368 research outputs found

    Exploración de prácticas disruptivas en el aula

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    En un mundo cambiante y dinámico, la educación es llamada a ser consecuente con dicha transformación, alineándose a necesidades emergentes de individuos que a diario buscan explorar y dar una nueva connotación al aprendizaje significativo, canalizando el nuevo conocimiento a través de experiencias memorables que disten de un esquema memorístico y/o conceptual sin conexión con la realidad y su entorno. Es así como, a través de un ejercicio desarrollado en el aula de clase se pretende articular el arte, la creatividad y la innovación como catalizadores del conocimiento a través de la propia creación de los estudiantes involucrados. Ahora, prácticas como las descritas en el presente artículo, pretenden motivar la labor del docente en su espacio de interacción con estudiantes a través de prácticas disruptivas que asocien múltiples actores de su entorno

    Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection and disseminated tuberculosis

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    Dispensación de antibióticos de uso ambulatorio en una población colombiana

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    Objetivo La utilización de antibióticos ha sido objeto de abuso y se relaciona con el desarrollo de grave resistencia bacteriana.Analizar la dispensación de antibióticos de uso sistémico a nivel ambulatorio en una población colombiana entre enero de 2005 y diciembre de 2006 y la valoración de su costo económico.Métodos Estudio observacional descriptivo sobre utilización de antibióticos a partir de prescripciones dispensadas a la totalidad de usuarios que hayan recibido algún antibiótico en 10 ciudades colombianas. Se determinó dosis definida por 1 000 habitantes y día y el costo por 1 000 habitantes y día. Se analizaron las asociaciones de antibióticos empleadas comúnmente. Resultados La dosis diaria definida fue de 1,58 por 1 000 habitantes y día. Los anti­bióticos más dispensados fueron las penicilinas (amoxicilina dicloxacilina), seguidos de cefalosporinas de primera generación y sulfonamidas. El uso de antibióticos en presentación inyectable fue del 10,4 % y 9,3 % para los años 2005 y 2006 respecti­vamente. En 11,0 % de los casos se empleó una asociación de antibióticos. El costo total de dispensación de antibióticos fue de 4356294644pesos(US 4 356 294 644 pesos (US 1 708 350) y el coste por mil habitantes y día de 3114pesos(US 3 114 pesos (US 1,13) en 2005 y de 2564pesos(US 2 564 pesos (US 1,00) en 2006.Discusión Las dosis diarias definidas por mil habitantes y día y el costo de los anti­bióticos por mil habitantes y día son menores a los reportados en otros países

    A Review of the Dermatological Complications of Giant Cell Arteritis

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    Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is characterized by granulomatous inflammation of large and medium-sized vessels. It is the most common vasculitis among elderly people in Europe and North America. GCA usually presents with ischemic cranial manifestations such as headache, scalp tenderness, visual manifestations, and claudication of the tongue and jaw. Thickness and tenderness of temporal arteries are the most recognizable signs of GCA on physical examination. Laboratory tests usually show raised acute phase reactants. Skin manifestations are uncommon in GCA and are rarely found as a presenting symptom of GCA. Necrosis of the scalp and tongue is the most common ischemic cutaneous manifestation of GCA. Although infrequent, when present it reflects severe affection and poor prognosis of GCA. Panniculitis-like lesions have been reported in the setting of GCA, with nodules being the most common finding. Other entities, such as generalized granuloma annulare or basal cell carcinoma have been occasionally described in GCA patients. Prompt recognition and initiation of therapy are crucial to prevent serious complications of GCA. When high suspicion of GCA exists, immediate administration of glucocorticoids is recommended. It is advisable to refer the patient to a specialist GCA team for further multidisciplinary assessment.Funding: This line of research on vasculitis was partially supported by RETICS Programs, RD08/0075 (RIER), RD12/0009/ 0013 and RD16/0012 from “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (ISCIII) (Spain)

    Disruptive learning of income tax through gamification “taxes and the economy hand in hand”

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    Crear aprendizaje disruptivo para los estudiantes, sobre el impuesto de renta de personas naturales, por medio de la gamificación, es el propósito que se ha venido generando en esta investigación. El campo de interés está centrado hacia los estudiantes del programa de Contaduría Pública. Con base enel análisis de los resultados de la implementación de las herramientas de gamificación implementadas, donde se obtuvo total aceptación entre los estudiantes, generando así apropiación del conocimiento, análisis de casos con pertinencia hacia la carrera y una satisfacción personal al dar por entendido el sistema cedular que actualmente utiliza Colombia en su sistema de Renta. De igual manera se demostró la necesidad de transformar desde las Instituciones de Educación Superior, IES, ya que el modelo de educación que se imparte actualmente no resuelve en el aula la insuficiencia de aprendizaje sobre todo para el tema del Impuesto de Renta de personas naturales donde la normatividad es cambiada cada dos o tres años.Creating disruptive learning for students, on the income tax of natural persons, through gamification, is the purpose that has been generated in this research. The field of interest is focused on the students of the Public Accounting program. Based on the analysis of the results of the implementation of the gamification tools implemented, where total acceptance among students was obtained, thus generating appropriation of knowledge, analysis of cases with relevance to the career and personal satisfaction by taking for granted the cedular system that Colombia currently uses in its Income system. In the same way, the need to transform from the Higher Education Institutions, IES, was demonstrated, since the educationmodel that is currently taught does not solve the insufficiency of learning in the classroom, especially for the subject of Income Tax of natural persons where the regulations are changed every two or three years

    Treatment of giant cell arteritis

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    Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is the most common form of vasculitis in adults. Cranial manifestations are typical clinical features of this vasculitis. Sometimes the presenting symptoms are nonspecific and, in some cases, large-vessel involvement may prevail. Polymyalgia rheumatica is a frequent manifestation that in some cases may be the presenting symptom of GCA. Visual complications, in particular the risk of blindness, constitute the most feared manifestations of GCA. Prompt recognition of this vasculitis is required to avoid irreversible complications. Prednisone/prednisolone at a dose of 40-60?mg/day is the cornerstone therapy in GCA. Glucocorticoids lead to rapid improvement of symptoms and may reduce the risk of irreversible visual loss. However, relapses are common when the prednisone dose is tapered. Therefore, additional therapies are required in relapsing GCA or when a rapid reduction of glucocorticoids is needed. The most widely used conventional immunosuppressive drug is methotrexate Adjunctive treatment with methotrexate may decrease the risk of relapses and reduce glucocorticoid exposure. However, comprehensive reviews indicate that the efficacy of methotrexate in GCA is modest. The experience with other conventional immunosuppressive drugs in GCA patients is scarce. In some cases, the new biologic agents are required. Among them, the most frequently used is the recombinant humanized anti-IL-6 receptor antibody tocilizumab. It improves clinical symptoms, reduce the cumulative prednisone dose and the frequency of relapses in GCA patients. However, anti-tumor necrosis factor-? therapy is not useful in GCA. Promising results on other biologic agents, such as abatacept, ustekinumab or anakinra, require further confirmatory studies

    How to understand the colombian tax structure through design thinking

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    Las nuevas tendencias en la educación exigen la articulación de múltiples herramientas a nivel lúdico, didáctico y pedagógico que permitan la exploración del entorno y la apropiación del conocimiento, por ello hemos venido experimentando una serie de estrategias y metodologías las cuales nos han permitido una interacción dinámica con los estudiantes de Contaduría Pública de la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina sede Bogotá. Nuestro propósito es enseñar la estructura tributaria en Colombia desde una perspectiva lúdica, en la cual el estudiante tenga la posibilidad de asumir múltiples roles como el de los contribuyentes con características recurrentes del sector real, logrando enlazar los conceptos de impuestos, estructurando su liquidación y analizando el impacto de los impuestos desde la financiación del estado. Las metodologías han sido orientadas a través del Design Thinking, herramienta clave para la innovación y la cual nos ayuda a romper paradigmas en la enseñanza de la educación contable.The new trends in education demand the articulation of multiple tools at a playful, didactic and pedagogical level that allow the exploration of the environment and the appropriation of knowledge, for that reason we have been experimenting a series of strategies and methodologies which have allowed us a dynamic interaction with the students of Public Accounting of the Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, Bogotá. Our purpose is to teach the tax structure in Colombia from a playful perspective, in which the student has the possibility of assuming multiple roles such as taxpayers with recurring characteristics of the real sector, managing to link the concepts of taxes, structuring their settlement and analyzing The impact of taxes from state funding. The methodologies have been oriented through Design Thinking, a key tool for innovation and which helps us to break paradigms in the teaching of accounting education

    Integration of optometry at the national health system: the case of the first optometrists in Mozambique

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    Introduction: In the last two decades an increasing number of African countries have established Optometry training to tackle the largely unmet eye health needs of the population. However not sufficient evidence exist on how the profession is integrated and contributing to national health systems. In Mozambique, the optometry program started under the Faculty of Health Sciences in the public Lúrio University in 2009. From 2012 to 2016, 23 graduates were employed by the National Health System (NHS). Objective: The aim of this research is to document the integration of Optometrists at the National Health System in Mozambique. Methods: This is a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional study. Questionnaires and structured interviews were administered to all participants. Results: The response rate was 100% and the Optometrists were found practicing in 10 of the 11 provinces of the country distributed among primary, secondary and tertiary health facilities, providing refraction and managing common ocular pathologies along with the Ophthalmic Technicians, resolving the majority of patient needs and needing to refer 28% of cases to other professionals. The lack of equipment was the main expressed barrier to the provision of effective eye care services. According to them, the optometry curriculum responds well (91%) to the competencies required at the workplace. Areas for improvement training and provision of services were identified and presented in the study. Conclusion: Optometrists are providing effective services needing to work closely and in coordination with other professionals. This research revealed the need for equipment provision and continuing education