1,841 research outputs found

    Evolution and study of a copycat effect in intimate partner homicides: A lesson from Spanish femicides

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    Objectives This paper focuses on the issue of intimate partner violence and, specifically, on the distribution of femicides over time and the existence of copycat effects. This is the subject of an ongoing debate often triggered by the social alarm following multiple intimate partner homicides (IPHs) occurring in a short span of time. The aim of this research is to study the evolution of IPHs and provide a far-reaching answer by rigorously analyzing and searching for patterns in data on femicides. Methods The study analyzes an official dataset, provided by the system VioGén of the Secretaría de Estado de Seguridad (Spanish State Secretariat for Security), including all the femicides occurred in Spain in 2007-2017. A statistical methodology to identify temporal interdepen-dencies in count time series is proposed and applied to the dataset. The same methodology can be applied to other contexts. Results There has been a decreasing trend in the number of femicides per year. No interdependen-cies among the temporal distribution of femicides are observed. Therefore, according to data, the existence of copycat effect in femicides cannot be claimed. Conclusions Around 2011 there was a clear change in the average number of femicides which has not picked up. Results allow for an informed answer to the debate on copycat effect in Spanish femicides. The planning of femicides prevention activities should not be a reaction to a perceived increase in their occurrence. As a copycat effect is not detected in the studied time period, there is no evidence supporting the need to censor media reports on femicides.The work by Torrecilla has been partially supported by Spanish Grant MTM2016-78751-P. The research of Liberatore has been supported by the Government of Spain, grant MTM2015-65803-R, and by the Government of Madrid, grant S2013/ICE-284

    Mucopolysaccharidosis IVA: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management.

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA (MPS IVA, or Morquio syndrome type A) is an inherited metabolic lysosomal disease caused by the deficiency of the N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase enzyme. The deficiency of this enzyme accumulates the specific glycosaminoglycans (GAG), keratan sulfate, and chondroitin-6-sulfate mainly in bone, cartilage, and its extracellular matrix. GAG accumulation in these lesions leads to unique skeletal dysplasia in MPS IVA patients. Clinical, radiographic, and biochemical tests are needed to complete the diagnosis of MPS IVA since some clinical characteristics in MPS IVA are overlapped with other disorders. Early and accurate diagnosis is vital to optimizing patient management, which provides a better quality of life and prolonged life-time in MPS IVA patients. Currently, enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) are available for patients with MPS IVA. However, ERT and HSCT do not have enough impact on bone and cartilage lesions in patients with MPS IVA. Penetrating the deficient enzyme into an avascular lesion remains an unmet challenge, and several innovative therapies are under development in a preclinical study. In this review article, we comprehensively describe the current diagnosis, treatment, and management for MPS IVA. We also illustrate developing future therapies focused on the improvement of skeletal dysplasia in MPS IVA

    Persistence and intensity of soil water repellency from soils with andic properties from the Campania region (Southwest, Italy) under different forest types

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    Congreso celebrado del 2-6, julio, 2012, en Fiera del Levante, Bari, Italia.Soil water repellency (SWR) is a property of many soils that is getting more and more interesting for the scientific community, because of its consequences on soil erosion risk, runoff or infiltration rates and even plant ecology. The presence of hydrophobic organic acids released by roots and plant tissues, fungal activity, organic matter mineralization rates, or wildfires are considered the main causes of SWR. Some of the consequences of SWR are reduced soil infiltration rates, enhanced runoff flow and soil erosion. Significance of these effects depends upon the severity and spatial variability of SWR. SWR is often associated to vegetation types, although it cannot be assumed that certain species always induce water repellency under natural conditions. Because of resins, waxes and aromatic oils in their tissues, evergreen trees as eucalyptus and coniferous are usually associated with soil hydrophobicity, although it has been found also in a variety of soils, climates and vegetation types. But the relationship between water repellent soils and plant species is not always one-to-one. Soil properties as texture, aggregation, acidity, microbiome and other are also implied in the development of hydrophobicity. Regarding organic matter, several authors have reported inconsistent results after studying the relationship between soil organic matter content and SWR. A possible explanation for this is that quality of organic matter is more important than content. Consequently, it is necessary to investigate the role that organic matter content and properties play in the development of hydrophobicity in different soil and vegetation types. The objective of this research is the study the relationship between SWR and organic matter properties in andic soils from the Campania region (SW Italy) under different vegetation types.Peer reviewe

    Permutation tests for nonparametric detection

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    In this paper, the authors provide a methodology to design nonparametric permutation tests and, in particular, nonparametric rank tests for applications in detection. In the first part of the paper, the authors develop the optimization theory of both permutation and rank tests in the Neyman?Pearson sense; in the second part of the paper, they carry out a comparative performance analysis of the permutation and rank tests (detectors) against the parametric ones in radar applications. First, a brief review of some contributions on nonparametric tests is realized. Then, the optimum permutation and rank tests are derived. Finally, a performance analysis is realized by Monte-Carlo simulations for the corresponding detectors, and the results are shown in curves of detection probability versus signal-to-noise rati

    Guía de intervención policial con personas con discapacidad intelectual

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    Esta guía permitirá a las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado adaptar sus procedimientos cuando una persona con discapacidad intelectual forme parte de la investigación policial. Ofrece un marco conceptual para entender la discapacidad intelectual y herramientas específicas para adecuar la comunicación y dotar de los apoyos necesarios a estas personas. Así mismo, propone un ajuste específico tanto en las entrevistas como en las ruedas de reconocimiento realizadas a personas con discapacidad intelectual. Su aplicación garantizará que la intervención policial se efectúe conforme a la Convención de Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad de Naciones Unidas

    Pyrrolodiazines. 4. Structure and chemistry of 3,4-dihydropyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine

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    The structure of 3,4-dihydropyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine and its N-protonated form is studied by ab initio calculations. Examples of the reactivity of this poorly studied system are presented in which it is shown that the imino moiety does not react with dienes but does undergo inter- and intramolecular 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions by reaction of azomethine ylides of this bicyclic system with suitable dipolarophiles.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaCentro de Computación de Galixia (CESGA

    New states in 18Na and 19Mg observed in the two-proton decay of 19Mg

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    Previously unknown states in 18Na and 19Mg have been studied by measuring the trajectories of their decay products with microstrip detectors. Analyzing angular correlations of the fragments provided information on decay energies and widths of the parent states. The ground state of 18Na has been detected and its one-proton decay energy of 1.23(15) MeV determined. Four previously unknown states in 19Mg at 2.1, 2.9, 3.6, and 5.2 MeV have been observed. The competition between simultaneous and sequential two-proton emission of states in 19Mg is discussed, and the conclusion of a direct mechanism of 2p radioactivity of the 19Mg ground state is confirmed.MEC EC-I3 FPA2006-13807-C02-01Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FPA2009-0884

    Azonia derivatives of the γ-carboline system. A new class of DNA intercalators

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    1-Methyl-γ-carboline derivatives were transformed into the corresponding N-aminoazinium salts, which were condensed with 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds (Westphal reaction) to afford azonia derivatives with a bridgehead quaternary nitrogen atom. Some of them show DNA intercalating properties.Instituto de Qulmica Computaciona

    Proton-proton correlations observed in two-proton decay of 19Mg and 16Ne

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    Proton-proton correlations were observed for the two-proton decays of the ground states of 19Mg and 16Ne. The trajectories of the respective decay products, 17Ne+p+p and 14O+p+p, were measured by using a tracking technique with microstrip detectors. These data were used to reconstruct the angular correlations of fragments projected on planes transverse to the precursor momenta. The measured three-particle correlations reflect a genuine three-body decay mechanism and allowed us to obtain spectroscopic information on the precursors with valence protons in the sd shell.EURONS EC-I3MEC FPA2003-05958 FPA2006-13807-C02-0

    Interaction of 8 He with 208Pb at near-barrier energies: 4 He and 6 He production

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    Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness-FPA-2010-22131-CO2-01 (FINURA) y FPA2013-47327-C2-1-RMinistry of Science and Higher Education of Poland-N202 033637National Science Centre of Poland-2013/08/M/ST2/00257 (LEA-COPIGAL) y 2014/14/M/ST2/00738 (COPIN-INFN Collaboration)European Science Foundation-EUI2009-04163432 (EUROGENESIS