83 research outputs found

    Nesting Of Montezuma Quail In Mexico

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    Although Mexico has the greatest diversity of quail of any New World country, basic information on the ecology and life history of Mexican quails remains unknown. Our objective was to describe nest characteristics of the Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae montezumae) in central Mexico. We searched for Montezuma quail nests within 8 counties in the state of México, Mexico during May–September 2003. We conducted nest searches along 66 transects (3–5 km × 40 m) distributed across 17 study sites. We recorded vegetation community, elevation, and nesting substrate for each nest. We measured nest characteristics: height, depth, nest entrance diameter, and orientation. If eggs were found, we recorded clutch size and egg mass, texture, color, and shape. We observed 324 quail and located 6 nests along a 254-km route. Nests were located at elevations ranging from 2,568–2,692 m above sea level. Mean (± standard deviation) nest height and depth were 122.2 ± 7.7 mm and 195 ± 61.8 mm, respectively. Nest entrance orientation for 5 of 6 nests was toward a southerly direction. Mean nest egg mass was 9.9 ± 0.1 g. Our study provides basic and descriptive information on a poorly known quail species in Mexico

    Estrategias de climatización pasivas y semi-pasivas para viviendas en clima cálido-húmedo

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    La presente investigación se centra en tratar de resolver problemas relacionados con el confort higrotérmico para viviendas en clima cálido-húmedo, tratando de implementar sistemas pasivos y/o semi-pasivos de climatización y deshumidificación del ambiente. Se proponen una serie de estrategias sugeridas por la bibliografía revisada y se evalúa su desempeño empleando software de simulación y modelos matemáticos detallados

    Trabalho independente na educação do graduado em educação, especialidade matemática.

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    El artículo trata acerca del trabajo independiente de los estudiantes en la formación de profesores que se desarrolla en las universidades cubanas, específicamente en la Licenciatura en Educación. Matemática. El trabajo independiente constituye el medio de inclusión de los estudiantes en la actividad cognoscitiva independiente, es una forma de preparación que orientado por el docente manifiesta el tránsito hacia la independencia cognoscitiva mediante la apropiación y desarrollo de habilidades para resolver las tareas. El sistema de trabajo independiente debe ser concebido y planificado de conjunto con el sistema o subsistema de clases teniendo en cuenta sus diferentes formas de organización del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. Sus objetivos y tareas están estrechamente relacionados con los de la unidad y el tema o los temas, unas veces derivados gradualmente otras buscando la sistematización y profundización. Su orientación y control debe estar planificado por el docente. Su diseño en el subsistema Funciones exponenciales y logarítmicas responde a los objetivos de la disciplina Fundamentos Básicos de la Matemática propiciando la independencia cognoscitiva de los estudiantes. Tiene como premisas el vínculo interdisciplinar, la complejización y la atención a la diversidad a través de actividades por desarrollar con libros de texto y las TIC, en su vínculo con el contexto social.The article is focused on the independent work of the students at the Cuban universities professor´s formation, specifically in the Education Bachelor in Mathematics. The independent work constitutes the way to include the students in the cognoscitive activity independent, it is an education form to transit toward the cognoscitive independence guided by the professor to appropriate and develop of abilities to resolve the tasks. The independent work system must be conceived and planned overall with the system or classrooms subsystem taking in to account the different forms of organization on the teaching and learning process. The objectives and tasks are narrowly related with the unit and the theme or the themes, sometimes derivative gradually another one looking for the systematization and deepening. The orientation and control must be planned by the professor. The design in the subsystem Exponential and logarithmic functions respond to discipline's objectives the Mathematics Basic propitiating the students’ cognoscitive independence. It has as premises the link interdisciplinary, the complexity and the attention to the diversity through activities for developing with textbooks and the ICT, in its link with the social context.The article is about the independent work of the students at the Cuban universities professor's formation, specifically in the Education Bachelor in Mathematics. The independent work involves the way to include the students in the cognoscitive activity independent, it is an education form to transit towards the cognoscitive independence guided by the teacher to appropriate and develop of abilities to solve the tasks. The independent work system must be conceived and planned overall with the system or classrooms subsystem realizing the different forms of organization on the teaching and learning process. The objectives and tasks are narrowly related to the unit and the theme or the themes, sometimes derivatively gradual one for the systematization and deepening. The orientation and control must be planned by the professor. The design in the subsystem Exponential and logarithmic functions respond to discipline's objectives Mathematics Basic propitiating the students' cognitive independence. It has as the premises the interdisciplinary link, the complexity and the attention to the diversity through activities for developing with books of text and the computer, in his link with the social context


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    ABSTRACT ∙ The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus, Passeridae), native to Eurasia and northern Africa, was introduced to the Americas and Australia where it inhabits mainly urban environments. The objective of this study was to determine the distribution of the House Sparrow in Venezuela from our own observations and data reported in personal communications, published material, and eBird records. House Sparrows were recorded for first time in Venezuela in 1996 at the port of La Guaira. Since then, records have increased, and we found 133 records of the House Sparrow until July 2015, in the states of Falcón, Zulia, Vargas, Miranda, Carabobo, Anzoátegui, and Los Roques Archipelago. The states of Falcón and Vargas included the greatest number of records, and 2015 was the year with the most records. Most sightings occurred in urban areas of coastal Venezuela. House Sparrows were recorded within three protected areas: Refugio de Fauna Silvestre de Cuare (Falcón), Refugio de Fauna Silvestre y Reserva de Pesca Ciénaga de los Olivitos (Zulia), and Parque Nacional Archipiélago Los Roques. Two records for Caracas, one for Barquisimeto and another for Margarita Island, need confirmation. Breeding was confirmed in five states where the House Sparrow is currently present, and records indicated that the nesting season extends from February to November. Most nests (84%) were located in man‐made structures, but two breeding records included a nesting colony in cavities of an exotic palm (Phoenix sp.) in Falcón and a nest under a pile of dead coral fragments in Los Roques Archipelago. We found evidence of foraging on new food items from two coastal trees (Conocarpus erectus and Coccoloba uvifera). Formal research and long‐term surveys are required to assess the functional ecological role of this exotic species in the avian communities of Venezuela.  RESUMEN ∙ Distribución actual, uso de hábitat y registros reproductivos del Gorrión Común (Passer domesticus) en Venezuela El Gorrión Común (Passer domesticus, Passeridae), nativo de Eurasia y el norte de África, fue introducido en gran parte de América y Australia, donde ocupa principalmente hábitats urbanos. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en determinar la distribución del Gorrión Común en Venezuela con base en nuestras observaciones y datos reportados en comunicaciones personales, material publicado y registros en eBird. Los Gorriones Comunes se registraron por primera vez en Venezuela en 1996 en el puerto de La Guaira. Desde entonces, el número de registros se ha incrementado y nosotros encontramos 133 registros de Gorrión Común fechados hasta el julio de 2015 para los estados Falcón, Zulia, Vargas, Miranda, Carabobo, Anzoátegui y el Archipiélago de Los Roques. Los estados con mayor número de registros fueron Falcón y Vargas, y el año con el mayor número de registros fue 2015. La mayor parte de los avistamientos se realizaron dentro de áreas urbanas en la costa de Venezuela. Se registraron gorriones en tres áreas protegidas: el Refugio de Fauna Silvestre de Cuare (Falcón), el Refugio de Fauna Silvestre y Reserva de Pesca Ciénaga de los Olivitos (Zulia) y el Parque Nacional Archipiélago Los Roques. Dos reportes de avistamientos para Caracas, uno para Barquisimeto y otro para la Isla de Margarita requieren confirmación. La reproducción fue confirmada en cinco de los estados donde el Gorrión Común está presente actualmente, y los registros indican que la época reproductiva se extiende de febrero a noviembre. La mayoría de los nidos (84%) se ubicaron en estructuras hechas por el hombre, pero dos registros reproductivos incluyen una colonia de anidación en cavidades de una palma exótica (Phoenix sp.) en Falcón, y un nido bajo una pila de fragmentos de coral muerto en el Archipiélago de Los Roques. Encontramos nueva evidencia de alimentación con ítems de dos árboles costeros (Conocarpus erectus y Coccoloba uvifera). Estudios formales y monitoreo a largo plazo son necesarios para evaluar el rol ecológico funcional de esta especie exótica en las comunidades de aves en Venezuela

    Mesozooplankton distribution, production and respiration in the global ocean.

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    Mesozooplankton biomass, abundance and mass-specific physiological rates as well as community production and respiration in the upper 2000 m were assessed from samples collected during the Malaspina circumnavigation expedition (~35ºN-40ºS) using an image-based analysis system (IBS). Equations relating metabolic rates, temperature, and body weight, were developed according to temperature ranges found at the different ocean regions and depth layers. High abundance and biomass were observed in the epipelagic zone and decreasing with depth as expected. However, high biomass was also found beyond 1000 m related to the colder and productive waters of the eastern regions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Specific growth and respiration rates followed a similar pattern and were highly correlated with temperature (r2=0.835 and 0.806 , respectively). Therefore, higher values were observed in the tropical and subtropical zones as the effect of higher temperature. Community production and respiration were considerably higher in the epipelagic layer, matching the distribution of biomass, with high values below 1000 m in the eastern Pacific/Indian Oceans. Global metabolism assessed through the IBS was similar to previous results based on data review.MALASPINA (CSD2008-00077

    Caracterización de pacientes mayores de 60 años con oclusión intestinal atendidos en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico “Dr. León Cuervo Rubio”

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    Introduction: intestinal obstruction is defined as the set of symptoms and signs resulting from an interruption of intestinal transit.Objective: to surgically characterize patients over 60 years old with a diagnosis of intestinal occlusion attended Dr. León Cuervo Rubio Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital between 2017 and 2019.Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in patients with a diagnosis of mechanical intestinal occlusion, attended the Emergency Department at Dr. León Cuervo Rubio Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital, between 2017 and 2019. The sample consisted of 252 patients.Results: male sex (52,77 %) and the age group between 60 and 64 years (26,98 %) predominated; 21 % of the patients presented abdominal pain. The main causes of intestinal occlusion were flanges and adhesions (36,9 %) and tumors (30,9 %). A total of 37,3 % of the patients were treated by lysis of flanges; 77,38 % showed a favorable evolution. The main complications were respiratory disorders (20,63 %) and sepsis (11,11 %).Conclusions: adults over 60 years old, mainly male, were prone to the development of intestinal occlusion; where pain was the main reason for attending health services. Flanges and adhesions were the main causes of occlusion, requiring lysis of the flanges as an intervention. Despite the high percentage of patients with favorable evolution, respiratory complications and sepsis were reported.Introducción: la obstrucción intestinal se define como el conjunto de síntomas y signos a consecuencia de una interrupción del tránsito intestinal. Objetivo: caracterizar quirúrgicamente a los pacientes mayores de 60 años con diagnóstico de oclusión intestinal atendidos en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente “Dr. León Cuervo Rubio”, entre 2017 y 2019.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en pacientes con diagnóstico de oclusión intestinal mecánica, atendidos en el Servicio de Emergencia del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente “Dr. León Cuervo Rubio”, entre 2017 y 2019. La muestra estuvo formada por 252 pacientes.Resultado: se encontró predominio del sexo masculino (52,77 %) y del grupo de edades entre 60 y 64 años (26,98 %); el 21 % de los pacientes presentaron dolor abdominal. Como principales causas de oclusión intestinal se encontraron las bridas y adherencias (36,9 %) y tumores (30,9 %). El 37,3 % de los pacientes fueron tratados mediante la lisis de bridas; el 77,38 % presentó una evolución favorable. Como principales complicaciones se presentaron afecciones respiratorias (20,63 %), y la sepsis (11,11 %).Conclusiones: los adultos mayores de 60 años, principalmente del sexo masculino, fueron propensos al desarrollo de la oclusión intestinal; donde el dolor fue el principal motivo de asistencia a los servicios de salud. Las bridas y adherencias constituyeron las principales causas de oclusión, necesitándose como intervención la lisis de bridas. Pese al alto porcentaje de pacientes con evolución favorable, se reportaron complicaciones respiratorias y la sepsis

    Plastic debris in the open ocean

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    There is a rising concern regarding the accumulation of floating plastic debris in the open ocean. However, the magnitude and the fate of this pollution are still open questions. Using data from the Malaspina 2010 circumnavigation, regional surveys, and previously published reports, we show a worldwide distribution of plastic on the surface of the open ocean, mostly accumulating in the convergence zones of each of the five subtropical gyres with comparable density. However, the global load of plastic on the open ocean surface was estimated to be on the order of tens of thousands of tons, far less than expected. Our observations of the size distribution of floating plastic debris point at important size-selective sinks removing millimeter-sized fragments of floating plastic on a large scale. This sink may involve a combination of fast nano-fragmentation of the microplastic into particles of microns or smaller, their transference to the ocean interior by food webs and ballasting processes, and processes yet to be discovered. Resolving the fate of the missing plastic debris is of fundamental importance to determine the nature and significance of the impacts of plastic pollution in the ocean

    Vertical variability of trophic positions of zooplankton in the deep Ocean

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    Zooplankton plays a key role in oceanic ecosystems. However, the trophic ecology of organisms in deep layers of the ocean is poorly known. In this study we analyze the variability of trophic positions of zooplankton collected across three ocean basins in the epi-, meso and bathypelagic domains. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes were used as indicators of the sources of nutrients and positions within the food web. The enrichment in heavy nitrogen isotopes with depth and the correlation between surface and deep samples revealed that deep zooplankton was supported by local epipelagic production, subsequently processed through the water column. In addition the nitrogen isotope enrichment of carnivores vs. omnivores was consistent across ocean biomes and water layers, suggesting a similar trophic structure of the pelagic food web in the deep ocean despite variations in the nitrogen sources. Siphonofora, Chaetognata and Myctophida were the top predators while Calanoid Copepoda and Mysidacea displayed the lowest trophic positions. In contrast, carbon isotopes did not show significant variations with depth or trophic groups implying low influence of coastal production in deep ocean food webs

    Correlation between clinical parameters characterising peri-implant and periodontal health : a practice-based research in Spain in a series of patients with implants installed 4-5 years ago

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    Objectives: To explore peri-implant health (and relation with periodontal status) 4-5 years after implant insertion. Study D esign: A practice-based dental research network multicentre study was performed in 11 Spanish centres. The first patient/month with implant insertion in 2004 was considered. Per patient four teeth (one per quadrant) showing the highest bone loss in the 2004 panoramic X-ray were selected for periodontal status assessment. Bone losses in implants were calculated as the differences between 2004 and 2009 bone levels in radiographs. Results: A total of 117 patients were included. Of the 408 teeth considered, 73 (17.9%) were lost in 2009 (losing risk: >50% for bone losses ?7mm). A total of 295 implants were reviewed. Eight of 117 (6.8%) patients had lost implants (13 of 295 implants installed; 4.4%). Implant loss rate (quadrant status) was 1.4% (edentulous), 3.6% (preserved teeth), and 11.1% (lost teeth) (p=0.037). The percentage of implant loss significantly (p<0.001) increased when the medial/distal bone loss was ?3 mm. The highest (p?0.001) pocket depths were found in teeth with ?5mm and implants with ?3mm bone losses, with similar mean values (?4mm), associated with higher rates of plaque index and bleeding by probing. Conclusions: The significant bi-directional relation between plaque and bone loss, and between each of these two parameters/signs and pocket depths or bleeding (both in teeth and implants, and between them) together with the higher percentage of implants lost when the bone loss of the associated teeth was ?3 mm suggest that the patient?s periodontal status is a critical issue in predicting implant health/lesion