67 research outputs found

    Ecocardiografia Doppler en la valoració del foramen oval permeable : implicacions terapèutiques /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaEl foramen oval permeable (FOP) està present en el 30% de la població. Hi ha discrepàncies entre les tècniques diagnòstiques: el Doppler transcranial (DTC), l'ecocardiografia transesofàgica (ETE) i l'ecocardiografia transtoràcica (ETT). L'interès fonamental per estudiar la persistència de FOP resideix en que pot ser la causa d'embòlia paradoxal. L'AVC criptogènic s'ha associat a la presència de FOP. La definició de les característiques morfològiques del FOP que poden implicar més risc de recurrència és fonamental per tal de dissenyar una estratègia de tractament adequada. Motiu del estudi i objectius: 1) Discrepàncies entre DTC i ETE. Estudi de discrepàncies i elaboració de l'estratègia diagnòstica. 2)Valorar la relació entre FOP i AVC-criptogènic. Determinació del tractament. segons les dades estudiades. Disseny de l'estudi: Es va dividir en 2 fases: Fase I: Anàlisi de concordança entre tècniques.. Fase II: Relació entre el FOP i l'AVC-criptogènic. Pacients i mètodes: 134 pacients amb sospita d'AVC criptogènic varen ser inclosos a la Fase I dels quals el diagnòstic final va ser: 28 AIT, 91 AVC i 15 migranya, d'edats 46,4±14,2. En 21 pacients d'aquest grup es van valorar els canvis de variables fisiològiques durant la sedació del ETE. A la Fase II es van incloure els 119 pacients diagnosticats d'AVC criptogènic (28 AIT, 91 AVC). Per tal d'establir la incidència de FOP a la població normal es va fer un estudi en un «grup control» per ETT en 65 pacients sense patologia embòlica ni cardíaca. A tots els pacients s'els va practicar DTC, ETT i ETE simultàniament i es va donar com a positiu el diagnòstic en el que dues tècniques concordaven. El seguiment i tractament va ser realitzat pel neuròleg. Resultats: FASE I: Es va diagnosticar de FOP a 93 (93/134: 69%) 17 van mostrar discordança entre tècniques :4 entre el DTC i l'ETT/ETE i 13 entre l'ETE i l'ETT/DTC El DTC va fer 3 falsos negatius en curtcircuits lleugers i un fals positiu en un pacient amb una fístula pulmonar. L'ETE va fer 13 falsos negatius que van ser diagnosticats de FOP per ETT/DTC i no ho van ser per ETE: el curtcircuit va ser lleuger en 11, moderat en 1 i sever en 1. La sensibilitat del DTC, ETT i ETE va ser del 97, 100 i 86% respectivament i l'especificitat del 98, 100 i 100%. L' ASI s'associava a majors diàmetres i curtcircuit més important (p<0,0001). Durant l'ETE va disminuir la TA sistòlica i la saturació d'oxigen i va augmentar la freqüència cardíaca (p<0,0001). FASE II: El grup control va mostrar un 23% de FOP aïllat i un 5% de FOP amb ASI. El grup sense FOP mostrava més arteriosclerosi aòrtica significativa que el grup amb FOP (p<0,0001), i el grup amb FOP s'associava amb més ASI (p<0,0001). El grup amb FOP aïllat tenia més factors de risc, més aterosclerosi significativa i curtcircuits més petits. L'associació entre FOP aïllat i AVC-criptogènic mostrava una Odds Ratio 0,97 (0,47-2,00) i que l'associació FOP amb ASI i AVC-criptogènic era de 17,75 (5,27-59,76) El 16% dels pacients tenien alteracions a la trombofilia. Hi va haver 9 recurrències i no es trobaren diferències significatives entre la antiagregació i l'anticoagulació encara que hi havia una clara tendència a demostrar-se la anticoagulació com la millor estratègia en casos amb factors de risc alt. Els 13 pacients amb dispositiu no van recorre. Conclusions: L'ETT amb imatge harmònica i contrast és la tècnica de referència en el diagnòstic del FOP. L'ETE pot realitzar falsos negatius sobretot en pacients sedats. La freqüència de FOP en l'AVC-criptogènic és de 69%, amb curtcircuit important en el 66%, i associat a ASI en el 62%. L'aterosclerosi aòrtica i els factors de risc cardiovasculars són més freqüents en els AVC criptogènics sense FOP. La recurrència de AVC és del 3,7% anual i és més freqüent en el grup amb FOP i ASI no anticoagulats. L'estratificació de risc de recurrència de l'embòlia paradoxal és fonamental per una correcta indicació terapèutica. En situacions de risc baix pot ser suficient l'antiagregació, en situacions de risc entremig amb curtcircuit més que lleuger s'hauria de plantejar l'anticoagulació i en situació de risc alt amb curtcircuit important, amb ASI o noves recurrències estaria obligada l'anicoagulació. A falta de més evidències, el tancament percutani només estaria indicat en els casos amb alt risc de recurrència que no tolerin l'anticoagulació.Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is present in 30% of the adult population. Can be diagnosed by transcranial Doppler (TCD), transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). The main reason for study diagnosis of PFO is that it maybe a cause of paradoxical emboli. Cryptogenic-stroke has been associated with the presence of PFO. Definition of the morphological features that imply a greater risk of cryptogenic-stroke may lead to better management of this complication. Aims: 1) To define the disagreement between TCD and TEE and to establish the optimum diagnostic strategy. 2) To assess the relation-ship between PFO and cryptogenic stroke and determine the most appropriate treatment. Design: Phase I: Analysis of intertechnique agreement in diagnosis and quantification of PFO. Phase II: Establish the relation-ship between PFO and stroke. Patients and methods: 134 patients with a suspected cryptogenic stroke were included in Phase I : 28 TIA, 91 stroke and 15 migraine, age 46,4±14,2. Changes in physiologic variables down TEE sedation were assessed in 21. In Phase II, 119 patient diagnosed of stroke (28 AIT, 91 stroke) were analysed. To ascertain the incidence of PFO a control group (n: 65) without cardiac disease or previous emboli were included. DTC, TEE and TTE were performed simultaneously. Diagnosis was considered positive when 2 techniques showed agreement. All patients were followed-up and treated following the neurologist indications. Results: Phase I: PFO was diagnosed in 93 (64%). 17 cases of intertechnique disagreement were found: 4 between TCD vs TTE/TEE and 13 between TEE vs TCD/TTE. TCD yielded 3 false negatives in slight shunts and 1 false negative in a patient with a pulmonary fistula. TEE made 13 false negatives which were diagnosed by the other techniques. The shunt was slight in 11 cases, moderate in 1 and severe in 1. Sensitivity of TCD, TTE and TEE was 97, 100 and 86% and specificity 98, 100 and 100% respectively. ASA showed greater PFO diameter and more significant shunt. Systolic blood pressure and oxygen saturation decrease and heart rate increase down sedation. Phase II: Control group showed PFO in 28% of cases, 5% of them with ASA. In the group of the study, patient without PFO showed more significant aortic atherosclerosis than the group with PFO (p<0.0001) ; and the group with PFO was associated with more ASA. (p<0.0001). The group without ASA present more frequently atherosclerotic risk factors , more severe atherosclerosis and smaller shunt than the group with ASA. Isolated PFO was associated with cryptogenic stroke with an OR 0,97 (0,47-2,00) while PFO with ASA presented an OR 17,75 (5,27-59,76). In 16% patients a trombophilic pattern was found. Nine patients presented recurrences. Although no significant differences between antiaggregation and anticoagulation treated were found., data showed a clear tendency toward anticoagulation is the best strategy in patients with high risk. In 13 patients percutaneous closure were performed and no recurrences was observed in the following. Conclusions: TTE with harmonic imaging and contrast is the technique of choice in PFO diagnosis. TEE can yield false negatives particularly in sedated patients. In cryptogenic stroke, PFO was present in 69%, significant shunt in 66% and associate with ASA in 62%. Aortic atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk factors were more frequent in cryptogenic stroke without PFO. Stroke recurrence was 3.7 % annually and more frequent in the group non anticoagulated with PFO and ASA. Stratification of paradoxical emboli risk recurrence was fundamental for correct therapeutic management. Antiaggregation may be sufficient in the low risk group, in the intermediate risk anticoagulation is advisable and mandatory in the higher risk group. The latter group is defined by the presence of ASA or new recurrences. Percutaneous closure of PFO should only be indicated in patients with high risk of recurrence who do not tolerate anticoagulation

    A Case of a Young Patient with Acute Endocarditis and Challenging Diagnostic and Treatment Decisions

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    Endocarditis infecciosa; Endocarditis protésicaEndocarditis infecciosa; Endocarditis protèsicaInfective endocarditis; Prosthetic endocarditisDespite advances achieved in recent years, Infective Endocarditis (IE) remains a disease associated with high mortality and morbidity. When it involves multiple locations at the same time, deciding the best treatment can become challenging. In some cases, especially in patients with prosthetic valve endocarditis, a definitive diagnosis can be difficult to achieve and multimodality imaging including Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Angiography (PET/CTA) has demonstrated improvement in the diagnostic yield. We present a case of a young patient with two previous thoracic surgeries who was admitted due to a severe Staphylococcus aureus IE affecting the mitral valve and presenting a questionable image in an aortic arch graft. This case illustrates the importance of the Endocarditis Team when it comes to difficult decisions regarding diagnosis and management in a disease with poor scientific evidence

    Enantioselective approach to indolizidine and quinolizidine scaffolds : application to the synthesis of peptide mimics

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    An enantioselective approach to substituted indolizidine and quinolizidine frameworks has been developed. Key steps of the synthesis are the enantioselective, palladium-catalyzed N-allylation of an imide, the nucleophilic allylation of an acyliminium ion and a ring closing metathesis. This general strategy has been applied to the synthesis of indolizidine peptide mimics, starting from a chiral imide derived from L-aspartic acid. It was observed that the preexisting stereogenic center of this substrate has a moderate influence on the stereoselectivity of the electrophilic allylation, which is mainly determined by the sense of chirality of the catalyst

    Caracterización químico estructural de un concentrado cromífero procedente del yacimiento Merceditas y valoración de su posible uso como materia prima en tratamientos difusivos

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    En Cuba, existen importantes depósitos de mineral de cromo. Dentro de los yacimientos cromíferos cubanos se destaca Merceditas por sus reservas y por encontrarse en explotación. En el trabajo, se presenta la caracterización mineralógica de un concentrado cromífero perteneciente al yacimiento antes referido y se valora su posible utilización como fuente portadora de cromo y de silicio en procesos difusivos. La determinación de la composición química del concentrado se realizó mediante los métodos gravimétrico y volumétrico, mientras que para la identificación de las fases presentes se emplearon técnicas de Espectroscopias Infrarroja y Mössbauer y Difractometría de Rayos X. Adicionalmente, se determinaron los parámetros estadísticos de la distribución granulométrica, a partir de un proceso de tamizado. Se encontró que el concentrado es refractario y que junto al cromo aparecen en diferentes proporciones hierro, aluminio, magnesio, silicio y calcio. El contenido de cromo y de silicio presente en el concentrado y su relación resultan similares a los reportados para la aplicación en procesos difusivos de saturación simultánea con ambos elementos, mientras que los contenidos de aluminio y magnesio, en forma combinada con el oxígeno, garantizan la refractariedad de las mezclas a elaborar. También se determinó que el concentrado cromífero se encuentra constituido por las fases mineralógicas conocidas como cromopicotita, antigorita y clorita y que su fase principal es la cromopicotita. Por último, se precisó que sus partículas poseen un diámetro medio de 513 μm, una oblicuidad de 0,93 y una dispersión de 1,83

    Evaluación del proceso de reducción aluminotérmica de un concentrado cromífero del yacimiento Merceditas

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    El cromo se encuentra en los depósitos minerales en forma de óxidos complejos, comúnmente conocidos como cromoespinelas. Dichos óxidos poseen elevada estabilidad química, aspecto que afecta su reactividad en presencia de haluros, lo que incide negativamente sobre su posible uso como materia prima portadora de cromo en tratamientos difusivos. En este trabajo se estudió la reducción aluminotérmica de un concentrado cromífero perteneciente al yacimiento Merceditas y se caracterizaron sus productos, con el objetivo de utilizarlo como materia prima en procesos de cromado difusivo. El análisis granulométrico se realizó a partir de dos muestras preparadas mediante la trituración del concentrado en un molino de bolas y su posterior tamizado en dos juegos de tamices, con aberturas máximas de 100 y 200 μm . Se caracterizaron los productos de la reducción de la mezcla del concentrado mediante difractometría de RX y espectroscopia infrarroja. Ello permitió corroborar que al emplear la variante de tratamiento D (55 mm; 4 h; 950 oC), desaparece el aluminio metálico y la cromopicotita deja de poseer los picos de reflexión de máxima intensidad relativa, los que son ocupados por el cromo y por el ferrocromo. Estos resultados permiten prever que el compuesto resultante podría ser utilizable como materia prima portadora de cromo en tratamientos difusivos

    Trombo atrapado en foramen oval permeable causante de infarto agudo de miocardio

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    A 57 year-old male was derived to our institution because of an acute myocardial infarction due to paradoxical embolism caused by thrombus passing through a patent ovale foramen. We present the main clinical and imaging findings of the case, along diagnostic and management options for this condition.Se presenta el caso de un varón de 57 años derivado al centro de los autores por infarto agudo de miocardio secundario a una embolia paradójica causada por un trombo atrapado en un foramen oval permeable. Se describen los principales hallazgos de las técnicas de imagen, características clínicas, diagnósticas y opciones terapéuticas

    Diagnostic value of quantitative parameters for myocardial perfusion assessment in patients with suspected coronary artery disease by single- and dual-energy computed tomography myocardial perfusion imaging

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    To compare performance of visual and quantitative analyses for detecting myocardial ischaemia from single- and dual-energy computed tomography (CT) in patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). Eighty-four patients with suspected CAD were scheduled for dual-energy cardiac CT at rest (CTA) and pharmacological stress (CTP). Myocardial CT perfusion was analysed visually and using three parameters: mean attenuation density (MA), transmural perfusion ratio (TPR) and myocardial perfusion reserve index (MPRI), on both single-energy CT and CT-based iodine images. Significant CAD was defined in AHA-segments by concomitant myocardial hypoperfusion identified visually or quantitatively (parameter < threshold) and coronary stenosis detected by CTA. Single-photon emission CT and invasive coronary angiography were used as reference. Perfusion-parameter cut-off values were calculated in a randomly-selected subgroup of 30 patients. The best-performing thresholds for TPR, MPRI and MA were 0.96, 23 and 0.5 for single-energy CT and 0.97, 47 and 0.3 for iodine imaging. For both CT-imaging modalities, TPR yielded the highest area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) (0.99 and 0.97 for single-energy CT and iodine imaging, respectively, in vessel-based analysis) compared to visual analysis, MA and MPRI. Visual interpretation on iodine imaging resulted in higher AUC compared to that on single-energy CT in per-vessel (AUC: 0.93 vs 0.86, respectively) and per-patient (0.94 vs 0.93) analyses. Transmural perfusion ratio on both CT-imaging modalities is the best-performing parameter for detecting myocardial ischaemia compared to visual method and other perfusion parameters. Visual analysis on CT-based iodine imaging outperforms that on single-energy CT

    Are Aortic Root and Ascending Aorta Diameters Measured by the Pediatric versus the Adult American Society of Echocardiography Guidelines Interchangeable?

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    Aortic dimensions; Echocardiography; Guideline’s recommendationsDimensions aòrtiques; Ecocardiografia; Recomanacions de les directriusDimensiones aórticas; Ecocardiografía; Recomendaciones de las directricesAscending aorta diameters have important clinical value in the diagnosis, follow-up, and surgical indication of many aortic diseases. However, there is no uniformity among experts regarding ascending aorta diameter quantification by echocardiography. The aim of this study was to compare maximum aortic root and ascending aorta diameters determined by the diastolic leading edge (DLE) and the systolic inner edge (SIE) conventions in adult and pediatric patients with inherited cardiovascular diseases. Transthoracic echocardiograms were performed in 328 consecutive patients (260 adults and 68 children). Aorta diameters were measured twice at the root and ascending aorta by the DLE convention following the 2015 American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) adult guidelines and the SIE convention following the 2010 ASE pediatric guidelines. Comparison of the diameters measured by the two conventions in the overall population showed a non-significant underestimation of the diameter measured by the SIE convention at root level of 0.28 mm (CI −1.36; 1.93) and at tubular ascending aorta level of 0.17 mm (CI −1.69; 2.03). Intraobserver and interobserver variability were excellent. Maximum aorta diameter measured by the leading edge convention in end-diastole and the inner edge convention in mid-systole had similar values to a mild non-significant underestimation of the inner-to-inner method that permits them to be interchangeable when used in clinical practice

    Decreased rotational flow and circumferential wall shear stress as early markers of descending aorta dilation in Marfan syndrome: a 4D flow CMR study

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    Marfan syndrome; 4D flow CMR; Helical flowSíndrome de Marfan; Flujo en 4D CMR; Flujo helicoidalSíndrome de Marfan; Flux en 4D CMR; Flux helicoïdalBackground: Diseases of the descending aorta have emerged as a clinical issue in Marfan syndrome following improvements in proximal aorta surgical treatment and the consequent increase in life expectancy. Although a role for hemodynamic alterations in the etiology of descending aorta disease in Marfan patients has been suggested, whether flow characteristics may be useful as early markers remains to be determined. Methods: Seventy-five Marfan patients and 48 healthy subjects were prospectively enrolled. In- and through-plane vortexes were computed by 4D flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) in the thoracic aorta through the quantification of in-plane rotational flow and systolic flow reversal ratio, respectively. Regional pulse wave velocity and axial and circumferential wall shear stress maps were also computed. Results: In-plane rotational flow and circumferential wall shear stress were reduced in Marfan patients in the distal ascending aorta and in proximal descending aorta, even in the 20 patients free of aortic dilation. Multivariate analysis showed reduced in-plane rotational flow to be independently related to descending aorta pulse wave velocity. Conversely, systolic flow reversal ratio and axial wall shear stress were altered in unselected Marfan patients but not in the subgroup without dilation. In multivariate regression analysis proximal descending aorta axial (p = 0.014) and circumferential (p = 0.034) wall shear stress were independently related to local diameter. Conclusions: Reduced rotational flow is present in the aorta of Marfan patients even in the absence of dilation, is related to aortic stiffness and drives abnormal circumferential wall shear stress. Axial and circumferential wall shear stress are independently related to proximal descending aorta dilation beyond clinical factors. In-plane rotational flow and circumferential wall shear stress may be considered as an early marker of descending aorta dilation in Marfan patients.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the project PI14/0106 (co-founded by European Regional Development Fund), La Marato de TV3 (project number 20151330), by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through Retos-Colaboracion 2016 (RTC-2016-5152-1). Guala A. has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/People under grant agreement no 267128

    The current role of echocardiography in acute aortic syndrome

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    Acute aortic syndrome (AAS) comprises a range of interrelated conditions caused by disruption of the medial layer of the aortic wall, including aortic dissection, intramural haematoma and penetrating aortic ulcer. Since mortality from AAS is high, a prompt and accurate diagnosis using imaging techniques is paramount. Both transthoracic (TTE) and transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) are useful in the diagnosis of AAS. TTE should be the first imaging technique to evaluate patients with thoracic pain in the emergency room. Should AAS be suspected, contrast administration is recommended when images are not definitive. TEE allows high-quality images in thoracic aorta. The main drawback of this technique is that it is semi-invasive and the presence of a blind area that limits visualisation of the distal ascending aorta near. TEE identifies the location and size of the entry tear, secondary communications, true lumen compression and the dynamic flow pattern of false lumen. Although computed tomography (CT) is the most used imaging technique in the diagnosis of AAS, echocardiography offers complementary information relevant for its management. The best imaging strategy for appropriately diagnosing and assessing AAS is to combine CT, mainly ECG-gated contrast-enhanced CT, and TTE. Currently, TEE tends to be carried out in the operating theatre immediately before surgical or endovascular therapy and in monitoring their results. The aims of this review are to establish the current role of echocardiography in the diagnosis and management of AAS based on its advantages and limitations
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