203 research outputs found
Escaping the trap of temporary employment : precariousness among young people before and after Spain's 2021 labour market reform act
Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABTemporary employment has been the core dimension of employment precariousness in Spain for decades. In December 2021, a labour market reform aimed at reducing the use of fixed-term contracts, which especially affected young people, was passed. This article compares the situation of young workers before and after this labour market reform, with the objective of identifying internal differences among this age group. The results show a substantial reduction in the prevalence of temporary employment after the reform, although they also show that temporary employment, as well as incipient forms of precariousness such as involuntary part-time employment, are more concentrated than before among the most disadvantaged in this age group, following traditional patterns of segmentation in the labour market. This article, therefore, provides insights into which profiles of young workers were better off after the reform and which were not, offering valuable lessons for other countries with similar labour market challenges
Introducing Augmented Reality in Cultural Heritage Studies
Augmented Reality is a technology that allows overlaid digital content into our view of the real world through the camera of a Smartphone or a tablet. Video, audio, 2D and 3D images, web and text are just some examples of the type of content that can be overlaid on our perception of the real world. This content can be associated with real world elements by means of geolocation or image recognition. Such technology has great engagement potential and is used in many fields to augment the users’ perception of the world. Cultural heritage is one of the fields that could benefitmore from this technology. This paper describes how augmented reality has been used in an educational context in order to support learning for cultural heritage students. The students taking part in this experience built landscape units in several locations in Catalonia and augmented them with digital information, creating digital Points of Interest distributed throughout Catalonia and Spain. These Points ofInterest, which constitute a mix of digital and real world information, were then published through an augmented reality browser, making them freely available to the public. Today there are more than 5,000 freely available Points of Interest that have been created by the students. The results of the experiment show that students appreciate the use ofaugmented reality in this particular context and find it useful both from a pedagogical and a technological point of view
El papel de las políticas activas de empleo en las trayectorias laborales inestables de la población joven
La situación del colectivo de jóvenes en relación con su inserción en el mercado de trabajo es una constante en las agendas institucionales y de investigación en el marco de la Unión Europea. Las recientes crisis económicas y sanitarias no han hecho más que aumentar la preocupación por la inserción de dicho colectivo. Las políticas activas de empleo han sido uno de los instrumentos utilizados para mejorar la inserción laboral de las personas jóvenes. Sin embargo, la orientación de dichas políticas ha sido puesta en entredicho a tenor de la escasa efectividad que a menudo han mostrado. La perspectiva longitudinal adoptada en el artículo permite profundizar en la comprensión del papel que las políticas activas de empleo pueden tener en las trayectorias o itinerarios de inestabilidad laboral del colectivo de jóvenes. Los resultados apuntan a una escasa capacidad de dichas políticas a la hora de modificar las trayectorias juveniles y a la baja percepción que las personas jóvenes tienen de ellas como instrumentos correctores o de mejora de sus trayectorias.La situació del col·lectiu de joves en relació amb la seva inserció en el mercat de treball és una constant en les agendes institucionals i de recerca en el marc de la Unió Europea. Les recents crisis econòmiques i sanitàries no han fet més que augmentar la preocupació per la inserció d'aquest col·lectiu. Les polítiques actives d'ocupació han estat un dels instruments utilitzats per millorar la inserció laboral de les persones joves. No obstant això, l'orientació d'aquestes polítiques ha estat posada en dubte a causa de l'escassa efectivitat que sovint han mostrat. La perspectiva longitudinal adoptada en l'article permet aprofundir en la comprensió del paper que les polítiques actives d'ocupació poden tenir en les trajectòries o itineraris d'inestabilitat laboral del col·lectiu de joves. Els resultats apunten a una escassa capacitat d'aquestes polítiques a l'hora de modificar les trajectòries juvenils i a la baixa percepció que les persones joves tenen d'elles com a instruments correctors o de millora de les seves trajectòries.The insertion of young people in the labour market is a constant in the European policy and research agendas. The recent economic and health crises have only increased the concern about the labour insertion of this group. Active employment policies have been one of the instruments used to improve the employment situation of young people. However, the orientation of these policies has been called into question due to the limited effectiveness that they have often shown. The longitudinal perspective adopted in the article makes it possible to deepen the understanding of the role that active employment policies may have in the unstable employment trajectories of young people. The results highlight a limited capacity of these policies in order to modify youth labour market trajectories and the low perception that this young people have of them as corrective or improvement instruments of their trajectories
La interacción de la fuerza del lazo y el estatus en las redes de apoyo para el acceso al empleo : propuesta metodológica y análisis empírico
La literatura ha destacado la importancia que tiene en el mercado laboral español el apoyo de las redes sociales para el acceso de las personas jóvenes al empleo. Sin embargo, no se ha estudiado la efectividad de este apoyo considerando a la vez las dimensiones de la fuerza del lazo y las diferencias de estatus. El artículo se centra en la articulación de estas dos dimensiones, desarrollando una propuesta metodológica basada en la operacionalización de la interacción entre fuerza del lazo y jerarquía de la relación. Para ello, se utilizan datos sobre la movilización de contactos sociales a lo largo de la trayectoria laboral, con los cuales se realizan varias series de regresiones logísticas multinivel, tomando el tipo de contrato como variable dependiente, en el marco de trayectorias laborales juveniles inestables. Los resultados muestran que tanto el uso de lazos débiles como de contactos con mayor estatus que la persona joven son útiles para evitar la situación laboral más precaria en las trayectorias analizadas (el empleo informal). También se muestra que al considerar los lazos fuertes y débiles en interacción con la jerarquía de la relación resulta posible jerarquizar los tipos de lazos que llevan a evitar las situaciones laborales más precarias.The literature has acknowledged the importance of social network support in the Spanish labour market for young people's access to employment. However, the effectiveness of this support has not been studied considering both the dimensions of tie strength and difference of status. This article focuses on this objective, developing a methodological proposal that considers the interaction between tie strength and hierarchy in the context of unstable youth labour market trajectories. For this purpose, we use data on the mobilisation of social connections along the labour market trajectory, with which we performed several series of multilevel logistic regressions, taking the type of contract as the dependent variable. The results show that both the use of weak ties and social connections having a higher status than the young person are useful to avoid the most precarious employment situation in the trajectories analysed (informal employment). It is also shown that it is possible to rank the types of ties that lead to the avoidance of the most precarious employment situations by considering strong and weak ties in interaction with tie hierarchy.La littérature a mis en évidence l'importance du soutien des réseaux sociaux sur le marché du travail espagnol pour l'accès des jeunes à l'emploi. Toutefois, l'efficacité de ce soutien n'a pas été étudiée en tenant compte simultanément de la force des liens et des différences de statut. Cet article se concentre sur l'articulation de ces deux dimensions, en développant une proposition méthodologique basée sur l'opérationnalisation de l'interaction entre la force des liens et la hiérarchie des relations. À cette fin, des données sur la mobilisation des relations sociales au cours de la trajectoire professionnelle sont utilisées pour effectuer plusieurs séries de régressions logistiques multiniveaux, en prenant le type de contrat comme variable dépendante, dans le cadre des trajectoires professionnelles instables des jeunes. Les résultats montrent que l'utilisation de liens faibles et de contacts ayant un statut plus élevé que celui des jeunes est utile pour éviter la situation d'emploi la plus précaire dans les trajectoires analysées (emploi informel). Il est également démontré qu'en considérant les liens forts et faibles en interaction avec la hiérarchie des relations, il est possible de classer les types de liens qui permettent d'éviter les situations d'emploi les plus précaires.A literatura tem destacado a importância do apoio das redes sociais no mercado de trabalho espanhol para o acesso de jovens ao emprego. No entanto, a eficácia desse apoio não foi estudada considerando simultaneamente as dimensões da força do laço e das diferenças de status. Este artigo se concentra na articulação dessas duas dimensões, desenvolvendo uma proposta metodológica baseada na operacionalização da interação entre a força do laço e a hierarquia da relação. Para isso, são utilizados dados sobre a mobilização de contatos sociais ao longo da trajetória laboral, com os quais são realizadas várias séries de regressões logísticas multiníveis, tomando o tipo de contrato como variável dependente, no contexto de trajetórias laborais juvenis instáveis. Os resultados mostram que tanto o uso de laços fracos quanto o proveito de contatos com status superior ao do jovem são úteis para evitar a situação de emprego mais precária nas trajetórias analisadas (emprego informal). Também é demonstrado que, ao considerar os laços fortes e fracos em interação com a hierarquia da relação, é possível classificar os tipos de laços que levam a evitar as situações de emprego mais precárias
Screen time among Spanish university students with disabilities: a self-organizing maps analysis
Abstract Background:Screen time can play a significant role in the health and quality of life of people with disabilities.However, there is a lack of studies on this issue among people with disabilities, and even fewer in the universitysetting. Thus, the aim of our study was to explore the relationships between screen time, disability grade, bodymass index (BMI), physical activity and sociodemographic variables (gender and socioeconomic status) in universitystudents with different disabilities. Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 1091 students with disabilities from 55 Spanishuniversities. Instruments used for data gathering were the Adolescent Sedentary Activity Questionnaire (ASAQ) andthe International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF). A Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) analysis wascarried out to explore the relationships between the variables under study. Results:Participants reported high values in overall screen time (5.45 h per day/week), with computers being themedia most used (2.45 h per day/week). The SOM analysis showed slightly higher screen time values in womenthan men. People with a high disability grade spent less screen time than those with lower disability grade.Contradictory results exist when a group of men with the highest BMI had the highest screen time and the lowestphysical activity (PA) while women with low BMI show the highest screen time and PA. Conclusions:Gender and disability grade played a moderating role in screen time among people with disabilitieswhile BMI and PA do not play such a role. Keywords:Screen, Media, Disability, Adults, SO
Comportament termoregulador del gripau corredor (Bufo calamita) en una zona semiàrida
Les temperatures corporals de quinze gripaus
corredors (Bufo calamita) adults foren mesurades
en diferents anys (2006, 2007 i 2008) i èpoques
de l?any (estiu, hivern) mitjançant la utilització de
radioemissors implantats a la cavitat abdominal
dels gripaus. La zona d?estudi estava en una zona
semiàrida del sud de Lleida. La majoria dels
gripaus estudiats afronten temperatures extremes
presentant un comportament termoregulador. La
majoria dels gripaus a l?hivern (6/8) presentaren
una relació significativa entre la temperatura
corporal i l?ambiental, mentre que a l?estiu tan sols
un gripau la mostrava. Aquest resultat suggereix
que els gripaus, a l?estiu, es refugien en llocs on
la temperatura presenta poques variacions. Una
possible explicació podria ser que els gripaus trien
refugis amb humitat òptima i baixes temperatures. Es suggereix que les relacions entre la temperatura
ambiental i la corporal reflecteixen l?intent de
mantenir-se en un estat òptim d?hidratació que
només s?aconsegueix a l?estiu en llocs relativament
as temperaturas corporales de 15 sapos corredores (Bufo calamita) adultos fueron estudiadas en diferentes años (2006, 2007 y 2008) y épocas del año (verano, invierno) mediante la utilización de radioemisores implantados en la cavidad abdominal. La zona de estudio se hallaba en una zona semiárida del sur de Lleida. La mayoría de los sapos estudiados afrontan temperaturas extremas presentando un comportamiento termorregulador. La mayoría los sapos en invierno (6/9) presentaron una relación significativa entre temperatura corporal y ambiental, mientras que en verano tan sólo un sapo la mostraba significativa. Este resultado sugiere que los sapos, especialmente en verano, se refugian en lugares donde la temperatura presenta pocas variaciones. Una posible explicación sería que los sapos eligen refugios con humedad óptima y bajas temperaturas. Se sugiere, que las relaciones entre la temperatura ambiental y la corporal reflejan un estado óptimo de hidratación que sólo puede conseguirse en verano en lugares relativamente fríos.Body temperatures of 15 adult toads (Bufo calamita)
were measured in different years (2006, 2007
and 2008) and seasons (summer, winter) using
implanted transmitters into the toad abdominal
cavity. The study zone is situated in the south of the Terres de Lleida (Catalonia, Sapin) The major part
of the animals monitored (6/9) in winter showed a
significant relationship between body and ambient
temperature, but in summer, only one toad showed
this significant relationship. The result suggests that
toads, especially in summer, took refuge in places
where the temperature remained in a small range of
variation. Toads could chose shelters with humidity
and cold temperature, in comparison to ambient
temperature, suggesting that the relationship
between environmental and body temperature
observed in the natterjack toad reflect the attempt to
maintain an optimal state of hidratation
Homologació de rareses ornitològiques a Balears. Informe de 2013
Es presenta el 23è informe anual que presenta el Comitè de Rareses de Balears.
S’han homologat 32 registres, corresponents a les següents espècies, de les
quals destaca una cita homologada per primera vegada pel comitè, el pingdai de
bec prim Uria aalge. Les altres observacións són l’ànnera canyella Tadorna
ferruginea, negreta Melanitta nigra, astor Accipiter gentilis, fuell de collar Charadrius
morinellus, paràsit Stercorarius parasiticus, gavina cendrosa Larus
canus, llambritja becvermell Hydroprogne caspia, boscaler Locustella luscinioides,
bosqueta pàl·lida Iduna opaca, busqueret emmascarat Sylvia hortensis,
garsa Pica pica i gorrió d’ala blanca Montifringilla nivalis.
També s’hi inclouen 26 registres corresponents a 17 espècies a Balears
homologats pel Comité de Rarezas de la Sociedad Española de Ornitología, en
què destaquen dos registres homologats per primera vegada a Espanya, el menjamosques
de mig collar Ficedula semitorquata, i l’hortolà cendrós Emberiza
caesia. També hi ha tres cites per primera vegada a Balears, l’agró d’escull
Egretta gularis gularis, el corriol de Baird Calidris bairdii, i el hortolà de Lapònia
Calcarius lapponicus. Les altres observacions són l’arpella pàl·lida Circus
macrourus, el gallet faver africà Porphyrio alleni, el corriol pectoral Calidris
melanotos, el cegall reial Gallinago media, la camagroga Tringa flavipes, la tórtera
del Senegal Streptopelia senegalensis, el busqueret sard Sylvia sarda, l’ull
de bou de dues retxes Phylloscopus inornatus, el menjamosques de collar Ficedula
albicollis, el capsigrany subespècie asiàtica Lanius senator niloticus, l’estornell
rosat Pastor roseus, i el pinsà carminat Carpodacus erythrinus
Green tea catechin inhibits fatty acid synthase without stimulating carnitine Palmitoyltransferase-1 or inducing weight loss in experimental animals
Background: The enzyme fatty acid synthase (FASN) is highly expressed in many human carcinomas and its inhibition is cytotoxic to human cancer cells. The use of FASN inhibitors has been limited until now by anorexia and weight loss, which is associated with the stimulation of fatty acid oxidation. Materials and Methods: The in vitro effect of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) on fatty acid metabolism enzymes, on apoptosis and on cell signalling was evaluated. In vivo, the effect of EGCG on animal body weight was addressed. Results: EGCG inhibited FASN activity, induced apoptosis and caused a marked decrease of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT and extracellular (signal)-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 proteins, in breast cancer cells. EGCG did not induce a stimulatory effect on CPT-1 activity in vitro (84% of control), or on animal body weight in vivo (99% of control). Conclusion: EGCG is a FASN inhibitor with anticancer activity which does not exhibit cross-activation of fatty acid oxidation and does not induce weight loss, suggesting its potential use as an anticancer drug
Monitoring 10-m LST from the Combination MODIS/Sentinel-2, Validation in a High Contrast Semi-Arid Agroecosystem
Downscaling techniques offer a solution to the lack of high-resolution satellite Thermal InfraRed (TIR) data and can bridge the gap until operational TIR missions accomplishing spatio-temporal requirements are available. These techniques are generally based on the Visible Near InfraRed (VNIR)-TIR variable relations at a coarse spatial resolution, and the assumption that the relationship between spectral bands is independent of the spatial resolution. In this work, we adopted a previous downscaling method and introduced some adjustments to the original formulation to improve the model performance. Maps of Land Surface Temperature (LST) with 10-m spatial resolution were obtained as output from the combination of MODIS/Sentinel-2 images. An experiment was conducted in an agricultural area located in the Barrax test site, Spain (39°03′35″ N, 2°06′ W), for the summer of 2018. Ground measurements of LST transects collocated with the MODIS overpasses were used for a robust local validation of the downscaling approach. Data from 6 different dates were available, covering a variety of croplands and surface conditions, with LST values ranging 300-325 K. Differences within ±4.0 K were observed between measured and modeled temperatures, with an average estimation error of ±2.2 K and a systematic deviation of 0.2 K for the full ground dataset. A further cross-validation of the disaggregated 10-m LST products was conducted using an additional set of Landsat-7/ETM+ images. A similar uncertainty of ±2.0 K was obtained as an average. These results are encouraging for the adaptation of this methodology to the tandem Sentinel-3/Sentinel-2, and are promising since the 10-m pixel size, together with the 3-5 days revisit frequency of Sentinel-2 satellites can fulfill the LST input requirements of the surface energy balance methods for a variety of hydrological, climatological or agricultural applications. However, certain limitations to capture the variability of extreme LST, or in recently sprinkler irrigated fields, claim the necessity to explore the implementation of soil moisture or vegetation indices sensitive to soil water content as inputs in the downscaling approach. The ground LST dataset introduced in this paper will be of great value for further refinements and assessments
Registres ornitològics 2009
Abstract not availabl
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