2,276 research outputs found

    A near zero consumption building as an urban acupuncture for a vertical slum. A case study in the city of Malaga, Spain

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    Vertical slum is defined as a particularly vulnerable height building, with serious problems of functionality, safety and habitability. Venezuela’s Tower of David is a famous example. Vertical slums are associated with an important level of physical degradation, coupled with a precarious socioeconomic situation of its occupants. Their inability to create a community for proper and mandatory maintenance increases their physical deterioration. The abandonment of the original owners is replaced by a system of occupation and illegal activities. In many cases, with an interest in maintaining the building in a state of precariousness, which annuls any attempt to rehabilitate it Facing this situation, the intervention is proposed through an urban acupuncture project, understood as a project of expropriation and physical rehabilitation of the building, associated to a project of social rehabilitation in a disadvantaged environment. It is about creating a hybrid building associated with four objectives 1- Create a hybrid building with a mixed offer of social and housing services: sheltered housing for seniors, residence and accommodation for young entrepreneurs. The idea of a social condenser is related to studies of the hybrid building such as the Downtown Athletic Club in New York, or the Rokade Tower and Maartenshof residence (Groningen, The Netherlands). 2- Incorporate the sustainability parameters directed to a building almost zero. 3- Incorporate a model of provision of housing services, managed by the municipality, but with the possibility of incorporating NGOs 4- Design a social rehabilitation project that facilitates the creation of a web of social-based companies or cooperatives that fosters entrepreneurship, and that can actively participate in the rehabilitation and maintenance of the neighborhood itself. This paper applies these principles to a building in Malaga as a case study and 10 strategies are developed and analysed in regards to its physical, social and sustainable transformation.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Filmed clinical cases improved communication skills of student of Pharmacology in Podiatry degree

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    Solving clinical case by writing-report lacks of students sympathies and interest in many cases. Make a short film is a novelty that really like to the students and may improve their arguing and planning capacities and their communication skills. Aim: To evaluate the impact of presenting and resolving clinical cases through filming a short-film in the communication skills development and in the learning of medicines in Podiatry undergraduate students. Methods: A two-year study in which students were invited to voluntarily form groups (3 students maximum). Each group has to design and film a short-film (8 min maximum) showing a clinical case in which medicines’ use was needed to treat feet pathology. A camera, a mobile-phone's video editor or whatever they may use was allowed. The job of each group was supervised and helped by a teacher. The students were invited to present their work to the rest of the class. After each short-film projection the students were encouraged to ask questions if they wanted to do it. After all the projections the students voluntarily answered a satisfaction survey. Results: Students of Pharmacology of Podiatry Degree, N=101, 55.6% female, 20±1.3 years old were enrolled. 37 short-films showing a clinical case were made. The average time spent by students in making the film was 12.4±8 h. The percentage of students which were satisfied with this way of presentation of the clinical cases was 75.2%. Conclusion: Filmed clinical cases performed by student of Pharmacology of the Podiatry Degree improved their communication skills.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Convocatoria de Ayudas de la Universidad de Málaga a Proyectos de Innovación Educativa, convocatoria 2013-2015, PIE 13-156 en Área de Ciencias de la Salud

    Designing Paper-Based Immunoassays for Biomedical Applications

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    Paper-based sensors and assays have been highly attractive for numerous biological applications, including rapid diagnostics and assays for disease detection, food safety, and clinical care. In particular, the paper immunoassay has helped drive many applications in global health due to its low cost and simplicity of operation. This review is aimed at examining the fundamentals of the technology, as well as different implementations of paper-based assays and discuss novel strategies for improving their sensitivity, performance, or enabling new capabilities. These innovations can be categorized into using unique nanoparticle materials and structures for detection via different techniques, novel biological species for recognizing biomarkers, or innovative device design and/or architecture

    Incidencia de capacidad de pago en morosidad de clientes del Banco Continental, Chimbote, 2017-2018

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    La presente Investigación titulada \"Incidencia de capacidad de pago en morosidad de clientes del Banco Continental, Chimbote, 2017-2018\". Tuvo el objetivo general: Determinar la influencia de la Morosidad por préstamos personales en la capacidad de pago de los clientes del Banco Continental. Corresponde a una investigación transversal, descriptiva, no experimental y causal, su población estuvo básicamente constituida por entidades financieras y su muestra conformada por un total de 15 clientes que fueron escogidos aleatoriamente a su sugerencia del gerente del BBVA, la técnica utilizada es la encuesta y su instrumento usado fue el cuestionario. Esperando obtener como resultado de la investigación poder identificar los elementos que generan el retraso por préstamos personales del Banco Continental.Tesi

    Outbreak Of NDM-1-producing Klebsiella Pneumoniae In A Neonatal Unit In Colombia

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    Six multiresistant, NDM-1-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae strains were recovered from an outbreak that affected six neonatal patients in a Colombian hospital. Molecular analysis showed that all of the isolates harbored the blaNDM-1, qnrA, and intI1 genes and were clonally related. Multilocus sequence typing showed that the isolates belonged to a new sequence type (ST1043) that was different from the sequence types that had previously been reported. This is the first report of NDM-1-producing isolates in South America

    Identification and “in silico” Structural Analysis of the Glutamine-rich Protein Qrp (YheA) in Staphylococcus Aureus

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    Background: YlbF and YmcA are two essential proteins for the formation of biofilm, sporulation, and competence in Bacillus subtilis. In these two proteins, a new protein domain called com_ylbF was recently discovered, but its role and protein function has not yet been established. Objective: In this study, we identified and performed an “in silico” structural analysis of the YheA protein, another com_ylbF-containing protein, in the opportunistic pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. Methods: The search of the yheA gene was performed using BLAST-P and tBLASn algorithms. The three-dimensional (3D) models of YheA, as well as YlbF and YmcA proteins, were built using the I-TASSER and Quark programs. The identification of the native YheA in Staphylococcus aureus was carried out through chromatography using the FPLC system. Results: We found that YheA protein is more widely distributed in Gram-positive bacteria than YlbF and YmcA. Two new and important characteristics for YheA and other com_ylbF-containing proteins were found: a highly conserved 3D structure and the presence of a putative conserved motif located in the central region of the domain, which could be involved in its function. Additionally, we established that Staphylococcus aureus expresses YheA protein in both planktonic growth and biofilm. Finally, we suggest renaming YheA as glutamine-rich protein (Qrp) in S. aureus. Conclusion: The Grp (YheA), YlbF, and YmcA proteins adopt a highly conserved three-dimensional structure, harboring a protein-specific putative motif within the com_ylbF domain, which possibly favors the interaction with their substrates. Finally, Staphylococcus aureus expresses the Grp (YheA) protein in both planktonic and biofilm growth. </jats:sec

    Impacto de la politica del plan sectorial de Bogota 2008-2012 educacion de calidad para una Bogota positiva a partir de las de las transformaciones pedagógicas en el colegio Julio Garavito Armero IED

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    La realización del presente trabajo, aborda la problemática que se les presenta a los directivos docentes en el direccionamiento de las instituciones educativas en las dimensiones de gestión administrativa, académica y pedagógica y comunitaria, a partir de la evaluación de impacto en la comunidad que en muchos casos los lleva a un activismo crónico, sin que respondan a un direccionamiento estratégico que les facilite identificar claramente sus logros y oportunidades de mejora, que orienten a las instituciones a desempeños de excelencia y calidad

    Sistema Integrado De Gestión Para El Sector Primario Dedicado A La Industrialización Del Mármol (ASOMIP)

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    Se diseñó una herramienta para la implementación del Sistema Integrado de Gestión de la empresa ASOMIP perteneciente al sector primario. ASOMIP es una asociación de mineros dedicados a la explotación, producción y comercialización de mármol, código CIIU: 0811 en la cual se benefician 34 trabajadores, ubicada en el municipio de Toluviejo (sucre). El sistema integrado de gestión de ASOMIP será implementado en las actividades de extracción y transformación del mármol, bajo las normativas ISO 14001: 2015 para la gestión ambiental, ISO 9001: 2015 para la gestión de calidad e ISO 45001 de 2018 para la gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Para la integración de las normas se realizó una lista de chequeo para determinar la aplicabilidad de las normas en el sistema integrado de gestión de la empresa. Se realizó una matriz pastel con el fin de identificar los aspectos importantes para la organización (Político, Económico, Social, Tecnológico y Legal), dónde se determinan factores, variable, amenaza y oportunidad. Se hace una identificación de los riesgos de la organización con el fin de ser idenficarlos, analizarlos y establecer controles y planes de mejora. Se elabora una matriz Vester Es esta matriz se describe una situación problemática de la organización y es evaluada a partir de variables de influencia y dependencia, Se identifican cuatro variables que tienen mayor influencia en la problemática y esta sea critica. Se hace una identificación de los stake holders y su análisis donde define la importancia de las partes interesadas de la organización, las necesidades de acuerdo a su rol y su importancia en la organización. Se elaboró una gráfica donde se representa el ciclo PHVA de la empresa ASOMIP que es donde se especifican las fases del sistema integrado de gestión a las cuales se les debe dar un estricto cumplimiento para garantizar la estabilidad de la empresa y la satisfacción de los clientes. Por medio de una un diagrama se representa el proceso productivo de la organización y las actividades que se llevan a cabo para la elaboración de sus productos. Se diseñó el organigrama de ASOMIP teniendo en cuenta las jerarquías de los procesos .Se representó en una tabla los Requisitos comunes integrables y requisitos no comunes de cada una de las normas integradas en el sistema de gestión. Se elaboró protocolo de bioseguridad de acuerdo a las necesidades de la organización (ASOMIP), Se realizó una matriz de recurso y operación para la mejora continua del sistema integrado de gestión con el fin de establecer las responsables y las pautas de implementación de los recursos. Se diseño la política integrada de acuerdo con las normas ISO (9001, 14001 Y 45001). Se realizo un plan de integración basado en el componente de la norma UNE 66177. Para implementar el sistema integrado de gestión es correspondiente que analizar y cumplir con todo lo establecido, principalmente con la implementación del plan de HSEQ y así obtener un mejor rendimiento en producción y evitar accidente.A tool was designed for the implementation of the Integrated Management System of the ASOMIP company belonging to the primary sector. ASOMIP is an association of miners dedicated to the exploitation, production and commercialization of marble, ISIC code: 0811 in which 34 workers benefit, located in the municipality of Toluviejo (Sucre). ASOMIP's integrated management system will be implemented in the marble extraction and transformation activities, under the standards ISO 14001: 2015 for environmental management, ISO 9001: 2015 for quality management and ISO 45001 of 2018 for safety management. and health at work. For the integration of the standards, a checklist was made to determine the applicability of the standards in the company's integrated management system. A pastel matrix was made in order to identify the important aspects for the organization (Political, Economic, Social, Technological and Legal), where factors, variable, threat and opportunity are determined. An identification of the risks of the organization is made in order to identify them, analyze them and establish controls and improvement plans. A Vester matrix is ​​prepared. This matrix describes a problematic situation in the organization and is evaluated from variables of influence and dependence. Four variables are identified that have the greatest influence on the problem and this is critical. An identification of the stake holders and their analysis is made where they define the importance of the organization's interested parties, the needs according to their role and their importance in the organization. A graph was prepared where the PHVA cycle of the ASOMIP company is represented, which is where the phases of the integrated management system are specified, which must be strictly complied with to guarantee the stability of the company and customer satisfaction. By means of a diagram the productive process of the organization and the activities carried out for the elaboration of its products are represented. The ASOMIP organization chart was designed taking into account the hierarchies of the processes. The integrable common requirements and non-common requirements of each of the standards integrated in the management system were represented in a table. A biosafety protocol was developed according to the needs of the organization (ASOMIP). A resource and operation matrix was made for the continuous improvement of the integrated management system in order to establish those responsible and the guidelines for the implementation of resources. The integrated policy was designed in accordance with ISO standards (9001, 14001 and 45001). An integration plan was carried out based on the component of the UNE 66177 standard. To implement the integrated management system, it is necessary to analyze and comply with everything established, mainly with the implementation of the HSEQ plan and thus obtain better production performance. and avoid accident