127 research outputs found

    A Hash Based Visual Cryptography Scheme for Image Authentication

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    In this paper we have proposed a Hash based visual cryptography scheme for image authentication. The secret image to be transmitted is encoded into two shadow images called user share and key share. The Hash cryptographic algorithm is applied on each share, and the resultant Hash codes are concatenated with the shares, and sent to communication participants. The same Hash is used to verify the sender at the receiving end. Then the shares are stacked together to recover the original secret image. From the results obtained in our analysis, we conclude that the proposed scheme provides not only confidentiality but also image authentication

    Nanostructured Intermetallic Nickel Silicide (Pre)Catalyst for Anodic Oxygen Evolution Reaction and Selective Dehydrogenation of Primary Amines

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    The development of novel earth-abundant metal-based catalysts to accelerate the sluggish oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is crucial for the process of large-scale production of green hydrogen. To solve this bottleneck, herein, a simple one-pot colloidal approach is reported to yield crystalline intermetallic nickel silicide (Ni2Si), which results in a promising precatalyst for anodic OER. Subsequently, an anodic-coupled electrosynthesis for the selective oxidation of organic amines (as sacrificial proton donating agents) to value-added organocyanides is established to boost the cathodic reaction. A partial transformation of the Ni2Si intermetallic precatalyst generates a porous nickel(oxy)hydroxide phase modified with oxidic silicon species as unequivocally demonstrated by a combination of quasi in situ Raman and X-ray absorption spectroscopy as well as ex situ methods. The activated form of the catalyst generates a geometric current density of 100 mA cm−2 at an overpotential (η100) of 348 mV displaying long-term durability over a week and high efficiency in paired electrolysis

    Quantitative genetic analysis of methylxanthines and phenolic compounds in mate progenies

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o teor de metilxantinas, cafeĂ­na e teobromina, e de compostos fenĂłlicos, ĂĄcido clorogĂȘnico e ĂĄcido cafeico, em 51 progĂȘnies de erva-mate e estimar componentes de variĂąncia e herdabilidade. As progĂȘnies de erva-mate eram oriundas de cinco municipios brasileiros: PinhĂŁo, IvaĂ­, BarĂŁo do Cotegipe, Quedas do Iguaçu e Cascavel. Essas progĂȘnies foram cultivadas na localidade de IvaĂ­. O conteĂșdo dos compostos foi obtido por cromatografia lĂ­quida de alta eficiĂȘncia (CLAE). Na estimativa dos componentes da variĂąncia e dos parĂąmetros genotĂ­picos, utilizou-se a metodologia de modelos mistos para a obtenção da melhor predição linear nĂŁo viciada (BLUP) dos efeitos genotĂ­picos e o processo da mĂĄxima verossimilhança restrita (REML), processados pelo programa Selegen – REML/BLUP. Os conteĂșdos de cafeĂ­na (0,248–1,663 %) e teobromina (0,106–0.807%) foram significativamente (p 0,5). Foram determinados dois diferentes grupos de progĂȘnie para ĂĄcido clorogĂȘnico (1,365–2,281%) e ĂĄcido cafeico (0,027–0,037%), e seu conteĂșdo nĂŁo foi significativamente diferente (p 0.5). The two different progeny groups determined for chlorogenic (1.365–2.281%) and caffeic (0.027–0.037%) acid contents were not significantly different (p < 0.05) depending on the locality of origin. Individual heritability values were low to medium for chlorogenic (Ä„2 < 0.4) and caffeic acid (Ä„2 < 0.3). The content of the compounds and the values of genetic parameters could support breeding programs for mate

    Algoritmo computacional para determinar o perfil mĂ­nimo de marcadores moleculares que discriminam um conjunto de cultivares.

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    Genetic divergence among African and American cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. race latifolium H.) cultivars and inbred lines through random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers.

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    Cotton (Gossypium spp.) is an important cash crop and the second largest source of textile fiber and edible oil throughout the world. This study was conducted to investigate the genetic divergence through random amplified polymorphism (RAPD) molecular markers among the introduced African and American cultivars and inbred lines of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. raça latifolium H.) in Mozambique. We used 24 RAPD primers that amplified a total of 166 bands, identifying 90.96% ofpolymorphism. The intra and inter group genetic variability quantification evidenced significant variability of 16.30% between the African and American groups. The highest genetic similarity was observed among the African commercial cotton cultivars, whereas American cultivars and inbred lines were considered the most dissimilar ones. The arithmetic complement of Jaccard, obtained with 151 RAPD molecular markers showed that African cultivars Albar BC853 and STAM 42 were the most similar, while the most dissimilar combinations were TAMCOT Sphinx and ISA 205 followed by TAMCOT Sphinx vs ALBAR BC853 and TAMCOT Sphinx vs REMU 40 combinations.Keywords: Molecular variance analysis, decamer primers, dissimilarity, Gossypium hirsutum, molecular markers

    Avaliação genĂ©tica de procedĂȘncias e progĂȘnies de erva-mate nativa (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.) no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a variabilidade genĂ©tica de procedĂȘncias e progĂȘnies de erva-mate nativa (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.) em fase inicial de crescimento no municĂ­pio de Aral Moreira ? MS. O teste de procedĂȘncia e progĂȘnie, foi instalado no viveiro de mudas da Fazenda Rancho Esperança localizada no municĂ­pio de Aral Moreira, sob o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com 3 procedĂȘncias (populaçÔes), 25 tratamentos (progĂȘnies) de cada uma das procedĂȘncias, 5 repetiçÔes (blocos) e 4 plantas por parcela. Aos 5 meses de idade, as progĂȘnies foram avaliadas quanto aos caracteres: a) altura total das plantas, expressas em centĂ­metros; b) diĂąmetro do coleto, expresso em milĂ­metros; e c) nĂșmero de lançamentos foliares. Os resultados demonstraram haver variabilidade genĂ©tica, e as herdabilidades individuais e de mĂ©dias de progĂȘnies obtidas, estimulam o monitoramento continuado das procedĂȘncias e progĂȘnies no campo, com perspectivas de maximizar o ganho genĂ©tico na seqĂŒĂȘncia das avaliaçÔes

    In‐Liquid Plasma Modified Nickel Foam: NiOOH/NiFeOOH Active Site Multiplication for Electrocatalytic Alcohol, Aldehyde, and Water Oxidation

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    The oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and the value-added oxidation of renewable organic substrates are critical to supply electrons and protons for the synthesis of sustainable fuels. To meet industrial requirements, new methods for a simple, fast, environmental-friendly and cheap synthesis of robust, self-supported and high surface area electrodes are required. Herein, a novel in-liquid plasma (plasma electrolysis) approach for the growth of hierarchical nanostructures on nickel foam is reported on. Under morphology retention, iron can be doped into this high surface area electrode. For the oxidation of 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural and benzyl alcohol, the iron-free, plasma-treated electrode is more suitable reaching current densities up to 800 mA cm−2^{-2} with Faradaic efficiencies above 95%. For the OER, the iron-doped nickel foam electrode reaches the industrially relevant current density of 500 mA cm−2^{-2} at 1.473 ± 0.013VRHE_{VRHE} (60 °C) and shows no activity decrease over 140 h. The different effects of iron doping are rationalized using methanol probing and in situ Raman spectroscopy. Furthermore, the intrinsic activity is separated from the number of active sites, and, for the organic oxidation reactions, diffusion limitations are revealed. The authors anticipate that the plasma modified nickel foam will be suitable for various (electro)catalytic processes
