3,060 research outputs found

    Argentina-Canada from 1870: Explaining the dynamics of divergence

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    Argentina and Canada started their industrialization processes while exporting natural resources and importing capital goods. These two nations were sparsely populated but received significant inflows of European immigrants since the second half of the nineteenth century. Until the start of World War II, both economies experienced similar per-capita GDPs. However, the gap between both per-capita GDPs began to grow, widening throughout the century. We carry out an empirical study of the deep determinants of the divergence process between both economies. We confirm that while Canada was drawn into a successful path due to the adjacency with a bigger and complementary economy, Argentina fell into a “staple trap”.Relative per-capita GDPs, development accounting, total factor productivity, Argentina, Canada

    Challenges and gaps delivering palliative care to patients with heart failure.

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    Background: People living with heart failure (HF) have a wide range of physical and psychological symptoms and comorbidities. These affect their quality of life throughout the HF trajectory. Therefore, patients with HF, especially in advanced stages of this disease, may benefit from palliative care (PC). However, despite PC being widely recommended, few hospitals and HF clinics offer concurrent PC along with life‐prolonging therapies. Due to the unpredictability of the HF disease trajectory, prognostication is challenging, as well as identifying patients who might benefit from PC or have unmet needs. Additionally, patients with HF and implantable cardioverter efibrillators (ICD) have specific end‐of‐life (EoL) device management needs. Aims: In this thesis, I contribute knowledge about the challenges and gaps in the delivery of PC to patients with HF. Through the 4 articles that form my thesis, I provide knowledge about the challenges of identifying patients who might benefit from PC or those who have unmet PC needs. I evaluate the performance of the surprise question (SQ) predicting 1‐year mortality in ambulatory HF clinics, in article 1. In article 2, I assess the prevalence of patients with PC needs in outpatient HF clinics with the NECesidades PALiativas (NECPAL) or Palliative Needs tool. Additionally, I use the NECPAL tool to identify patients with HF who might benefit from PC. For article 3, I evaluated the psychometric characteristics of the German Needs Assessment Tool: Progressive Disease – Heart Failure (NAT: PD‐HF). Finally, I quantify gaps from anticipatory care planning and EoL care of patients with ICD in article 4. Methods: I used a cohort of 178 patients from 2 ambulatory HF clinics in Colombia for articles 1 and 2. To assess the performance of the SQ to predict 1‐year mortality (article 1), I consulted Colombia’s national mortality register for participants’ 1‐year vital status. To assess the NECPAL tool’s identification of patients with HF who might benefit from PC (article 2), I conducted a cross‐sectional analysis that compared health‐related quality of life and physical and psychosocial problems, between patients needing (+NECPAL group) and not needing (‐NECPAL group) PC. To validate the German NAT: PD‐HF, I used a singlecenter study at Inselspital’s Heart Failure Clinic in Bern, Switzerland (article 3). The tool was translated from English into German using a forward–backward translation. I assessed the German NAT: PD‐HF’s psychometric characteristics, including internal onsistency, inter‐rater reliability, test‐retest reliability, and face validity. I conducted a systematic review and meta‐analysis for article 4. Results: These studies’ results are presented in 4 articles. Article 1 shows the SQ’s sensitivity to predict 1‐year mortality is 85% and its specificity is 57%. The SQ’s positive and negative likelihood ratios were 1.98 and 0.26, respectively. Its performance was similar among women and men, yet performed better in patients younger than 70 years, in patients with reduced or mildly reduced ejection fraction, and in patients at the New York Heart Association class III or IV. Article 2 shows that among patients under optimal medical 8 treatment in outpatient HF clinics, 44% met the NECPAL tool criteria to receive concurrent PC (+NECPAL). Compared to –NECPAL patients, +NECPAL patients had worse quality of life; more severe shortness of breath, tiredness, drowsiness, and pain; and greater psychosocial problems. Article 3 shows that the German NAT: PD‐HF validation had good internal consistency, substantial inter‐rater agreement for most of the items, and an almost perfect test‐retest reliability. Moreover, patients thought well of the tool, and they agreed that it could help to improve their quality of care. Article 4 shows that nearly 3 out of 4 patients (pooled estimate 28%, 95% CI 22‐36%) died with their ICD’s shock function active, despite guidelines recommending deactivation of this function at the EoL. For those with advance directives, few directives mentioned what to do with ICD devices at the EoL; the pooled prevalence estimate was only 1% (95% CI 1‐3%). Conclusion: In this thesis, I contribute knowledge about gaps and challenges delivering palliative care to patients with heart failure. I show gaps regarding anticipatory care planning and end‐of‐life care for patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators and offer strategies to address these gaps. Additionally, I provide knowledge and suggestions to overcome identifying patients’ palliative care needs. I assessed 3 tools to support the identification of palliative care needs; 2 of them, to support the identification of the needs due to limited life expectancy (the SQ and the NECPAL), and 1 to identify palliative care needs regardless of prognosis (the NAT: PD‐HF). The best screening tool depends on the situation, and whatever tool we use, it is better to screen and think about the palliative care needs of the patients using any tool than no screening at all

    The secret mechanisms of courts: Factions in early modern Europe

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    Los videojuegos de estrategia y la resolución de conflictos

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    Los videojuegos han sido tema de múltiples debates a lo largo de la historia donde se les ha satanizado o simplemente se les considera una mala influencia para el desarrollo cognitivo de las personas, ya que muchos poseen un contenido marcadamente violento y no parecen enseñar nada; pero al igual que los libros, en el mundo de los videojuegos nos podemos encontrar con muchos ejemplos de obras de arte o complejas aventuras que enseñan muchas cosas a sus usuarios. Ésta investigación está centrada en determinar si los videojuegos permiten desarrollar la capacidad de resolución de problemas simples en una población determinada, la población Gamer (termino acoplado para referirse a las personas que hacen uso frecuente de los videojuegos) el principal teórico en el cual se ha basado esta investigación es James Paul Gee y su libro “Que enseñan realmente los videojuegos sobre el aprendizaje y la alfabetización (Gee, 2004) Con el fin de realizar una investigación objetiva, se pretende determinar cuáles son los problemas cotidianos a los cuales se enfrenta la población gamer de entre 20 y 25 años dentro de los mismos videojuegos a los que se exponen regularmente y definir la manera en la que la población gamer resuelve los problemas ya determinados tras haber hecho un análisis del videojuego, así mismo, identificar si hay una diferencia a la hora de resolver problemas cotidianos entre las personas que no hacen uso de ningún tipo de videojuego con regularidad y la población gamer que hace usos de videojuegos de estrategia

    Elicitation techniques focusing on participation in EFL

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    Este documento describe la planificación, ejecución y resultados del proyecto del aula que tuvo como propósito evidenciar el impacto de la implementación de técnicas de elicitación como un medio para hacer que los estudiantes participen durante las clases de inglés como lengua extranjera. Este proyecto surgió de la necesidad de guiar a los estudiantes a desempeñar un papel activo durante las clases de inglés dado que, a partir de las experiencias de enseñanza personal, se ha observado que la falta de participación entre los estudiantes afecta el desarrollo normal de las clases. La planificación, selección de materiales y el uso de la tecnología fueron recursos esenciales para llevar a cabo la implementación con los alumnos de 8º grado de la institución educativa Suroriental de Pereira. Para recopilar datos, se llevaron a cabo observaciones durante cada sesión con el fin de identificar las respuestas de los estudiantes en términos de actitudes y producción lingüística. Además, el diario de enseñanza se utilizó para respaldar los datos recopilados. Los resultados mostraron que las Técnicas de elicitación no funcionaban por sí solas, por lo que existe una estricta necesidad de relacionar el contenido seleccionado para la lección con la vida diaria del alumno

    Cat attacks towards people and/or animals, an educational pending task on pet’s owners?

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    This study aimed to explore the context and the characteristics of domestic cats’ (Felis catus) attacking their owners or other pets and their probable risk factors. A survey was targeted to persons perceiving that their cat attacked to people or/and animals. Only no‑stray, healthy cats’ information were included. 48 questions covered general information of the owners, and type of house; age sex, color, and medical record of cats; the context on which the aggression to people or other pet took place; handling habitudes in owner‑cat interaction. Chi‑square and Fisher test were used to compare the frequency of cat’s characteristics between cats with and without attacks towards people and/or animals. Risk factors analysis was made with WinEpi©. The information of 154 cats was obtained, the 91.5% of owners declared to play with their cats, 63 cats performed attacks to people and/or animals in the past three months. 8 (5.2%) cats perceived by their owners as non‑aggressive, in fact performed attacks towards people and/or animals. The most commons wounds reported were scratches and bites (68.2%), largely considered by owners (76.2%) as no needing medical revision. 62% of aggression events were preceded by vocalization and/or body posture changes of cats. A significant higher proportion of cats combining < 2years, and with nonexclusive litter box performed aggressions. Cats of age of < 2 years resulted with 4.7 to 32.2 more probabilities to perform aggression. The absence of other animals also resulted as risk factor. Owner attitudes minimizing cat aggression could imply the maintenance of unwanted behaviors in cats, also accidental aggression during human‑animal interaction deserve deeper studies due to possible zoonosis risk to owners

    Monitoramento e estudo de aspectos bioecológicos da broca dos citros, Diploschema rotundicolle (Coleoptera:Cerambycidae), em pomares de limões do sul do Uruguai

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    The citrus borer, Diploschema rotundicolle, is a South American cerambycid beetle considered a primary citrus pest in Uruguay. Serious focalized population explosions have been registered in recent years, particularly in lemon orchards. The larvae feed on the woody tissue, causing tree deterioration and reducing grove productivity and value. Current management relies on cultural control, which is expensive and ineffective partially because of imprecise timing of interventions. Monitoring tools for adults or information of their flight periods in Uruguay are not available thus far. Working in lemon groves in southern Uruguay throughout four flight seasons (2015-2020), we used cross-vane traps coupled with white light devices to capture night-flying adults, and mesh covers around infested trees to study adult emergence. Visual observation of larval activity and oviposition damage were also performed throughout the year. Finally, Eucalyptus globulus windbreaks were checked underneath loosen barks for hidden adults. Throughout all four seasons, adult flight occurred between late January and early April, with a maximum around mid-February. Emergence from mesh-covered trees was observed in the same period. In general, oviposition damage was observed closely after the peak of adult catches. Mostly females were both trapped in light traps and emerged from infested trees. Larval activity was registered all year long. Adults were found sheltered under E. globulus barks; in this case, mostly individual males or couples were found. This study provides a monitoring tool for D. rotundicolle adult flight and information on bio-ecological aspects of this pest in southern Uruguay.El taladro de los cítricos, Diploschema rotundicolle, es un cerambícido sudamericano considerado plaga primaria de los cítricos en Uruguay. Se observan explosiones poblacionales focalizadas, particularmente en cultivo de limón. Las larvas se alimentan de la madera, causando un deterioro en los árboles que impacta en la productividad y el valor de las quintas. El manejo recae en el control cultural, que es costoso e ineficiente parcialmente por la realización fuera de tiempo de las intervenciones. No existen herramientas de monitoreo de adultos, que tienen hábitos nocturnos, ni información sobre su período de vuelo en Uruguay. Trabajando en quintas de limón en el sur de Uruguay durante cuatro temporadas (2015-2020), relevamos el vuelo de adultos en trampas de panel cruzado acopladas a luz blanca, y registramos emergencia de adultos mediante enmallado de árboles. Asimismo, se registró la actividad larval a lo largo del año y el daño de oviposición. Finalmente, se revisaron cortezas de cortinas de Eucalyptus globulus como refugio de adultos. En todas las temporadas, el vuelo y la emergencia de adultos sucedieron entre enero y abril, con un máximo a mediados de febrero. En general, el daño de oviposición se observó inmediatamente después del pico de mayores capturas. Se capturaron mayormente hembras en las trampas de luz y mallas. Se registró actividad larval durante todo el año. Se encontraron adultos refugiados bajo las cortezas de E. globulus; en este caso, mayormente machos aislados o parejas hembra-macho. Este trabajo provee una herramienta de monitoreo para el vuelo de adultos y aporta conocimiento sobre aspectos bio-ecológicos de D. rotundicolle en Uruguay.A broca dos citros, Diploschema rotundicolle, é um cerambicídeo sul-americano, considerado a principal praga dos citros no Uruguai. São observadas explosões populacionais, particularmente no cultivo de limão. Os adultos são noturnos e as larvas se alimentam da madeira, causando uma deterioração nas árvores que impacta a produtividade e o valor patrimonial das quintas. A gestão depende do controle cultural, que é caro e ineficiente, em parte devido aos tempos de intervenção inadequados. No Uruguai, não existem ferramentas de monitoramento dos insetos adultos, nem informações sobre seu período de voo. Durante 4 temporadas (2015-2020), usamos armadilhas de painel cruzado acopladas a luz branca e malhas envolvendo árvores infestados, para estudar a emergência de adultos em limoeiros no sul do Uruguai. A atividade larval ao longo do ano e os danos à oviposição foram registrados. A casca dos arvores de Eucalyptus globulus que rodeiam os quadros foi revisada como refúgio para adultos. Em todas as estações, o voo e a emergência nas malhas ocorreram entre janeiro e abril, com máximo em meados de fevereiro. Em geral, o dano de oviposição foi observado imediatamente após o pico das maiores capturas. As fêmeas foram capturadas principalmente em armadilhas de luz e malha. A atividade larval foi registrada ao longo do ano. Adultos refugiados foram encontrados sob a casca de E. globulus; neste caso, principalmente machos isolados ou em pares fêmea-macho. Este trabalho fornece uma ferramenta de monitoramento do voo de adultos e fornece conhecimento sobre aspectos bioecológicos de D. rotundicolle

    Propuesta en educación ambiental para la Escuela Campesina de Agroecología Travesías (Calarcá-Quindío), desde la visión del territorio escuela.

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como propósito generar una propuesta de educación ambiental en la Escuela Campesina Agroecológica Travesías, Calarcá Quindío. Para incluir la visión del territorio escuela como eje primordial en la vindicación de prácticas culturales, sociales, económicas y ambientales, que hace posible la relación hombre – naturaleza. A partir del análisis del estado del arte de la educación ambiental y las perspectivas de los agentes sociales inmersos en el territorio y agentes sociales externos (grupo investigador), se propuso actividades que enmarcaron la importancia de abordar el territorio como espacio idóneo de constante aprendizaje para revalorizar las diferentes actividades que caracterizan a las comunidades y hacer visible las problemáticas ambientales. El abordaje metodológico se realizó a partir de la Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP), para la inclusión de la educación ambiental como herramienta pedagógica que fortalece la comprensión y análisis del entorno. Se estableció un grupo de trabajo y discusión entre los jóvenes y adultos que conforman la Escuela Campesina Agroecológica Travesías para el desarrollo de las actividades propuestas. El papel del administrador ambiental se hace evidente como gestor del desarrollo al actuar desde la visión sistémica e interdisciplinaria dando soluciones a las problemáticas reales de los territorios

    When Linder meets Hirschman: inter-industry linkages and global value chains in business services

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    This article looks at the determinants of a country’s participation in business services (BS) global value chains (GVCs). BS GVCs are comparatively less explored than traditional manufacturing ones, and there is a gap in the literature on the relative positions of countries in BS GVCs and the opportunities they might open for development. This article puts forward and finds empirical support to the conjecture that the domestic structure of backward and forward linkages à la Hirschman, alongside the domestic representative demand for BS à la Linder, are of high importance. The results, based on the World Input-Output Database, suggest that the presence of strong domestic backward-linked industries to BS makes an emerging country more likely to create domestic value within BS GVC. Our findings contribute to the debate on a “premature de-industrialization” in emerging countries and on the relationship between levels of development and engagement in BS GVCs