3,021 research outputs found

    Ella, Diálogos para la (auto)concepción de la mujer

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    El propósito del texto se centra en reinventar, sin limitantes estereotipadas, con discursos autopoiéticos, con estructuras espacio-temporales flexibles, con lo que potencialmente la mujer puede deconstruir-reconstruir su identidad, y por lo tanto, renovar su entorno. Es una obra que se dirige a las identidades, a las memorias, a los entornos, a las realidades y a las fantasías, esta obra encuentra a su público en tanto su público se encuentre dentro de ésta. La obra es para mujeres, para hombres. El texto habla entre líneas, entre tiempos. Busca a quien llegar, habla de hechos y propone utopías

    Tecnical Note: Analysis of non-regulated vehicular emissions by extractive FTIR spectrometry: tests on a hybrid car in Mexico City

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    International audienceA methodology to acquire valuable information on the chemical composition and evolution of vehicular emissions is presented. The analysis of the gases is performed by passing a constant flow of a sample gas from the tail-pipe into a 10 L multi-pass cell. The absorption spectra within the cell are obtained using an FTIR spectrometer at 0.5 cm?1 resolution along a 13.1 m optical path. Additionally, the total flow from the exhaust is continuously measured from a differential pressure sensor on a \textit{Pitot} tube installed at the exit of the exhaust. This configuration aims to obtain a good speciation capability by coadding spectra during 30 s and reporting the emission (in g/km) of both criteria and non-regulated pollutants, such as CO2, CO, NO, SO2, NH3, HCHO and some NMHC, during predetermined driving cycles. The advantages and disadvantages of increasing the measurement frequency, as well as the effect of other parameters such as spectral resolution, cell volume and flow rate, are discussed. To test and evaluate the proposed technique, experiments were performed on a dynamometer running FTP-75 and typical driving cycles for the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) on a Toyota Prius hybrid vehicle. This car is an example of recent marketed automotive technology dedicated to reduced emissions, increasing the need for sensitive detection techniques. This study shows the potential of the proposed technique to measure and report in real time the emissions of a large variety of pollutants, even from a super ultra-low emission vehicle (SULEV). The emissions of HC's, NOx, CO and CO2 obtained here were compared to experiments performed in other locations with the same model vehicle. The proposed technique provides a tool for future studies comparing in detail the emissions of vehicles using alternative fuels and emission control systems

    Elecciones, representación y gobernabilidad en un nuevo marco normativo: el nuevo gobierno en el Distrito Federal; los retos de la gobernabilidad en el D.F.

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    ¿Qué factores estimularon la democratización del Distrito Federal? A esta pregunta responde el autor del artículo al analizar elementos como el incremento de la participación ciudadana en los procesos electorales, la colegialidad y la confianza en el órgano electoral, entre otros. En el escrito se revisan, además, las condiciones generales de la votación en relación con las posibles motivaciones de los votantes para, finalmente, deducir las condiciones de gobernabilidad con las que inició el gobierno perredista, desde las perspectivas legal y política.What factors stimulated the democratization within the Distrito Federal? The author responds this question by analysing elements such as the increase of citizen participation in the electoral process, the academic stature and trust in the electorate organism, among others. In his study, the author revises the general conditions of the polls in relation to the possible motivation of the voters to finally infer, from legal and political perspectives, the conditions of govemability with which the perredista government started

    Analysis of non-regulated vehicular emissions by extractive FTIR spectrometry: tests on a hybrid car in Mexico City

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    International audienceA methodology to acquire valuable information on the chemical composition and evolution of vehicular emissions is presented. The analysis of the gases is performed by passing a constant flow of a sample gas from the tail-pipe into a 10 L multi-pass cell. The absorption spectra within the cell are obtained using an FTIR spectrometer at 0.5 cm-1 resolution along a 13.1 m optical path. Additionally, the total flow from the exhaust is continuously measured from a differential pressure sensor on a Pitot tube installed at the exit of the exhaust. This configuration aims to obtain a good speciation capability by coadding spectra during 30 s and reporting the emission (in g/km) of key and non-regulated pollutants, such as CO2, CO, NO, SO2, NH3, HCHO, NMHC, during predetermined driving routines. The advantages and disadvantages of increasing the acquisition frequency, as well as the effect of other parameters such as spectral resolution, cell volume and flow rate, are discussed. With the aim of testing and evaluating the proposed technique, experiments were performed on a dynamometer running FTP-75 and typical driving cycles of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) on a Toyota Prius hybrid vehicle. This car is an example of recent automotive technology to reach the market dedicated to reduce emissions and therefore pressing the need of low detection techniques. This study shows the potential of the proposed technique to measure and report in real time the emissions of a large variety of pollutants, even from a super ultra-low emission vehicle (SULEV). The emissions of HC's, NOx, CO and CO2 obtained here are similar to experiments performed in other locations with the same vehicle model. Some differences suggest that an inefficient combustion process and type of gasoline used in the MCMA may be partly responsible for lower CO2 and higher CO and NO emission factors. Also, a fast reduction of NO emission to very low values is observed after cold ignition, giving rise to moderate N2O and eventually NH3 emissions. The proposed technique provides a tool for future studies comparing in detail the emissions of different technologies using alternative fuels and emission control systems


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    A simple DC-UPS based in forward-forward topology, design and simulation

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    This paper presents the analysis, design and simulation of a simple DC-UPS converter with integrated back-up and automatic transition. This converter makes automatic transitions between the main AC and the battery when a failure occurs; and it delivers uninterrupted DC power to the load through two independent power sources of commercial input power and battery power. The converter has the following characteristics: automatic transition between the main and the battery, no additional control to detect failure in main, single structure, galvanic isolation, multi output voltages capability and only one switch control for two operation modes: normal and back-up. The analysis, design and simulation for this converter are presented

    Isolated DC-DC UPS based in a forward-forward converter analysis and design

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    This paper presents the analysis, design and simulation from a simple DC-UPS converter with integrated back-up and automatic transition. This converter makes automatic transition between the main AC and the battery when a failure occurs, and it delivers uninterrupted DC power to the load through two independent power sources of commercial input power and battery power. The converter has the following characteristics: automatic transition between the main and the battery, no additional control to detect failure in the main, single structure, galvanic isolation, multi output voltages capability and only one switch control for two operation modes normal and back-up. The analysis, design, simulation and experimental results for this converter are presented

    Obtenciòn del coeficiente de descarga del sistema de admisión de un motor Honda CGL 125 mediante un banco de flujo estacionario

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    Uno de los parámetros de mayor importancia en el desempeño de las máquinas de desplazamiento positivo, y en particular los Motores de Combustión Interna Alternativos (MCIA), es el rendimiento volumétrico (ηv) que es un indicador del vaciado y llenado de los cilindros del motor, a este proceso se le denomina renovación de la carga y está directamente relacionada con las prestaciones del motor, ya que la cantidad de aire introducida al cilindro es la limitante de la potencia máxima del motor. En este contexto, el desempeño de las válvulas es vital para este proceso, y una manera de conocer tal desempeño es el Coeficiente de Descarga, el cual se define como una medida de la permeabilidad del sistema, es decir, la relación del flujo medido experimentalmente con el flujo de referencia o teórico del mismo elemento. Este trabajo describe el funcionamiento de un arreglo experimental en banco de flujo, para medir el coeficiente de descarga contra el levantamiento de válvula en un motor Honda CGL 125 que corresponde a una motocicleta de 4 tiempos. Además, se midió la influencia que tienen: un conducto llamado acoplador, el carburador, la base del filtro y el filtro mismo. Los resultados son claros y de gran interés para el diseño del sistema de admisión.Palabras clave: coeficiente de descarga, diseño del sistema de admisión, rendimien

    Transferencia de tecnología, área de liofilizados no oncológicos

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    Se expresan los resultados alcanzados con base en los objetivos definidos, aprendizajes personales y reflexiones colectivas relacionadas a la experiencia adquirida en este proyecto, cuyo principal enfoque es la implementación y optimización de procesos de fabricación de medicamento, que está asignado al equipo de “Transferencia de Tecnología” perteneciente a “Tecnología Farmacéutica” específicamente en el área de los Liofilizados no Oncológicos – Viales Ámpula, edificio B de la planta localizada en Tlajomulco, Jalisco.ITESO, A.C