95 research outputs found

    Variables predictors of the set in the defence complex in volleyball

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer las variables predictoras de la eficacia de colocación en el complejo de defensa (KII), en ambos géneros, en categorías de formación. La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por 2.404 acciones de juego, 1.104 en género masculino y 1.300 en género femenino, desarrolladas por los 34 equipos participantes en el Campeonato de España Under 16. La variable dependiente fue la eficacia de colocación. Las variables independientes se agruparon en: variables de defensa, de colocación en KII y de bloqueo. Los resultados determinaron que, en ambos géneros, la eficacia de defensa, la técnica de colocación y la participación en bloqueo predecían la eficacia de la colocación; en género masculino, zona de defensa y tiempo de colocación; ninguna variable fue predictora únicamente en género femenino. Esta información puede ser relevante para el desarrollo del proceso de entrenamiento en voleibolThe objective of the research was to analyse the variables predictors of the setting efficacy in the defence complex (KII), in youth athlete, in both genders. The study sample was comprised of 2404 game actions, 1104 in the male gender and 1300 in the female gender. The actions were carried out by the 34 teams that participated in the Spanish Under-16 Championship. The dependant variable was the setting efficacy. The results determined that, in both genders, the dig efficacy, setting technique and the participation in block predicted the setting efficacy; in male gender, the defence zone and tempo of set; no predictor variables were exclusive to the female gender. This information may be relevant when developing training processes in volleyballEste estudio se ha realizado gracias a la aportación de la Consejería de Economía e Infraestructuras de la Junta de Extremadura a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    Participation and Influence of the libero in recepcion and defence, in volleyball U-19

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    El objetivo fue conocer la participación e influencia líbero en fase de ataque y defensa, en etapas de formación. La muestra fueron 6948 acciones de juego, realizadas por los jugadores de los 21 equipos del Campeonato de España Juvenil masculino. Las variables fueron: función del receptor/defensor, zona de recepción/defensa en profundidad y lateralidad, eficacia de recepción/defensa, zona donde se realiza colocación en recepción/defensa, zona hacia donde se realiza la colocación en recepción/defensa, tiempo de ataque/contraataque y eficacia de ataque/contraataque. En recepción, existió asociación significativa entre función del receptor y zona de recepción en profundidad-lateralidad, y zona donde se realiza la colocación. En defensa, existió asociación significativa entre función del defensor y zona de defensa en profundidad-lateralidad, eficacia de defensa, zona donde se realiza la colocación, zona hacia donde se realiza la colocación y tiempo de contraataque. La influencia del líbero, en estas etapas, se manifiesta más en defensa que en recepciónThe aim was to know the participation and influence of the libero in side-out phase and counter-attack, in young athletes. The sample was 6948 game actions, carried out by the players of the 21 teams that participate in the Under-19 Spanish Championship. The variables were: player that intervened in reception/dig, depth and laterality reception/dig zone, reception/dig efficacy, setting zone in reception/dig, set´s area in reception/dig, tempo of attack/counterattack and attack/counterattack efficacy. In reception, showed significant association between player that intervened in reception, depth-laterality reception zone and the setting zone. In defense, showed significant association between the player that intervened in dig and the depth-laterality dig zone, dig efficacy, setting zone, set´s area and tempo of counterattack. The influence of the participation of the libero, in young athletes, appeared more often in defense than in the receptio

    Análisis de la colocación en sets de diferente intensidad, en el U-21 men´s world championsip de voleibol

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue conocer las variables de la colocación que afectan al desarrollo del rally, en sets de diferente intensidad, en voleibol masculino U-21. La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por 1688 acciones de colocación que se desarrollaron en el complejo 1 (KI) (1100 en sets de intensidad alta y 588 en sets de intensidad no alta), realizadas por las cuatro selecciones mejor clasificadas en el U-21 Men´s World Championsip de voleibol. La observación correspondió a cinco partidos de cada una de las selecciones participantes. Las variables del estudio fueron: origen del colocador, zona de colocación, tipo de colocación, técnica de colocación, eficacia de colocación, zona hacia donde se envía la colocación, tiempo de colocación, desarrollo del rally, e intensidad del set. Los resultados de la regresión logística multinomial mostraron que, tanto en los sets de intensidad alta como en los de intensidad no alta, el tipo de colocación y la técnica de colocación fueron predictoras del desarrollo del rally. Además, en los sets de intensidad alta, la zona y eficacia de colocación también actuaron como predictoras del desarrollo del rally. En los sets de intensidad no alta, la zona hacia donde se envía la colocación actuó como predictora del desarrollo del rally, no siendo predictora en los sets de intensidad alta. Dichos resultados pueden ser considerados para el diseño de tareas específicas de entrenamiento de la colocación, acordes a diferentes situaciones de juego

    La clasificación como variable diferenciadora de las características de la colocación en etapas de formación

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    The aim of the study was to determine the association between the teams’ classification and the setting variables, in both genders. The study sample was comprise of a total of 1638 setting actions, carried out by the 34 teams (16 male, 18 female) participating in the Under-16 Spanish Championship. The study variables were the classification and the setting variables (setting zone, type of set, setting technique, set´s area, tempo of set). The results showed significant association between the classification and the setting zone, setting technique and setting efficacy, in both genders; the classification and the type of set, in male gender; and the classification and the tempo of set, in female gender. These results highlighted that, even though the set is an intermediate action, it have a fundamental importance in the game, and it may affect to the final classification of the team in competition.El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer la asociación existente entre la clasificación del equipo en competición y variables de colocación, en ambos géneros y en etapas de formación. La muestra de estudio estuvo compuesta por 1638 colocaciones, realizadas por los 34 equipos (16 masculinos, 18 femeninos) participantes en el Campeonato de España cadete de Selecciones Autonómicas. Las variables de estudio fueron la clasificación y variables de colocación (zona de colocación, tipo de colocación, técnica de colocación, zona hacia donde se envía la colocación, tiempo de colocación). Los resultados mostraron asociación significativa entre la clasificación y zona de colocación, técnica de colocación y eficacia de colocación, en ambos géneros; entre clasificación y tipo de colocación, en género masculino; y entre clasificación y tiempo de colocación, en género femenino. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que, a pesar de que la colocación es una acción intermedia, tiene una importancia fundamental en el juego, pudiendo afectar a la clasificación final del equipo en competición

    Survey of diseases affecting reproduction in freeze bovine semen using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

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    Las enfermedades reproductivas son una de las principales causas de los bajos índices de procreo en Uruguay. El diagnóstico de estas enfermedades se lleva a cabo por diversas técnicas de laboratorio; la mayoría de las cuales no permiten la diferenciación de las distintas subespecies de cada microorganismo, hecho que si se puede determinar por medio de la técnica de PCR. En este estudio se intentó determinar la presencia de genomas de: Diarrea Viral Bovina, Herpesvirus bovino tipos 1 y 5, Campylobacter fetus fetus y fetus veneralis y Tritrichomonas foetus foetus. Para ello, 100 pajuelas de semen de bovinos de distintas razas fueron procesadas mediante PCR utilizando “primers” específicos para cada una de las enfermedades en estudio. Todas las muestras analizadas resultaron negativas a la detección de genomas de los agentes mencionados. Esta investigación permitió comprobar el buen nivel de los centros de reproducción evaluados, repercutiendo favorablemente en la sanidad del rodeo nacional. Así mismo, el chequeo de pajuelas de semen por medio de la técnica de PCR demostró ser una herramienta necesaria que debería ser utilizada de rutina ya que permite un rápido y eficiente diagnóstico.Reproductive diseases are a major cause of low calving rates nationwide. The diagnosis of these diseases is performed by various laboratory techniques, most of them do not allow differentiation in different subspecies of each organism, a fact that it can be determined by PCR. This study attempted to determine the presence of genome of bovine viral diarrhea, bovine herpesvirus types 1 and 5, Campylobacter fetus fetus and fetus veneralis and Tritrichomonas foetus foetus. One hundred bovine semen straws were collected and PCR technique using specific primers for each of the diseases studied were applied. All samples were negative for the detection of genomes of the pathogens mentioned. This investigation allowed to check the proper level of insemmination centers evaluated, impacting positively on the health of the national herd. Likewise, the screening of bovine semen straws by PCR proved to be a necessary tool that would be used routinously for quick and efficient diagnosis.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Survey of diseases affecting reproduction in freeze bovine semen using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

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    Las enfermedades reproductivas son una de las principales causas de los bajos índices de procreo en Uruguay. El diagnóstico de estas enfermedades se lleva a cabo por diversas técnicas de laboratorio; la mayoría de las cuales no permiten la diferenciación de las distintas subespecies de cada microorganismo, hecho que si se puede determinar por medio de la técnica de PCR. En este estudio se intentó determinar la presencia de genomas de: Diarrea Viral Bovina, Herpesvirus bovino tipos 1 y 5, Campylobacter fetus fetus y fetus veneralis y Tritrichomonas foetus foetus. Para ello, 100 pajuelas de semen de bovinos de distintas razas fueron procesadas mediante PCR utilizando “primers” específicos para cada una de las enfermedades en estudio. Todas las muestras analizadas resultaron negativas a la detección de genomas de los agentes mencionados. Esta investigación permitió comprobar el buen nivel de los centros de reproducción evaluados, repercutiendo favorablemente en la sanidad del rodeo nacional. Así mismo, el chequeo de pajuelas de semen por medio de la técnica de PCR demostró ser una herramienta necesaria que debería ser utilizada de rutina ya que permite un rápido y eficiente diagnóstico.Reproductive diseases are a major cause of low calving rates nationwide. The diagnosis of these diseases is performed by various laboratory techniques, most of them do not allow differentiation in different subspecies of each organism, a fact that it can be determined by PCR. This study attempted to determine the presence of genome of bovine viral diarrhea, bovine herpesvirus types 1 and 5, Campylobacter fetus fetus and fetus veneralis and Tritrichomonas foetus foetus. One hundred bovine semen straws were collected and PCR technique using specific primers for each of the diseases studied were applied. All samples were negative for the detection of genomes of the pathogens mentioned. This investigation allowed to check the proper level of insemmination centers evaluated, impacting positively on the health of the national herd. Likewise, the screening of bovine semen straws by PCR proved to be a necessary tool that would be used routinously for quick and efficient diagnosis.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Toward integrated analysis of human impacts on forest biodiversity: lessons from Latin America.

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    Although sustainable forest management (SFM) has been widely adopted as a policy and management goal, high rates of forest loss and degradation are still occurring in many areas. Human activities such as logging, livestock husbandry, crop cultivation, infrastructural development, and use of fire are causing widespread loss of biodiversity, restricting progress toward SFM. In such situations, there is an urgent need for tools that can provide an integrated assessment of human impacts on forest biodiversity and that can support decision making related to forest use. This paper summarizes the experience gained by an international collaborative research effort spanning more than a decade, focusing on the tropical montane forests of Mexico and the temperate rain forests of southern South America, both of which are global conservation priorities. The lessons learned from this research are identified, specifically in relation to developing an integrated modeling framework for achieving SFM. Experience has highlighted a number of challenges that need to be overcome in such areas, including the lack of information regarding ecological processes and species characteristics and a lack of forest inventory data, which hinders model parameterization. Quantitative models are poorly developed for some ecological phenomena, such as edge effects and genetic diversity, limiting model integration. Establishment of participatory approaches to forest management is difficult, as a supportive institutional and policy environment is often lacking. However, experience to date suggests that the modeling toolkit approach suggested by Sturvetant et al. (2008) could be of value in such areas. Suggestions are made regarding desirable elements of such a toolkit to support participatory-research approaches in domains characterized by high uncertainty, including Bayesian Belief Networks, spatial multi-criteria analysis, and scenario planning.Most of the research described here was undertaken in three projects supported by the European Commission (INCO programme), namely SUCRE (ERBIC18CT970146), BIOCORES (ICA4- CT-2001-10095), and ReForLan (INCO-DEV-3 N° 032132), and three Darwin Initiative (DEFRA, UK Government) grants to the senior author. Additional funding was provided by a variety of sources within the partner countries. All sources of financial support are gratefully acknowledged

    Toward integrated analysis of human impacts on forest biodiversity: lessons from Latin America.

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    Although sustainable forest management (SFM) has been widely adopted as a policy and management goal, high rates of forest loss and degradation are still occurring in many areas. Human activities such as logging, livestock husbandry, crop cultivation, infrastructural development, and use of fire are causing widespread loss of biodiversity, restricting progress toward SFM. In such situations, there is an urgent need for tools that can provide an integrated assessment of human impacts on forest biodiversity and that can support decision making related to forest use. This paper summarizes the experience gained by an international collaborative research effort spanning more than a decade, focusing on the tropical montane forests of Mexico and the temperate rain forests of southern South America, both of which are global conservation priorities. The lessons learned from this research are identified, specifically in relation to developing an integrated modeling framework for achieving SFM. Experience has highlighted a number of challenges that need to be overcome in such areas, including the lack of information regarding ecological processes and species characteristics and a lack of forest inventory data, which hinders model parameterization. Quantitative models are poorly developed for some ecological phenomena, such as edge effects and genetic diversity, limiting model integration. Establishment of participatory approaches to forest management is difficult, as a supportive institutional and policy environment is often lacking. However, experience to date suggests that the modeling toolkit approach suggested by Sturvetant et al. (2008) could be of value in such areas. Suggestions are made regarding desirable elements of such a toolkit to support participatory-research approaches in domains characterized by high uncertainty, including Bayesian Belief Networks, spatial multi-criteria analysis, and scenario planning.Most of the research described here was undertaken in three projects supported by the European Commission (INCO programme), namely SUCRE (ERBIC18CT970146), BIOCORES (ICA4- CT-2001-10095), and ReForLan (INCO-DEV-3 N° 032132), and three Darwin Initiative (DEFRA, UK Government) grants to the senior author. Additional funding was provided by a variety of sources within the partner countries. All sources of financial support are gratefully acknowledged

    Differences in the immune response elicited by two immunization schedules with an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in a randomized phase 3 clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: The development of vaccines to control the COVID-19 pandemic progression is a worldwide priority. CoronaVac® is an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine approved for emergency use with robust efficacy and immunogenicity data reported in trials in China, Brazil, Indonesia, Turkey, and Chile. METHODS: This study is a randomized, multicenter, and controlled phase 3 trial in healthy Chilean adults aged ≥18 years. Volunteers received two doses of CoronaVac® separated by two (0-14 schedule) or four weeks (0-28 schedule). 2,302 volunteers were enrolled, 440 were part of the immunogenicity arm, and blood samples were obtained at different times. Samples from a single center are reported. Humoral immune responses were evaluated by measuring the neutralizing capacities of circulating antibodies. Cellular immune responses were assessed by ELISPOT and flow cytometry. Correlation matrixes were performed to evaluate correlations in the data measured. RESULTS: Both schedules exhibited robust neutralizing capacities with the response induced by the 0-28 schedule being better. No differences were found in the concentration of antibodies against the virus and different variants of concern between schedules. Stimulation of PBMCs with MPs induced the secretion of IFN-g and the expression of activation induced markers for both schedules. Correlation matrixes showed strong correlations between neutralizing antibodies and IFN-g secretion. CONCLUSIONS: Immunization with CoronaVac® in Chilean adults promotes robust cellular and humoral immune responses. The 0-28 schedule induced a stronger humoral immune response than the 0-14 schedule. FUNDING: Ministry of Health, Government of Chile, Confederation of Production and Commerce & Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy, Chile. CLINICAL TRIAL NUMBER: NCT04651790

    Crystal structure, spectroscopic characterization and Hirshfeld surface analysis of aquadichlorido{N- [(pyridin-2-yl)methylidene]aniline}copper(II) monohydrate

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    The reaction of N-phenyl-1-(pyridin-2-yl)methanimine with copper chloride dihydrate produced the title neutral complex, [CuCl2(C12H10N2)(H2O)]·H2O. The CuII ion is five-coordinated in a distorted square-pyramidal geometry, in which the two N atoms of the bidentate Schiff base, as well as one chloro and a water mol­ecule, form the irregular base of the pyramidal structure. Meanwhile, the apical chloride ligand inter­acts through a strong hydrogen bond with a water mol­ecule of crystallization. In the crystal, mol­ecules are arranged in pairs, forming a stacking of symmetrical cyclic dimers that inter­act in turn through strong hydrogen bonds between the chloride ligands and both the coordinated and the crystallization water mol­ecules. The mol­ecular and electronic structures of the complex were also studied in detail using EPR (continuous and pulsed), FT–IR and Raman spectroscopy, as well as magnetization measurements. Likewise, Hirshfeld surface analysis was used to investigate the inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal packing.Centro de Química InorgánicaInstituto de Física La Plat