158 research outputs found

    Big two theory and the impact of digital influencers on consumer’s perceptions

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceBrands and marketing managers are constantly trying to understand what are the consumers’ needs and what they like. The Digital World has been developing a massive vehicle for the consumer and generated a lot of communication between customers and brands. In these contexts, it is urgent to define and make adjustments to the type of communication brands establish with their target audiences. The purpose of this research is to understand the impact of influencers on their followers decisions such as the perception, purchase intention, liking/disliking of the product and others, introducing the theory of the Big Two that describes social perceptions as being driven by two major dimensions – Agentic and Communal, as formulated by (Bakan, 1966). The present study is a confirmatory research based on quantitative data collected by means of an online survey with 266 active Instagram users who follow at least one influencer on the platform. The main hypotheses tested in this research are: H1a: Micro-Influencers have a more positive impact on purchase intention and liking than macro-influencers. H1b: A product sponsored by micro-Influencers is perceived as having a better fit with the followers than by macro-influencers. H1c: Micro-Influencers have more communal traits and less agentic traits when compared to macro-influencers. H2: Influencers from the communal category (that is, Lifestyle and Volunteering) are evaluated more positively for communal than agentic traits, whereas agentic influencers (category CEO and Fitness&Gym influencers) are evaluated more positively for agentic than communal traits. H3: Communal micro-influencers are evaluated more positively than communal macro-influencers, whereas agentic micro-influencers are evaluated worse than agentic macro-influencers. At the end of the research, the results show a higher involvement of Communal influencers and a significant impact on the followers when compared to Agentic influencers. Also, micro-influencers have a more positive impact on purchase intentions when sponsoring products or services than macro-influencers. The products sponsored by micro-influencers are perceived by their followers as having a better fit with them and the target audience likes the micro-influencers more than macro-influencers. This dissertation aims to support brands and Marketers on their choice of an influencer that better fits their mission as Brands and that generates more awareness with their target audience and their customers

    Creativity at work: The role of context

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    Viewing creativity in context stresses the need to explore how creativity is really defined by organisational actors engaged in creative processes, whether these be related to product innovation or other types of innovation. That which in some cases might be viewed as a powerful influencing context factor, may in other instances be seen as just another company practice. Likewise, differences across organic units within the same company are probably better examined by looking at the historical and spatial pattern developed over time between individual actors and groups, as well as their unique set of contextual factors. The same reasoning can be extended to an analysis of creativity in industries and in national cultures. Only by taking into account the actors’ perspective of context, can researchers be permitted to fully comprehend the interplay between the creative person and his/her context. To summarise, this chapter has addressed creativity in context, and offered some additional thoughts that may be used by researchers to continue to investigate the socio-psychological view of creativity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modeling the dynamics of zooplankton in the Ria de Aveiro

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    Mestrado em Ciências do Mar e das Zonas CosteirasO zooplâncton, composto maioritariamente por copépodes em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento, é uma das principais comunidades biológicas da teia trófica estuarina. Esta comunidade é responsável pela transferência de nutrientes e de energia para níveis tróficos superiores, sendo o principal alimento para larvas de peixes, e pode também desempenhar um papel relevante no controlo de blooms de algas. Assim, a compreensão dos factores que afectam a dinâmica do zooplâncton nos estuários é de especial importância, constituindo os modelos numéricos, devidamente validados com dados, ferramentas úteis no estudo desta dinâmica. No presente estudo desenvolveu-se um novo modelo para simular a dinâmica ecológica da Ria de Aveiro. Este modelo tridimensional, ECO-SELFE, resulta do acoplamento de um modelo hidrodinâmico de malhas não-estruturadas, SELFE, e da extensão do modelo ecológico EcoSim 2.0 para simular a dinâmica do zooplâncton. O modelo acoplado, de aplicação genérica a qualquer sistema estuarino e costeiro, permite a simulação de várias variáveis ecológicas (zooplâncton, fitoplâncton, bacterioplâncton, matéria orgânica dissolvida e particulada, nutrientes inorgânicos e carbono inorgânico dissolvido), considerando os ciclos do carbono, do azoto, do fósforo, da sílica e do ferro. A formulação adoptada para a simulação da dinâmica do zooplâncton baseia-se em resultados de trabalhos de investigação realizados na Ria de Aveiro. Os testes sintéticos realizados preliminarmente evidenciaram o bom desempenho do modelo acoplado em termos de conservação de massa e permitiram reproduzir de forma adequada a dinâmica zooplâncton-fitoplâncton num sistema fechado. Dado que uma das principais dificuldades na aplicação de modelos ecológicos complexos a sistemas reais consiste no elevado número de parâmetros de entrada, realizou-se uma análise de sensibilidade à influência destes parâmetros nos resultados finais do modelo. Esta análise evidenciou que os parâmetros relativos ao crescimento do fitoplâncton dependente da temperatura, à ingestão de alimento pelo zooplâncton e às taxas de mortalidade e de excreção do zooplâncton são dos que mais influenciam os resultados do modelo. A aplicação do modelo à Ria de Aveiro, considerando um total de 23 traçadores ecológicos, revelou que o modelo representa de forma razoável a dinâmica ecológica ao longo da Ria durante os períodos simulados (Outono de 2000 e Primavera de 2001), para além de reproduzir adequadamente a hidrodinâmica e o transporte de escalares neste sistema. Uma análise preliminar da dinâmica deste ecossistema sugere a importância da especificação adequada das condições de fronteira e da parametrizações dos processos nas simulações ecológicas, evidenciando também a complexidade associada à sua dinâmica. ABSTRACT: Zooplankton, composed mostly by copepods in several stages of development, is one of the most important biological communities in the estuarine food web. This community is responsible from the transfer of nutrients and energy to the upper throphic levels, being the main food for fish larvae, and can have an important role in the control of algal blooms. Thus, understanding the factors that affect the distribution of estuarine zooplankton is relevant in terms of estuarine management. Numerical models, properly validated with data, are useful tools for both science and management. In order to simulate the ecological dynamics in the Ria de Aveiro, a new model was developed. This 3D model, ECO-SELFE, results from the coupling between the unstructured grid, hydrodynamic model SELFE and the ecological model EcoSim 2.0, extended herein to simulate the zooplankton dynamics. The coupled model, which can be applied to any estuarine or coastal system, allows the simulation of several ecological tracers (zooplankton, phytoplankton, bacterioplankton, dissolved and fecal organic matter, inorganic nutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon), and includes the carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, silica and iron cycles. The formulation used for the simulation of the zooplankton is based on the results of previous research studies performed in the Ria de Aveiro. Synthetic testes performed preliminarily revealed the good behaviour of the coupled model in terms of mass conservation and in the simulation of the phytoplankton-zooplankton dynamics in a closed system. One of the major difficulties related to the application of complex ecological models to real systems is the large number of input parameters needed. Therefore a sensitivity analysis was performed to study the influence of the input parameters in the final results of the model. Some of the parameters that influence the results more significantly are the ones related to the phytoplankton temperature-dependent growth, to the zooplankton’s food ingestion and to the zooplankton’s mortality and excretion rates. The application of the coupled model to the Ria de Aviro, with a total of 23 ecological tracers, showed that the model represents reasonably well the water and th ecological dynamics in the Ria for the simulated periods (Autumn 2000 and Spring 2001). A preliminary analysis, based on the model simulations and data, suggests the need to use accurate boundary conditions and adequate parameterization of the ecological model input parameters. It also evidences the complexity associated with the Ria de Aveiro ecological dynamics

    Marketing de conteúdo: experiência de estágio na ADN Agency.pt

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Marketing e EstratégiaO Marketing de Conteúdo é uma estratégia para a criação e distribuição de conteúdo relevante e valioso para um público por meio de diversos canais de comunicação. Esta estratégia tem evoluído nos últimos anos porque o comportamento do consumidor alterou-se: os consumidores valorizam mais o conteúdo informativo – que dê resposta aos seus desejos e ansiedades - do que o conteúdo persuasivo, interpretado como meramente comercial. Assim, a conectividade, o crescimento digital e o desenvolvimento de técnicas de Marketing Digital tornaram o Marketing de Conteúdo na realidade que atualmente conhecemos. Atendendo a esta evolução, é importante estudar a implementação de estratégias de Marketing de Conteúdo nas empresas e analisar o seu impacto. O presente trabalho apresenta resultados alcançados no âmbito do estágio curricular de três meses na agência digital, a ADN Agency.pt. Este relatório tem como principal objetivo aprofundar o conceito de Marketing de Conteúdo e entender a sua importância para a estratégia dos clientes desta agência. Este tema será debatido com base na experiência obtida no estágio curricular e, também, na pesquisa teórica realizada, adotando uma metodologia qualitativa e assentando no paradigma interpretativo. Neste contexto, este relatório contribui para o estudo da importância do Marketing de Conteúdo na atualidade e a sua visão empírica objetiva auxiliar investigações futuras.Content Marketing is a strategy for creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to an audience through various communication channels. This strategy has evolved in recent years because consumer behavior has changed: consumers value informative content - that provides answers to their wants and anxieties - more than persuasive content, interpreted as purely commercial. Thus, connectivity, digital growth, and the development of Digital Marketing techniques have turned Content Marketing into the reality we know today. Considering this evolution, it is important to study the implementation of Content Marketing strategies in companies and analyze their impact. This dissertation presents the results achieved in the scope of the curricular internship of three months in the digital agency, ADN Agency.pt. This report has as main objective to deepen the concept of Content Marketing and understand its importance for the strategy of this agency's clients. This theme will be discussed based on the experience obtained in the curricular internship and on the theoretical research carried out, adopting a qualitative methodology and based on the interpretative paradigm. In this context, this report contributes to the study of the importance of Content Marketing today and its empirical view aims to assist future research

    Análise dos efeitos de factores climáticos e antropogénicos na Ria de Aveiro

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    Doutoramento em BiologiaA compreensão dos impactes das alterações climáticas é fundamental para a gestão a longo do prazo dos ecossistemas estuarinos. Esta compreensão só poderá ser efectiva considerando a variabilidade climática natural e o papel relativo das intervenções antropogénicas nestes ecossistemas. Assim, a presente dissertação analisa a influência das alterações climáticas e pressões antropogénicas na qualidade da água e dinâmica ecológica da Ria de Aveiro com base numa abordagem integrada, que combinou a análise de séries temporais dos últimos 25 anos e a modelação numérica de elevada resolução de cenários futuros de alterações climáticas e intervenções antropogénicas. A componente de modelação de qualidade da água e ecológica foi melhorada a vários níveis. A análise de sensibilidade do modelo 3D hidrodinâmicoecológico ECO-SELFE aplicado à Ria de Aveiro e a revisão das constantes de semi-saturação para absorção de nutrientes pelo fitoplâncton contribuíram para a precisão e robustez das aplicações. A concentração do fitoplâncton foi significativamente influenciada pelas taxas de crescimento do fitoplâncton e de mortalidade e excreção do zooplâncton, e apresentou uma sensibilidade reduzida à variação das constantes de semi-saturação na gama identificada para as diatomáceas. O acoplamento do ECO-SELFE a um modelo de campo próximo e a integração do ciclo do oxigénio aumentaram a sua capacidade de representação dos processos e das escalas espaciais relevantes. A validação do ECO-SELFE foi realizada com base num conjunto de campanhas específicas realizadas no canal de Mira. Os padrões espaciais e temporais observados para as várias variáveis (clorofila a, nutrientes, oxigénio dissolvido, salinidade, temperatura da água, correntes e níveis) foram simulados com erros menores ou semelhantes aos obtidos neste tipo de aplicações. A análise dos padrões de variabilidade espacial e temporal da qualidade da água e ecológica na Ria de Aveiro a diferentes escalas, efectuada com base nos dados históricos de 1985 a 2010 complementados pelas campanhas realizadas, sugeriu uma influência combinada da variabilidade climática e das acções antropogénicas. Os cenários futuros de alterações climáticas e intervenções antropogénicas simulados evidenciaram uma influência mais significativa das alterações climáticas quando comparadas com os efeitos das acções antropogénicas analisadas. As variações mais significativas são previstas para os cenários de subida do nível do mar, seguidos dos cenários de alterações dos regimes hidrológicos, evidenciando o papel da circulação (maré e caudal fluvial) no estabelecimento da qualidade da água e dinâmica ecológica na laguna. Para os cenários de subida do nível do mar são previstos decréscimos significativos da clorofila a e dos nutrientes a jusante e nas zonas intermédias do canal, e um aumento significativo da salinidade a montante. Estas alterações poderão favorecer modificações da composição e distribuição das comunidades, afectando a cadeia alimentar e causando uma progressão para montante de espécies marinhas. Os resultados sugerem ainda que os efeitos poderão ser mais significativos em estuários pouco profundos.Understanding the impacts of climate change is essential to ensure the longterm management of estuarine ecosystems. This understanding will only be reliable if the systems’ natural variability and the relative role of anthropogenic pressures are considered. Thus, this thesis evaluates the influence of climate change and anthropogenic pressures on the water quality and ecological dynamics of the Aveiro lagoon based on an integrated approach, combining the analysis of long time series from the past 25 years and high-resolution numerical modelling of future scenarios of climate change and anthropogenic interventions in the lagoon. The water quality and ecological modelling component was improved at several levels. The sensitivity analysis of the 3D hydrodynamic-ecological model ECOSELFE applied in the Aveiro lagoon and the review of the half-saturation constants for nutrients uptake by phytoplankton contributed to the precision and robustness of the applications. Phytoplankton concentration was significantly influenced by the phytoplankton growth and zooplankton mortality and excretion rates, and presented a low sensitivity to the half-saturation constants variation within the range reviewed for diatoms. ECO-SELFE’s coupling to a near field model and its extension to the oxygen cycle increased the model’s ability to represent the relevant processes and spatial scales. ECO-SELFE validation was achieved based on a set of specific field campaigns performed along the Mira channel. The spatial and temporal patterns observed for the measured variables (chlorophyll a, nutrients, dissolved oxygen, salinity, water temperature, currents and water levels) were reproduced by the model with errors smaller or similar to the ones achieved in this type of applications. The analysis of the spatial and temporal patterns of variability of the water and ecological quality in the Aveiro lagoon at different scales, based on historical data from 1985 to 2010 complemented by the campaigns performed, suggested a combined influence of the climatic variability and anthropogenic interventions. Future scenarios of climate change and anthropogenic interventions simulated revealed a larger influence of climate change when compared with the analysed anthropogenic actions. The most important variations from the reference scenario are predicted for the sea level rise scenarios, followed by the changes in the hydrological regimes scenarios, putting in evidence the main role of circulation (tide and river flow) in establishing the water quality and ecological dynamics in the lagoon. A significant decrease of chlorophyll a and nutrients is predicted in the downstream and middle areas of the channel due to sea level rise, while a significant salinity increase is predicted upstream. These changes may promote modifications in the communities’ distribution and composition, affecting the food web and promoting a progression further upstream of the marine species. Results also suggest that the identified effects may be more important in shallow estuaries

    A estrutura da refeição no comportamento alimentar da criança

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    RESUMO - Introdução: As práticas parentais no contexto da alimentação influenciam o comportamento alimentar da criança e a obesidade infantil. O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral explorar as associações das práticas parentais não responsivas e de estrutura com o comportamento alimentar e os hábitos alimentares da criança. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo observacional transversal, com uma amostra de conveniência, de pais de crianças entre 1 e 10 anos de idade recrutados através de um questionário online (n=289). A validade de constructo do Fedding Practices and Structure Questionnaire-28 foi explorada através da análise das correlações entre as práticas parentais e o comportamento alimentar, hábitos alimentares e IMC da criança. A contribuição das práticas parentais para o comportamento alimentar da criança foi examinada através da regressão múltipla hierárquica. Resultados: Os modelos para a seletividade e para a resposta à saciedade explicaram a maior proporção de variância (31,7% e 22,8%). Os principais resultados indicam que maiores níveis de estrutura contribuem para menor seletividade alimentar e maior prazer na comida. Discussão de Resultados: Contrariamente à hipótese do estudo, a evidência não suporta a associação entre a estrutura da refeição e a autorregulação da ingestão energética. No entanto, as práticas de estrutura parecem contribuir para a menor seletividade e maior prazer na comida. Os estudos longitudinais podem ajudar a compreender o papel das práticas de estrutura da refeição para o comportamento alimentar da criança.ABSTRACT - Introduction: Food parenting practices influence children’s eating behaviors. The aim of this study was to explore associations between structure-related and non-responsive feeding practices and children’s eating behaviors and dietary patterns. Methods and materials: A cross-sectional observational study was performed, using a convenience sample. Parents of of 1- to 10-year-old children were recruited through an online survey (n = 289). Construct validity of the Feeding Practices and Structure Questionnaire-28 was examined by correlating feeding practices with child eating behaviours, dietary patterns and BMI. Associations between parental feeding practices and children’s eating behaviors were tested using multiple hierarchical regression models, adjusted for covariates. Results: Feeding practices accounted for 31,7% and 23% of the variance in food fussiness and saciety responsiveness, respectively (p< .001). Key results suggest more structure practices were associated with lower food fussiness and higher enjoyment of food. Discussion and Conclusion: Contrary to our hypothesis, there was no evidence to indicate that mealtime structured practices are associated with better self-regulation of energy intake. However, structured feeding practices might contribute to lower food fussiness and higher enjoyment of food. Longitudinal research studies are needed to confirm the importance of these mealtime structure feeding practices for children’s eating behaviors

    Combinatorial approaches for de novo production of flavonoids inEscherichia coli

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    Polyphenols are plant secondary metabolites that are produced in response to biotic and abiotic stress. Flavonoids, one of the most representative group of these metabolites, includes at least 9000 compounds. Among them, naringenin has been widely studied due to its interesting biological activities, namely anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. Due to its potential applications and to the attempt to satisfy the industrial demand, there has been an increased interest in the heterologous production of this compound in a microbial chassis. The production of naringenin by a microorganism involves a first step of conversion of tyrosine into coumaric acid by tyrosine ammonia-lyase (TAL). Afterwards, coumaric acid is converted into coumaroyl-CoA by 4-coumarate-CoA ligase (4CL). Coumaroyl-CoA is further converted into naringenin chalcone by chalcone synthase (CHS) and then into naringenin by chalcone isomerase (CHI). In this work, we aimed to design, construct and validate an efficient biosynthetic pathway to produce naringenin in Escherichia coli by performing a step-by-step optimization. To construct the biosynthetic pathway to produce naringenin, TAL, 4CL, CHS, and CHI genes from different organisms were selected. Initially, TAL from Rhodotorula glutanis (RgTAL) and TAL from Flavobacterium johnsoniae (FjTAL) were cloned into the pRSFDuet-1 vector and were further expressed in three different E. coli strains (E. coli BL21, K12 MG1655 and M-PAR-121) to select the best enzyme and strain to produce coumaric acid. The highest production was obtained in the E. coli M-PAR-121 strain expressing FjTAL (2.54 g/L of coumaric acid from 40 g/L glucose). E. coli M-PAR-121 is a tyrosine-overproducing strain and it can produce high amounts of tyrosine from glucose that can be converted into coumaric acid. Thus, this strain and enzyme were chosen to construct the complete biosynthetic pathway. Afterwards, 4CL and CHS steps were constructed and validated. Specifically, 4CL from Arabidopsis thaliana (At4CL), 4CL from Vitis Vinifera (Vv4CL), and 4CL from Petroselinum crispum (Pc4CL) were cloned into the pACYCDuet-1 vector. Moreover, CHS from A. thaliana (AtCHS), CHS from Petunia hybrida (PhCHS), and CHS from Curcubita maxima (CmCHS) were cloned into pCDFDuet-1 vector. Twelve different combinations of the 4CL and CHS genes were expressed in the best strain able to produce coumaric acid and the naringenin chalcone production from glucose was evaluated. The best naringenin chalcone production was obtained in the E. coli M-PAR-121 strain expressing pRSFDuet_FjTAL, pACYCDuet_At4CL and pCDFDuet_CmCHS (311.0 mg/L). Aiming to increase the productivity of the engineered strain, the metabolic burden of the cells was reduced by cloning the three genes in only two plasmids. From the different combinations tested, E. coli M-PAR-121 strain holding pRSFDuet_FjTAL_CmCHS and pACYCDuet_At4CL has reached the highest production of naringenin chalcone (560.2 mg/L). Afterwards, the last step of the biosynthetic pathway was validated. At this point, CHI from A. thaliana, CHI from M. sativa and CHI from C. maxima were tested. The maximum production was achieved in the E. coli M-PAR-121 strain expressing pRSFDuet_FjTAL_CmCHS and pACYCDuet_At4CL_AtCHI (366.6 mg/L). This production was one of the highest reported so far in shake-flask experiments using glucose as substrate.Daniela Gomes acknowledges SFRH/BD/04433/2020 grant, from Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit, and by LABBELS – Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Microelectromechanical Systems, LA/P/0029/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Challenges in the heterologous production of furanocoumarins in Escherichia coli

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    Coumarins and furanocoumarins are plant secondary metabolites with known biological activities. As they are present in low amounts in plants, their heterologous production emerged as a more sustainable and efficient approach to plant extraction. Although coumarins biosynthesis has been positively established, furanocoumarin biosynthesis has been far more challenging. This study aims to evaluate if Escherichia coli could be a suitable host for furanocoumarin biosynthesis. The biosynthetic pathway for coumarins biosynthesis in E. coli was effectively constructed, leading to the production of umbelliferone, esculetin and scopoletin (128.7, 17.6, and 15.7 µM, respectively, from tyrosine). However, it was not possible to complete the pathway with the enzymes that ultimately lead to furanocoumarins production. Prenyltransferase, psoralen synthase, and marmesin synthase did not show any activity when expressed in E. coli. Several strategies were tested to improve the enzymes solubility and activity with no success, including removing potential N-terminal transit peptides and expression of cytochrome P450 reductases, chaperones and/or enzymes to increase dimethylallylpyrophosphate availability. Considering the results herein obtained, E. coli does not seem to be an appropriate host to express these enzymes. However, new alternative microbial enzymes may be a suitable option for reconstituting the furanocoumarins pathway in E. coli. Nevertheless, until further microbial enzymes are identified, Saccharomyces cerevisiae may be considered a preferred host as it has already been proven to successfully express some of these plant enzymes.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit, and by LABBELS—Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Microelectromechanical Systems, LA/P/0029/2020. D.G. acknowledges her grant SFRH/BD/04433/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prática de Ensino Supervisionada - o papel da aprendizagem cooperativa no desenvolvimento de competências sociais

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    A elaboração deste relatório assentou na preocupação de implementar estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem, recorrendo a metodologias de trabalho da aprendizagem cooperativa, procurando aprofundar conhecimentos e saberes, e concomitantemente, desenvolver competências sociais em crianças pequenas. Selecionamos a aprendizagem cooperativa como base desta investigação rasgando com a tradicional forma de ensino e aprendizagem, mais expositiva e transmissiva e que poderá contribuir para a competitividade e individualismo nas crianças. São vários os métodos de trabalho estratégicos da aprendizagem cooperativa, que, quando implementadas, permitem que as crianças tenham um papel mais ativo na sua aprendizagem, e também na aprendizagem dos colegas. A aprendizagem processa-se em contexto de grupos de trabalho cooperativo e contribuem para um objetivo comum, o sucesso do grupo. Ora, ao desenvolver metodologias de trabalho da aprendizagem cooperativa durante uma atividade, estamos a dar oportunidade às crianças de interagirem com os colegas, de partilharem materiais e ideias, de trabalharem em equipa, de serem tolerantes, de serem responsáveis, de serem capazes de argumentar sobre um assunto, de aceitarem diferentes opiniões, entre outras. Este relatório faz parte integrante da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada desenvolvida em três contextos educativos: creche, jardim de infância e 1.º ciclo do ensino básico. Tem como objetivos: (i) promover experiências de ensino e aprendizagem recorrendo a métodos de aprendizagem cooperativa que permitam fomentar o desenvolvimento de competências sociais nas crianças; (ii) criar hábitos de trabalho cooperativo nas crianças; (iii) perceber qual o contributo da aprendizagem cooperativa no desenvolvimento de competências sociais nas crianças e (iv) apurar as potencialidades e os constrangimentos da aprendizagem cooperativa na sala de atividades e de aula. A investigação seguiu a metodologia qualitativa, apoiou-se na técnica de observação e recorreu também às notas de campo, às fotografias e grelhas de observação. Ao longo da intervenção elaboramos planos de aula e fizemos reflexões semanais que nos possibilitaram um constante reajuste dos planos de trabalho, contribuindo para melhorar as nossas práticas. Da análise dos dados recolhidos na implementação das metodologias de trabalho cooperativas as crianças mostraram ser capazes de cooperar o que parece ter contribuído para a melhoria das interações e também para o desenvolvimento de mais competências sociais.The preparation of this report was based on the concern to implemente teaching and learning strategies using cooperative learning methods, seeking to deepen knowledge, and at the same time, develop social skills in young children. We selected cooperative learning methods the basis of this investigation, tearing with the tradicional form of teaching and learning which is more expositive and transmissive and which may contribute to the competitiveness and individualism of children. There are severals strategic methods of cooperative learning methods which when implemented, allow children to take a more active role in their leraning, as well as in the learning of peers. Learning takes place in the context of cooperative working groups and contributes to a common goal, the success of the group. Now, when applying cooperative learning methods during an activity, we are giving children the opportunity to interact with colleagues to share materials and ideas, to work as a team, to be tolerant, to be responsible, to be able to argue about a subject, to accept different opinions, among others. This report is an integral part of the Supervised Teaching Practice developed in three educational contexts: day care center, Pre-School Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. Its objectives are: (i) to promote teaching and learning experiences using cooperative learning methods thats foster the development of social skills in children; (ii) creating cooperative work habits for children; (iii) understand the contribution of cooperative learning in the developement of social skills in children and (iv) ascertain the potencials and constraunts of cooperative learning in the classroom and activities. The investigation followed tha qualitative methodology, relied on the observation, technique and also used fiels notes, photographs and observation grids . Throughout the intervation, we prepared lesson plans and made weekly reflections that allowed us to constantly adjust work plans, contributing to improve our practices. From the analysis of the data collected in the implementation of cooperative learning methods, children showed to able to cooperate which seems to have contributed to the improvement of interactions and also to the development of more social skills

    Direito & desenvolvimento: passado, presente e futuro subsídios para uma base teórica autónoma rumo a uma nova práxis

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    A disparidade de resultados – frequentemente, dramáticos - das reformas jurídicas e judiciais implementadas pela Ajuda em muitos países em desenvolvimento, os fracassos dos vários modelos político-económicos experimentados, o aumento do fosso social existente entre os países e no interior destes e a dispersão que marca a literatura em Direito & Desenvolvimento (D&D), vêm levando os académicos a questionar quer a pertinência deste enquanto campo de estudos autónomo quer mesmo a importância do Direito no Desenvolvimento. Apontam os autores que nunca “houve tempo” para construir uma teoria que explicasse a relação do Direito com o Desenvolvimento, sustentando alguns que, pela sua natureza, tal empreendimento nunca seria possível. Esta orfandade teórica e o reconhecimento da falência das teorias do Desenvolvimento para explicar a relação entre este e o Direito vêm motivando alguns investigadores a assimilar abordagens provenientes de correntes marcadamente críticas e que mais articulam as novas conquistas conceptuais do Desenvolvimento. Conjugando as várias tendências visitadas, concluímos que diferentes perspetivas de Desenvolvimento implicam efetivamente arranjos institucionais diferentes mas que, independentemente das escolhas ao nível político-económico, é possível reconfigurar e adaptar o espetro jurídico aos objetivos de Emancipação Social. Conclui-se igualmente que é já possível extrair da literatura os alicerces de uma base teórica para o D&D mas que esta implica uma renovada práxis, animada, sobretudo, pelo escopo de galvanização de um novo senso comum jurídico que articule Direito e Emancipação Social. Nesta articulação, mostram-se de extrema utilidade ferramentas analíticas tais como lesões e reconhecimentos de direitos ou encadeamentos conceptuais que reflitam a dinâmica holística do Desenvolvimento.The disparity of results - often dramatic - of the legal and judicial reforms implemented by the Official Development Aid (ODA) in many developing countries, the failures of several political and economic models experienced, the exponential increase in the existing social gap between countries and within them and the dispersion at Law & Development (L&D) f, has led scholars to question whether L&D is relevant as an independent field or even if Law matters to Development. The authors point out that one never "had time" to build an autonomous theory to explain the relationship between Law and Development. Some of them advocate that, because of it’s nature, such enterprise would never be possible. This theoretical orphanhood and the recognition of Development theories failure in explaining the relationship between Law and Development has motivated some scholars to assimilate diverse critical drifts Articulating these trends, we conclude that different Development prospects actually require different institutional arrangements. Nevertheless, regardless of the choices made at political and economic level, one can reconfigure and adapt the legal spectrum to the Social Emancipation goals. It is also concluded that it is possible to extract from literature the foundations of an independent theoretical basis for L& D but also that this implies a renewed praxis, lively by the aim of galvanize a new legal common sense that links Law and Social Emancipation. In this joint, analytical categories such as injuries and rights recognition or conceptual sets that reflect the holistic dynamics of Development processes, will be very useful analytical tools
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