3,676 research outputs found

    Para lá do binómio indígena/fenício : esferas de interação e escalas de integração na I idade do ferro do Sul de Portugal (séculos VIII – V a.C.)

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    The arrival of the first Phoenician merchants and colonists in the far western portions of the Iberian Peninsula destabilised the delicate balance of the regional Late Bronze Age networks, unleashing a wide-ranging process that would completely change the socio-political landscape of southern Portugal. However, the growing volume of data shows that, far from being a linear and straightforward process, the ensuing restructuration was complex and dynamic. Following this reasoning, we argue that “traditional” models based on normative views of culture can no longer explain the diversity of the archaeological record, requiring new and more nuanced approaches. We particularly suggest that such diversity reflects specific representational discourses that combine “traditional” and innovative elements, often exogenous, according to variable identity discourses, historically situated and socially negotiated, destined to be deployed on multiple levels – from the microregional context of intra- and intergroup interactions, to the transregional, Mediterranean level.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Early Iron Age 'black' glass in Southwestern Iberia: typology, distribution, and context

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    In the past few years, deeply colored black-appearing glass has garnered a growing interest in the context of research on Iron Age glass technology and trade. The numerous 'black' glass beads found in Early Iron Age contexts of Southern Portugal have not however been considered in this discussion, and they remain largely unsystematized. In this contribution, a typological survey of these objects is presented which highlights their unusual concentration in a well-delimited area of Southern Portugal and their relatively circumscribed chronological setting. This is particularly striking when compared with other groups of beads, namely blue beads of various types, which are much more widespread and long-lasting. The global position of these beads is also considered, with typological comparisons and the few available compositional data suggesting that they may be the product of Punic, and perhaps specifically Carthaginian trade with the Western Iberian Peninsula. Finally, the possible specific historic context in which these beads arrived in Southern Portugal is considered./

    The Olival do Senhor dos Mártires necropolis (Alcácer Do Sal, Portugal) during the Late Iron Age: new social, political and cultural insights

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    La transición hacia la Segunda Edad del Hierro en la necrópolis del Olival do Senhor dos Mártires (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal) estuvo marcada por importantes transformaciones a nivel de los ritos y de los ajuares funerarios. Estos parecen señalar cambios ideológicos, sociales y políticos igualmente importantes, comparables con los que se documentan por las mismas fechas en otros ámbitos peninsulares y circunmediterráneos. Se aprecia, de hecho, la aparente afirmación de élites guerreras, quizás en el marco de una transición hacia fórmulas políticas de tipo aristocrático. El desarrollo de esta nueva realidad política parece ir acompañado por una reordenación de las relaciones suprarregionales de la comunidad de Alcácer do Sal, como atestiguan múltiples convergencias con las fórmulas de representación social propias de las élites íberas del Sureste y Levante peninsulares.In the necropolis of Olival do Senhor dos Mártires (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal) the transition to the Late Iron Age was marked by an important transformation both in burial rites and in material culture which seems to point to significant ideological, social and political changes. These changes can be compared to those documented around the same dates in other areas of the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean basin. It is in fact possible to track the emergence of warrior elites in the funerary record, a trend that could be part of an overall transition towards aristocratic political forms. The development of this new political statu quo seems to be accompanied by a reorientation of the supra-regional relations of the community of Alcácer do Sal. This is particularly reflected in a number of convergences with the social representation formulae of the Iberian elites of the Southeast and the Levant

    Cuentas de vidrio oculadas de la Edad del Hierro del sur de Portugal (ss. VII – II a. n. e.)

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    Eye beads are among the most characteristic and recognizable types of Pre-Roman glass beads in the Mediterranean and beyond. However, their diversity and their cultural and chronological significance are often overlooked. This is the result of the summary and incomplete publication of many examples, but also of classification systems which, while valid, have failed to explore their informative potential. Based on a survey of Iron Age eye beads from southern Portugal, this study proposes an explicit and open typological system. The data compiled suggests that the decorative patterns of the eye beads in the study area have a chrono-cultural significance which might point to changes in the supply chains as well as in the connectivity patterns of local communities between the Early and the Late Iron Age.Las cuentas oculadas son uno de los tipos más característicos y reconocibles de cuentas de vidrio prerromanas en el Mediterráneo y más allá. Sin embargo, su diversidad, y su significado cultural y cronológico no siempre son debidamente reconocidos. Ello es resultado de la publicación somera e incompleta de muchos ejemplares, pero también de la adopción de sistemas clasificatorios que, a pesar de válidos, no dan cuenta del potencial informativo de estas piezas. Con base en el estudio de las cuentas oculadas de la Edad del Hierro del sur de Portugal, este trabajo propone un sistema de clasificación explícito y abierto. Los datos recopilados sugieren que los patrones decorativos de las cuentas oculadas en el área de estudio tienen un significado crono-cultural, que podría señalar cambios en las cadenas de suministro y los patrones de conectividad de las comunidades locales entre la I y la II Edad del Hierro

    Las fases finales de la necrópolis del olival do senhor dos mártires (alcácer do sal, portugal): el material romano republicano

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    This contribution aims to present an ensemble of material of Roman Republican chronology exhumed in the necropolis of Olival do Senhor dos Mártires (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal). In order to assess the importance of this period in the overall phasing of the site, this ensemble – comprising black gloss pottery, amphorae, unguentaria and a terracotta figurine – is studied from a chronological, typological and functional point of view. The resulting framework of refer - ence allows to propose that this area was probably continu - ally used as a burial ground throughout the Republican period (mid-2 nd to late 1 st centuries BCE), thus putting the apparent hiatus between the Late Iron Age and the Imperial phases of the necropolis in perspective.La presente contribución pretende presentar un conjunto de materiales de cronología romana republicana exhumado en la necrópolis del Olival do Senhor dos Már - tires (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal). De cara a evaluar la impor - tancia de este período en la secuencia del yacimiento, dicho conjunto, que incluye cerámicas de barniz negro, ánforas, ungüentarios y una terracota, fue objeto de una valoración cronológica, tipológica y funcional. El cuadro de referencia resultante permite proponer que esta área probablemente co - noció una utilización funeraria continuada durante el período republicano (mediados del siglo II a finales del I a.n.e.), lo que permite cuestionar el aparente hiato entre la fase de la II Edad del Hierro y la romana imperial

    The monte Molião cistern Lagos, Portugal

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    Conhecida desde o século XIX, a cisterna de Monte Molião constitui o elemento arquitectónico mais destacado do sítio e o único equipamento putativamente público ali documentado até ao momento. A sua escavação em 2011 e 2014 permitiu obter importantes dados sobre a sua tipologia e as técnicas empregues na sua construção, bem como documentar a estratigrafia correspondente à sua colmatação. Foi assim possível determinar que esta estrutura corresponde ao modelo dito a bagnarola, de origem púnica, podendo datar-se do final da Idade do Ferro ou de Época Romana Republicana, tendo sido sujeita a reparações durante este último período. Por outro lado, o último período de utilização desta cisterna parece ter-se verificado entre o Principado de Augusto e o reinado de Tibério, seguindo-se um período de abandono e o seu eventual entulhamento, datado pelos materiais aqui estudados da segunda metade do século I.Known since the 19th century, the cistern of Monte Molião is the most notable architectural element in the site and the only likely public infrastructure identified so far in this settlement. Its excavation, undertaken in 2011 and 2014, has brought to light important data about its typology and construction techniques; a complete stratigraphic sequence corresponding to its filling has also been documented. This structure can be attributed to the so-called a bagnarola model which originated in the Punic world and could have been constructed either in the Late Iron Age or in the Roman Republican period, having also been repaired in the latter period. Its last period of use, on the other hand, seems to fall within the reign of Augustus or Tiberius, being followed by a period of abandonment and eventually by its intentional filling which, based on the material studied here, can be dated to the second half of the 1st centuryCâmara Municipal de Lago

    Duas terracotas da I Idade do Ferro da necrópole do Olival do Senhor dos Mártires (Alcácer do Sal)

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    O presente contributo constitui o primeiro estudo monográfico aprofundado de duas terracotas exumadas por Vergílio Correia na década de 1920 na necrópole do Olival do Senhor dos Mártires (Alcácer do Sal). Correspondem a duas representações de bovídeos, uma razoavelmente completa e a outra em estado muito fragmentário, que pelo seu contexto e tipologia se podem enquadrar numa etapa tardia da I Idade do Ferro. A sua análise permite ampliar o panorama da produção iconográfica do território meridional português durante o período em apreço, bem como discutir a seriação das representações de bovídeos documentadas nesta região ao longo do I milénio a.n.e.This contribution constitutes the first in depth monographic study of two terracottae retrieved by Vergílio Correia during the 1920’s in the necropolis of Olival do Senhor dos Mártires (Alcácer do Sal). These represent bovines, one fairly complete while the other is very fragmentary, and their context and typology suggest they belong to a late stage of the Early Iron Age. The analysis of these pieces enlarges the panorama of the iconographic production in the southern Portuguese territory during the period under analysis, and allows for the discussion of the overall seriation of the bovine representations documented in this territory throughout the first millennium B.C.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A new ensemble of attic pottery from the Necropolis of Olival do Senhor dos Mártires (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal)

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    Se presenta un conjunto de ocho fragmentos de cerámica ática inéditos provenientes de la necrópolis de Olival do Senhor dos Mártires (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal). Como forma de encuadrar estos nuevos materiales, se analiza la posición de los materiales griegos del yacimiento en la dinámica general del comercio griego con el actual territorio portugués, y bien así su significado cultural y cronológico en el marco de la secuencia de utilización de la necrópolis.This paper aims to present a previously unpublished ensemble of eight fragments of attic pottery from the necropolis of Olival do Senhor dos Mártires (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal). Taking this material as a starting point, it also addresses the position of this site in the overall framework of the Greek trade with the currently Portuguese territory and particularly the cultural and chronological significance of the Greek material for the analysis of the necropolis’s sequence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Iron Age dress in Southern Portugal: insights from the necropolis of Olival do Senhor dos Mártires (Alcácer do Sal)

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    A documentação disponível para o estudo da indumentária na Idade do Ferro do Sul do actual território português é escassa, limitando-se na prática aos complementos metálicos de indumentária (fíbulas e fechos de cinturão). Uma parte significativa desses elementos procedem, contudo, de escavações cujo registo não permite leituras detalhadas sobre o seu papel e a identidade dos seus portadores. Ainda assim, a adopção de uma grelha de leitura simultaneamente contextual e comparativa permite extrair importantes informações sobre os factores – sociais, políticos e culturais – que influenciaram a evolução da indumentária, como se ilustra no presente contributo através do caso de estudo paradigmático da necrópole sidérica de Alcácer do Sal, cuja análise permite refletir sobre o presente e o futuro do estudo da indumentária pré-romana no Sudoeste Peninsular.The available data for the study of dress in the Iron Age of southern Portugal is scarce, being limited to metallic dress complements (fibulae and belt buckles). A significant part of these elements was however retrieved in excavations for which the available records do not allow a detailed analysis of their meaning and of the identity of their wearers. Nonetheless, the deployment of a simultaneously contextual and comparative approach can result in new insights on the factors – whether social, political or cultural – which influenced the evolution of dress, as illustrated in this contribution through the paradigmatic case study of the Iron Age necropolis of Alcácer do Sal, whose analysis allows for a reflection on the present and future of the study of Pre-Roman dress in southern Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio