109 research outputs found

    Del mandato al deseo : la maternidad en solitario por elección

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    La maternidad en solitario por elección es un fenómeno emergente en nuestra sociedad y prácticamente desconocido. Con el objeto de conocer qué conduce a algunas mujeres a decidir ser madres en solitario, realizamos entrevistas en profundidad a 23 madres solas por elección. De ellas, 16 eran adoptivas, 4 había accedido a la maternidad a través de la reproducción asistida y 3 tuvieron a sus hijos e hijas de modo biológico a partir de una relación sin compromiso. Entre las diferentes áreas exploradas en este estudio, efectuamos un análisis cualitativo, desde las bases de la Teoría Fundamentada, del proceso por el que estas mujeres decidieron convertirse en madres solas. Nuestros resultados indican que estas mujeres se hacen un planteamiento de maternidad que subvierte las claves del patriarcado, puesto que: a) llegan a ella una vez conquistada su autonomía vital en distintos planos, b) se plantean la maternidad en solitario desde una posición de empoderamiento; c) desvinculan emparejamiento y maternidad, otorgando legitimidad a la maternidad en solitario; d) llegan a la maternidad no desde el mandato de género, puesto que no la necesitan para definirse como mujeres, sino desde el deseo de ser madres, deseo que las ha acompañado desde antiguo y al que por distintas circunstancias (laborales, de pareja, etc.) no habían podido dar salida

    Using Eye Tracking Technology to Analyse Cognitive Load in Multichannel Activities in University Students

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    Monitoring through the use of eye-tracking technology helps in understanding the cognitive load learners experience when doing tasks. This data gives the teacher and the student important information for improving learning outcomes. This study examined whether students’ participation in a learning virtual laboratory, with a self-regulated video monitored with eye-tracking, would influence their learning outcomes. It also examined whether students’ prior knowledge affected their learning outcomes. Lastly, the study identified clusters related to cognitive load in relevant Areas of Interest vs. non-relevant Areas of Interest. The sample comprised 42 university students of health sciences. The results indicate that participation in the virtual laboratory was related to better learning outcomes. In addition, prior knowledge did not affect cognitive load. A number of different clusters were found related to indicators of cognitive load in relevant and non-relevant AOIs. More applied studies are needed about the effects of monitoring on learning outcomes and on what it means for individualization of learning.his work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España. Proyectos de I + D+i-RTI Tipo B under Grant number [PID2020-117111RB-I00]

    A multiparametric advection-diffusion reduced-order model for molecular transport in scaffolds for osteoinduction

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    The version of record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10237-022-01577-2Scaffolds are microporous biocompatible structures that serve as material support for cells to proliferate, differentiate and form functional tissue. In particular, in the field of bone regeneration, insertion of scaffolds in a proper physiological environment is known to favour bone formation by releasing calcium ions, among others, triggering differentiation of mesenchymal cells into osteoblasts. Computational simulation of molecular distributions through scaffolds is a potential tool to study the scaffolds’ performance or optimal designs, to analyse their impact on cell differentiation, and also to move towards reduction in animal experimentation. Unfortunately, the required numerical models are often highly complex and computationally too costly to develop parametric studies. In this context, we propose a computational parametric reduced-order model to obtain the distribution of calcium ions in the interstitial fluid flowing through scaffolds, depending on several physical parameters. We use the well-known Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) with two different variations: local POD and POD with quadratic approximations. Computations are performed using two realistic geometries based on a foamed and a 3D-printed scaffolds. The location of regions with high concentration of calcium in the numerical simulations is in fair agreement with regions of bone formation shown in experimental observations reported in the literature. Besides, reduced-order solutions accurately approximate the reference finite element solutions, with a significant decrease in the number of degrees of freedom, thus avoiding computationally expensive simulations, especially when performing a parametric analysis. The proposed reduced-order model is a competitive tool to assist the design of scaffolds in osteoinduction research.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033) through the grants PID2020-113463RBC32, PID2020-113463RB-C33, CEX2018-000797-S and PID2019-103892RB-I00, and the Generalitat de Catalunya for the Serra Hunter Fellowship of ME and the ICREA Academia Award of MPG.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Röjningstidpunktens inverkan på röjningskostnadens storlek : – En caseundersökning på granplantbestånd i södra Finland

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    Sammanfattning Examensarbetet behandlar hur röjningstidpunkten inverkar på röjningskostnadens storlek. Undersökningen avgränsades till äldre granplantbestånd på frisk mo i södra Finland med ett aktuellt behov av röjning. Beståndens behov av röjning baserades på gjorda skogsbruksplaners skötselförslag och skyndsamhet. Undersökningens mest centrala frågeställningar var hur mycket kostnaden för röjandet ökar årligen samt hur höjden i beståndet förhåller sig till kostnadens storlek. Eftersom man utgick från skogsbruksplanens skyndsamhetsförslag ville man också ta reda på om man ser några skillnader i storlek och utveckling i röjningskostnaden hos respektive skyndsamhetsklass. Undersökningen använde sig av en rad olika metoder men de mest centrala var inventering av undersökningsobjekt, simulering av beståndsuppgifterna mellan åren 2011-2020 samt uträkning av röjningstaxor för alla tidsperioder. Resultaten tyder på att röjningskostnaden i medeltal skulle höjas med 62€/ha per år. Höjningen skulle vara kraftigast under tidsperiodens första hälft varefter den småningom skulle avta. Resultaten visar också att röjning då beståndet är 2-3 meter skulle vara över 3 gånger billigare än att skjuta upp röjningen tills beståndet uppnått 4-5 meters höjd. Röjningskostnadens utveckling skulle vara snabbare för bestånden med brådskande skyndsamhet än för bestånd med skyndsamheten 1-5 år. Undersökningen gjordes mellan januari och april 2011 i samarbete med Södra skogsreviret.Summary The thesis considers how the time of the clearing influences the costs of the clearing. The study was defined to older seedling stands of spruce on fresh fine sand ground in southern Finland, all with a current need of clearing. The need of clearing was based on earlier forest management plan proposals and their urgency. The most central questions of the study were how much the cost of clearing is increasing annually, and how the height of the stand is related to the size of the costs. Since the study was based on the urgency proposal of the forest management plan it was also important to find out if there are any differences in size and development of the costs in each of the urgency classes. Many methods were used in the study but the most important one was the inventory of test specimens, the simulation of stand data between the years 2011-2020, and calculation of clearing rates for all time periods. The results indicate that the average cost of clearing would be increased by 62 € / ha per year. The increase is the largest in the first half of the time period, after which it would slowly start to decrease. The results also show that clearing, when the height of the stand is 2-3 meters, would be over three times cheaper than delaying the clearing until the height of the stand is 4-5 meters. The development of the clearing costs would be faster for stands with a pressing urgency than for stands with urgency classification 1-5 years. The study was done between January and April 2011 in cooperation with the Southern Forest District

    Los campos de pockmarks en el sistema de cañones submarinos de Capbreton

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    En el marco del proyecto LIFE-IP-INTEMARES, se está realizando la caracterización de un sector del sistema de cañones submarinos de Capbreton, localizado en la región oriental del mar Cantábrico (golfo de Vizcaya), con el fin de mejorar el conocimiento para la declaración de nuevos espacios marinos protegidos de la Red Natura 2000 por su importancia para los diversos hábitats que los forman. Durante los años 2019 y 2020se llevaron a cabo dos campañas de investigación oceanográfica, en las cuales se prospectó una zona de interés de 3850 km2,(concretamente, un sector del curso meandriforme del cañón principal de Capbreton). Se han obtenido datos batimétricos, de reflectividad acústica del fondo marino y perfiles sísmicos de alta resolución del sub-suelo marino, así como muestras de roca y sedimentos, además de transectos de vídeo. Así, se han podido observar los cañones tributarios que atraviesan el talud continental, con orientación perpendicular a la línea de costa, y las plataformas intertributarias que presentan destacables campos de pockmarks(depresiones circulares o elípticas asociadas a escapes de fluidos).La batimetría de alta resolución obtenida para la zona ha permitido que, mediante técnicas manuales y semi-automáticas, se cartografíen más de 3000 pockmarks en un rango profundidades comprendido entre 400 y 1200 m. Se han estudiado las características principales de estos pockmarks (morfometría, localización, densidad, etc.) con el objetivo de conocer mejor su génesis y su relación con la evolución geológica de la zona. Estas morfologías, de dimensiones variables entre 20 y 550 m de diámetro y con depresiones que alcanzan los 80m,quese presentan de forma aislada, agrupada, múltiple (conteniendo unas a otras) o alineadas según orientaciones preferentes, sugieren un posible control tectónico. En ocasiones, aparecen conectados o asociados a zonas con pendientes inestables(en determinados sectores) donde se ha observado una gradación de tamaño. En los perfiles sísmicos de alta resolución adquiridos, se han podido localizar pockmarks tanto en la superficie del fondo marino, como sepultados dentro de los estratos sedimentarios, donde han quedado reflejados como paleo-pockmarks, actualmente cubiertos de sedimento

    Ampliación del estudio geomorfológico del LIC Sistema de Cañones Submarinos de Avilés. Proyecto LIFE IP INTEMARES

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    Dentro de los objetivos del proyecto LIFE IP INTEMARES “Gestión integrada, innovadora y participativa de la Red Natura 2000 en el medio marino español”, cofinanciado por la UE, se pretende completar los trabajos y avances llevados a cabo en el marco del proyecto LIFE+ INDEMARES (2009- 2014) en algunas de las zonas que fueron declaradas como Lugar de Importancia Comunitaria (LIC), así como ampliar el conocimiento de estas zonas a partir del reprocesado con nuevas técnicas de los datos que fueron adquiridos, y que permitirán avanzar en el estudio de los hábitats de estas áreas gracias a datos más detallados y de mayor resolución. En el presente trabajo se muestran las mejoras realizadas en el procesado y análisis de los datos geofísicos adquiridos durante el proyecto INDEMARES, en el Sistema de Cañones Submarinos de Avilés, localizado en el margen Cantábrico al norte de la Península Ibérica, frente a la costa asturiana. Los últimos avances incorporados a la nueva versión del software de procesado utilizado han permitido mejorar la resolución de la batimetría (5 m) y obtener nuevos mosaicos de reflectividad y mapas de variables derivadas. Los trabajos se han centrado en la zona de la plataforma continental comprendida entre los 40 m y los 200 m de profundidad, donde las características del fondo marino formado por sustrato duro podrían ser óptimas para el desarrollo del hábitat “Arrecifes” 1170. La plataforma en esta zona es estrecha e irregular, con pendientes entre 0º y 4º, llegando a profundidades máximas de 600 m, donde se produce la ruptura de pendiente para dar paso al talud continental (Gómez-Ballesteros et al., 2014). La información utilizada para generar una nueva cartografía geomorfológica ha sido completada con perfiles sísmicos de alta resolución TOPAS y muestreos directos de sustrato previamente existentes

    Optical diagnosis in still images of colorectal polyps: comparison between expert endoscopists and PolyDeep, a Computer-Aided Diagnosis system

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    Background PolyDeep is a computer-aided detection and classification (CADe/x) system trained to detect and classify polyps. During colonoscopy, CADe/x systems help endoscopists to predict the histology of colonic lesions. Objective To compare the diagnostic performance of PolyDeep and expert endoscopists for the optical diagnosis of colorectal polyps on still images. Methods PolyDeep Image Classification (PIC) is an in vitro diagnostic test study. The PIC database contains NBI images of 491 colorectal polyps with histological diagnosis. We evaluated the diagnostic performance of PolyDeep and four expert endoscopists for neoplasia (adenoma, sessile serrated lesion, traditional serrated adenoma) and adenoma characterization and compared them with the McNemar test. Receiver operating characteristic curves were constructed to assess the overall discriminatory ability, comparing the area under the curve of endoscopists and PolyDeep with the chi- square homogeneity areas test. Results The diagnostic performance of the endoscopists and PolyDeep in the characterization of neoplasia is similar in terms of sensitivity (PolyDeep: 89.05%; E1: 91.23%, p=0.5; E2: 96.11%, p<0.001; E3: 86.65%, p=0.3; E4: 91.26% p=0.3) and specificity (PolyDeep: 35.53%; E1: 33.80%, p=0.8; E2: 34.72%, p=1; E3: 39.24%, p=0.8; E4: 46.84%, p=0.2). The overall discriminative ability also showed no statistically significant differences (PolyDeep: 0.623; E1: 0.625, p=0.8; E2: 0.654, p=0.2; E3: 0.629, p=0.9; E4: 0.690, p=0.09). In the optical diagnosis of adenomatous polyps, we found that PolyDeep had a significantly higher sensitivity and a significantly lower specificity. The overall discriminative ability of adenomatous lesions by expert endoscopists is significantly higher than PolyDeep (PolyDeep: 0.582; E1: 0.685, p < 0.001; E2: 0.677, p < 0.0001; E3: 0.658, p < 0.01; E4: 0.694, p < 0.0001). Conclusion PolyDeep and endoscopists have similar diagnostic performance in the optical diagnosis of neoplastic lesions. However, endoscopists have a better global discriminatory ability than PolyDeep in the optical diagnosis of adenomatous polyps.Instituto de Salud Carlos III | Ref. PI21/01771Instituto de Salud Carlos III | Ref. CD22/00087Instituto de Salud Carlos III | Ref. INT22/00009Instituto de Salud Carlos III | Ref. FI22/00203Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/PRTRAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. DPI2017-87494-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PDC2021-121644-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431G 2019/06Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2022/03-GRCXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2023-00

    Morphosedimentary characterization of the Capbreton submarine canyon system, Bay of Biscay (Cantabrian Sea)

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    Various studies have been carried out to the declaration of new marine protected areas for their importance for habitats, according to the Natura 2000 Network. One of these sites is a sector of the Capbreton Submarine Canyon System, located in front of the Basque Country coast, in the Bay of Biscay (North Atlantic). During the Intemares_CapBreton 0619 and 0620 surveys; bathymetric, backscatter, high-resolution parametric data and samples of sediments, rocks and benthic communities from the seabed were acquired. The study was completed by recording video transects with the underwater vehicle ROTV Politolana from the IEO. The processing and analysis of the geophysical information has allowed obtaining a detailed bathymetry grid of 10 × 10 m, from which the first morphosedimentary characterization of the system of tributary canyons to the E-W trending main canyon and its interfluves has been made. One of the main features of this canyon system is the presence of a large pockmark field on adjacent platforms between canyons, located between 500 and 1000 m water depth. Within this field, pockmarks are shown as circular to elliptical depressions, most likely related to gas rich-fluid emissions to the subsurface.Versión del edito


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    The Columbretes Archipelago and their submerged surroundings are part of an unusual, Pleistocene volcanic field located in the Western Mediterranean designated as a Site of Community Importance (SCI) of the Natura 2000 Network. In the present study, 4 benthic habitats of community interest (1110, 1170, 1180 and 8330) have been identified by analyzing several sources of information. Generalized additive models (GAMs) have been used to model the potential distribution of reefs (1170) and maërl beds (1110). Our results highlight the diversity and extent of these habitats and allow comparisons to other marine SCIs of Spain. This can be attributed to the variability of the environment of this site. The Columbretes Islands combine a relatively shallow environment with volcanic structures, hydrothermalism with active degassing, current-driven sedimentary lobes and the influence of inland flows. Understanding high biodiversity spots is crucial as they offer natural laboratories to describe how ecosystems respond to the effects of global change. The knowledge obtained will be of paramount importance for the conservation of species and habitats. Furthermore, it will establish a baseline for future monitoring and assist in the development of effective management plans

    An optimized MNK1b aptamer, apMNKQ2, and its potential use as a therapeutic agent in breast cancer

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    16 pags., 8 figs.Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed and leading cause of cancer death among women worldwide. Mitogen-activated protein kinase-interacting kinases (MNKs) promote the expression of several oncogenic proteins and are overexpressed in several types of cancer. In human cells, there are four isoforms of MNKs. The truncated isoform MNK1b, first described in our laboratory, has a higher basal activity and is constitutively active. Aptamers are emerging in recent years as potential therapeutic agents that show significant advantages over drugs of other nature. We have previously obtained and characterized a highly specific aptamer against MNK1b, named apMNK2F, with a dissociation constant in the nanomolar range, which produces significant inhibition of proliferation, migration, and colony formation in breast cancer cells. Furthermore, its sequence analysis predicted two G-quadruplex structures. In this work, we show the optimization process of the aptamer to reduce its size, improving its stability. The obtained aptamer, named apMNKQ2, is able to inhibit proliferation, colony formation, migration, and invasion in breast cancer cells. In murine models of breast cancer, apMNKQ2 has demonstrated its efficacy in reducing tumor volume and the number of metastases. In conclusion, apMNKQ2 could be used as an anti-tumor drug in the future.C.P.-D. was supported by grant RTC-2014-1986-1 from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain). R.F.-M... by predoctoral contract (PEJD-2018-BMD-4416) from the Community of Madrid (Spain) and FPU19/02929 from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Spain). R.C.-B. for predoctoral contracts (PEJD 2016-BMD-2145 and 2018-BMD-9201) from the Community of Madrid and grant RTC2019-07227-1. M. EM., and V.M.G. are researchers at FIBio-HRC. Supported by grants RTC2019-07227-1, PID2020-116620GB-T.I.00, and PID2019-105417RB-I00, funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033 (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain).Peer reviewe