502 research outputs found

    Plan de Marketing : Hecho en Andalucía “Desde Andalucía para el mundo"

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    Mi proyecto final de grado consiste en un plan de marketing para una empresa real llamada Hecho en Andalucía la cual se dedica a la exportación de productos andaluces a España y Europa y a fomentar la marca Andalucía fuera de nuestra frontera. El objetivo del plan de marketing es analizar las principales variables que influyen en la estructura de la organización que ayudará a la empresa a conocer en profundidad tanto los puntos fuertes como los puntos débiles, para así poder seguir creciendo como Pues con este plan de Marketing se busca poder seguir vendiendo nuestra filosofía de marca y conseguir nuevos inversores interesados en este proyecto, así como conexiones con otras entidades tanto públicas como privadas que ayuden a mejorar la imagen de Andalucía.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Anxiety self-perception in Elementary Education teachers of Badajoz and Castelo Branco

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    Este estudio forma parte de otro más amplio cuya finalidad es analizar la influencia de la competencia emocional en el clima social de un aula y en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos. Concretamente, esta parte del estudio pretende conocer el grado de Autopercepción de la Ansiedad en Maestros de Enseñanza Básica de centros educativos de la ciudad de Castelo Branco (Portugal) y en Maestros de Educación Primaria de la ciudad de Badajoz (España), como aspecto que condiciona la calidad de la enseñanza. Para ello se diseñó una investigación, en la que se compararon los resultados de un Test de Autopercepción de Ansiedad en situaciones del contexto educativo cumplimentado por profesores portugueses y españoles. Como conclusión general, la autopercepción de la ansiedad y el estrés de los docentes españoles es superior al de los portugueses, sobre todo en lo que concierne a las manifestaciones motoras, en las que existen diferencias significativas.This study makes part of another broader one whose aim is analyzing the influence of the emotional competence on the social environment of a class and on the pupils’ academic performance. In particular, this part of the study intends to know the degree of Anxiety Self-Perception in Elementary Education teachers of educational centers of Castelo Branco (Portugal) and Primary Education teachers in the town of Badajoz (Spain), as an aspect which makes a condition of the teaching quality. To do so they designed an investigation, in which the results of an Anxiety Self-Percetion Test were contrasted in situations of the educational context carried out by Portuguese and Spanish teachers. As a general conclusion, the anxiety and stress self-perception in Spanish teachers is higher than in Portuguese ones, especially regarding the motor appearances, where we can find significant differences.peerReviewe

    Los nuevos modi operandi de los ciberdelincuentes durante la crisis económica

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    With this article, we aim to raise awareness of the conflict and the challenges both police procedural, to address a varied and innovative type of crime that threatens constantly «from the dark side of the network» fundamental rights of our citizens, but especially so in the years we have economic crisis, has increased substantially. To do this, we studied computer technician and criminal procedure of the phenomena involved. Our study is based primarily on the experience gained during the previous years, in contact with the various phenomena analyzed, is based not just on research on phenomenology, but also uses the positions of those in the treated areas are specialists in the field. All this, to show work that seeks a specific exposure to the model affects the Spanish penal code, be aware that the study is not limited to developed concepts and terms, because for a greater range of phenomenology analyzed, would have needed relate with other international models, to transcend these offenses and crimes, the State boundaries. However, this study is specific for space reasons and objectives, to the extent that we present. This article has three distinct parts. First introduced and unlike a number of terms related to the phenomenon of cybercrime and cybersecurity. Second, it performs a development from a technical standpoint computer, to treat emergent problems involving a series of phenomena, for which there is no precise social awareness in our society and that requires immediate and coordinated response of all, to adopt the necessary measures, not only for fans of social networking, but also for any ordinary citizen to use new technologies for personal: find a job, perform transfers or transactions the web, etc., since there is an alarming growth of cyber criminal modus operandi in 2012. Third, we analyze what may be the most effective from the point of view of criminal law to combat and stop these illegal cyber. Finally we study with conclusions. Con el presente artículo, pretendemos dar a conocer el conflicto y los retos tanto policiales como procesales, para hacer frente a un variado e innovador tipo de delincuencia que atenta constantemente «desde el lado oscuro de la red» a los Derechos Fundamentales de nuestros ciudadanos, pero que de manera especial, en los años que llevamos de crisis1 económica, se ha incrementado sustancialmente. Para ello, hemos realizado un estudio técnico informático y procesal penal2, de los fenómenos afectados. Nuestro estudio que se basa fundamentalmente en la experiencia profesional adquirida durante los años precedentes, en contacto con los distintos fenómenos analizados, se sustenta no solo en la investigación sobre fenomenología, sino que además, se sirve de las posturas de quienes, en las áreas tratadas, son especialistas en la materia. Todo ello, para mostrar un trabajo que pretende una exposición específica para el modelo que afecta al código penal español3, siendo conscientes que el estudio no se limita a los conceptos y términos desarrollados, porque para un mayor alcance de la fenomenología analizada, hubiera hecho falta relacionarlo con otros modelos internacionales, al trascender este tipo de delitos y crímenes, las fronteras de los Estados. No obstante, este estudio se concreta por motivos de espacio y objetivos, a la extensión que presentamos. Este artículo tiene tres partes bien diferenciadas. En primer lugar introduce y diferencia una serie de términos relacionados con el fenómeno del ciberdelito y la seguridad cibernética. En segundo lugar, se lleva a cabo un desarrollo desde un punto de vista técnico informático, para tratar la problemática emergente que supone una serie de fenómenos, para los que no existe una concienciación social precisa en nuestra sociedad y que exige una respuesta inmediata y coordinada de todos, para que se adopten las medidas necesarias, no solo por los fans de las redes sociales, sino también por cualquier ciudadano de a pie que use las nuevas tecnologías para usos personales: buscar empleo, llevar a cabo transferencias u operaciones por la web, etc; dado que existe un alarmante crecimiento del modus operandi del ciberdelincuente en el 2012. En tercer lugar, analizamos cuales pueden ser los métodos más eficaces desde el punto de vista jurídico penal4, para combatir y frenar estos ilícitos cibernéticos5. Finalizaremos nuestro estudio, con unas conclusiones.With this article, we aim to raise awareness of the conflict and the challenges both police procedural, to address a varied and innovative type of crime that threatens constantly «from the dark side of the network» fundamental rights of our citizens, but especially so in the years we have economic crisis, has increased substantially. To do this, we studied computer technician and criminal procedure of the phenomena involved. Our study is based primarily on the experience gained during the previous years, in contact with the various phenomena analyzed, is based not just on research on phenomenology, but also uses the positions of those in the treated areas are specialists in the field. All this, to show work that seeks a specific exposure to the model affects the Spanish penal code, be aware that the study is not limited to developed concepts and terms, because for a greater range of phenomenology analyzed, would have needed relate with other international models, to transcend these offenses and crimes, the State boundaries. However, this study is specific for space reasons and objectives, to the extent that we present. This article has three distinct parts. First introduced and unlike a number of terms related to the phenomenon of cybercrime and cybersecurity. Second, it performs a development from a technical standpoint computer, to treat emergent problems involving a series of phenomena, for which there is no precise social awareness in our society and that requires immediate and coordinated response of all, to adopt the necessary measures, not only for fans of social networking, but also for any ordinary citizen to use new technologies for personal: find a job, perform transfers or transactions the web, etc., since there is an alarming growth of cyber criminal modus operandi in 2012. Third, we analyze what may be the most effective from the point of view of criminal law to combat and stop these illegal cyber. Finally we study with conclusions

    Analysis of the effectiveness of an Emotional Intelligence Program with teachers from Badajoz and Castelo Branco

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    Este estudio forma parte de otro más amplio cuya finalidad es analizar la influencia de la competencia emocional en el clima social de un aula y en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos. Concretamente, esta parte del estudio pretende conocer el grado de competencia emocional que poseen los docentes y cómo puede incrementarse a través de una intervención. Para ello se diseñó una investigación, en la que se elaboró un programa de intervención con seis bloques de contenidos, que se trabajaron con el grupo experimental en dos sesiones de cinco horas cada una. Como conclusión general, la competencia emocional y social de los docentes con los que se intervino incrementó con respecto a las de aquellos que no recibieron formación.This study is part of a broader one whose purpose is to analyze the influence of emotional competence in the social climate of a classroom and in the students’ academic performance. Specifically, this part of the study is aimed at learning the degree of emotional competence that teachers have and how it could be enhanced through intervention. For this purpose, we carried out a research which developed an intervention program with six blocks of content. They were worked with the experimental group in two sessions of five hours each. As a general conclusion, emotional and social competence of teachers which took part in our research increased compared to those who did not receive any training.peerReviewe

    A Cholinergic Synaptically Triggered Event Participates in the Generation of Persistent Activity Necessary for Eye Fixation

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    An exciting topic regarding integrative properties of the nervous system is how transient motor commands or brief sensory stimuli are able to evoke persistent neuronal changes, mainly as a sustained, tonic action potential firing. A persisting firing seems to be necessary for postural maintenance after a previous movement. We have studied in vitro and in vivo the generation of the persistent neuronal activity responsible for eye fixation after spontaneous eye movements. Rat sagittal brainstem slices were used for the intracellular recording of prepositus hypoglossi (PH) neurons and their synaptic activation from nearby paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) neurons. Single electrical pulses applied to the PPRF showed a monosynaptic glutamatergic projection on PH neurons, acting on AMPA-kainate receptors. Train stimulation of the PPRF area evoked a sustained depolarization of PH neurons exceeding (by hundreds of milliseconds) stimulus duration. Both duration and amplitude of this sustained depolarization were linearly related to train frequency. The train-evoked sustained depolarization was the result of interaction between glutamatergic excitatory burst neurons and cholinergic mesopontine reticular fibers projecting onto PH neurons, because it was prevented by slice superfusion with cholinergic antagonists and mimicked by cholinergic agonists. As expected, microinjections of cholinergic antagonists in the PH nucleus of alert behaving cats evoked a gaze-holding deficit consisting of a re-centering drift of the eye after each saccade. These findings suggest that a slow, cholinergic, synaptically triggered event participates in the generation of persistent activity characteristic of PH neurons carrying eye position signals.Unión Europea Grants BI04-CT98-0546España, Ministerio de Ciencia PB98-0011, BFI2000-00936, BFI2000-1190, y BFI2002-0137

    Form and function of the mantle edge in Protobranchia (Mollusca: Bivalvia)

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    We analyzed, by optical and transmission electron microscopy, the morphology and function of the mantle edge, including the formation of the periostracum, of ten species of protobranchs. Five species from the order Nuculida, four species from the order Nuculanida and one species from the order Solemyida were studied. A second outer fold, which seems to function as a template for the internal marginal crenulations of the valves, is present in the crenulated species of Nucula. The minute non-crenulated Ennucula aegeensis shows the glandular basal cells displaced toward the periostracal groove, resembling a minute additional fold between the outer and middle folds. Intense secretion of glycocalyx, together with active uptake of particles, have been observed in the inner epithelium of the middle mantle fold and the whole epithelium of the inner mantle fold in all the studied species. Contrary to the rest of the bivalves, all the protobranchs analyzed have two basal cells involved in the formation of the external nanometric pellicle of the periostracum, a character that would support the monophyly of protobranchs. A three-layered pattern is the general rule for the periostracum in protobranchs, like for other bivalves. The presence of pouches of translucent layer inside the tanned dark layer under periostracal folds is characteristic of the species with a folded periostracum; its function is unclear but could give flexibility to the periostracum. The non-nacreous internal shell layer and the presence of translucent pouches under periostracal folds in Sarepta speciosa resemble those found in nuculanids. However, the free periostracum is rather similar to those of N. hanleyi and E. aegeensis, with a continuous vesicular layer. All the latter supports the inclusion of Sarepta in the order Nuculanida but could indicate either a basal lineage or that the translucent vesicular layer is an adaptive trait.Málaga/CBU

    Ensayos experimentales para la obtención del coeficiente hidráulico como un factor relevante en el desarrollo del proyecto de un buque

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    12th International Conference on Project Engineering[Resumen]En este artículo se presenta un estudio experimental del comportamiento de un modelo sujeto a la inundación progresiva de sus compartimentos. El estudio consta de varios ensayos mediante los que se inunda uno o varios compartimientos utilizando aberturas circulares, y de otras formas, con diferentes dimensiones. En cada ensayo se mide en el dominio del tiempo el calado y los ángulos de escora y cabeceo. Teniendo en cuenta estos movimientos se estima la cantidad de agua y caudal en el interior del compartimiento. Estos datos sirven para obtener el coeficiente hidráulico asociado a las aberturas del modelo. Estos coeficientes pueden ser utilizados posteriormente para calibrar programas de cálculo de la inundación progresiva en los buques. ------ [abstract] In this paper an experimental study appears about the behavior of a model subject to the progressive flood of its compartments. The study consists of several tests by means of which one or more compartments are flooded using circular openings, and of other forms, with different dimensions. In every test the domain of the time the draw and the angles of roll and pitch are measured. Bearing these movements in mind the volume and water quantity is estimated inside the compartment. This information serves to obtain the hydraulic coefficient associated with the openings of the model. These coefficients can be used later to calibrate programs of calculation to the progressive flooding in the ships


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    Descriptive study with a quantitative approach, which addresses the general aspects of the fishermen's associations of the Soná district within the area of companies dedicated to artisanal fishing, the development of the activity and its economic performance are analyzed, for the understanding of the way in which permanence and efficiency in the market are achieved. To obtain data, a survey validated by experts was used. The results indicate that most of the study subjects have basic primary and secondary education (approximately 95%), 75% are dedicated to fishing and its distribution, however, income is generated with other related activities, time equipment renewal extends to between 9 to 15 years (75%), is capitalized at 66.3% and dividends are distributed at 75%. It is concluded that despite the extension of the useful life of the boats and their engines, which can affect the operation as essential means in the development of the activity and a long period of renewal of the same, until now the artisanal fishing groups they have been able to maintain the activity, however, it is necessary to strengthen the policies oriented to maintenance and development that translate into the reduction of efforts and the need to extend the useful life of the equipment, increasing the capacity to contribute to the consumer and society in general .Estudio descriptivo con enfoque cuantitativo, que aborda los aspectos generales de las asociaciones de pescadores del distrito de Soná, dentro del área de las empresas dedicadas a la pesca artesanal. Se analiza el desarrollo de la actividad y su rendimiento económico, para la comprensión de la forma en que se logra permanencia y eficiencia en el mercado. Para la obtención de datos, se utilizó una encuesta validada por expertos. Los resultados indican que la mayoría de los sujetos de estudio cuentan con formación primaria y secundaria básica (95% aproximadamente), en un 75% se dedican a la pesca y su distribución, sin embargo, se genera ingreso con otras actividades afines, el tiempo de renovación de los equipos se extiende hasta entre 9 a 15 años (75%), se capitaliza en 66.3% y se distribuyen dividendos en un 75%. Se concluye que a pesar de la extensión de la vida útil de las embarcaciones y sus motores, lo cual, puede afectar el funcionamiento como medios imprescindibles en el desarrollo de la actividad y largo periodo de renovación de los mismos, hasta ahora las agrupaciones pesqueras artesanales han podido mantener la actividad, sin embargo, es necesario fortalecer las políticas orientadas al mantenimiento y desarrollo que se traduzcan en la reducción de esfuerzos y la necesidad de extender la vida útil de los equipos, aumentando la capacidad de aporte al consumidor y a la sociedad en general