40 research outputs found


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    This study evaluates the adoption and impact of tariffs and technical measures for emerging and advanced countries. The results showed that tariffs are considerably higher in emerging countries, but the negative effect of these tariffs is more intense for advanced countries. With regard to technical measures, the ones that requires changes in the product tend to be facilitating trade, while that demanding changes in the production process have shown mixed results. Thus, despite the elevation of production costs, technical measures can facilitate trade due standardization, which makes universal harmonization of standards and regulations a benefit possible with broad international dialogue.O presente estudo analisa a adoção e o impacto de tarifas e medidas técnicas por países avançados e emergentes. Os resultados mostraram que as tarifas são consideravelmente mais altas nos emergentes porém, o efeito negativo destas se mostrou relativamente mais intenso para países avançados. Com relação às medidas técnicas, alterações no produto tendem a ser facilitadoras de comércio, enquanto alterações no processo produtivo apresentaram resultados ambíguos. Assim, apesar de elevarem os custos de produção, medidas técnicas podem impulsionar o comércio devido a padronização, o que torna benéfica uma harmonização universal de padrões e regulamentos possível com amplo diálogo internacional

    Impactos da influenza aviária no mercado internacional de carnes

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    Animal infectious disease outbreaks as Avian Influenza, Foot and mouth disease and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy can influence trade and bring economic consequences to affected countries. For this reason, this work aims to analyze the effects on meat import demand in the years of 1997 and 2003 to 2005, the Avian Influenza outbreaks period. The analytical framework used was panel data econometrics. The results point to a reduction on chicken meat demand in 1997 and increase to the other meats, indicating a possible substitution. From 2003 on, chicken meat demand showed slight increase, as did pig meat, only bovine meat demand showed a reduction. This fact can be explained by a restriction on bovine and chicken supply caused by the imposition of sanitary barriers to the main exporting countries.Avian Influenza, Import demand, Beef, Chicken meat, Panel data, International Relations/Trade,

    Desempenho do comércio exterior em Minas Gerais: estrutura, vantagem comparativa e comércio intraindústria

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    The globalization, an international process evidenced in the 80's decade, has requested the government and economic agents an orientation to reach international levels of competitiveness by the various sectors of the economy. Besides this fact, Minas Gerais state is the second state exporter in Brazil. It emphasizes the importance of the analysis of the structure and behavior of the export sector, as well as their effects on different economic sectors in the period 1996 to 2008. The objective of this paper is to identify and analyze groups of products that Minas Gerais state has revealed comparative advantages, degree of concentration of products and destinations of exports, and intra-industry or inter-industry trade. The theoretical model is based on the Theory of International Trade and Competitiveness. The analysis procedure utilizes indexes of revealed comparative advantages, contribution to trade balance ratio, Gini-Hischaman and trade intra-industry indexes. The data were generated by the Brazilian Department of Commerce. The results showed high concentration in a few products, such as (09) Coffee, tea, and spices, etc. (26) mining industry, (71) natural or cultured pearls, and (72) iron and steel, and destination markets, such as EU, NAFTA and Asia. Finally, the paper indicates that international trade in Minas Gerais state is basically inter-industrial, therefore a trade type Herckscher - Olhin.Revealed comparative advantage, Trade intra-industry, Exports, International Relations/Trade,

    Competitividade do sistema produtivo de cana-de-açúcar em Minas Gerais: abordagem Matriz de Análise Política

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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency and the competitiveness of the sugarcane production in Minas Gerais, based on different production systems. The applied theory is based on the Theory of the Firm and of the International Trade. The analytical method is the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The results suggest that the production systems are competitive and efficient and that the irrigated production system presented the greatest competitiveness.Competitiveness, Policy Analysis Matrix, Sugarcane, Crop Production/Industries,

    Evolução da produção de carne suína no Brasil: uma análise estrutural-diferencial

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the production shares of the main Brazilian states (Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso and Goiás) in the national production of inspected and total pork meat in the period from 2000 to 2006. The analysis considered the evolution of the production in terms of the regional effects, and indicators of the technical evolution of the production. The theoretical model used is the induced innovation model, based on agricultural modernization theory. The analysis method was the shift-share model. The results showed that the pork Brazilian production presented important transformations. Although the total production of pork meat has presented significant growth, the inspected production showed superior dynamism. The production is moving to regions closed to raw material supplying areas. The result is a production modernization dynamics in the areas of agricultural border, trend that had already been verified in the bovine livestock.Local factor, Technological factor, Shift-Share model, Pork meat, Livestock Production/Industries,

    A Intensidade da Exploração Agropecuária como Indicador da Degradação Ambiental na Região dos Cerrados, Brasil

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    Being constituted as the largest risk factor and effective degradation to the Savannah, the man’s intervention in the nature and, especially, the agricultural exploration require analysis and better monitoring. This work aims to analyze the relationship between the agricultural exploration and the environmental degradation in the area of the Savannahs, in 1995-1996. In particular, it is intended, to use multivariate statistical analysis, to verify the factors associated with the intensity of farming predominant in the determination of the degradation pattern, and to obtain indexes of exploration intensity to make possible to categorize and to group the microrregions in terms of degradation potential. The results showed that the intensity of the agricultural exploration was characterized by the intensive use of the soil (agricultural exploration) and by mechanical and biochemistry technologies; by the intensity of cattle exploration; and other dimensions of the agriculture. The microrregions with larger degradation levels concentrated on the northwest of Minas Gerais, part of south of Goiás, and part of the southeast of Mato Grosso. The smallest mean values of the degradation index were due to Tocantins, Piauí and Maranhão. The largest index was from the microrregion of Primavera do Leste (MT) and the smallest, Jalapão (TO).environmental degradation, intensity of agricultural exploration, Savannah, factorial analysis, index of environmental degradation., Agribusiness, Q50.,

    Análise do setor de produção e processamento de café em Minas Gerais: uma abordagem matriz insumo-produto

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    The objective of this work is to analyze coffee production and processing in the economic structure of Minas Gerais, to determine its importance and its linkages to the structure of the State economy, by using input-output matrix. Therefore, it is determined linkages indexes of Rasmussen-Hirschman, boarding fields, pure linkage index (GHS) and regional multipliers of product, income and employment. These applications are complementary to the identification of key sectors of the economy. The 1995 input-output matrix was used. Linkages indexes of Rasmussen-Hirschman and the analysis of the influence field pointed out that coffee production presents multiplying indicators above those of the economy, presenting higher backward and forward linkages. The coffee processing sector presents only backward linkage effects. In the multipliers analysis, it was observed that coffee production sector showed better performance in terms of product and income generation, while the coffee processing industry, in terms of product and of job multipliersCoffee, Minas Gerais, Input-output model, Key sectors, Agribusiness, R10,


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    Este artigo objetivou analisar a rentabilidade financeira da irrigação do maracujazeiro em comparação à cultura não-irrigada em regiões úmidas, com índices pluviométricos favoráveis à produção. Para isso, obteve-se o fluxo de caixa para o cultivo do maracujazeiro não-irrigado e irrigado, sendo calculados os indicadores financeiros Custo Médio de Produção, Valor Presente Líquido, Taxa Interna de Retorno, Taxa Interna de Retorno Modificada e Benefício-Custo. Para completar a análise foi realizada ainda a mensuração do risco pelo método de Monte Carlo. De acordo com os indicadores de rentabilidade financeira, mesmo em regiões úmidas, a irrigação do maracujazeiro, além de proporcionar maiores retornos, ainda reduz o nível de risco da atividade.Maracujá, viabilidade financeira, Paulínia, Crop Production/Industries,

    Crédito rural como fator determinante para as exportações brasileiras de soja em grão, junho de 2000 a janeiro de 2010

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    Rural credit was considered an input capable of increasing the Brazilian soybean production, shifting the supply curve to the right internal and generating surplus exportable grain. The main objective of this study was to analyze the effects of rural credit in Brazilian exports of soybeans during the period June 2000 to January 2010. The theoretical support was the theory of production and export supply. The results obtained by the model error correction (VEC), indicated that rural credit was one of the most significant determinants for the evolution of Brazilian exports of soybeans, behind only the exchange rate. The credit had positive and direct relationship with the quantity supplied showing the second largest estimated coefficient of elasticity.O crédito rural foi considerado um insumo capaz de aumentar a produção brasileira de soja, deslocando a curva de oferta interna para a direita e gerando excedentes exportáveis do grão. O objetivo principal do trabalho foi analisar os efeitos do crédito rural nas exportações brasileiras de soja em grão no período de junho de 2000 a janeiro de 2010. O suporte teórico utilizado foi a teoria da produção e da oferta de exportação. Os resultados obtidos, por meio do modelo de correção de erros (VEC), indicaram que o crédito rural foi um dos determinantes mais significativos para evolução das exportações brasileiras de soja, ficando atrás somente da taxa de câmbio. O crédito apresentou relacionamento positivo e direto com a quantidade ofertada exibindo o segundo maior coeficiente de elasticidade estimado

    Valoração econômica da Gruta do Maquiné em Cordisburgo - MG

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    The Maquiné Cavern is a natural resource system located at Cordisburgo, MG. It was built by nature in the last few thousand years. It’s a source of knowledge to researchers and income to local people. Therefore, it’s very important to preserve it. Visitors’ characteristics and econometric estimation of demand systems are key information which may be important to resource management decisions. Our objective was to find the economic value of the Maquiné Cavern. The analytical procedure was the Travel Cost method. Data were obtained by interviews. Results showed that most visitors have high educational levels and generally do not travel alone and visit Maquiné Cavern for the first time. The average willingness to pay for visits to the Maquiné Cavern, in each county, is R80.654,81.Theaveragewillingnesstopay,usingindividualdata,isR 80.654,81. The average willingness to pay, using individual data, is R 12.688,32. That estimated values do not show the real willingness to pay by individual for Maquiné Cavern visits since use values represent a small part of total economic value of this natural resource. However, estimated values an important to public policy and local conservation projects.Maquiné cavern, Environmental valuation, Willingness-to-pay, Environmental Economics and Policy,