257 research outputs found

    Análisis y definición de estructura organizacional: estudio de un caso

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    Muchas empresas pequeñas y medianas y muchas veces aún las empresas grandes, pospone n cambios p ri vilegiando la comodidad de algunas personas o sectores, protegiendo susceptibilidad es , o simplemente para aplazar un cambio que irremediablemente habrá que enfrentar en algún momento. La necesidad de cambiar muchas veces nos encuentra mirando las cosas pasar, las oportunidades irse tal cual llegan y no siempre estamos dispuestos a tomarnos el trabajo tan agotador de aprender y echarnos a andar

    En tiempo de crisis

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    Hoy en el mundo tenemos un acontecimiento que roba la atención de todos: coronavirus, y aunque resulta triste su connotación: confinamiento, cuarentena, muerte, sin lugar a dudas este virus ha dejado al descubierto una vorágine de sentimientos y actitudes que el ser humano o se resiste a mostrar o las pasa inadvertidas

    Momento Económico (8)

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    En este número Temas de hoy, 2/ La energía del programa, Ignacio Cabrera, 3/ Se recupera la industria automotriz, 6/ Más apoyo del Estado a los industriales exportadores, Lucia Alvarez Mosso, 7/ La danza de las divisas, Ma. Luisa González Marín, 10/ La planeación del desarrollo científico tecnológico en México. Adrián Chavero Gonrález, 12/ La política científico-tecnológica en México (1980-1984), Alberto León, 1

    Occurrence of tetrodotoxin in bivalves and gastropods from harvesting areas and other natural spaces in Spain

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    Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent neurotoxin that is receiving increasing interest in the European Union because it has been found in different fishery products (fish, bivalves and gastropods) captured in European waters. Since available information is scarce, further analytical data regarding the incidence of this toxin in European fishery products is needed in order to perform an appropriate risk assessment devoted to protecting consumers’ health. Hence, samples of bivalves and gastropods were collected at different points of the Spanish coast and analyzed by high-performance hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS/MS) to evaluate the presence of TTX. None of the analyzed samples showed TTX above an internal threshold of 10 µg/kg or even showed a peak under it. Our results on TTX occurrence obtained in bivalve molluscs and gastropods did not show, at least in the studied areas, a risk for public health. However, taking into account previous positive results obtained by other research groups, and since we did not detect TTX in our samples, a more completed study increasing sampling frequency is needed to ensure proper risk evaluation towards the food safety of these products.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Detoxification of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in naturally contaminated mussels, clams and scallops by an industrial procedure

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    Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) episodes cause important economic impacts due to closure of shellfish production areas in order to protect human health. These closures, if are frequent and persistent, can seriously affect shellfish producers and the seafood industry, among others. In this study, we have developed an alternative processing method for bivalves with PSP content above the legal limit, which allows reducing toxicity to acceptable levels. A modification of the PSP detoxifying procedure stablished by Decision 96/77/EC of the European Union in Acanthocardia tuberculatum, was developed and implemented for PSP elimination in other bivalves species. The procedure was applied to 6 batches of mussels, 2 batches of clams and 2 batches of scallops, achieving detoxification rates of around 85%. A viable industrial protocol which allows the transformation of a product at risk into a safe product was developed. Although a significant reduction was obtained, in a sample circa 9000 μg STX diHCl equiv/kg, the final toxin level in these highly toxic mussels did not fall below the European limit. The processing protocol described may be applied efficiently to mussels, clams and scallops and it may be a major solution to counteract the closure of shellfish harvesting areas, especially if persistent.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Single-Molecule Conductance of 1,4-Azaborine Derivatives as Models of BN-doped PAHs

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    The single–molecule conductance of a series of BN-acene-like derivatives has been measured by using scanning tunneling break-junction techniques. A strategic design of the target molecules has allowed us to include azaborine units in positions that unambiguously ensure electron transport through both heteroatoms, which is relevant for the development of customized BN-doped nanographenes. We show that the conductance of the anthracene azaborine derivative is comparable to that of the pristine all-carbon anthracene compound. Notably, this heteroatom substitution has also allowed us to perform similar measurements on the corresponding pentacene-like compound, which is found to have a similar conductance, thus evidencing that B–N doping could also be used to stabilize and characterize larger acenes for molecular electronics applications. Our conclusions are supported by state-of-the-art transport calculations.This work has been supported by the MICINN projects PID2019-105458RB-I00, PID2019-106732GB-I00, PGC2018-101873-A-I00, CTQ2017-85454-C2-1-P, FIS2016-77889-R and MAT2017-88693-R, the European Research Council (ERC) (677023), the FEDER/Junta de Andalucía project A-FQM-221-UGR18 and the Comunidad de Madrid project NanoMagCOST (CM S2018/NMT-4321). We also thank Severo Ochoa Programme for Center of Excellence in R&D (SEV-2016-0686) and María de Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (CEX2018-000805-M). We acknowledge the allocation of computer time by the Red Española de Supercomputación and the Centro de Computación Científica at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (CCC-UAM). J.G.F. thanks the PFI program of the MICINN co-financed by the European Social Fund. I.R.M. thanks MICINN for a Personal Técnico de Apoyo contract (PTA2017-13681-I). E.L. thanks the Comunidad de Madrid grant Atracción de Talento 2019-T1/IND-16384

    Minimized natural versions of fungal ribotoxins show improved active site plasticity

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    Fungal ribotoxins are highly specific extracellular RNases which cleave a single phosphodiester bond at the ribosomal sarcin-ricin loop, inhibiting protein biosynthesis by interfering with elongation factors. Most ribotoxins show high degree of conservation, with similar sizes and amino acid sequence identities above 85%. Only two exceptions are known: Hirsutellin A and anisoplin, produced by the entomopathogenic fungi Hirsutella thompsonii and Metarhizium anisopliae, respectively. Both proteins are similar but smaller than the other known ribotoxins (130 vs 150 amino acids), displaying only about 25% sequence identity with them. They can be considered minimized natural versions of their larger counterparts, best represented by α-sarcin. The conserved α-sarcin active site residue Tyr48 has been replaced by the geometrically equivalent Asp, present in the minimized ribotoxins, to produce and characterize the corresponding mutant. As a control, the inverse anisoplin mutant (D43Y) has been also studied. The results show how the smaller versions of ribotoxins represent an optimum compromise among conformational freedom, stability, specificity, and active-site plasticity which allow these toxic proteins to accommodate the characteristic abilities of ribotoxins into a shorter amino acid sequence and more stable structure of intermediate size between that of other nontoxic fungal RNases and previously known larger ribotoxins

    Overview of the marine litter status in the Atlantic Area: floating litter

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    CleanAtlantic is an INTERREG Atlantic Area Programme project that aimed at protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Atlantic Area by improving capabilities to monitor, prevent and remove (macro) marine litter. Besides, the project also contributed to raise awareness and change attitudes among stakeholders and to improve marine litter managing systems. To achieve these aims, the work was organised in 8 work packages. The present deliverable aims at synthesizing the main results achieved on the frame of the action 1 of work package 4, which focused on the Regional characterisation of marine litter in the Atlantic Area. More specifically, this report deals with the assessment of the floating litter data available in this area. Additionally, the major key findings, gaps on monitoring and research as well as potential improvements and recommendations are identified

    Optically-faint massive Balmer Break Galaxies at z>3 in the CANDELS/GOODS fields

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    We present a sample of 33 Balmer Break Galaxies (BBGs) selected as HST/F160W dropouts in the deepest CANDELS/GOODS fields (H27.3H\gtrsim27.3~mag) but relatively bright in {\it Spitzer}/IRAC ([3.6],[4.5]<24.5[3.6],[4.5]<24.5~mag), implying red colors (median and quartiles: H[3.6]=\langle H-[3.6]\rangle=3.1^{3.4}_{2.8}\,mag). Half of these BBGs are newly identified sources. Our BBGs are massive (log(M/M)=10.8\langle \log(\rm{M}/\rm{M}_\odot)\rangle=10.8) high redshift (z=4.8\langle z\rangle=4.8) dusty (A(V)=2.0\langle \rm{A(V)}\rangle=2.0~mag) galaxies. The SEDs of half of our sample indicate that they are star-forming galaxies with typical specific SFRs 0.5-1.0~Gyr1^{-1}, qualifying them as main sequence (MS) galaxies at 3<z<63<z<6. One third of those SEDs indicates the presence of prominent emission lines (Hβ\beta+[OIII][OIII], Hα\alpha++[NII]) boosting the IRAC fluxes and red colors. Approximately 20\% of the BBGs are very dusty (A(V)2.5\rm{A(V)}\sim2.5~mag) starbursts with strong mid-to-far infrared detections and extreme SFRs (SFR>103M/yr\rm{SFR}>10^{3}\,\rm{M}_\odot/yr) that place them above the MS. The rest, 30\%, are post-starbursts or quiescent galaxies located >2σ>2\sigma below the MS with mass-weighted ages older than 700~Myr. Only 2 of the 33 galaxies are X-ray detected AGN with optical/near-infrared SEDs dominated by stellar emission, but the presence of obscured AGN in the rest of sources cannot be discarded. Our sample accounts for 8\% of the total number density of log(M/M)>10\log(\rm{M}/\rm{M}_\odot)>10 galaxies at z>3z>3, but it is a significant contributor (30\%) to the general population of red log(M/M)>11\log(\rm{M}/\rm{M}_\odot)>11 galaxies at 4<z<64<z<6. Finally, our results point out that 1 of every 30 massive log(M/M)>11\log(\rm{M}/\rm{M}_\odot)>11 galaxies in the local Universe was assembled in the first 1.5~Gyr after the Big Bang, a fraction that is not reproduced by state-of-the-art galaxy formation simulations.Comment: 38 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal 26/03/201