581 research outputs found

    Sodium penetration and chemically induced stresses in the hollow cylinder of Rapoport-Samoilenko apparatus – I. Constitutive modeling

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    In this paper, a comprehensive theoretical investigation has been carried out with the main focus directed at the understanding on how sodium penetration and chemical expansion in the cathode material during aluminum electrolysis affect the time dependent and chemically induced stress distribution in the hollow cylinder of the Rapoport-Samoilenko apparatus. Constitutive modeling of chemical and mechanical phenomena has been given, and the formulae of stress distribution in the cylinder of the apparatus have been obtained.Теоретичні дослідження даної роботи пов'язані з урахуванням впливу явища хімічного переносу натрію та хімічного розширення в катодному матеріалі при алюмінієвому електролізі в розрахунках залежних від часу розподілень хімічно наведених напружень в циліндрі з отвором для апарата Рапопорта-Самойленка. Виконано моделювання хімічних і механічних явищ, та одержані формули розподілу напружень в циліндрі апарата

    Development of Cottage Cheese Technology Using Whey Broth of Linder Flowers

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    The article presents research results of determining the rational amount of whey broth of linden flowers that favored the increase of the goat cottage cheese quality after adding to cheese seeds.It was established, that under the influence of the rational amount of 10-20 % of broth, introduced to cheese seeds of development batches (D 1, D 2) of the products at its setting (instead of the same amount of eliminated cheese whey), there took place the increase of the protein content by 0,3, 0,5 % and moisture by 0,6, 1,7 %, comparing with the control.The use of the rational amount of broth in development batches favored the increase of the product output of 100 kg of skimmed milk by 0,6, 0,8 %, respectively, comparing with the control.Whey broth of linden flowers also stimulated the development of the healthy microflora, which amount in development batches of the product (D1- D2) was higher in 2,5 and 2,8 times, comparing with an analogous result in the control.It maximally bring commodity parameters of development batches of cottage cheese to requirements of the product, manufactured of cow milk, and increases the number of consumers of goat milk products

    Quantum confinement in Si and Ge nanostructures: Effect of crystallinity

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    We look at the relationship between the preparation method of Si and Ge nanostructures (NSs) and the structural, electronic, and optical properties in terms of quantum confinement (QC). QC in NSs causes a blue shift of the gap energy with decreasing NS dimension. Directly measuring the effect of QC is complicated by additional parameters, such as stress, interface and defect states. In addition, differences in NS preparation lead to differences in the relevant parameter set. A relatively simple model of QC, using a `particle-in-a-box'-type perturbation to the effective mass theory, was applied to Si and Ge quantum wells, wires and dots across a variety of preparation methods. The choice of the model was made in order to distinguish contributions that are solely due to the effects of QC, where the only varied experimental parameter was the crystallinity. It was found that the hole becomes de-localized in the case of amorphous materials, which leads to stronger confinement effects. The origin of this result was partly attributed to differences in the effective mass between the amorphous and crystalline NS as well as between the electron and hole. Corrections to our QC model take into account a position dependent effective mass. This term includes an inverse length scale dependent on the displacement from the origin. Thus, when the deBroglie wavelength or the Bohr radius of the carriers is on the order of the dimension of the NS the carriers `feel' the confinement potential altering their effective mass. Furthermore, it was found that certain interface states (Si-O-Si) act to pin the hole state, thus reducing the oscillator strength.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1111.201


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    Досліджено зміни базових ставлень курсантів внаслідок впливу на них нормативних вікових криз, пов’язаних із навчанням у ВНЗ МВС. Розглянуто позиції різних науковців щодо систематизації, виокремлення в загальні смислові групи ставлень, які можуть виникати в людини стосовно предметів, явищ, навколишніх умов, інших людей, усього, що оточує особистість. Спираючись на класифікацію О. Ф. Лазурського, зроблено спробу навести власний варіант поділу ставлень на групи та наповнити кожну категорію найбільш загальними, притаманними кожній особистості прикладами конкретних ставлень. Описано нормативні психологічні кризи кожного року професійного навчання у ВНЗ, охарактеризовано їх передумови та прояви. Проведено аналіз впливу тієї чи іншої кризи на ставлення особистості та зроблено висновок щодо того, які з перелічених ставлень неодмінно зазнають впливу та змін в умовах переживання особистістю кризових явищ, пов’язаних із конкретним роком професійного навчання.The article is focused on changes in the underlying relations of cadets, due to the exposure to normative age crises related to studying at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The author has considered the positions of different scholars on the classification, selection in general semantic groups and relations that can occur in humans in relation to objects, events, environment, other people, everything that surrounds a person. Based on the classification of A. F. Lazursky, the author has presented an attempt to separate relations of the following groups: attitude to things, attitude to animals and natural phenomena, attitude of the individuals relationship to the state (the relations of the individual as a citizen representative of certain people, nation), to social (legal, moral, religious) norms, and relations characterizing the way of life, the ordinariness of the personality, attitude towards science, knowledge and arts relevant to the information space relevant to the activities, and as a kind of last respect to professional training, attitude to oneself. After that, each of these categories fleshed out, filled with the most common examples of relationships inherent to each individual. This article provides a description of the psychological crisis of each year of professional training at the University, details of prerequisites and manifestations. It has been proved that such crises are normative, that is, those that accompany the professional development of each individual and is not a pathology. While working on the article, the author has also analyzed the impact of a crisis on the attitude of the individual, and made a conclusion as to which of the following, the most common relations certainly influenced and the changes in the conditions of the experience personality crisis events associated with a specific year of vocational training. The results of the study are outlined in the table


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    The results of an empirical study of the system of relations of female cadets, which are trained at higher educational establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, have been provided. To accomplish the study, we have used the technique of the color test of relations on the material of 73 concepts, which designate the objects and phenomena of the social and professional environment important for cadets: 1) a block of existential concepts; 2) a block of Ego-concepts; 3) a block of negative concepts; 4) a block of professional and learning-related concepts; 5) a block of emotional concepts; 6) a block of universal and national concepts. On the basis of the obtained matrices of rank positions of the concepts, we have built generalized semantic spaces of the system of relations of female cadets of the first and third years of training. The dynamics of the changes in relations of female cadets at different training courses has been provided in the form of a comparative table. As criteria for comparison, we have considered the generalized blocks “Attitude to oneself”, “Attitude to life”, “Attitude to educational and future professional activity”, “Attitude to the family”. The features and principal differences of the systems of relations of female cadets at different stages of professional training have been demonstrated.Презентовано результати емпіричного дослідження системи ставлень курсантів жіночої статі, що навчаються у ВНЗ МВС. Для дослідження використано методику колірного тесту ставлень на матеріалі 73 понять, що позначають важливі для курсантів об’єкти та явища соціально-професійного оточення. На основі отриманих матриць рангових позицій понять побудовано узагальнені семантичні простори системи ставлень дівчат-курсанток першого й третього курсів навчання. Показано особливості та принципові відмінності систем ставлень дівчат-курсанток на різних етапах фахової підготовки


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    Purpose of the study: This study discusses questions associated with the analysis of the most relevant communication topics of sight-disabled people in the Internet communities. According to the World Health Organization, there are about 1.3 billion people worldwide who live with a form of vision disorder. For solving a broad range of social problems of the sight-disabled, interest-based virtual social communities are created in the global internet network. By analyzing the content of these communities, one can judge about the most relevant topics of interest for sight-disabled people. Methodology: In this work, search and study of the Internet communities of sight-disabled people have been conducted in the VK (Russia)] social network. Using the Popsters service of analytics of social network posts and pages, the authors have analyzed the content of the said communities and identified the most relevant topics for this category of citizens. In the research, the hypothesis was used about a stable and significant statistical relation existing between the activity of users in the Internet communities associated with a particular topic and the level of significance of the selected topic for them. Main Findings: The development of information and communication technologies promotes socialization and integration of sight-disabled people into the civic society. The Internet communities of sight-disabled people focused on various topics are registered in the VK social network. The state has to more extensively support and develop technologies contributing to socialization and integration of sight-disabled people into the civic society. Applications of this study: The research findings can be of interest for specialists dealing with problems of socialization and social adaptation of people having vision limitations. Novelty/Originality of this study: It has been found that the Internet communities with the user-supplemented content have the highest quantity of users registered. The topics range of posts in these Internet communities is quite diverse. Posts asserting the traditional life principles: compassion, assistance, overcoming difficulties – win the highest users' response

    Mass transfer in aggregated porous media with nonlinear compressibility

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    The problem of the squeezing out of a solution from aggregates in a porous medium has been considered and investigated. A specific feature of the problem lies in taking account of the existence of two compaction zones in deforming aggregates of a porous medium. Features essential to mass transfer in a deformable aggregated porous medium have been determined and analyzed. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Mathematical Model of Hydraulic Fracturing of a Bed

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.A study has been made of the problem on the process of formation of a zone of higher-than-average permeability with a moving boundary in an initially low-permeability porous medium (problem on hydraulic fracturing of a bed) in a three-dimensional formulation. A characteristic feature of the three-dimensional problem was the taking into account the existence of two zones (zone with a regular permeability and the destruction zone) in the porous medium, whose contact region was determined using the condition of mass balance on the moving boundary. Special features fundamental to the process of mass transfer in such filtration-inhomogeneous porous media have been revealed and analyzed