1,893 research outputs found

    Justice and efficiency: on the debates and challenges of management of courts

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    A justiça é um dos setores do Estado onde as reformas gestionárias mais tardiamente chegaram. Se é certo que a administração e gestão burocrática é apontada como concorrente para a crise da justiça e como causa da distância social entre os tribunais e os cidadãos, também é verdade que, nas últimas décadas, as agendas de reforma de muitos sistemas judiciais passaram a incorporar medidas gestionárias. Traço, neste artigo, as linhas do debate em torno da gestão dos tribunais evidenciando alguns dos desafios da transposição para o campo do judiciário de reformas gestionárias.Justice is one of the sectors of the State where management reforms have been belated. While it is true that administration and bureaucratic management is seen as a competitor to the crisis of justice and as a cause of social distance between the courts and citizens, it is also true that, in recent decades, reform agendas of many legal systems have included management procedures. I outline, in this article, the debate concerning management of courts considering some of the challenges apropos the implementation of management reforms in the judicial field


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    Influence of the airflow in a solar passive building on the indoor air quality and thermal comfort levels

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    The influence of the airflow in a solar passive building on the indoor air quality and thermal comfort levels was investigated. The numerical study for a university library was conducted using a software that simulates the building thermal behavior with complex topology, in transient conditions, for evaluating the indoor air quality and occupants’ thermal comfort levels for typical summer and winter days. Solar radiation was used as a renewable energy source to increase simultaneously the thermal comfort and air quality levels and reduce building energy consumption. Regarding the solar passive building, consideration was given to all of the building structure envelope, shading devices and interior details, while in the solar active building active ventilation was used. To analyze the airflow that simultaneously provides the best indoor air quality and thermal comfort levels, a new integral methodology based on the minimization of the total number of uncomfortable hours was used. The results show that it was possible to determine an air change rate that ensures a good compromise between thermal comfort and indoor air quality. An optimal air change rate of two and three renewals per hour had been determined, respectively, for winter and summer conditions

    Geografia e democracia para uma nova justiça

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    À luz da investigação realizada no âmbito do Observatório Permanente da Justiça Portuguesa sobre a reorganização territorial da justiça em Portugal, apresenta-se um novo modelo de geografia da justiça, tendo em vista, em primeira linha, melhorar o desempenho dos tribunais enquanto serviço público de justiça e, sobretudo, como instâncias de promoção e de defesa dos direitos dos cidadãos. Nesse sentido uma proposta de territorialização impõe uma agenda estratégica da justiça em que se reafirme a promoção do princípio do acesso à justiça e ao direito, se aprofunde a qualidade da justiça, se aumente a eficiência, a eficácia e a transparência do sistema judicial bem como a modernização e reforço da capacidade de administração e gestão do sistema

    Nursing interventions in monitoring the adolescent with Cystic Fibrosis: a literature review

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    Objectives: to search for nursing interventions focused on the improvement of quality of life and promotion of self-care of adolescents suffering from the Cystic Fibrosis. Method: literature review. The inclusion criteria were: primary studies and studies with interventions developed by nurses in the adolescent population with Cystic Fibrosis, using Portuguese, Spanish, French and English with no time limit, and supported by the databases Scopus, Web of Science and CINAHL. The search expressions were: nursing AND care AND adolescent AND “Cystic Fibrosis” AND (“quality of life” OR “self-care”). Results: a total of 59 articles was retrieved; 8 matched the criteria chosen. Nursing interventions targeted at adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis and their family members were identified. These interventions were organized according to the nurses’ role, namely caregiver, coordinator, counsellor, researcher, trainer and care partner. Conclusions: nursing interventions targeted at following up the adolescent during the entire therapeutic process, involving the presence of parents/significant others, since both the adolescent and family have to be responsible for self-care. Healthcare professionals should be capable of identifying the specific needs of patients with chronic disease and their family, permitting a better understanding and adaptation to the health-disease transition process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The relationship between the management accounting techniques and the decision making in Portuguese hotels

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    This study examines the hospitality decision makers’ use of management accounting. The making decisions’ process involves several of steps. It is need accurate information for the hotel managers make a good decision. Management accounting (MA) can provide this kind of information. A lot of MA techniques are concerned with the preparation of specialized information. We have studied the MA techniques that are currently being used by different types of Portuguese hotels, and we relate that with the importance that is given to decision making by hotel managers. The sample includes 61 hotels, which were analyzed between 2010 and 2012. We verified that the hotel managers have different behaviors regarding the use of MA techniques, which depends of their opinion about the utility of management accounting

    A imagem como entremeio entre o objeto na mente e a coisa real

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    Este trabalho escrito tem como objetivo descrever e analisar o processo de investigação que decorre da procura da imagem que funcione como entremeio entre o objeto na mente e a coisa real. Entre a ideia pré-concebida de uma realidade e a própria realidade. É a síntese da construção de um retrato quotidiano dentro da prática artística que tem como objetivo principal a criação de um confronto entre uma realidade quotidiana e o seu observador

    Management accounting practices in the Portuguese lodging industry

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    Nowadays it is becoming more notorious the increase in competition within the hotel and lodging industry, thus making more relevant the decision making process for managers, in what concerns the effective use of accounting tools to provide the necessary framework of information for their decisions. This study as the purpose of characterizing management accounting techniques in Portugal, identifying the traditional and contemporary techniques, the use of USALI, if the decision makers are satisfied with the information available, and determine which factors influence the industry to adopt a certain technique