11,754 research outputs found

    Understanding Brazilian Unemployment Structure: A Mixed Autoregressive Approach

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    The aims of this paper are estimate and forecast the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment, or NAIRU, for Brazilian unemployment time series data. In doing so, we introduce a methodology for estimating mixed additive seasonal autoregressive (MASAR) models, by the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). Furthermore, in order to cover a lack in econometric literature, an asymptotic theory for the Yule-Walker estimators of autoregressive parameters is developed. The paper provides some insights on estimating MASAR models when one of its component has a possible unit root. The obtained results are consistent to the literature and produce reasonable forecasts for NAIRU.Time series, Inflation, NAIRU, Seasonality, Unit Root

    Analysis of Current Supplier Relationship Management Practices: A Solution Proposal

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    The work contributes with the existing literature by investigating current SRM practices. Based on the research, the author has designed an information system framework, which provides companies with an innovative SRM solution to manage their indirect material purchasing process through an environment that supports companies entire plan-to-order activities, including functionalities such as central data management, spend data management, e-sourcing and the usual e-procurement features

    Probability of the Debtor Obtaining Financing During Judicial Recovery

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    There are several reasons that lead a company and/or entrepreneur to undergo a judicial recovery process. What they all have in common, however, is the lack of liquidity, or rather, the lack of financial means to fulfill the necessary obligations for the daily operation of the company, such as worker salaries, operational costs, suppliers of inputs/raw materials and services, and investments, etc. In this regard, credit is an essential variable to promote the growth and survival of the company in times of crisis, to protect the core of economic activity, the source of services, in line with the fundamental principle of the Institute of Judicial Recovery, namely, the preservation of the company. In this context, and within the hypothetical realm, the present article has the general objective of analyzing the situation of a company undergoing judicial recovery, identifying the mechanism and the possibility for the debtor company to obtain a loan, and citing the legal framework for enabling and materializing the obtaining of financing. As for the methodological approach adopted for the development of this research, it is characterized as qualitative, employing two types of methodological procedures, namely, bibliographic review and documentary research. The study reaffirms that the choice to secure financing for companies undergoing judicial recovery is entirely justifiable as it concerns a higher good; in other words, it favors the preservation of the employment relationships of workers who operate within companies under the mentioned situation, thus establishing a conducive environment for the preservation of the corporate organization, also upholding its social function and continuing to stimulate the activity carried out by companies undergoing judicial recovery.en


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    Estuaries are the interface between freshwater systems and the sea, with clearly recognizable changes in the distribution of organisms along various environmental gradients from riverine to fully marine conditions. This thesis studied ecological processes affecting the distribution of marine species along estuarine gradients using both field and laboratory experiments with barnacles as a tractable model system. Elminius modestus Darwin, Semibalanus balanoides Linneaus, Chthamalus montagui Southward are the most common barnacle species found in the intertidal of British estuaries. Surveys performed in the Plym and the Yealm Estuaries revealed that E. modestus occurred furthest up estuaries and was dominant along most of their length, with the exception of sites closest to the sea; C. montagui had the most restricted degree of penetration up-estuary; and S. balanoides occurred at low abundances, with limits of penetration located between those of C. montagui and E. modestus. Transplants of adult specimens to sites along the marine-to-freshwater gradient revealed that E. modestus was better adapted to environmental conditions found in inner areas of the estuaries than C. montagui and S. balanoides. Survival of the latter two species was negatively correlated with deposition of silt and decreasing salinity. Laboratory experiments showed that, in contrast to the other two species, E. modestus was highly tolerant to burial by silt. A comparison of observed distributions along the gradients with survivability showed that C. montagui was able to survive in areas where adults were absent, indicating that early life cycle stages were a potential limiting factor to the distribution of this species. Examination of patterns of cyprid settlement and recruitment to the benthic phase reinforced the suggestion that pre-settlement processes contribute to restrictions in the distribution of both C. montagui and S. balanoides. The abundance of these species, post-settlement, was also affected by physico-chemical conditions in the upper estuary. Pre-settlement processes did not limit the distribution of E. modestus and post-settlement processes appeared to be more important in limiting its abundance at sites closest to the sea.The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdo


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    As pressões da sociedade em relação à questão ambiental levaram um conjunto bastante grande de organizações a desenvolverem políticas ligadas à educação ambiental. As universidades, organizações inovadoras sustentáveis por excelência, começam a adotar práticas ligadas ao tema. O presente artigo tentar explicar, a luz do isomorfismo institucional se existe similaridade entre as estruturas e formas ligadas a práticas de ensino em educação ambiental entre as duas principais universidades públicas catarinenses. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, com fins exploratórios, por estudo de caso e levantamento documental nos sites das universidades, identificando cursos e as disciplinas ligadas à educação ambiental, além de entrevistas com professores ligados a algumas destas disciplinas. Ao final conclui-se que o isomorfismo encontrado caracteriza-se na oferta de algumas disciplinas ligadas à educação ambiental, na sua inserção em novos currículos e novos cursos, sendo tipificados como cognitivo e normativo

    The inclusion of the digital sequence information (DSI) in the scope of the Nagoya Protocol and its consequences

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    The Nagoya Protocol, a supplementary agreement to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), was drafted considering the classical model of biopiracy based on the appropriation of physical samples. However, with the development of new technologies of DNA and RNA sequencing, scientists are no longer using just tangible samples on their research. Instead, they are accessing genetic resources in a digital format, the Digital Sequence Information (DSI). Mainly based on the studies requested by the Conference of the Parties to the CBD, in its thirteenth and fourteenth meetings, this article aims at examining the challenges that the ABS system will have to face in case DSI is considered a genetic resource under the Nagoya Protocol. This article concludes that the emergence of new forms of accessing the genetic resources does not undermine the role of the ABS regime, which should walk alongside the advances of technology to guarantee distributive justice