266 research outputs found

    The Colour and the Shape: Morphological Variation on a Facultatively Eusocial Bee Augochlora (Augochlora) amphitrite (Schrottky)

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    Augochlorine bees exhibit a large array of foraging and social behaviors, nest substrates and architecture. The huge diversity of behaviors is frequently linked with morphological traits. All levels of variation should be analyzed in order to provide a broader view of evoluton. Augochlora (Augochlora) amphitrite Schrottky occurs from northern of Argentina to southeastern of Brazil. The species nests in decaying wood and is facultatively eusocial. Color variation and head polymorphism were already mentioned in the literature and the main goal of the present paper is to evaluate the morphological variation of the species. For this purpose, we examined 720 specimens and carried out qualitative and quantitative analyses with traditional morphometrics. Other 25 Augochlora species were studied and we propose a revised diagnosis for A. amphitrite. A remarkable color variation is described, there are three morphs: green, dark blue, and black. There are no geographical patterns linked with the color variation. We propose that Odontochlora lethe Schrottky and Odontochlora styx Schrottky are junior synonyms of Odontochlora amphitrite Schrottky. Those names refer to black male and female occurring within A. amphitrite distribution. There is a continuous variation on size and shape of head. Again, we do not fi nd any relation of morphology with distribution. Besides gena swelling, the adductor ridge of mandible is strongly developed on macrocephalic females. Due variations showed, A. amphitrite is a bee candidate to be a model for studies to link morphology, function and behavior

    Behavior notes and prey spectrum of three species of the bee-hunting wasp Trachypus Klug (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)

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    Trachypus Klug is a Neotropical genus of crabronid wasps comprising 31 ground-nesting species. Its species can be solitary or communal, and two diet ranges are known: they can forage on several bee subfamilies and wasps; or can be specialists on stingless bees. Natural history observations are scarce nowadays but are essential to contextualize ecological and evolutionary studies. Here we report new records and give biological notes for Trachypus elongatus (Fabricius, 1804), Trachypus taschenbergi Rubio-Espina, 1975, and Trachypus varius (Taschenberg, 1875). Observations and samplings were carried out twice a month, during one year in the city of Curitiba, southern Brazil. Besides field observations, circular statistics were used to analyze seasonality. All species nest in sloped soil and are solitary. Trachypus elongatus and T. taschenbergi were active during most of the year with marked seasonality in the late spring and early summer. Both species were observed hunting only stingless bees, with T. elongatus specialized on Trigona spinipes (Fabricius, 1793), and T. taschenbergi specialized on Paratrigona subnuda Moure, 1947 drones. Trachypus varius was observed only in January and one female was recorded foraging on a Paratrigona subnuda worker. Our observations provide additional data for understanding the biology of bee-hunting wasps, and this is the first study to bring information for T. taschenbergi and T. varius. Our data corroborate that some species of the genus Trachypus are specialized on stingless bees

    Trap-nesting bees and wasps (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) in a Semidecidual Seasonal Forest fragment, southern Brazil

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    Trap-nesting bee and wasp inventories are common in Brazil but many phytophysiognomies are still poorly studied. The main objective of this study is to survey trap-nesting bees and wasps in a Semidecidual Seasonal Forest fragment. Also, we test the differences on nesting between interior and edge transects. A sum of 1,500 trap nests was made with bamboo cane internodes and two consecutive years were monitored. In the first year 46 nests were occupied by Pachodynerus grandis (19 nests), Pachodynerus guadulpensis (19), Centris analis (two), and Centris tarsata, Megachile fiebrigi, Megachile guaranitica, Megachile susurrans, Trypoxylon sp and Zethus smithii with one nest each. No statistical differences were found between interior and edge transects for richness and occupation rate, but the species composition was different. In the second year 39 nests were occupied by four species, three previously recorded, C. analis (seven nests), P. guadulpensis and P. grandis (six nests each), plus Monobia angulosa with 15 nests. Parasitoids from four families and one cleptoparasite were recorded and the mortality rate was higher in bees than in wasps. These findings reinforce the notion that trap nests assemblages from different studies are not directly comparable for richness and composition

    Filogenia da subtribo Caenohalictina Michener, 1954 (Hymenoptera, Apidae) /

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    Orientadora : Gabriel Augusto Rodrigues de MeloDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciencias Biológicas (Entomologia). Defesa: Curitiba, 2007Inclui bibliografiaÁrea de concentração: Entomologi

    Revisao do genero de abelhas Thectochlora Moure, 1940 (Hymenoptera, Apidae S.L., Augochlorini)

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    Orientador: Gabriel Augusto Rodrigues de MeloPáginas 8 e 9 não tem no originalMonografia (Bacharelado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná.Setor de Ciencias Biologicas. Curso de Graduaçao em Ciencias BiologicasResumo : O gênero Thectoch/ora Moure até o presente momento era tratado como monotípico. A partir de estudos detalhados da morfologia externa, são reconhecidas cinco espécies são reconhecidas: T. a/aris (Vachal, 1904), a espécie-tipo de Thectoch/ora; T. basiatra (Stmnd, 1910) n. comb., previamente reconhecida como pertencente ao gênero Pseudaugoch/ora; e três espécies sendo propostas como novas. A espécie T. phy/acis (Bréthes, 1909) é mantida como sinônimo de T. a/aris. Como o tipo de T. a/aris ainda não pôde ser e>eaminado, não é possível urna conclusão final sobre a validade dos nomes disponíveis. Para a distinção das espécies de Thectoch/ora, os machos se mostraram mais informativos, sendo que fêmeas de duas espécies são indistinguíveis pela morfologia externa. Uma chave de identificação das espécies e mapas de registros de localidades são apresentados

    In euglossine we trust as ecological indicators: a reply to Añino et al. (2019)

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    Orchid bees have been considered as good ecological indicators of habitat disturbances but recently Añino et al. (2019. Sociobiology, 66: 194-197) highlighted reasons why Euglossini role as indicators should be reevaluated. Despite agreeing with some points raised by them, we present an alternative view for the use of orchid bees as indicators. For us, the main problematic issues are: (i) the authors do not present a clear definition of ecological indicator, including its role as an indirect measure of biota response to disturbed environments; (ii) they do not properly acknowledge the relative good taxonomic status of orchid bees when compared with the remaining bees; (iii) and they do not distinguish the use of particular Euglossini species as indicators in certain circumstances. In spite of some knowledge gaps, we argue that Euglossini is a good candidate to be ecological indicators in tropical forests, maybe the best candidate among all the bees

    What do we know about Neotropical trap‑nesting bees? Synopsis about their nest biology and taxonomy

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    Cavity-nesting bees are enigmatic because they are difficult to observe in the wild, hence trap-nests (man-made cavities) provide the means by which these bees may be studied. Trap-nests is an efficient methodology to study these bees and are common worldwide. These traps have been used for a variety of reasons, including inventories, to examine pollen load, to study habitat disturbance, and bee conservation. However Neotropical trap-nesting bees’ taxonomy and biology are still poorly known and here we provide a review about these subjects. We searched for trap-nest bee studies in the Neotropical Region using Google Scholar and ISI Web of Science at any time in the past to December 2017. We found 109 independent studies, most of which were from Brazil (87 studies), followed by Argentina (10 studies), and other countries had fewer than five studies each. A total of 140 species, 24 genera, 10 tribes and three subfamilies were reported in trap-nests. Nest architecture was described for only 49 species. Taxonomy is only well-known for 14 genera, somewhat known for seven and is essentially unavailable for three genera. Construction material, closing plug and cell shape are similar among species in the same tribes and genera. Vestibular and intercalary cells, and the preliminary plug are variable, even at the specific level. Apinae is the most studied group with available data for all genera recorded in trap-nests. Colletinae is the least-studied group and nothing is known for their nesting biology. Megachilinae is intermediate, with some studies of taxonomy and nesting. We suggest that further trap-nest studies should provide more detailed information on nest architecture and construction materials, including explicit mention of structures that are absent. All Neotropical bees need more taxonomic studies, but some, such as Hylaeus and Megachile, require more attention since Hylaeus is essentially unknown and Megachile is very common on trap-nests

    From the health secretary to the council : analysis of the accountancy reports based on the qualitative characteristics of accounting information

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    O artigo tem como foco a utilidade das informações contábeis como ferramenta de auxílio ao exercício das atribuições de planejamento, gestão e controle, inerentes aos Conselhos de Saúde. Neste sentido, o artigo analisa os resultados de estudo exploratório, de natureza qualitativa (GIL,1999), sobre as informações contidas nos relatórios de prestação de contas da Secretaria de Saúde do Distrito Federal ao Conselho de Saúde do Distrito Federal. Buscou- se a partir de Hendriksen e Van Breda (1999), Glautier e Underdown (1994) e Riahi-Belkaoui (2004) as características qualitativas necessárias à informação a ser destinada ao usuário. A partir de tais características, construiu-se um instrumento para avaliar os relatórios de prestação de contas. A coleta dos dados foi realizada em relatórios de prestação de contas apresentados pela Secretaria ao Conselho nos últimos trimestres dos exercícios fnanceiros de 2003 a 2006. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de melhorias no conteúdo das informações dos relatórios, bem como nos objetivos e metas estabelecidos para o exercício seguinte, para que o relatório tenha utilidade informacional para contribuir com as atribuições legais inerentes aos Conselhos de Saúde. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe focus of this article is the effectiveness of accounting information as a supportive tool to the execution of the attributions of planning, management and control inherent to the Health Councils. Thus, the article analyses the results of qualitative nature exploratory study (GIL,1999), with regards to the information reported on the accountancy reports of the Health Secretary of the Federal District to the Health Council of the Federal District. The qualitative characteristics necessary to the information designated to the users were based upon Hendriksen and Van Breda(1999), Glautier and Underdown (1994) and Riahi- Belkaoui (2004). Such characteristics allowed the designing of an instrument to evaluate the accounting reports. The data collection was accomplished through the accounting reports presented by the Secretary to the Council on the last quarters of the 2003 and 2006 fnancial years. The results have shown the necessity of improvement on the contents of the information reports, as well as on the goals and aims established for the following fnancial period so that the report can have informational usefulness regarding the contribution to the legal attributions inherent to the Health Councils

    Bees and wasps (Hymenoptera) as ecological indicators in a forest restoration area

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    A fim de investigar a resposta de abelhas e vespas (Hymenoptera) à restauração ambiental, foram comparadas assembleias de um fragmento em restauração a outros seis fragmentos de floresta primária no oeste do Paraná, Brasil. Abelhas e vespas foram amostradas em cinco fragmentos em 2013 e os restantes, incluindo o fragmento em restauração, em 2014. As amostragens foram realizadas por pratos-armadilha nas cores azul e amarelo, entre às 9:00h-15:00h, durante os meses de fevereiro, março e abril. O número de armadilhas variou conforme o perímetro das áreas para garantir uma amostragem proporcional. No total, foram realizadas 21 coletas, com esforço amostral de 126h. O fragmento em restauração apresentou valores de índices ecológicos estatisticamente iguais àqueles dos maiores fragmentos de floresta amostrados, porém com composição de espécies diferente destes. As principais espécies a diferenciar as assembleias dos fragmentos e da área em restauração foram identificadas pela análise SIMPER. Em geral as espécies comuns dos fragmentos de floresta apresentaram uma correlação significativa (rs 0,05). O fragmento em restauração oferece oportunidade para uma colonização diversificada e com composição própria de abelhas e vespas, porém ainda diferente dos seis fragmentos referência e por isso ainda não considerado como restaurado.In order to investigate the response of bees and wasps (Hymenoptera) to environmental restoration, one assemblage of a restoration fragment was compared to six other primary forest fragments in western Paraná, Brazil. Bees and wasps were sampled in five fragments in 2013 and the remainder, including the fragment undergoing restoration, in 2014. The samples were collected by bowl-traps in blue and yellow colors, between 9 am and 3 pm, during February, March and April. The number of traps varied with the perimeter of the areas to ensure a proportional sampling effort. In total, 21 samples were taken, with sampling effort of 126 h. The restoration fragment presented ecological indexes values (H’, D and Dmn) statistically equal to those of the largest sampled forest fragments, but it has different species in relation to other forest fragments. The main species to differentiate the assemblages of the forest and restoration fragments were identified by SIMPER analysis. Generally, the common species of forest fragments showed a significant correlation (rs 0.05). The fragment in restoration provides opportunity for a diverse colonization and presents its own composition of bees and wasps, but still different from the six reference fragments and so it is still not considered as restored.Fil: MELO FAVALESSO, MARÍLIA. Unioeste; BrasilFil: Barbosa Gonçalves, Rodrigo. Universidade Federal Do Paraná; Brasi

    Mediation in the process of alimony

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    O tema deste artigo é "Mediação no Processo de Pensão Alimentí­cia". Investigou-se o seguinte problema: "A mediação reduz o conflito em processo de pensão alimentí­cia?". Cogitou-se a seguinte hipótese "a mediação como método de solução do conflito familiar". O objetivo geral é "diminuir o desgaste familiar através da mediação". Os objetivos especí­ficos são:  a mediação "I – no processo de regularização/estabelecimento"; "II – no processo de revisão"; e "III – no processo de redução/retirada". Este trabalho é importante para um operador do Direito devido a relevância do tema; para a ciência, é relevante por inovar métodos de solução dos conflitos familiares; agrega í  sociedade por tornar mais ágil os processos de cunho familiar. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa teórica com duração de seis meses.  The subject of this article is Mediation in the Alimony Process. The following problem was investigated: "Does mediation reduce conflict in the process of alimony?". The following hypothesis was considered "Mediation as a method of solving family conflict". The general objective is "To reduce family stress through mediation". The specific objectives are mediation: "I – in the regularization/establishment process"; "II – in the review process"; and "III – in the reduction/withdrawal process". This work is important for an operator of the Law due to the relevance of the theme; for science, it is relevant for innovating methods of solving family conflicts; it adds to society by making family processes more agile. This is a qualitative theoretical research lasting six month