465 research outputs found

    Benefits of an Implementation of H-P2PSIP

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    [Paper presented at:] Second International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems. AP2PS 2010. October 25-30, Florence (Italy)In this paper, we report on the results of experiments with an implementation of H-P2PSIP, which allows the exchange of information among different DHTs (Distributed Hash Tables) making use of a hierarchical architecture. This paper validates our previous H-P2PSIP proposal in an environment with a real TCP/IP stack close to a real scenario. The results show how the benefits of this real H-P2PSIP implementation in terms of routing performance (number of hops), delay and routing state (number of routing entries) are better than a flat DHT overlay network and how the exchange of information among different DHT overlay networks is feasible.This work has been supported by the FP7 TREND Grant (agreement No. 257740) and by the Regional Government of Madrid under the MEDIANET project (CAM, S2009/TIC-1468).European Community's Seventh Framework ProgramPublicad

    Validation of H-P2PSIP, a scalable solution for interoperability among different overlay networks

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    This paper reports the results of experiments from an implementation of H-P2PSIP, a hierarchical overlay architecture based on the ongoing work in the IETF P2PSIP Working Group. This architecture allows the exchange of information among different independent overlay networks through the use of a two-layer architecture based on super-peers and hierarchical identifiers. The validation of this proposal is based on a Linux based real implementation where we have used four different scenarios with 1,000 peers in order to perform different experiments. We have obtained results for different parameters such as routing performance (number of hops), delay, routing state (number of overlay routing entries) and bandwidth consumption.This research was supported in part by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement n 25774 (TREND Network of Excellence), Comunidad de Madrid grant S-2009/TIC-1468 (MEDIANET project) and Spanish MICINN grant TEC2011-29688-C02-02 (eeCONTENT project).Publicad

    Diseño de una planta de fabricación de jabón a partir de aceites vegetales usados

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    OBJETO DEL PROYECTO: Diseñar una instalación para el tratamiento de aceites vegetales usados (AVUs) procedentes de frituras y su posterior conversión en un jabón líquido

    Innovación curricular en la educación superior: Experiencias vividas por docentes en una Escuela de Enfermería

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    Introduction: In recent decades, in Chile, vocational training in nursing has undergone transformations in their study plans, moving from having a traditional curriculum to one based on competencies, in accordance with the current demands of the labor market. Objective: To analyze two topics derived from the study focused on understanding the life experiences of teachers in a Nursing School on the curricular innovation. Materials and methods: A phenomenological study through in-depth interviews was conducted to twenty teachers, who have participated in the training of nurses. Sampling for convenience was done according to the data saturation criterion. The data analysis was thematic type as proposed by Van Manen. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution. Results: Seven main themes were identified, two of which are analyzed in this article: innovation as a complex process and unchanged changes. Conclusions: The transition from a traditional curriculum to one based on competences, from the experience of teachers, implies complex challenges and profound changes; considering this, higher education institutions have to provide the conditions to facilitate such a process

    Editorial: Role of Nrf2 in disease: Novel molecular mechanisms and therapeutic approaches

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    This is supported by FIS/FEDER CP14/00008, CP16/00014, CP16/00017, PI15/00448, PI16/00735, PI16/02057, PI17/00130, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (RYC-2017- 22369), Sociedad Española de Nefrología, Fundacion Renal Iñigo Álvarez de Toledo (FRIAT). Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas (CIBERDEM), Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV), Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBEREHD)

    EvalGRAPHs: herramienta para implementar evaluadores inteligentes. Metodología de estudio del comportamiento de los evaluadores

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    El Modelo Granular Lingüístico de la Evaluación del aprendizaje humano ha sido desarrollado a partir del paradigma GLMP, basado en la computación con palabras y percepciones, con el objetivo de diseñar un modelo teórico de representación del aprendizaje que pueda aplicarse a la creación de sistemas (GLMPs) que emulen la evaluación realizada por un profesor, en base a sus criterios, y expresen dicha evaluación mediante un informe en lenguaje natural. Un GLMP es una estructura jerárquica que organiza y procesa datos mediante inferencia borrosa y modela un fenómeno mediante percepciones o unidades de conocimiento. Estos sistemas utilizan como datos de entrada los generados automáticamente por un entorno de aprendizaje y producen como salida un informe de evaluación que incluye una calificación numérica. De esta manera se puede compaginar la evaluación formativa, comparando logros y objetivos de aprendizaje, que realiza un profesor, con la rapidez y eficacia de un sistema automatizado. Como aplicación del modelo general, hemos diseñado varios sistemas que evalúan, en base a criterios de un profesor, unos los quizzes de Moodle y otros las simulaciones visuales de algoritmos de grafos hechas en el entorno de aprendizaje GRAPHs

    Label-free detection of nosocomial bacteria using a nanophotonic interferometric biosensor

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    Nosocomial infections are a major concern at the worldwide level. Early and accurate identification of nosocomial pathogens is crucial to provide timely and adequate treatment. A prompt response also prevents the progression of the infection to life-threatening conditions, such as septicemia or generalized bloodstream infection. We have implemented two highly sensitive methodologies using an ultrasensitive photonic biosensor based on a bimodal waveguide interferometer (BiMW) for the fast detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), two of the most prevalent bacteria associated with nosocomial infections. For that, we have developed a biofunctionalization strategy based on the use of a PEGylated silane (silane-PEG-COOH) which provides a highly resistant and bacteria-repelling surface, which is crucial to specifically detect each bacterium. Two different biosensor assays have been set under standard buffer conditions: One based on a specific direct immunoassay employing polyclonal antibodies for the detection of P. aeruginosa and another one employing aptamers for the direct detection of MRSA. The biosensor immunoassay for P. aeruginosa is fast (it only takes 12 min) and specific and has experimentally detected concentrations down to 800 cfu mL (cfu: Colony forming unit). The second one relies on the use of an aptamer that specifically detects penicillin-binding protein 2a (PBP2a), a protein only expressed in the MRSA mutant, providing a photonic biosensor with the ability to identify the resistant pathogen MRSA and differentiate it from methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA). Direct, label-free, and selective detection of whole MRSA bacteria has been achieved, making possible the direct detection of also 800 cfu mL. According to the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of the device, a theoretical limit of detection (LOD) of around 49 and 29 cfu mL was estimated for P. aeruginosa and MRSA, respectively. Both results obtained under standard conditions reveal the great potential this interferometric biosensor device has as a versatile and specific tool for bacterial detection and quantification, providing a rapid method for the identification of nosocomial pathogens within the clinical requirements of sensitivity for the diagnosis of infections

    Procurement of health services

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    Las profundas reformas al sector salud - Ley 100 de 1993 y complementarias - la Seguridad Social en Colombia y específicamente el sector salud se introdujo una disciplina de mercado, bajo el modelo de competencia regulada, ha permitido una evolución en las relaciones de intercambio entre prestadores de servicios de salud (IPS) y las empresas aseguradoras (EPS) y se han generado varias formas de contratación. En el sistema se ha pasado del pago por servicio, como mecanismo casi único, a una situación en la que se combina principalmente pago por actividad, pago por capitación, remuneración por paquete de servicios o grupo relacionado diagnostico y pago por presupuesto. Desde la iniciación del proceso contractual, llámese invitación, licitación, etc. las partes adquieren un compromiso que se formaliza con la legalización del contrato, a partir de este momento, las partes aceptan conocer el beneficio que obtendrán y las obligaciones que adquieren del mismo. Para las partes es importante conocer en detalle las normas, coberturas y parámetros que permitan una observancia de los principios de la transparencia, la responsabilidad, la selección objetiva y el control. Muchos contratistas en el Sector Salud, incurren en irregularidades, derivadas por desconocimiento de las normas y en múltiples ocasiones por inexperiencia en la correcta aplicación de las mismas; por todo lo anterior se hace necesaria la revisión y aplicación de Normas de Contratación que al respecto existe para este fin. Quizás una de las más importantes disposiciones que integran la contratación en Colombia, es el Estatuto orgánico de contratación en la administración pública Ley 80 de 1993, sus disposiciones han dado un giro importante a los procesos contractuales que llevan a cabo las entidades tanto del sector público como privado. La contratación de servicios de salud se rige bajo la Ley 80/93, Ley 100/93, Ley 1122 de 2007 y otras normas que hacen que el sector este muy regulado, creando un sistema complejo, dando lugar a prácticas inconvenientes en la contratación como cláusulas adicionales de hecho, glosas, etc.Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud CESINTRODUCCION…………………………………….…………………………………….5 1.OBJETIVO………………………………………………………………………….........6 1.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICO……...………………………..………..………………...6 2. METODOLOGIA…………………………………..…………...………….……………7 3. MARCO CONCEPTUAL…………….……………………….………………………...7 3.1 TEORIA DEL CONTRATO………………………………………………………......7 3.1.1 CARACTERISTICAS DEL CONTRATO………………….………..…………….8 3.1.2 CLASIFICACIÓN JURÍDICA DE LOS CONTRATOS………………...…….….8 3.1.3 CLASES DE CONTRATOS………………….……………………………….…....9 3.1.4 ETAPAS DEL PROCESO CONTRACTUAL……………….….…..……….....11 3.1.5 CONTRATO DE PRESTACIÓN SERVICIOS DE SALUD…………..…...…..12 PARTES DE L CONTRATO………………………….…………….…….…....13 OBJETO DEL CONTRATO……………………………………………….… ...14 OBLIGACIONES DE LAS PARTES………..…………………….…………...14 OBLIGACION DE LAS IPS………………….……………………….………14 OBLIGACIONES DE LAS EPS……………….……………………………..15 CLAUSULAS DE CONTENDIO ECONOMICO………….…………………..17 VALOR DEL CONTRATO………………………………………………..….17 FORMAS Y PLAZOS DE PAGO………………….…………………..……..17 PROCESO DE FACTURACION………………………..…………..……….17 RECIBO DE FACTURAS…………………………………………..………17 PROCESO DE REVISION, OBJECION Y GLOSA ……………...……..18 PAGOS PARCIALES DE CUENTAS …………………….………………18 PAGOS TOTALES……………………...…………………………………..18 FORMA, CONTENIDO Y SOPORTES DE FACTURACIÓN………….….18 DISPOSICIONES……………………………………………..……...18 DURACIÓN…………………..…………………………………………..........19 RESPONSABILIDAD……….………………………………………………..19 CESIÓN DEL CONTRATO……………………………….………………….19 INCUMPLIMIENTO DEL CONTRATO…….……………….…………….…20 RESOLUCION DE CONFLICTOS………………………………………...21 TERMINO DEL CONTRATO……………………………..……..…………21 CONTENIDOS ESPECIFICOS…………………………………...………...22 PROCEDIMIENTOS………………………… …………………………....22 AUDITORIA MEDICA……………………………………………..…..….22 3.2 MODELO DE ASEGURAMIENTO EN SALUD……………………………..…....23 3.3 FORMAS DE CONTRATACION DE LOS SERVICIOS DE SALUD….………..26 3.3.1 PRESTADOR DE SERVICIOS COMO CONTRATISTA……………….….….26 3.3.2 CONTRATO DE PRESTACIÓN DE SERVICIOS DE SALUD…….……........26 PAGO POR SERVICIO PRESTADO………………………………………..27 CAPITACIÓN…………………………………….…………………………….28 PAGO POR PAQUETE O GRUPO RELACIONADO DIAGNOSTICO….29 POR SALARIO………………..…………….…………………………….....…29 PRESUPUESTO…………………………………………………………..……30 4. FORMAS CONTRATACIÓN EN SALUD DE ALGUNOS PAISES…………….31 4.1 FRANCIA…………………………………………………………………………….31 4.2 ALEMANIA…………………………………………………………………………..31 4.3 ESPAÑA……………………………………………………………………………..33 4.4 REINO UNIDO………………………………………………………………………34 4.5 ESTADOS UNIDOS………………………………………………………………...36 5. CONCLUSIONES………………………………………...………………………….37 6. RECOMENDACIONES…………..……………………………………………..…..38 7. ANEXOS ANEXO 1…………………………………………………………………………..…….39 ANEXO 2………………………………………………………………………………...39 ANEXO 3…………………………………………………………………………………39 ANEXO 4…………………………………………………………………………..…….41 BIBLIOGRAFIA…………………………………………………………………………42EspecializaciónThe profound reforms to the health sector - Law 100 of 1993 and complementary - Social Security in Colombia and specifically the health sector introduced a market discipline, under the model of regulated competition, has allowed an evolution in the exchange relations between providers of health services (IPS) and insurance companies (EPS) and various forms of contracting have been generated. The system has gone from payment for service, as an almost unique mechanism, to a situation in which mainly payment for activity, payment for capitation, remuneration for package of services or related diagnostic group and payment for budget are combined. From the beginning of the contractual process, call it an invitation, tender, etc. The parties acquire a commitment that is formalized with the legalization of the contract, from this moment on, the parties agree to know the benefit they will obtain and the obligations they acquire from it. For the parties, it is important to know in detail the rules, coverage and parameters that allow observance of the principles of transparency, responsibility, objective selection and control. Many contractors in the Health Sector, incur in irregularities, derived from ignorance of the norms and on multiple occasions due to inexperience in the correct application of the same; For all the above, it is necessary to review and apply the Contracting Rules that exist for this purpose in this regard. Perhaps one of the most important provisions that make up contracting in Colombia, is the Organic Statute of Procurement in the Public Administration Law 80 of 1993, its provisions have given an important turn to the contractual processes carried out by entities in both the public sector as private. The contracting of health services is governed under Law 80/93, Law 100/93, Law 1122 of 2007 and other regulations that make the sector highly regulated, creating a complex system, giving rise to inconvenient practices in contracting such as additional clauses of fact, glosses, etc.Modalidad Presencia

    Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Contributes to Paclitaxel Resistance in Bladder Cancer Cells with Cancer Stem Cell-Like Properties

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    The Wnt/β-catenin pathway plays an important role in tumor progression and chemother apy resistance and seems to be essential for the maintenance of cancer stem cells (CSC) in several tumor types. However, the interplay of these factors has not been fully addressed in bladder cancer. Here, our goal was to analyze the role of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in paclitaxel resistance and to study the therapeutic efficacy of its inhibition in bladder cancer cells, as well as to determine its influence in the maintenance of the CSC-like phenotype in bladder cancer. Our results show that paclitaxel-resistant HT1197 cells have hyperactivation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and increased CSC-like properties compared with paclitaxel-sensitive 5637 cells. Paclitaxel sensitivity diminishes in 5637 cells after β-catenin overexpression or when they are grown as tumorspheres, enriched for the CSC-like phenotype. Additionally, downregulation of β-catenin or inhibition with XAV939 sensitizes HT1197 cells to paclitaxel. Moreover, a subset of muscle-invasive bladder carcinomas shows aberrant expression of β-catenin that associates with positive expression of the CSC marker ALDH1A1. In conclusion, we demonstrate that Wnt/β-catenin signaling contributes to paclitaxel resistance in bladder cancer cells with CSC-like properties.Instituto de Salud Carlos III FIS-PI17/1240Instituto de Salud Carlos III FIS-PI20/1641Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness SAF2017-87358-C2-1-R and -2-RMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2020-118774RB-C21 and -C22Consejería de Salud y Familias PI-0213-2020Consejería de Salud y Familias OH-0017-201