395 research outputs found

    Antiretroviral activity of Amazonian plants

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    The Amazon region displays a rich and diverse biota encompassing more than 50,000 botanical species. A few medicinal plants commonly utilized by local people has been studied concerning its pharmacological properties. New antiretroviral drugs are on demand, mainly in developing countries and particularly in Brazil, which exhibit an exuberant biota, it is mandatory to rationally explore its immense and diverse floristic potential for medicinal purposes

    Application of the mammalian glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene for sample quality control in multiplex PCR for diagnosis of leishmaniasis

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    Leishmaniasis is a neglected disease endemic in five continents. It is a severe disease that may lead to death, and its early detection is important to avoid severe damage to affected individuals. Molecular methods to detect Leishmania are considered alternatives to overcome the limitations presented by conventional methods. The aim of this study was to develop multiplex PCR systems able to detect small amounts of target DNA of Leishmania infantum and Leishmania braziliensis, and the gene coding for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PD) in mammals, enabling quality evaluation of the sample simultaneously with detection of the specific target. The systems created for G3PD recognition were combined with detection systems for L. infantum and L. braziliensis to compose multiplex PCR systems for visceral (mVL) and cutaneous (mACL) leishmaniasis diagnosis. The multiplex PCR systems developed were assessed in blood samples from five different species of mammal reservoirs involved in the disease cycle in Brazil, and 96 and 52 human samples from patients with suspected visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL), respectively. Three G3PD detection systems were created (G3PD1, G3PD2 and G3PD3) with different product sizes, G3PD2 was chosen for the formation of multiplex PCR systems. The two multiplex PCR systems (mVL and mACL) were reproducible in all species evaluated. Results of test samples (sensitivity, specificity and efficiency) suggest its use in routine diagnosis, research activities in medicine and veterinary medicine. Additionally, the systems designed to detect the G3PD gene are capable of combining with other targets used for molecular diagnosis of infectious diseases. Concerning leishmaniasis, the multiplex PCR systems can be used in epidemiological studies for the detection of new and classic reservoirs, which may contribute to the reliability of results and development of actions to control the disease

    Prevalência e fatores associados aos comportamentos sedentários em adolescentes

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    OBJETIVO Analisar a prevalência e fatores associados aos comportamentos sedentários em adolescentes. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal com adolescentes de 10 a 17 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, pertencentes a uma coorte de nascimentos entre 1994-1999 na cidade de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Para o levantamento dos dados, foi utilizado um questionário contendo informações sociodemográficas, econômicas e de estilo de vida e aferição de dados antropométricos. Determinou-se como comportamento sedentário o uso de televisão e/ou computador/vídeo games por um tempo igual ou superior a 4 horas/dia. Avaliou-se a associação de comportamentos sedentários com o índice de massa corporal, tanto na infância quanto na adolescência, e com variáveis sociodemográficas e comportamentais por meio de regressão logística hierarquizada. RESULTADOS A prevalência global de comportamentos sedentários foi de 58,1%. Dos 1.716 adolescentes estudados, 50,7% (n = 870) eram do sexo masculino. Na análise multivariada, após ajuste para fatores de confusão, as variáveis que permaneceram associadas com os comportamentos sedentários foram: idade (14 anos ou mais) (OR = 3,51; IC95% 2,19;5,60); classe econômica elevada (OR = 3,83; IC95% 2,10;7,01); maior nível de escolaridade da mãe (OR = 1,81; IC95% 1,09;3,01); residir no interior (OR = 0,49; IC95% 0,30;0,81); atividade física insuficiente (OR = 1,25; IC95% 1,02;1,53); experimentação de bebidas alcoólicas (OR = 1,34; IC95% 1,08;1,66) e excesso de peso na adolescência (OR = 1,33; IC95% 1,06;1,68). CONCLUSÕES A elevada proporção de adolescentes em atividades sedentárias e a não associação dessas atividades na adolescência com o excesso de peso na infância indicam a necessidade de intervenções para redução de vários comportamentos de risco. O incentivo à prática de atividade física como forma de reduzir os comportamentos sedentários e consequentemente o excesso de peso entre os jovens torna-se fundamental


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    Introdução: A meningite bacteriana sofreu grandes mudanças epidemiológicas após a introdução dos antibióticos e vacinas, passando de uma condição letal para tratável e prevenível. Compreender essas mudanças no perfil epidemiológico em nível local permitem planejar estratégias de terapia empírica. As alterações de líquor possuem papel fundamental nessa avaliação. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo transversal dos casos notificados de meningite entre janeiro de 2010 e junho de 2015 no Complexo Hospital de Clínicas – Universidade Federal do Paraná. Foram analisados a celularidade e citologia do líquor e os agentes etiológicos. Para as etiologias bacterianas, foi avaliado dados epidemiológicos. Resultados: Foram notificados 504 casos de meningite no período avaliado. A meningite asséptica foi a classificação epidemiológica mais comum. As meningites bacterianas com confirmação etiológica causadas por Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae ou Haemophilus influenzae ocorreram em 8,7% dos casos notificados, sendo que 30% delas ocorreram em menores de 1 ano. A N. meningitidis correspondeu a 61% desses casos, enquanto que S. pneumoniae a 34%. As meningites neutrofílicas com mais de 75% de neutrófilos são causadas por tais bactérias em mais da metade (53%). A meningite asséptica é a segunda principal etiologia (20%) seguida de perto pela meningite tuberculosa (17%). Os casos de meningite meningocócica se concentram em crianças até 1 ano (56% dos casos), a meningite pneumocócica se concentra nos adultos entre 18 e 50 anos (46%) e idosos (27%). Conclusões: O conhecimento da epidemiologia local através da interpretação do líquor, somada à avaliação da faixa etária são importantes aliados da avaliação clínica para determinação do agente etiológico mais provável e podem ajudar na decisão terapêutica

    Malaria Liver Stage Susceptibility Locus Identified on Mouse Chromosome 17 by Congenic Mapping

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    Host genetic variants are known to confer resistance to Plasmodium blood stage infection and to control malaria severity both in humans and mice. This work describes the genetic mapping of a locus for resistance to liver stage parasite in the mouse. First, we show that decreased susceptibility to the liver stage of Plasmodium berghei in the BALB/c mouse strain is attributable to intra-hepatic factors and impacts on the initial phase of blood stage infection. We used QTL mapping techniques to identify a locus controlling this susceptibility phenotype (LOD score 4.2) on mouse chromosome 17 (belr1 locus). Furthermore, analysis of congenic mouse strains delimited the belr1 locus boundaries distally to the H2 region. Quantification of parasites in the liver of infected congenic mice strongly suggested that the belr1 locus represents a genetic factor controlling the expansion of P. berghei in the hepatic tissue. The mapping of belr1 locus raises the hypothesis that host gene variation is able to control the progression of Plasmodium liver stage infection and opens the possibility that the human genomic region orthologue to belr1 may contain genes that confer resistance to the human malaria liver stage

    Maternal and neonatal factors related to prematurity

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify maternal and neonatal factors associated with prematurity in the municipality of Porto Alegre. METHOD This was a population-based case-control study. The cases were newborns under 37 weeks of gestation and the controls were newborns over 37 weeks. The data came from the records of 19,457 births in the city of Porto Alegre in the year 2012 from the Information System on Live Births of the Municipal Health Department. The analysis was carried outand adjusted by a Logistic Regression according to a hierarchical model. The variables studied were allocated into three hierarchy levels: sociodemographic variables; reproductive history; and gestational and birth factors. RESULTS There were 767 cases allocated and 1,534 controls in a design of a case for two controls (1:2) by simple randomization. In the final model, a statistically significant association was found for prematurity for the following variables: mother's age under 19 years old (OR=1.32; CI 95%: 1.02-1.71) or over 34 years old (OR=1.39; CI 95%: 1.12-1.72); inadequate maternal schooling for age (OR=2.11; CI 95%: 1.22-3.65); multiple pregnancies (OR=1.14; CI 95%: 1.01-1.29); C-section (OR=1.15; CI 95%: 1.03-1.29); birth weights under 2,500g (OR=4.04; CI 95%: 3.64-4.49); Apgar score at five minutes between zero and three (OR=1.47; CI 95%: 1.12-1.91); and inadequate prenatal care (OR=1.18; CI 95%: 1.02-1.36). CONCLUSION The present study showed the most immediate consequence of prematurity for newborns by evidencing its association with worse Apgar scores and low birth weight. The following factors were also shown as possible more distal determinants of prematurity: mother's age; inadequate maternal education; multiple gestation; inadequate prenatal care; and C-section

    Teamwork in a coronary care unit: facilitating and hindering aspects

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify, within a multidisciplinary team, the facilitating and hindering aspects for teamwork in a coronary care unit. METHOD A descriptive study, with qualitative and quantitative data, was carried out in the coronary care unit of a public hospital. The study population consisted of professionals working in the unit for at least one year. Those who were on leave or who were not located were excluded. The critical incident technique was used for data collection, by means of semi-structured interviews. For data analysis, content analysis and the critical incident technique were applied. RESULTS Participants were 45 professionals: 29 nursing professionals; 11 physicians; 4 physical therapists; and 1 psychologist. A total of 49 situations (77.6% with negative references); 385 behaviors (54.2% with positive references); and 182 consequences emerged (71.9% with negative references). Positive references facilitate teamwork, whereas negative references hinder it. A collaborative/communicative interprofessional relationship was evidenced as a facilitator; whereas poor collaboration among agents/inadequate management was a hindering aspect. CONCLUSION Despite the prevalence of negative situations and consequences, the emphasis on positive behaviors reveals the efforts the agents make in order to overcome obstacles and carry out teamwork