973 research outputs found

    Low Energy Effective Action in N=2 Yang-Mills as an Integrated Anomaly

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    Based on chiral ring relations and anomalies, as described by Cachazo, Douglas, Seiberg and Witten, we argue that the holomorphic effective action in N=2 Yang-Mills theory can be understood as an integrated U(1) anomaly from a purely field theory point of view. In particular, we show that the periods of the Riemann surface arising from the generalized Konishi anomaly can be given a physical interpretation without referring to special geometry. We also discuss consequences for the multi-instanton calculus in N=2 Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures ; v2: reference adde

    Improved matrix-model calculation of the N=2 prepotential

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    We present a matrix-model expression for the sum of instanton contributions to the prepotential of an N=2 supersymmetric U(N) gauge theory, with matter in various representations. This expression is derived by combining the renormalization-group approach to the gauge theory prepotential with matrix-model methods. This result can be evaluated order-by-order in matrix-model perturbation theory to obtain the instanton corrections to the prepotential. We also show, using this expression, that the one-instanton prepotential assumes a universal form.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    Economic evaluation of rotavirus vaccination in children aged under five years in South Africa

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    DATA SHARING STATEMENT : The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Evidence on the economic value of rotavirus vaccines in middle-income countries is limited. We aimed to model the implementation of three vaccines (human rotavirus, live, attenuated, oral vaccine [HRV, 2 doses]; rotavirus vaccine, live, oral, pentavalent [HBRV, 3 doses] and rotavirus vaccine, live attenuated oral, freeze-dried [BRV-PV, 3 doses] presented in 1-dose and 2-dose vials) into the South African National Immunisation Programme. METHODS Cost and cost-effectiveness analyses were conducted to compare three rotavirus vaccines using a static, deterministic, population model in children aged <5 years in South Africa from country payer and societal perspectives. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the impact of uncertainty in model inputs. RESULTS The human rotavirus, live, attenuated, oral vaccine (HRV) was associated with cost savings versus HBRV from both perspectives, and versus BRV-PV 1-dose vial from the societal perspective. In the cost-effectiveness analysis, HRV was estimated to avoid 1,107 home care rotavirus gastroenteritis (RVGE) events, 247 medical visits, 35 hospitalisations, and 4 RVGErelated deaths versus HBRV and BRV-PV. This translated to 73 quality-adjusted life years gained. HRV was associated with lower costs versus HBRV from both payer (−3.9M)andsocietal(−3.9M) and societal (−11.5M) perspectives and versus BRV-PV 1-dose vial from the societal perspective (−3.8M),dominatingthoseoptions.HRVwasassociatedwithhighercostsversusBRV−PV1−dosevialfromthepayerperspectiveandversusBRV−PV2‑dosevialfrombothpayerandsocietalperspectives(ICERs:3.8M), dominating those options. HRV was associated with higher costs versus BRV-PV 1-dose vial from the payer perspective and versus BRV-PV 2‑dose vial from both payer and societal perspectives (ICERs: 51,834, 121,171,and121,171, and 16,717, respectively), exceeding the assumed cost-effectiveness threshold of 0.5 GDP per capita. CONCLUSION Vaccination with a 2-dose schedule of HRV may lead to better health outcomes for children in South Africa compared with the 3-dose schedule rotavirus vaccines.This study was sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA (Study identifier VEO-000364). Support for third-party writing assistance for this article, provided by Megan Thomas, Costello Medical, UK was funded by GSK in accordance with Good Publication Practice (GPP 2022) guidelines (https://www.ismpp.org/gpp-2022).https://www.springer.com/journal/40261am2024Medical VirologySDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein

    Instantons on Quivers and Orientifolds

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    We compute the prepotential for gauge theories descending from N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM via quiver projections and mass deformations. This accounts for gauge theories with product gauge groups and bifundamental matter. The case of massive orientifold gauge theories with gauge group SO/Sp is also described. In the case with no gravitational corrections the results are shown to be in agreement with Seiberg-Witten analysis and previous results in the literature.Comment: 28 pages, revised version, references added, some typos correcte

    Scalar meson dynamics in Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    A comparison of the linear sigma model (Lσ\sigmaM) and Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) predictions for pion and kaon dynamics is presented. Lowest and next-to-leading order terms in the ChPT amplitudes are reproduced if one restricts to scalar resonance exchange. Some low energy constants of the order p4p^4 ChPT Lagrangian are fixed in terms of scalar meson masses. Present values of these low energy constants are compatible with the Lσ\sigmaM dynamics. We conclude that more accurate values would be most useful either to falsify the Lσ\sigmaM or to show its capability to shed some light on the controversial scalar physics.Comment: 9 pages, REVTeX 4.0. Final version accepted for publicatio

    Integrating physiological data with the conservation and management of fishes: A meta-analytical review using the threatened green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris)

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    Reversing global declines in the abundance and diversity of fishes is dependent on science-based conservation solutions. A wealth of data exist on the ecophysiological constraints of many fishes, but much of this information is underutilized in recovery plans due to a lack of synthesis. Here, we used the imperiled green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) as an example of how a quantitative synthesis of physiological data can inform conservation plans, identify knowledge gaps and direct future research actions. We reviewed and extracted metadata from peer-reviewed papers on green sturgeon. A total of 105 publications were identified, spanning multiple disciplines, with the primary focus being conservation physiology (23.8%). A meta-analytical approach was chosen to summarize the mean effects of prominent stressors (elevated temperatures, salinity, low food availability and contaminants) on several physiological traits (growth, thermal tolerance, swimming performance and heat shock protein expression). All examined stressors significantly impaired green sturgeon growth, and additional stressor-specific costs were documented. These findings were then used to suggest several management actions, such as mitigating salt intrusion in nursery habitats and maintaining water temperatures within optimal ranges during peak spawning periods. Key data gaps were also identified; research efforts have been biased towards juvenile (38.1%) and adult (35.2%) life-history stages, and less data are available for early life-history stages (embryonic, 11.4%; yolk-sac larvae, 12.4%; and post yolk-sac larvae, 16.2%). Similarly, most data were collected from single-stressor studies (91.4%) and there is an urgent need to understand interactions among stressors as anthropogenic change is multi-variate and dynamic. Collectively, these findings provide an example of how meta-analytic reviews are a powerful tool to inform management actions, with the end goal of maximizing conservation gains from research efforts

    Studying Kaon-pion S-wave scattering in K-matrix formalism

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    We generalize our previous work on \pi\pi scattering to K\pi scattering, and re-analyze the experiment data of K\pi scattering below 1.6 GeV. Without any free parameter, we explain K\pi I=3/2 S-wave phase shift very well by using t-channel rho and u-channel K^* meson exchange. With the t-channel and u-channel meson exchange fixed as the background term, we fit the K\pi I=1/2 S-wave data of the LASS experiment quite well by introducing one or two s-channel resonances. It is found that there is only one s-channel resonance between K\pi threshold and 1.6 GeV, i.e., K_0^*(1430) with a mass around 1438~1486 MeV and a width about 346 MeV, while the t-channel rho exchange gives a pole at (450-480i) MeV for the amplitude.Comment: REVTeX4 file, 11 pages and 3 figure

    Cubic curves from instanton counting

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    We investigate the possibility to extract Seiberg-Witten curves from the formal series for the prepotential, which was obtained by the Nekrasov approach. A method for models whose Seiberg-Witten curves are not hyperelliptic is proposed. It is applied to the SU(N) model with one symmetric or antisymmetric representations as well as for SU(N_1)xSU(N_2) model with (N_1,N_2) or (N_1,\bar{N}_2) bifundamental matter. Solutions are compared with known results. For the gauge group product we have checked the instanton corrections which follow from our curves against direct instanton counting computations up to two instantons.Comment: 30 pages, v2. typos fixed, referenced adde

    Improving the contribution of mathematical modelling evidence to guidelines and policy: experiences from tuberculosis

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    We read with great interest the recent paper by Lo et al., who argue that there is an urgent need to ensure the quality of modelling evidence used to support international and national guideline development. Here we outline efforts by the Tuberculosis Modelling and Analysis Consortium, together with the World Health Organization Global Task Force on Tuberculosis Impact Measurement, to develop material to improve the quality and transparency of country-level tuberculosis modelling to inform decision-making
