724 research outputs found

    La técnica de Spaso para reducción de la luxación anterior de hombro.

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    Hemos revisado retrospectivamente los pacientes con luxación anterior de hombro que hemos tratado con la maniobra de reducción conocida como la técnica de Spaso. Hemos evaluado a 23 pacientes con luxación glenohumeral antero-inferior. En diecinueve casos era el primer episodio de luxación, mientras que cuatro casos correspondían a luxación recidivante. En todos los pacientes, menos en dos casos, se pudo conseguir la reducción de manera sencilla e indolora sin necesidad de medicación. La técnica consiste en disponer al paciente en decúbito supino, se coloca el miembro superior afectado, en extensión completa del codo y dirigido al cenit, se realiza tracción suave mientras se realiza una rotación externa del miembro. Presentamos esta técnica dada su sencillez, su fiabilidad, su reproducibilidad y su baja tasa de complicaciones.We have reviewed retrospectively a group of patients with previous traumatic dislocation of shoulder trea- ted with of Spaso maneuver. We have evaluated 23 patients with antero-inferior glenohumeral dislocation. In nineteen cases it was the first episode of dislocation, whereas four cases refered recurrent instability. In all patients, except in two cases, the reduction was simple and painless with no need of medication. The Spaso technique consists of arran- ging the patient in supine position, with the affected superior member, in complete extension of elbow, to the cenit, while traction is exerced, with mild external rotation of the arm. We presented this technique that we consider simple, safe and reproductible with a low rate of complications

    Effect of environmental conditions and phenology in the dispersal of secondary Erysiphe necator conidia in a vineyard

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    An integrated powdery mildew management strategy to identify the principal moments of secondary Erysiphe necator conidia dispersal in a vineyard based on aerobiological, phenological and meteorological data was developed. An adaptation of the physiological P-days model was conducted to obtain a descriptive equation for the prediction of the advantageous meteorological conditions for Erysiphe necator conidia dispersal in the vineyards of the Ribeiro Designation of Origin area. Moreover, a regression model was developed to predict the conidia concentration as a function of the weather and aerobiological variables with the highest influence on airborne E. necator spores. Additionally, phenological observations were conducted during the vegetative cycle of Vitis vinifera, with the aim to identify the most susceptible phenological stages to powdery mildew infection by relating them with the detected atmospheric spore concentrations. The study was carried out from 2008 to 2018 in an experimental vineyard. The E. necator spores were trapped using a Lanzoni VPPS-2000 sampler and the phenological observations were conducted following the BBCH standardized scale. The highest total fungal spore amount per season in the atmosphere of the vineyard was detected in 2013 with 4828 spores m-3, while the lowest amount was recorded in 2009 with 883 spores m-3. In general, the highest daily airborne spore concentrations were detected during the Flowering (stage 6) or in the previous and next stages, whereas the maximum total spore amount by stage was recorded during Development of Fruits (stage 7). The proposed threshold of P-days for potential secondary infections in the Ribeiro D.O. ranges from 120 to 160 P-days. The combination of aerobiological, phenological and meteorological data provides us a useful tool for the knowledge of the Erysiphe necator conidia dispersal behaviour bringing agricultural practices closer to a sustainable system

    Results from Bottom Trawl Survey on Flemish Cap of July-August 2005

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    A stratified random bottom trawl survey on Flemish Cap was carried out from July 1st to August 21th 2005. The area surveyed was extended up to depths of 800 fathoms (1 400 meters) following the same procedures as in previous years and increasing the number of hauls planned (195). The survey was carried out by the R/V Vizconde de Eza with the usual survey gear (Lo foten). A total of 176 valid hauls were made by the vessel R/V Vizconde de Eza, 117 up to 730 meters depth and 59 up to 1 400 meters. Survey results including abundance indices of the main commercial species and age distributions for cod, redfish, American plaice, Greenland halibut and Shrimp are presented. The general indexes for this year are estimated taken into account the traditional swept area (strata 1-19, up to depths of 730 m) and the total area surveyed (strata 1-34, up to depths of 1 400 m)

    Assessment of the Cod Stock in NAFO Division 3M

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    An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Division 3M is performed. A Bayesian model, as used in the last assessments, was used to perform the analysis. As there are inconsistencies with total catch of last year, a prior was added for 2011 catch. Results indicate a fairly substantial increase in SSB, reaching a value well above Blim. The sixyears retrospective plot shows that the recruitment is overestimated every year. Three year projections indicate that fishing at the Fstatusquo level should allow SSB to increase slowly, although abundance will remain at levels below those observed at the beginning of the series. If the fishing mortality were return to the levels seen before 1995, stock recovery would become improbable

    Comparative Analysis of Muscle Transcriptome between Pig Genotypes Identifies Genes and Regulatory Mechanisms Associated to Growth, Fatness and Metabolism.

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    Iberian ham production includes both purebred (IB) and Duroc-crossbred (IBxDU) Iberian pigs, which show important differences in meat quality and production traits, such as muscle growth and fatness. This experiment was conducted to investigate gene expression differences, transcriptional regulation and genetic polymorphisms that could be associated with the observed phenotypic differences between IB and IBxDU pigs. Nine IB and 10 IBxDU pigs were slaughtered at birth. Morphometric measures and blood samples were obtained and samples from Biceps femoris muscle were employed for compositional and transcriptome analysis by RNA-Seq technology. Phenotypic differences were evident at this early age, including greater body size and weight in IBxDU and greater Biceps femoris intramuscular fat and plasma cholesterol content in IB newborns. We detected 149 differentially expressed genes between IB and IBxDU neonates (p < 0.01 and Fold-Change > 1. 5). Several were related to adipose and muscle tissues development (DLK1, FGF21 or UBC). The functional interpretation of the transcriptomic differences revealed enrichment of functions and pathways related to lipid metabolism in IB and to cellular and muscle growth in IBxDU pigs. Protein catabolism, cholesterol biosynthesis and immune system were functions enriched in both genotypes. We identified transcription factors potentially affecting the observed gene expression differences. Some of them have known functions on adipogenesis (CEBPA, EGRs), lipid metabolism (PPARGC1B) and myogenesis (FOXOs, MEF2D, MYOD1), which suggest a key role in the meat quality differences existing between IB and IBxDU hams. We also identified several polymorphisms showing differential segregation between IB and IBxDU pigs. Among them, non-synonymous variants were detected in several transcription factors as PPARGC1B and TRIM63 genes, which could be associated to altered gene function. Taken together, these results provide information about candidate genes, metabolic pathways and genetic polymorphisms potentially involved in phenotypic differences between IB and IBxDU pigs associated to meat quality and production traits

    An assessment of beaked redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) in NAFO Division 3M, from a biological based approach to recent levels of natural mortality (2011-2016)

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    The 3M redfish assessment is focused on the beaked redfish, regarded as a management unit composed of two populations from two very similar species: the Flemish Cap S. mentella and S. fasciatus. The reason for this approach is the historical dominance of this group in the 3M redfish commercial catch until 2005. However a new golden redfish fishery (S. marinus) started on September 2005 on shallower depths of the Flemish Cap bank above 300m, and the Flemish Cap cod fishery reopened in 2010. These new realities implied a revision of catch estimates, in order to split recent redfish commercial catch and by-catch from the major fleets on Div. 3M into golden (S. marinus) and beaked (S. mentella and S. faThe Extended Survivor Analysis assessment used as tuning file the 1989-2016 EU survey abundance at age matrix included in a revised input framework. Continuing pressure over Flemish Cap redfish stocks by cod predation, at levels higher, or much higher, than the levels prior to 2006 lead to higher natural mortalities since then. In order to include an independent approach to natural mortality in the sensitivity M framework, for the more recent years (2011-2016) natural mortality has been estimated from a number of different biological models, some size/age-independent and others size/age-dependent. These different estimates were arranged in two sets and tuned to survey at age data. A natural mortality of 0.1 on 2015-2016 and the natural mortalities adjusted on previous assessments were found to be the most suitable option to M input. A 2017-2013 retrospective XSA was performed, confirming the consistency of the present with preceding results as regards stock biomass, female spawning biomass and fishing mortality.sciatus) redfish catches. Above average year classes and high survival rates allowed a rapid growth of biomass and abundance 2003 onwards, pulling the stock to a 2008-2010 high. Since 2009 abundance went down for causes other than fishing, being still above the 1990’s low in 2016. By the turn of the decade stock biomass and female spawning biomass (SSB) shown marginal declines as well, but reversed on 2011-2012. Individual growth of survivors and low fishing mortalities sustained stock biomass and SSB at high levels till 2015-2016. Recruitment at age 4 increased from 2002 till 2006 and was maintained at a maximum level till 2009. Recruitment declined since then and is kept on 2015-2016 at the low of the weak year classes from the 1990’s, while SSB is still well above the size that originated the high 2002-2006 recruitments. Despite the significant decline so far natural mortality has not flattened yet. If natural mortality and fishing mortality stay at their most recent levels, the actual high of female spawning biomass can hold on 2018-2019. But on the long term it will be natural mortality, namely over pre recruited ages, to determine the future of beaked redfish as a fishery resource. On 2015 STACFIS remind that projections are based in the assumption that natural mortality stay at its most recent level on the present year and at least on the two next coming years. And that, taking into account the uncertainty on the present and future level of natural mortality, its impact on female spawning stock biomass at the end of any projection is unknown. On 2017 these constraints are still in place, and therefore short and medium term projections are not presented.Versión del edito