4,722 research outputs found

    Diseño de un proyecto de investigación básico

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    Nos proponemos que los estudiantes entren en contacto con las actividades de investigación y que, de manera autónoma, aunque guiados por el profesor, encuentren la respuesta a una pregunta mediante el desarrollo del método científico, haciendo uso también de unos procedimientos básicos para la elaboración de un proyecto de investigación.We propose that the students come in contact with the activities of research and that, in an autonomous manner, while guided by the professor, to find the answer to a question through the development of the scientific method, by using a few basic procedures for the preparation of a research project

    "Does replication groups scoring reduce false positive rate in SNP interaction discovery?: Response"

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p/> <p>A response to Toplak et al: Does replication groups scoring reduce false positive rate in SNP interaction discovery? BMC Genomics 2010, 11:58.</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The genomewide evaluation of genetic epistasis is a computationally demanding task, and a current challenge in Genetics. HFCC (Hypothesis-Free Clinical Cloning) is one of the methods that have been suggested for genomewide epistasis analysis. In order to perform an exhaustive search of epistasis, HFCC has implemented several tools and data filters, such as the use of multiple replication groups, and direction of effect and control filters. A recent article has claimed that the use of multiple replication groups (as implemented in HFCC) does not reduce the false positive rate, and we hereby try to clarify these issues.</p> <p>Results/Discussion</p> <p>HFCC uses, as an analysis strategy, the possibility of replicating findings in multiple replication groups, in order to select a liberal subset of preliminary results that are above a statistical criterion and consistent in direction of effect. We show that the use of replication groups and the direction filter reduces the false positive rate of a study, although at the expense of lowering the overall power of the study. A post-hoc analysis of these selected signals in the combined sample could then be performed to select the most promising results.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Replication of results in independent samples is generally used in scientific studies to establish credibility in a finding. Nonetheless, the combined analysis of several datasets is known to be a preferable and more powerful strategy for the selection of top signals. HFCC is a flexible and complete analysis tool, and one of its analysis options combines these two strategies: A preliminary multiple replication group analysis to eliminate inconsistent false positive results, and a post-hoc combined-group analysis to select the top signals.</p

    The presence of toxic pollutants in buildings and construction materials increases the risk of cancer

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    To this day, construction materials that contain toxic and carcinogenic compounds are still used. These materials contribute to increase the levels of these compounds inside buildings, thus increasing the risk of cancer. It is necessary to avoid the use of these materials, carry out correct ventilation of buildings, improve energy efficiency, and design and build green buildings in order to reduce the risk of cancer and therefore to improve the health of the inhabitants

    ¿Influye la gestión de los empleados en su decisión de seguir utilizando el teletrabajo después de la pandemia?

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    [ENG] This paper analyses the intention of Spanish companies to continue using telework after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. With this aim, we consider the influence that the management of several variables related to one of the key stakeholders, employees, has on this intention. This line of study is of great interest, given the implications not only for the management of companies, but also for key aspects such as the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. To this end, we start with a review of the relevant literatura on this topic, which allows us to raise various research hypotheses. This is followed by an analysis of a sample of 1,879 Spanish SMEs though a binary logistic regression model, which shows the positive influence of managers’ university education and companies’ orientation towards innovation on the use of telework after the pandemic. [SPA] Este trabajo analiza la intención de las empresas españolas de seguir utilizando el teletrabajo tras el fin de la pandemia del COVID-19. Con este objetivo, consideramos la influencia que tiene en esta intención la gestión de diversas variables relacionadas con uno de los principales grupos de interés, los empleados. Esta línea de estudio es de gran interés dada las implicaciones no solo para la gestión de las empresas, sino también para aspectos clave como los objetivos de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible. Para ello, partimos de una revisión de la literatura relevante sobre este tema, lo que nos permite plantear diversas hipótesis de investigación. A continuación, se analiza una muestra de 1.879 pymes españolas mediante un modelo de regresión logística binaria, que muestra la influencia positiva de la formación universitaria de los directivos y la orientación a la innovación de las empresas en el uso del teletrabajo tras la pandemiaThis research was supported by the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja - UNIR (Funder Identifier: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100017407) through the Observatorio Competitividad Pequeña y Mediana Empresa UNIR-FAEDPYME programme (Proyecto B0036)

    Entre la propaganda y el espionaje : la delegación especial para la información de residentes en territorio liberado (DIDREM) en la España de la Guerra Civil (1936-1939)

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    Este texto analiza las actividades de la Delegación Especial para la Información de Residentes en Territorio Liberado (DIDREM), una organización  en funcionamiento durante los años de la Guerra Civil (1936-1939), conformada por personal voluntario, formalmente destinada a recabar información sobre las personas que se encontraban en Madrid y, con posterioridad, en el resto del territorio sometido por las tropas franquistas y cuyos datos fueron empleados con fines represores, ya durante la guerra y, particularmente, al finalizar ésta

    Knowledge, attitudes and practices of primary healthcare professionals to female genital mutilation in Valencia, Spain: are we ready for this challenge?

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    The practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a deeply-rooted tradition in 30 Sub-Saharan and Middle-East countries which affects approximately 200 million women and girls worldwide. The practice leads to devastating consequences on the health and quality of life of women and girls in both the short and long term. Globalizing processes and migration flows have recorded cases of this practice worldwide representing for healthcare professionals an emerging challenge on how to approach their healthcare in a transcultural, ethical and respectful way. No survey to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices on FGM among primary healthcare professionals has been conducted in the Valencian region of Spain to date

    Limits on the brane fluctuations mass and on the brane tension scale from electron-positron colliders

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    In the context of the brane-world scenarios with compactified large extra dimensions, we study the production of the possible massive brane oscillations (branons) in electron-positron colliders. We compute their contribution to the electroweak gauge bosons decay width and to the single-photon and single-Z processes. With CERN LEP-I results and assuming nonobservation at LEP-II we present exclusion plots for the brane tension tau=f(4) and the branon mass M. Prospects for the next generation of electron-positron colliders are also considered

    Demand and Storage Management in a Prosumer Nanogrid Based on Energy Forecasting

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    Energy efficiency and consumers' role in the energy system are among the strategic research topics in power systems these days. Smart grids (SG) and, specifically, microgrids, are key tools for these purposes. This paper presents a three-stage strategy for energy management in a prosumer nanogrid. Firstly, energy monitoring is performed and time-space compression is applied as a tool for forecasting energy resources and power quality (PQ) indices; secondly, demand is managed, taking advantage of smart appliances (SA) to reduce the electricity bill; finally, energy storage systems (ESS) are also managed to better match the forecasted generation of each prosumer. Results show how these strategies can be coordinated to contribute to energy management in the prosumer nanogrid. A simulation test is included, which proves how effectively the prosumers' power converters track the power setpoints obtained from the proposed strategy.Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion ; Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional

    Estudio del acoplamiento acústico en la catedral de Toledo a partir de medidas experimentales.

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    Las iglesias son espacios acústicos muy complejos conformados por subespacios de diferentes volúmenes. Una de las consecuencias de esta complejidad volumétrica es la aparición del fenómeno de acoplamiento acústico. A partir de medidas acústicas in situ realizadas en la Catedral de Toledo se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de las curvas de caída energética obtenidas experimentalmente en aquellos espacios que a priori son favorables a la aparición de dicho fenómeno acústico