rewetted at 55-65% of water holding capacity and incubated during 3 weeks. At the same time, unheated soil samples were incubated under the same conditions as control (UH). In addition, trying to partially alleviate soil organic matter fire-induced alterations effects on microbial colonization, we include an organic amendment treatment (M+). So, part of heated and unheated samples were amended with a mix of ground alfalfa:straw (1:1) and soil microbial abundance and activity were monitored together with soil organic matter changes. Heating process reduces total organic carbon content. After one week of incubation carbon content in heated samples was lower than the control one, in both, amended and un-amended samples. Microbial biomass and respiration were negatively affected by heating. Ground mulching addition increase microbial biomass and respiration but was not enough to reach control values during the whole study. Nevertheless, viable and cultivable fungi and bacteria showed different pattern. After two weeks of incubation both, fungi and bacteria were higher in heated samples. Ground mulching addition appears to stimulate fungal response in both, heated and unheated samples. Preliminary results of this experiment evidence the transcendence of soil organic matter fire-induced changes on microbial colonization process and the importance to determine several microbial parameters to obtain a more faithful conclusion about microbial response. The organic amendment appears to alleviate partially heated-induced damage, highlighting the positive stimulation on fungal abundance in both, heated and unheated samples.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CGL2013-47862-C2-1- RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad CGL2012-38655-C04-0

    Guadalfeo and Adra submarine deltas evolution in response to sediment supply variations

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    The Guadalfeo and the Adra submarine deltas off the northern coast of the Alboran Sea have been built up under the direct influence of short and mountainous rivers. The area is subjected to strong climatic seasonality, with sporadic winter torrential floods and high summer aridity. In addition numerous anthropogenic activities have affected these systems, mostly during the last two centuries. In order to decode the influence of climatic variability and anthropogenic impacts on sediment supplies during the recent past, five sediment cores were collected from the Guadalfeo and Adra submarine deltas. Benthic foraminiferal and sedimentological analyses, combined with radiocarbon dating, were performed. The impact of torrential floods alternating with periods of low rainfall or dry periods were recorded in the Adra and Guadalfeo prodeltas. Periods with low abundance of benthic foraminifera and high amounts of coarse-grained sediments, were interpreted as the result of enhanced sediment supply to the shelf triggered by major flood events. On the other hand, periods with high amounts of fine-grained sediments and high abundances of colonizers and opportunistic foraminiferal species indicate the establishment of new environments with distinct ecological constraints. These environments were driven by lower sediment supplies during low rainfall or dry periods. The most recent sedimentation seems to reflect the human interventions in the rivers basins, such as deviation of the main river courses and dams construction, which reduced the sediment input and promoted the deposition of shallow-water submarine deltas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Síntesis y caracterización de un material criogénico a partir de quitosano y celulosa

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    Los criogeles formados a partir de los polisacáridos quitosanoy celulosa están conformados por una red macroporosa e interconectada con áreas superficiales altas. Dichos criogeles ofrecen un uso prometedor en la remoción de cobre a partir de soluciones acuosas. Este trabajo propone la ruta de síntesis del criogel quitosano-etilenglicol diglicidil éter-celulosa (Q-egde-C) y en él se presentan los resultados obtenidos de la caracterización de este material con la finalidad de evaluarlo en trabajos posteriores como adsorbente de iones Cu+2. Las pruebas y técnicas de caracterización utilizadas fueron: solubilidad, porcentaje de hidratación, microscopía electrónica de barrido(MEB), espectroscopía infrarroja por transformada de Fourier(FTIR), área específica y potencial Z. El criogel obtenido es un biomaterial insoluble en agua, con un índice de hinchamiento de ca. 1921 %; su estructura macroporosa contiene grupos amino primarios (–NH2) con un área superficial de 16 m2/g. La síntesis presentada es sencilla con un buen control morfológico en la escala micro y nanométrica, así mismo el criogel mostró mediante la determinación del potencial Z que es capaz de interaccionar con el ión Cu+2 presente en agua

    Evolución de los deltas submarinos de los ríos Guadalfeo y Adra en respuesta a las variaciones de los aportes sedimentarios

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    The Guadalfeo and the Adra submarine deltas off the northern coast of the Alboran Sea have been built up under the direct influence of short and mountainous rivers. The area is subjected to strong climatic seasonality, with sporadic winter torrential floods and high summer aridity. In addition numerous anthropogenic activities have affected these systems, mostly during the last two centuries. In order to decode the influence of climatic variability and anthropogenic impacts on sediment supplies during the recent past, five sediment cores were collected from the Guadalfeo and Adra submarine deltas. Benthic foraminiferal and sedimentological analyses, combined with radiocarbon dating, were performed. The impact of torrential floods alternating with periods of low rainfall or dry periods were recorded in the Adra and Guadalfeo prodeltas. Periods with low abundance of benthic foraminifera and high amounts of coarse-grained sediments, were interpreted as the result of enhanced sediment supply to the shelf triggered by major flood events. On the other hand, periods with high amounts of fine-grained sediments and high abundances of colonizers and opportunistic foraminiferal species indicate the establishment of new environments with distinct ecological constraints. These environments were driven by lower sediment supplies during low rainfall or dry periods. The most recent sedimentation seems to reflect the human interventions in the rivers basins, such as deviation of the main river courses and dams construction, which reduced the sediment input and promoted the deposition of shallow-water submarine deltas.Versión del edito