4,937 research outputs found

    Introducing Educational Intervention about Empathy and Intercultural Bias

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    Literature about empathy and intergroup bias considers a lot of research from many different approaches. However, there is certain degree of consensus that has been achieved in relation to the determination of the behavioral correlate of the empathy. Recently, its importance connected to the pro-social attitude of people has been emphasized, as well as its role played in social conflicts. So, the empathic response has to do with the ability to comprehend the other person and to try to think as the other person thinks, by means of observing him/her, using verbal and no verbal information or other type of evidences approachable from the memory, what is called, perspective taking. Empathy, understood in that way, would play a central role in the pro-social attitude of people. After introducing the most important pillars of this chapter, which are empathy and pro-social behavior, intercultural empathy, intergroup contact and, finally, “empathy, bias and education,” different kinds of interventions about bias and empathy in education are presented. We will find that it is not only necessary but possible to put through strategies adapted to different ages and circumstances with a common goal: to improve empathy and control bias through education

    Vegetation Dynamics in Ecuador

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    Global forest cover has suffered a dramatic reduction during recent decades, especially in tropical regions, which is mainly due to human activities caused by enhanced population pressures. Nevertheless, forest ecosystems, especially tropical forests, play an important role in the carbon cycle functioning as carbon stocks and sinks, which is why conservation strategies are of utmost importance respective to ongoing global warming. In South America the highest deforestation rates are observed in Ecuador, but an operational surveillance system for continuous forest monitoring, along with the determination of deforestation rates and the estimation of actual carbon socks is still missing. Therefore, the present investigation provides a functional tool based on remote sensing data to monitor forest stands at local, regional and national scales. To evaluate forest cover and deforestation rates at country level satellite data was used, whereas LiDAR data was utilized to accurately estimate the Above Ground Biomass (AGB; carbon stocks) at catchment level. Furthermore, to provide a cost-effective tool for continuous forest monitoring of the most vulnerable parts, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) was deployed and equipped with various sensors (RBG and multispectral camera). The results showed that in Ecuador total forest cover was reduced by about 24% during the last three decades. Moreover, deforestation rates have increased with the beginning of the new century, especially in the Andean Highland and the Amazon Basin, due to enhanced population pressures and the government supported oil and mining industries, besides illegal timber extractions. The AGB stock estimations at catchment level indicated that most of the carbon is stored in natural ecosystems (forest and páramo; AGB ~98%), whereas areas affected by anthropogenic land use changes (mostly pastureland) lost nearly all their storage capacities (AGB ~2%). Furthermore, the LiDAR data permitted the detection of the forest structure, and therefore the identification of the most vulnerable parts. To monitor these areas, it could be shown that UAVs are useful, particularly when equipped with an RGB camera (AGB correlation: R² > 0.9), because multispectral images suffer saturation of the spectral bands over dense natural forest stands, which results in high overestimations. In summary, the developed operational surveillance systems respective to forest cover at different spatial scales can be implemented in Ecuador to promote conservation/ restoration strategies and to reduce the high deforestation rates. This may also mitigate future greenhouse gas emissions and guarantee functional ecosystem services for local and regional populations

    La toma de perspectiva en el control del sesgo intergrupal: variables moduladoras de tipo individual y pautas pedagógicas

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    La investigación sobre el sesgo intergrupal (estereotipia, prejuicio y discriminación) ha ido refinándose al tiempo que se elevaba la sensibilidad social hacia este fenómeno. El cambio, reducción y control de la activación y aplicación del sesgo ha representado una de las direcciones más relevantes que han asumido los procesos de indagación psicosocial, precisamente a causa de esta percepción social de indeseabilidad de las conductas discriminatorias y de sus antecedentes (estereotipos y prejuicios). Los contextos educativos no se hallan exentos de este tipo de conductas, por lo que también se detecta la exigencia de formar al profesorado en competencias interculturales relacionadas con la emisión de juicios y evaluaciones equitativas. Pues bien, en este marco problemático, y partiendo de modelos cognitivo-sociales, la tesis doctoral acometió la evaluación de las condiciones de efectividad de una estrategia particular de reducción del sesgo intergrupal (i.e., la toma de perspectiva en dos modalidades, clásica y de role playing) en educadores en formación, así como el diseño de pautas pedagógicas a partir de los resultados y conclusiones de la investigación básica. La metodología implementada tuvo un carácter experimental y se desglosó en tres estudios (dos con manipulaciones clásicas de toma de perspectiva, y uno con la manipulación de role playing) que analizaron el impacto de las diferentes modalidades de la estrategia sobre la estereotipia implícita, el prejuicio implícito y el prejuicio explícito de muestras de educadores en formación inicial, midiendo además catorce moduladores potenciales. Los resultados apuntan a la ausencia de un efecto general debido a las manipulaciones, pero a la presencia de condiciones en las que la estrategia reduce el sesgo en algunos de sus componentes (estereotipia o prejuicio, implícito o explícito). Particularmente, los participantes que puntúan alto en empatía y los moderadamente extravertidos pueden verse beneficiados por la toma de perspectiva. Adicionalmente, se observó un efecto mediacional significativo de la semejanza percibida endogrupal. La discusión integra los resultados en las teorías cognitivo-sociales, sugiriéndose la necesidad de plantear hipótesis culturales para explicar las diferencias entre los resultados previos atribuibles a la toma de perspectiva y los obtenidos en la investigación propia. El informe doctoral finaliza con el diseño de una serie de pautas pedagógicas derivadas de la discusión y conclusiones previas, aportándose, por consiguiente, un ingrediente aplicado y normativo que trasciende el meramente explicativo de la investigación controlada del laboratorio

    Sustentabilidad Vs Competencias

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    La propuesta trazada en la segunda ponencia puede ser entendida como la guía seguida por esta addenda. Ciertamente, en primer lugar, los datos y análisis contenidos en las distintas ponencias provocan consternación e indignación; en segundo lugar, aunque existen muchas cuestiones epistemológicas y debates teóricos abiertos, como educadores sentimos la necesidad de sumarnos al compromiso que reclama alzar la voz y esbozar una propuesta concreta, realizar un intento de cambio de rumbo, de planteamientos o propuestas educativas. Por último, respecto a la esperanza, consideramos que seremos capaces, tenemos que serlo, de situar el debate en la agenda social y político/educativa

    Sugammadex en paciente neonatal

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    ResumenIntroducciónLa inclusión de drogas que revierten efectivamente el bloqueo de la placa neuromuscular mejora el perfil de uso de los medicamentos que la relajan, y más aún si estos carecen de efectos adversos de importancia clínica y se pueden emplear en neonatos.ObjetivosEste artículo describe el caso de 2 pacientes pediátricos en quienes se aplicó sugammadex para la reversión de la relajación neuromuscular.MetodologíaEstudio observacional descriptivo retrospectivo con un diseño de reporte de casos.ResultadosSe describe el uso exitoso de sugammadex para la reversión del bloqueo neuromuscular inducido por rocuronio en 2 pacientes neonatos y la ausencia de eventos adversos.DiscusiónLa literatura para el uso de sugammadex en pacientes recién nacidos es poca y controvertida, lo cual no apoya su amplia prescripción en neonatología debido a la falta de estudios que aseguren su efectividad y la ausencia de efectos adversos. No existen dosis recomendadas por grupo etario y una lista de efectos adversos esperables que contraindiquen su administración. Aun así, es ideal poder disponer de medicamentos que reviertan la relajación derivada del uso de bloqueadores neuromusculares en cualquier edad, lo cual incluye a los pacientes neonatos.ConclusionesTras una dosis de sugammadex se describe la reversión del bloqueo neuromuscular en 2 pacientes neonatos, siendo esta efectiva para la restauración funcional de la placa neuromuscular. Para poder recomendar su amplio uso en recién nacidos es ideal la realización de estudios experimentales controlados.AbstractIntroductionThe inclusion of drugs that effectively reverse the neuromuscular junction blockade enhances the profile of drugs used for relaxation of the neuromuscular junction; better yet if these agents are free from any clinically important adverse effects and amenable to use in neonates.ObjectivesThis article describes a case of two pediatric patients who received Sugammadex to reverse neuromuscular relaxation.MethodologyRetrospective, descriptive, observational study designed as a case report.ResultsThis is a description of a Sugammadex successful reversal of Rocuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade in two neonates with no adverse events.DiscussionThe literature on the use of Sugammadex in newborn patients is scarce and controversial which does not contribute to a broad prescription of the drug in neonatology settings due to the shortage of studies attesting to its effectiveness and absence of adverse effects. There are no recommended doses per age group and a list of expected adverse effects to contraindicate its administration. However, the idea is to have available drugs that reverse the relaxation resulting from the use of neuromuscular blockers at any age, including neonates.ConclusionsFollowing the administration of a dose of Sugammadex the reversal of neuro-muscular blockade in neonate patients is described with effective functional recovery of the neuromuscular junction. Further experimental controlled trials are needed to recommend the use of Sugammadex in newborn babies

    Evaluación agronómica con enfoque agroecológico en un sistema diversificado de guayaba (Psidium guajava L.), nopal (Opuntia ficus L.), piña (Ananas comosus L.) y papaya (carica papaya L.) utilizando vermicompost, Managua, Nicaragua, 2009-2011

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    Con el propósito de responder a preguntas de orden nutricional y biológico del suelo con un enfoque agroecológico se desarrolló el presente trabajo, en un terreno calcáreo, no salino, que permaneció en barbecho cinco años antes de iniciado el estudio. Se evaluó la implementación de una diversificación de cultivos (guayaba, nopal, piña y papaya) y tres dosis de vermicompost (a 1 :10, a 2 :15 y a 3 :20 t (ha año) - 1 . La investigación se inició en mayo del 2009 hasta diciembre del 2011 y el diseño usado fue cuasiexperimental en franjas pareadas. Las características físicas - químicas de suelo analizadas fueron: pH en H 2 O, materia orgánica , N, arena, limo y arcilla en %; P disponible, Fe, Cu, Mn y Zn en ppm; K disponible, Ca y Mg en meq, conductividad eléctrica en μS/cm y la relación C/N. Desde el punto de vista biológico del suelo se determinaron presencia de hongos, bacterias y actinomicetos. Antes de iniciar el estudio en 2009, y durante el ensayo, se determinaron las variables físicas, químicas y biológicas del suelo. Para la interpretación agronómica de la nutrición para cada cultivo se hizo un análisis combinado entre los resultados de las propiedades físico - químicas y los rangos definidos para cada cultivo por la metodología propuesta por Quintana (1983) . La diversificación de cultivos, influyó sobre las propiedades físicas, químicas y biológicas del suelo. En el cultivo de guayaba si se aplica 20 t (ha año) - 1 hay que realizar aplicaciones suplementarias de Cu. Aplicaciones de a 1 y a 2 en nopal y papaya respectivamente, además de aplicaciones complementarias de Cu, también necesitan suplemento de P. Sin efecto antropogénico los microorganismos que predominaron fueron bacterias del género Bacillus y esporádicamente Pseudomona y Sarcina . Con la diversificación de cultivos y aplicaciones de vermicompost se incrementó la diversidad de géneros de microorganismos. El total de géneros de microorganismos, al concluir el estudio fueron 13; de éstos 10 fueron diferentes (Cinco hongos: Curvularia, A spergillus, Pestalotia, Fusarium, Penicillium ; cuatro bacterias: Serratia, Erwinia, Sporolactobacillus y Caryophanon y un actinomiceto: Streptomyces). Variables del crecimiento en el cultivo de guayaba demostraron que con un mayor número de ramas terciarias existe un 70 % de probabilidad de tener más frutos comerciales. En nopal, el tratamiento con los mejores resultados para variables del crecimiento es 15 t (ha año) - 1 cosechado cada 90 días. Para piña, se encontró resultados superiores con 10 t (ha año) - 1 . Papaya obtuvo los mejores resultados con 20 t (ha año) - 1 . Con el cultivo de guayaba el mejor rendimiento se alcanzó utilizando 20 t (ha año) - 1 . En nopal un mayor número de cladodios se alcanza aplicando 15 t (ha año) - 1 cosechado cada 30 días. Un mayor peso en el cladodio se obtiene al aplicar 20 t (ha año) - 1 , cosechado cada 90 días. La piña obtiene mayor número de frutos aplicando 15 t (ha año) - 1 . En el cultivo de papaya un mayor número de frutos cosechados fue alcanzado con 15 - 20 t (ha año) - 1

    Reactor design, reaction engineering and cocatalyst development for photocatalytic water splitting half-reactions

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    Global warming concerns have brought energy conversion into the spotlight. The conversion of renewable energy into chemical energy carriers has required keen inventiveness of the scientific community to find feasible solutions within today´s global economy. The success of such solutions requires collective efforts of multiple stakeholders, but from a purely technical perspective, this translates to the search for materials that can readily split water using a renewable energy input. For example, by using the right combination of light absorbing and catalytically active materials — or simply photocatalysts — that can simultaneously harvest sunlight and catalyze water splitting (aka artificial photosynthesis). An efficient water splitting photocatalyst aims to transform as much power of the solar spectrum as possible into chemical energy stored in the form of hydrogen and oxygen. The efficiency of this conversion is the result of multiple steps ultimately related to the sequence of light absorption, charge separation and transport, and electron transfer reactions. A photocatalyst is a semiconductor material with properties (i.e., optical band gap and crystallinity) that facilitate that sequence. Photocatalyst optimization is the process of tweaking the rate of those multiple steps (i.e., through material properties) such that the losses along the sequence are minimized. This work focuses on the optimization of the photocatalytic performance of TiO2, WO3, and covalent organic frameworks (COFs). Energy conversion efficiencies using these, and state of the art photocatalysts remain far from the target set for commercial feasibility. However, since the first water splitting experience on TiO2, various materials have been also demonstrated promising photocatalytic properties for water splitting half reactions, like WO3 and COFs. While both WO3 and TiO2 (band gap ~ 2.75 and 3.2 eV, respectively) are n-type semiconductors with valence bands that provide enough thermodynamic driving force for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER), WO3 allows additional harvesting of the visible solar spectrum. COFs are crystalline organic semiconductors that can be synthesized from earth abundant elements which have demonstrated the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Differently to the existing myriad of inorganic HER photocatalysts, the superior chemical tunability of COFs allows rational design and almost unlimited options for the tailoring of their photocatalytic properties. Multiple strategies can be found in the literature to optimize the photocatalytic performance of TiO2, WO3 and COFs by the modification of the light harvester material properties. The workflow presented herein differs from those, because it zooms to other aspects that are equally crucial to explain photocatalyst performance but that are typically less explored by material researchers. These are the increase of material photocatalytic performance upon decoration with cocatalysts (HER or OER electrocatalyst), and the intricate interplay between that performance and the nanoparticulate suspensions' multiphysics (optics, transport phenomena, and colloidal suspension stabilization). The latter rationalizes the photoreactor design presented along this work, which simplifies persisting instrumental problems and uncertainties of the artificial photosynthesis field related to reaction modeling, and the accuracy, reproducibility, and sensitivity of the quantification of photocatalyst performance. Commercial TiO2 (P25) is a standardized photocatalyst with the potential to benchmark photocatalytic OER rates among different laboratories, but it requires the addition of an OER catalyst to overcome water oxidation kinetic limitations. In this work a RuOx cocatalyst is developed in-situ on P25 for such purpose. With the instrumentals developed for sensitive O2 detection, the P25@RuO2 benchmark is optimized in terms of activity and reproducibility (at simulated sunlight, AM1.5G) and its resulting external (0.2%) and internal photonic efficiency (16%) is presented. Along with the establishment of this OER benchmark, this work also drafts good practices for reporting OER rates (i.e., adventitious O2 control), and innovative photoreactor engineering and optical modelling for the disentangling of the multiple factors determining photocatalysis physics. Using the same instrumentals for OER detection and a more elaborated cocatalyst tuning approach, a novel 2D RuOx electrocatalyst (ruthenium oxide nanosheet, RONS) is added to WO3 nanoparticles to enhance photocatalytic OER rates. First, the tuning of a top-down method to produce size-controlled unilamellar RONS is developed. Then, the composites resulting from RONS impregnation on WO3 are compared to conventionally impregnated RuO2 nanoparticles (RONP) on WO3, the former displaying a 5-fold increase in photonic efficiency. These results are explained from the electrocatalytic properties at the RONS edges, and the optical properties of the resulting 2D/0D morphology of the RONS/WO3 that decreases the optical losses due to parasitic cocatalyst light absorption. COFs have enormous potential as photocatalysts by design. In this work the photocatalytic performance of a TpDTz COF is analyzed in terms of its interaction with a molecular HER cocatalyst (Ni-ME) and reaction modeling. The TpDTz COF/Ni-ME system, which is one of the few existing COF-molecular cocatalyst known to date that can produce hydrogen, shows relatively high HER photocatalytic activity (~1 mmol h-1 g-1, AM1.5G) compared to other organic visible light responsive semiconductor benchmarks (i.e., like g-C3N4) and it operates in aqueous suspension (containing triethanolamine as electron donor). The TpDTz COF/Ni-ME surprisingly overperforms Pt modified TpDTz COF. Nonetheless, the COFs' charge transport properties are not well understood and most likely short-ranged. This blurs the experimental access to COFs' photocatalytic performance bottlenecks, including the prominent case of the TpDTz COF/Ni-ME system. Regardless of such difficulties, this work deepens the HER reaction understanding of the TpDTz COF/Ni-ME by analyzing dynamic HER reaction trends detected using the aforesaid photoreactor designs and instrumentals. From the modeled HER cycle kinetics and rapid dark step, the HER rate limiting step of the TpDTz COF/Ni-ME is placed at the electron transfer to the resting Ni-ME state. These HER mechanisms on COFs are experimentally challenging to access and are herein partially accessed in-situ from a reaction engineering and modelling perspective. On the whole, this work is the culmination of a multidisciplinary effort to find new opportunities to understand and optimize materials used for energy conversion processes, ranging from fundamental material research, solid-state and optics physics, applied catalysis, to reactor engineering