19 research outputs found

    Private equity challenge - Kompuestos as an investment opportunity in the plastic sector

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    The project explores the opportunity to invest in Kompuestos, a Spain-based listed company, dedicated to produce and commercialize Masterbatches and other plastics compounds, within the plastic industry. The company recently made a smart shift towards sustainability, changing the paradigm and the bad publicity of plastics, aiming to adapt its business to meet current concerns. The investment yields a 3.3x money multiple. The plastic industry is essential to our society, representing a market expected to grow at a 4.2% CAGR, reaching a market value of approximately $754b by 2027, being partially explained by the increase in demand for bioplastics. Kompuestos is a well-established firm, generating € 46.2m in revenue and an EBITDA of € 3.3m, as of 2019

    military structures and maritime life in the 14th to 16th centuries

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    estruturas militares e vida marítima nos séculos XIV-XVI

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019 PTDC/EPHPAT/4174/2014publishersversionpublishe

    Early modern reused ship timbers from Boqueirão do Duro, Lisbon, Portugal

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    Archaeological excavations conducted at the riverside area of Lisbon (Boqueirão do Duro, Santos) in 2016 revealed archaeological remains from the 18th to the 19th centuries, including the remains of a late 19th-century factory named Vulcano e Colares built on top of an ancient beach and later port.The waterfront archaeological contexts were wide-ranging. There were several timbers from a large ship dismantled on the beach, port structures that reused ship elements, and an assemblage of pre-shaped timbers. Among the dismantled elements were keels, keelsons, stems, floor timbers, futtocks, hull planks, wooden sheathing, and an uncommon find, three complete bilge pumps.Des fouilles archéologiques menées sur les rives du Tage à Lisbonne (Boqueirão do Duro, Santos) en 2016 ont révélé des vestiges archéologiques du xviiie au xixe siècles, y compris les vestiges d’une usine de la fin du xixe siècle nommée Vulcano e Colares, construite au sommet d’une ancienne plage qui deviendra plus tard un port.Les contextes archéologiques de la rive se révèlent très variés : plusieurs fragments de bois d’un grand navire démantelé sur la plage, des structures portuaires qui réutilisaient des éléments de navire et un assemblage de bois de charpente pré-équarri. Parmi les éléments démontés, on trouve des quilles, des carlingues, des étraves, des vaigres, des allonges, des fragments de bordé, des revêtements en bois et une découverte rare : trois pompes de cale complètes

    O sistema interno de promoção e garantia da qualidade e o sistema de informação integrado da Universidade de Évora

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    Nos últimos anos a Universidade de Évora (UEvora) tem vindo a efetuar uma aposta estratégica no desenvolvimento de um sistema de informação que integre a monitorização e melhoria continuada das componentes académicas e de investigação com as componentes de garantia de qualidade e de gestão. Neste sentido, a UEvora tem desenvolvido, desde 1993, modelos dinâmicos e sistemáticos de (re)organização interna dos seus procedimentos e práticas, com vista à operacionalização de resultados que garantam a conquista de índices de qualidade evolutivos no tempo, dando assim origem ao Sistema Interno de Promoção e Garantia da Qualidade (SIPGQ). Determinante para o sucesso do SIPGQ tem sido o trabalho dos Serviços de Informática, nomeadamente pelo desenvolvimento, desde 1999, do Sistema de Informação Integrado (SIIUE). O SIIUE é um sistema que foi implementado recorrendo exclusivamente a tecnologias baseadas em software livre, tais como, o sistema gestor de base de dados PostgreSQL e a linguagem PHP, integrando as componentes académicas mais diretamente relacionadas com os alunos (matrículas, inscrições, avaliações) e com os docentes (distribuição de serviço, horários, pautas) com as componentes de investigação e desenvolvimento (gestão de projetos de I&D, contratos de colaboração e prestação de serviços). Tendo em conta o interesse manifestado por diversas instituições de Ensino Superior portuguesas e estrangeiras, a UEvora está a iniciar um processo de consolidação e modularização, visando a sua disponibilização futura a outras instituições. O SIPGQ é o sistema de garantia de qualidade da UEvora e é um dos poucos sistemas que, em Portugal, foi certificado pela A3ES – Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior. O SIPGQ integra indicadores elaborados com informação base proveniente do SIIUE, assim como o resultado de inquéritos de opinião realizados aos alunos sobre as unidades curriculares que frequentaram, o seu curso e a Universidade. Esta integração permite efetuar a geração automática de relatórios de unidades curriculares, de curso e de unidade orgânica. Também o processo de avaliação dos docentes e das unidades orgânicas da UEvora encontram enquadramento e suporte no SIPGQ e no SIIUE, respetivamente. Em suma, tanto o SIIUE e o SIPGQ constituem-se como ferramentas fundamentais para o apoio a uma gestão informada na Universidade de Évora

    uma perspectiva a partir da arqueologia marítima

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    UID/HIS/04666/2013O presente artigo tem como objectivo analisar o tema do seminário “Meios, vias e trajectos: entrar e sair de Lisboa” sob o ponto de vista da arqueologia marítima. Esta perspectiva obriga a olhar para uma multiplicidade de aspectos que dizem respeito a várias áreas de investigação, desde as condições de navegabilidade do Tejo, a tipologia das embarcações utilizadas na navegação oceânica e fluvial, a defesa marítima ou os sistemas portuários. Importa ainda olhar para as evidências de contactos comerciais por via marítima, directas no caso de naufrágios, e indirectas no caso de materiais exógenos, que surgem em contextos urbanos. O estudo realizado permitiu reconhecer que, apesar das exigências da navegação reconhecidas à entrada do estuário do Tejo, o porto de Lisboa assumiu um importante papel na navegação transoceânica. De facto, alguns contextos de naufrágio documentam esta dimensão ultramarina, como por exemplo a articulação com o Mediterrâneo, o Atlântico ou a ligação à Rota do Cabo. Embora de forma indirecta, a identificação de materiais exógenos em contextos urbanos contribui igualmente para o reconhecimento desta dimensão global da navegação. Paralelamente foi possível reconhecer que os navios que aportavam a Lisboa tinham diversas tonelagens e apresentavam diferentes características, reflexo da adaptação a diferentes contextos de navegação. Refira-se ainda o contributo da arqueologia da frente ribeirinha, onde se reconheceram múltiplas soluções portuárias, desde os simples desembarcadouros na praia até à estruturação do espaço com recurso a cais e rampas. Este artigo corresponde a um primeiro ensaio de síntese sobre o tema, centrando a análise no contributo que o estudo de naufrágios e contextos ribeirinhos tem trazido nas últimas décadas à investigação da Época Moderna. This article analyses the theme of ‘Means, routes and paths: entering and leaving Lisbon’ from the point of view of the maritime archaeology, and including multiple areas of research, from the navigability conditions of the Tagus, to the typology of the vessels used in ocean and river navigation, maritime defense or port systems. We also consider the evidence of commercial contacts by sea, both direct in the case of shipwrecks, and indirect in the case of material culture found in urban excavations. This study concludes that, despite the navigational requirements recognized at the entrance of the Tagus estuary, the port of Lisbon had an important role in transoceanic navigation, as we can see through the study of wrecks. They document this overseas dimension and contacts with the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, or the role in the Cape route. Although indirectly, the identification of urban materials also contributes to the recognition of this global dimension of navigation, whereas ships arriving at Lisbon had different tonnages and features, reflecting the adaptation to different navigational contexts. Also vital is the contribution of the riverfront archaeology, where several port solutions range from simple landings on the beach to the building of wharfs and slipways. This work is a first synthesis on the subject, focusing on the contribution that the studies of shipwrecks and riverside contexts have brought in the last decades to the investigation of the Early Modern Period.publishersversionpublishe

    Role of Microglia Adenosine A 2A

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    Neuroinflammation mediated by microglial cells in the brain has been commonly associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Whether this microglia-mediated neuroinflammation is cause or consequence of neurodegeneration is still a matter of controversy. However, it is unequivocal that chronic neuroinflammation plays a role in disease progression and halting that process represents a potential therapeutic strategy. The neuromodulator adenosine emerges as a promising targeting candidate based on its ability to regulate microglial proliferation, chemotaxis, and reactivity through the activation of its G protein coupled A2A receptor (A2AR). This is in striking agreement with the ability of A2AR blockade to control several brain diseases. Retinal degenerative diseases have been also associated with microglia-mediated neuroinflammation, but the role of A2AR has been scarcely explored. This review aims to compare inflammatory features of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases with glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, discussing the therapeutic potential of A2AR in these degenerative conditions

    balanço e perspectivas de investigação

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    UID/HIS/04666/2013Desde a década de 1990 têm surgido frequentemente restos de navios mais ou menos estruturados na zona ribeirinha de Lisboa, no âmbito da realização de obras de requalificação urbana. Os primeiros foram identificados durante a expansão do metro no Corpo Santo e no túnel da estação do Cais do Sodré. Os últimos foram descobertos e registados no âmbito da construção da nova sede da EDP tendo os navios sido denominados Boa Vista 1 e Boa Vista 2. Para além dos navios foram encontradas várias madeiras de embarcações reaproveitadas na construção de estruturas náuticas ou em cofragens de contenção de aterros das margens do rio e ribeiras suas afluentes como são os casos da Praça D. Luís I e da Av. D. Carlos I. Neste artigo faz-se um balanço destas descobertas focando várias problemáticas que carecem de investigação entre as quais a origem dos contextos arqueológicos (naufrágio, abandono, etc.), a sua cronologia e a relação com o funcionamento do porto de Lisboa na época Moderna. Serão também focados aspectos relacionados com a construção naval e a contextualização dos vários navios. Since the 1990s ship remains are being identified in Lisbon’s riverfront, in construction works related with urban renewal. The first ones were identified during the expansion of the subway in Corpo Santo and in the tunnel of Cais do Sodré subway station. The last ones were discovered and recorded during the construction of the new EDP Head Office and the ships called Boa Vista 1 and Boa Vista 2. Besides the ships several ship timbers reused in the construction of nautical structures or in revetments or waterfront structures as in the case of D. Luis I Square and D. Carlos I avenue were recovered. With this paper we intent to make an assessment regarding these findings focusing on several issues including the origin of the archaeological contexts (wreck, abandonment, among others), their chronology and the relationship with the operation of the port of Lisbon in the earlymodern period. Aspects related to the shipbuilding and the context of the several ships will also be focused.publishersversionpublishe

    Clinical and epidemiological features of hospitalized and ambulatory patients with human monkeypox infection: a retrospective observational study in Portugal

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    © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Monkeypox, a neglected and re-emergent zoonotic disease caused by monkeypox virus (MPXV) infection, has been endemic in Central and Western Africa for decades. More recently, an outbreak has spread to a global level, occurring in sites with no previous reported cases and being clustered among men who have sex with men, suggesting new modes of transmission. There is an urgent need for research for a better understanding of the genomic evolution and changing epidemiology of the Orthopoxvirus group. Our work aimed to characterize the clinical and epidemiological features of a cohort of patients with MPXV infection in a Portuguese hospital, admitted between 5 May and 26 July 2022. In this retrospective observational study, aggregate data of a case series on the presentation, clinical course, and outcomes of confirmed MPXV infections are reported. The study included 40 men and 1 woman, with a mean age of 37.2 years old; 92.7% identified as men who have sex with men, 90.2% had unprotected sex or sex with multiple or anonymous partners in the previous month, and 39.0% reported to have had sex with an MPXV-confirmed case; 59.5% had previously known human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, all of whom were under antiretroviral therapy, and no patients had acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) criteria. About a quarter of patients were observed only a week after symptom onset. All patients had skin or mucosal lesions and the anogenital region was the most frequent lesion site. There were no statistically significant clinical differences between HIV-positive and negative individuals. Four patients were admitted to the inpatient clinic, two of whom had proctitis with difficult-to-manage anal pain. There were no reported deaths. Our findings suggest the sexual route as a relevant mode of transmission of MPXV and confirm the mostly benign presentation of this disease.The writing of this manuscript received the support of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, grant numbers UIDB/04295/2020 and UIDP/04295/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio