168 research outputs found

    A avaliação formativa no ensino de línguas : uma possibilidade de ressignificação da prática docente

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada, 2019.Nesta pesquisa, abordamos a maneira como a avaliação formativa pode transformar o cenário de uma escola de línguas. A prática da avaliação formativa não é a predominante nas escolas brasileiras. Por esse motivo, é necessário que os professores sejam formados para desenvolvê-la. Nesse sentido, a formação docente e o letramento em avalição podem contribuir para a modificação das concepções de avaliação dos professores, o que, no ensino de línguas, pode alterar também a concepção de linguagem, o planejamento e a organização do curso. Fazem parte da fundamentação teórica desta pesquisa estudos na área de avaliação BROWN, 2004, 1996; HADJI, 2001; HOFFMANN, 2017, 2018; LUCKESI, 2006; PERRENOUND, 1990; SCARAMUCCI, 1993, 2000, 2016; VILLAS BOAS 2002, 2018 entre outros. O objetivo geral da pesquisa aqui relatada é investigar como ocorre o processo de implementação de um outro modelo avaliativo no contexto pesquisado. Esta é uma pesquisa aplicada qualitativa na modalidade estudo de caso interpretativista e tem como instrumentos de coleta de dados entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com professores da unidade pesquisada, além da coleta de documentos referentes aos registros e arquivos das avaliações aplicadas na unidade escolar no período de 2012 a 2018. Os dados foram coletados e analisados no período que compreende de junho de 2017 a agosto de 2018. Os resultados do estudo apontam para o uso de instrumentos avaliativos ressignificados e também para a forte presença da avaliação formativa nas concepções e práticas da escola. Revelam ainda uma escola mais humana, preocupada com o desenvolvimento individual e com as aprendizagens de cada estudante.This research approaches the potential of formative assessment to transform the settings of a language school. Since formative assessment is not a prevalent practice in Brazilian schools, the study shows it is necessary that teachers become qualified to implement it. As a result of professional development and assessment literacy, teachers may well change their conceptions of assessment. Regarding language teaching, it can also imply a different conception of language, and consequently a change in planning and organizing language courses. The theoretical framework presented in this study refers to (BROWN, 2004, 1996; HADJI, 2001; HOFFMANN, 2017, 2018; LUCKESI, 2006; PERRENOUND, 1990; SCARAMUCCI, 1993, 2000, 2016; VILLAS BOAS 2002, 2018), among others. The general goal in this research is to examine the process of enactment of a new evaluation model in the investigated field. This applied research is a qualitative and interpretive case study. The data collection tools consisted of semi-structured interviews with teachers, as well as a collection of documents related to the records and files of tests and examinations conducted by the school from 2012 to 2018. The data collection and analysis took place from June 2017 to August 2018. Study findings point to the use of re-signified evaluation tools and hence to a strong incidence of formative assessment in the conceptions and practices of the school community. Results also reveal a more humanistic scenario, concerned with the development and learning of each individual student.En esta investigación, abordamos la forma en que la evaluación formativa puede transformar el escenario de una escuela de idiomas. La práctica de la evaluación formativa no es la predominante en las escuelas brasileñas. Por lo tanto, es necesario que los profesores estén formados para desarrollarla. En este sentido, la formación docente y el Letramento en evaluación pueden contribuir a una modificación de las concepciones de evaluación de los profesores, lo que en la enseñanza de lenguas puede alterar también la concepción del lenguaje, la planificación y organización del curso. Hacen parte de la fundamentación teórica de esta investigación estudios en el área de evaluación (BROWN, 2004, 1996; HADJI, 2001; HOFFMANN, 2017, 2018; LUCKESI, 2006; PERRENOUND, 1990; SCARAMUCCI, 1993, 2000, 2016; VILLAS BOAS 2002, 2018) entre otros. El objetivo general de esta investigación es investigar cómo ocurre el proceso de implementación de un nuevo modelo de evaluación en el contexto investigado. Esta es una investigación aplicada cualitativa de estudio de caso interpretativista y tuvo como instrumentos de recolección de datos la utilización de entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas con profesores de la unidad investigada, además de la recolección de documentos referentes a los registros y archivos de las evaluaciones aplicadas en la unidad escolar en el período de 2012 a 2018. Los resultados del estudio apuntan para el uso de instrumentos evaluativos resignificados y también para la fuerte presencia de la evaluación formativa en las concepciones y prácticas de la escuela, revelan una escuela más humana, preocupada por el desarrollo individual y con los aprendizajes de cada estudiante. Palabras clave: evaluación; evaluación formativa; formación docente para la evaluación; Letramento en evaluación

    Serviços orientados a eventos da vida controlados pelo cidadão

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaA progressiva introdução das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação na Administração Pública (AP) provocou uma grande evolução na prestação de serviços ao cidadão. Transitou-se de um paradigma de prestação de serviços baseado nas competências de cada instituição, resultado da organização da AP em silos, para um paradigma de prestação de serviços integrados, que pode envolver a participação de serviços de várias instituições, que para o efeito trocam informação entre si, porventura sem que o cidadão disso se aperceba. Um dos objetivos da integração de serviços é a prestação de serviços que visam satisfazer situações do dia-a-dia do cidadão que implicam a interação com serviços da AP, i.e., serviços orientados a eventos da vida (serviços OEV). No entanto, apesar da bondade do objetivo, a integração de serviços é complexa e tem o potencial para criar situações desfavoráveis para o cidadão, nomeadamente para sua privacidade. Com efeito, o cidadão deixa de ter o controlo sobre a difusão da sua informação pelas várias instituições, uma vez que são estas que comunicam entre si para obter a informação necessária para a prestação dos respetivos serviços. Nesta tese propomos um modelo de prestação de serviços OEV, o modelo CHAPAS, que pretende: (i) desincentivar a comunicação direta entre instituições para a obtenção de informação do cidadão, (ii) colocar o cidadão no controlo da disseminação da sua informação pelas várias instituições e (iii) fomentar a minimização da informação que o cidadão tem de fornecer às várias instituições para obter os serviços que pretende. Para cumprir esses objetivos, transferimos para o cidadão a responsabilidade pela obtenção de todos os serviços que compõem um serviço OEV, e dotámos o cidadão de uma aplicação, o Chappie, que lhe permite: (i) compor o serviço OEV que pretende obter, (ii) verificar que informação tem de fornecer para obter cada um dos serviços que compõem o serviço OEV e, caso o cidadão assim o decida, (iii) proceder à obtenção desses vários serviços. Como o cidadão pode fornecer a cada instituição toda a informação necessária para que esta lhe preste o serviço pretendido, mesmo que tenha de os obter previamente de outras instituições, estas deixam de ter necessidade de comunicar entre si para obter a informação que necessitam para a prestação dos respetivos serviços, o que permite limitar a difusão de informação do cidadão e dessa forma proteger a sua privacidade. Para a avaliação do modelo usámos o evento da vida de compra de casa, que envolve interações do cidadão com serviços de várias instituições da AP e particulares e cujas características nos permitem explorar as várias vertentes do modelo. Com base nele, desenvolvemos um cenário de exploração e protótipos do Chappie e dos vários serviços, que nos permitiram concluir da viabilidade do modelo CHAPAS, com algumas vantagens e com algumas limitações, para ser uma alternativa viável para a prestação de serviços de governo eletrónico ao cidadão.The introduction of Information and Communication Technologies in the Public Administration (PA) gave rise to a huge evolution in the provisioning of public services to the citizen. It evolved from a service provisioning paradigm based in the competences of each PA department, which directly results from the PA siloed organization, into an integrated service provisioning paradigm, that may involve multiple PA departments that exchange information with each other, possibly without the citizen being aware of those exchanges. One of the reasons for this service integration is the provisioning of better services targeted to the satisfaction of citizens’ everyday situations that require interaction with many PA services, i.e., life-event services. Despite the goodness in the goal of improving the citizen interaction with PA, the integration of PA services is complex and may create adverse situations for the citizens, namely regarding their privacy. The citizen loses the control over the dissemination of his personal information throughout the many PA departments, as they communicate with each other to gather the information required for service provisioning. In this thesis, we propose a model for life-event service provision, the CHAPAS model, with the following goals: (i) to discourage direct communication between PA departments to exchange citizens’ information; (ii) to place the citizen in control of the dissemination of his information throughout the many PA departments; and (iii) to promote the minimization of the disclosure of citizens’ information to PA departments when obtaining the wanted services. To fulfill these goals, we transfer the responsibility for obtaining all the partial services that composes a life event service to the citizen that is empowered with an application, the Chappie, which enables him to: (i) compose the life-event service he wants; (ii) verify the information he must disclose to obtain each and every partial service that composes the life-event service he wants; and upon a citizen decision, (iii) obtain all those partial services. As the citizen is able to supply all the information that a PA department needs to provide the service the citizen wants, departments no longer need to communicate with each other to gather the information they need for service provisioning. This enhances the protection of citizens’ privacy as we avoid the dissemination of citizens’ information without his control. For CHAPAS model validation, we used the Buying a Home life event, which requires citizen interactions with services from several PA departments and private institutions, and whose characteristics allows for a full exploration of the model. We developed an exploitation scenario and prototypes for the citizen Chappie and for the several services from which we concluded that the CHAPAS model, with some advantages and some disadvantages, might be a viable alternative for the provisioning of e-government services to citizens

    Autenticação em sistemas telemáticos biomédicos

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesNeste documento apresenta-se uma arquitectura para identificar e autenticar profissionais de saúde num sistema telemático de informação médica (Rede Telemática da Saúde - RTS). A arquitectura proposta é independente dos mecanismos de identificação e autenticação dos profissionais nos restantes sistemas das suas instituições de origem e potencia a mobilidade dos profissionais de saúde inter e intra instituições. Baseia-se numa Infra-Estrutura de Chave Pública (PKI) simplificada, em certificados de chave publica de curta duração, na utilização de smart cards para o armazenamento das credenciais dos profissionais e em certificação cruzada para o estabelecimento de relações de confiança entre as IS e a RTS. É, também, flexível e escalável, sendo capaz de suportar futuras adesões à RTS de forma simples e sem degradação de serviço. ABSTRACT: This document presents an architecture to identify and authenticate health professionals accessing a Telematic Health Information System (RTS – Rede Telemática da Saúde). The proposed architecture, is independent of other identification and authentication systems in health professionals home organizations, and promotes health professionals mobility inter and intra health organizations. It is based in a simplified Public Key Infrastructure, with short-lived public key certificates, the use of personal smart cards to store health professional credentials and in the cross-certification to establish trust relations between RTS and health organizations. The architecture is also flexible and scalable, supporting the future RTS adherence of more health organizations, smoothly and without quality of service degradation

    Multifunctional graphene-based magnetic nanocarriers optimized with copolymer Pluronic F127 for biomedical applications

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    The limitations of current cancer therapies prompt the urgent need for a more effective therapeutic strategy [1]. Graphene-based magnetic nanoparticles (GbMNPs) due to their unique properties, such as high chemical and thermal stability, high charge carrier mobility, large surface area for functionalization and superparamagnetic properties, have the potentiality to be used as efficient multifunctional nanocarrier systems [2]. However, one of the challenges of GbMNPs in biomedical applications is their tendency for agglomeration or precipitation in electrolyte solutions, such as those of body fluids [3]. To overcome this drawback, the developed GbMNPs were grafted with copolymer Pluronic F127 (PF127), yielding the materials denoted as GbMNPs@PF127. PF127 is a water-soluble and biocompatible triblock copolymer (PEO100-PPO65-PEO100) approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as food additive and in pharmaceutical formulations [4]. This grafting strategy allows the incorporation of a hydrophilic corona that reduces the aggregation of nanoparticles and the adsorption of blood proteins [4, 5]. Also, increases the biocompatibility of the nanosystems and its colloidal stability, prolonging blood circulation [5]. In this study, GbMNPs@PF127 were covalently conjugated with Doxorubicin (DOX), a highly effective chemotherapeutic drug against a broad spectrum of cancers. The developed therapeutic nanosystems were characterized and investigated to be used as multifunctional nanocarriers to combine thermo-chemotherapy, revealing exceptional features, such as: (i) high loading of the chemotherapeutic drug DOX; (ii) high pH stimuli-responsive controlled release; (iii) high heating efficiency profile under AMF with thermo-responsive drug release; as well as (iv) good haem- and biocompatibility even at high concentrations. The presented strategy and findings can represent a new way to design and synthesize highly stable graphene-based materials with novel structures for synergetic thermo-chemotherapy triggered by the abnormal cell microenvironment for a more effective treatment of cancer.This work was financially supported by: Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006984 Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM funded by FEDER through COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) - and by nationalfunds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia R.O.R. acknowledgs the PHD scholarship SFRH/BD/97658/2013 granted by FCT. A.M.T.S. acknowledges the FCT Investigator 2013 Programme (IF/01501/2013), with financing from the European Social Fund and the Human Potential Operational Programme.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A influência de um campo magnético estático no escoamento sanguíneo com nanopartículas magnéticas

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    De forma a realizar estudos de escoamentos em microcanais e avaliar a influência das nanopartículas, sob a ação de um campo magnético estático, na espessura da camada de plasma, foram produzidas nanoparticulas de óxido de ferro por síntese solvotérmica, sendo posteriormente colocadas em suspensão num fluido fisiológico constituído por eritrócitos. Verificou-se que as nanopartículas com características magnéticas proporcionam a diminuição da espessura da camada de plasma, um comportamento contrário ao observado com nanopartículas sem características magnéticas.Os autores agradecem à FCT, COMPETE, QREN e União Europeia (FEDER) pelo financiamento através dos seguintes projetos: PTDC/SAU-BEB/105650/2008, PTDC/SAU-BEB/108728/2008, PTDC/EMEMFE/ 099109/2008, PEst-C/EQB/LA0020/2011 e PTDC/SAU-ENB/116929/2010

    Notch Signaling Pathway in Tooth Shape Variations throughout Evolution

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    Evolutionary changes in vertebrates are linked to genetic alterations that often affect tooth crown shape, which is a criterion of speciation events. The Notch pathway is highly conserved between species and controls morphogenetic processes in most developing organs, including teeth. Epithelial loss of the Notch-ligand Jagged1 in developing mouse molars affects the location, size and interconnections of their cusps that lead to minor tooth crown shape modifications convergent to those observed along Muridae evolution. RNA sequencing analysis revealed that these alterations are due to the modulation of more than 2000 genes and that Notch signaling is a hub for significant morphogenetic networks, such as Wnts and Fibroblast Growth Factors. The modeling of these tooth crown changes in mutant mice, via a three-dimensional metamorphosis approach, allowed prediction of how Jagged1-associated mutations in humans could affect the morphology of their teeth. These results shed new light on Notch/Jagged1-mediated signaling as one of the crucial components for dental variations in evolution

    Polymer microfluidic devices: an overview of fabrication methods

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    The amount of applications associated with microfluidic devices is increasing since the introduction of Lab-on-a-chip devices in the 1990s, especially regarding biomedical and clinical fields. However, in order for this technology to leave the fundamental research and become a day-life technology (e.g., as point-of-care testing), it needs to be disposable and reasonably less expensive. Polymers, due to their several advantages, such as easier microfabrication and low-cost, fill these needs. Several methods are reported regarding microfabrication and, thus, the main aim of the present work is to provide an overview of the most relevant microfabrication techniques found in literature employing polymers, clarifying also the main advantages and disadvantages of each technique and especially considering their cost and time-consumption. Moreover, a future outlook of low-cost microfabrication techniques and standard methods is provided

    Uptake capacity of adsorbent materials derived from municipal solid waste for CO2 capture at post combustion condition

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    The global climate change, as well as the accumulations of solid waste on landfills, are two of the primary issues nowadays, which it needs the significant attempts to reduce the impact on the ecosystem and environment from both of them [1]. In this work, the production of materials from organic solid waste is considered to produce adsorbent materials, which are assessed in the CO2 capture.This work is a result of the projects “VALORCOMP” (0119_VALORCOMP_2_P), funded by FEDER through Programme INTERREG V A Spain - Portugal (POCTEP) 2014–2020, and “AIProcMat@N2020 - Advanced Industrial Processes and Materials for a Sustainable Northern Region of Portugal 2020”, with the reference NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000006, supported by NORTE 2020, under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through FEDER; and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006984 – Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM funded by FEDER through COMPETE2020 - POCI – and by national funds through FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    CO2 Capture in Chemically and Thermally Modified Activated Carbons Using Breakthrough Measurements: Experimental and Modeling Study

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    The development of adsorption-based technologies for CO2 capture in the post combustion processes requires finding materials with high capacity of adsorption and low cost of preparation. In this study, the modification of a commercial activated carbon (Norit ROX 0.8), considered as a solid adsorbent for CO2 capture, and the effects of different methods of activations, chemically (hydrogen peroxide, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and urea) and thermally (at 800 °C) on adsorption performance, have been investigated. Then, CO2 adsorption capacity was studied at different temperatures and pressures to evaluate the effects of various agents on sample performance. The textural properties of the samples were determined using adsorption−desorption isotherms of nitrogen at −196 °C. Finally, the obtained data were modeled by Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Langmuir isotherm. The results showed that the prepared sample by successive treatments with nitric acid, urea, and thermal calcination has a higher uptake capacity than other modified samples.This work was financially supported by Project POCI-01-0145- FEDER-006984 − Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM funded by FEDER through COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) − and by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. M.K. also acknowledges a research grant awarded under project ″VALORCOMP″ (ref.0119_VALORCOMP_ 2_P), financed through INTERREG V A Spain Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020, under the European Regional Development Fund by FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of stimuli-responsive graphene-based yolk-shell magnetic nanoparticles for controlled release of anticancer drugs

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    Magnetic drug delivery systems have attracted much attention in the last decades due to the possibility to improve the therapeutic efficacy of anticancer drugs, by enabling instable and poorly soluble drug agents to reach tumour cells after being guided by low magnetic fields and monitored by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [1]. Hence, a lower amount of anticancer drug is needed and the typical side effects of chemotherapy are minimized [2]. Commonly, these nanoparticles are designed with a magnetic core coated with a metal or a non-metal structure, such as gold or silica. However, these approaches present some drawbacks, such as low drug loading capacity and lack of stimuli-responsive release. Alternatively, carbon-coated magnetic nanoparticles offer higher chemical and thermal stability, larger surface area, biocompatibility and easier functionalization due to the high capacity of adsorption. Moreover, these materials have shown great ability to be used as pH stimuli-responsive controlled release platforms, due to the disruption of supramolecular interaction at acidic pH [3]. In this context, graphene-coated yolk-shell magnetic nanoparticles – hybrid materials comprising a superparamagnetic core coated by a graphene-based shell that covers a hollow region (i.e., Fe3O4@void@C), – were developed as super-drug nanocarriers systems, exhibiting high loading contents of the anticancer drug Doxorubicin due to the large cavity volume between the shell and the magnetic core, and a stimuliresponsive controlled release in response to acidic environments (pH 5), such as those found in tumour tissues. These results shed light on the development of new hybrid nanomaterials with high potential to be applied in biomedical applications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio