1,239 research outputs found

    Jeans Instability in Non-Minimal Matter-Curvature Coupling Gravity

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    The weak field limit of the nonminimally coupled Boltzmann equation is studied, and relations between the invariant Bardeen scalar potentials are derived. The Jean's criterion for instabilities is found through the modified dispersion relation. Special cases are scrutinised and considerations on the model parameters are discussed for Bok globules.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Gravitational waves in theories with a non-minimal curvature-matter coupling

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    Gravitational waves in the presence of a non-minimal curvature-matter coupling are analysed, both in the Newman-Penrose and perturbation theory formalisms. Considering a cosmological constant as a source, the non-minimally coupled matter-curvature model reduces to f(R)f(R) theories. This is in good agreement with the most recent data. Furthermore, a dark energy-like fluid is briefly considered, where the propagation equation for the tensor modes differs from the previous scenario, in that the scalar mode equation has an extra term, which can be interpreted as the longitudinal mode being the result of the mixture of two fundamental excitations δR\delta R and δρ\delta \rho.Comment: 9 pages. Version published at Eur. Phys. J.

    Importância da fisioterapia na prevenção e tratamento da pubalgia atlética

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em FisioterapiaIntrodução: A pubalgia atlética é uma patologia complexa, cuja etiologia é ainda questionável e desafiadora, contudo acredita-se que esteja relacionada com desportos que integram rotações imprevisíveis e repentinas. Objetivo: Investigar de que forma diversos protocolos fisioterapêuticos atuam a nível da prevenção e/ou do tratamento da pubalgia atlética. Metodologia: Foi efetuada uma pesquisa nas bases de dados da PubMed, PEDro e Scielo para identificar estudos com procedimentos terapêuticos do fisioterapeuta na pubalgia atlética. A qualidade metodológica dos estudos foi analisada através da escala Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP). Resultados: A presente revisão inclui 5 artigos, 2 referentes à prevenção e 3 à reabilitação, com um total de 1087 atletas, com idades compreendidas entre 18 e 50 anos. Após a implementação de diversas técnicas terapêuticas verificou-se uma redução no tempo de retorno à atividade desportiva. O risco lesivo aumenta com a reincidência de lesões e com níveis competitivos superiores, assim como com a presença de desequilíbrios musculares entre adutores e abdutores. Conclusão: Com base nos estudos analisados, o fisioterapeuta deve atuar utilizando o tratamento multimodal, tendo também como opções o exercício terapêutico, e o tratamento passivo, embora com menor benefícios.Introduction: Athletic pubalgia is a complex pathology whose etiology is still questionable and challenging, but it is believed to be related to sports that integrate sudden and unexpected rotations. Objective: To investigate how various physiotherapeutic protocols act in the prevention and/or treatment of athletic pubalgia Methodology: Research in PubMed, PEDro and Scielo to identify studies with therapeutic procedures of physiotherapy in athletic pubalgia. The methodological quality of the studies was analyzed through the Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP). Results: The present review includes 5 articles, 2 referring to prevention and 3 to rehabilitation, with a total of 1087 athletes, aged between 18 and 50 years. After the implementation of several therapeutic techniques there was a reduction in the time of return to the sport activity. The risk of injury increases with the recurrence of lesions and with higher competitive levels, as well as the presence of muscular imbalances between adductors and abductors. Conclusion: Based on the studies analyzed, the physiotherapist should act using multimodal treatment, also having in mind options such as the therapeutic exercise, and passive treatment, although with less benefits.N/

    Nikita Cabeleireiros wants to improve the efficiency of its customer relationship management by adopting an appropriate CRM strategy

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    The positions SMBs (Small and Medium Businesses) have in national economies have been increasing, being extremely important to the development of the economies. SMBs are seeking more and more CRM applications, for this reason, CRM as been having a rapid development in the last years. My master project will study a CRM implementation on Nikita Cabeleireiros, a small business in a common local market, and examine the CRM key risks and benefits. Another concept is presented, CEM (Customer experience Management), as the next competitive advantage and differentiator factor between SMBs. The literature review resulted from an intensive research and will analyze previous research concerning the topics mentioned above. The outcome of this research shows that SMBs should embrace a customer-centric strategy, as CRM strategy, in order to achieve higher customer service which will lead to higher customer retention and customer loyalty. This study should be a useful tool to SMBs adopting CRM and to initiate further investigation regarding these topics.A posição que as PMEs (Pequenas e Médias Empresas) ocupam nas economias nacionais tem vindo a crescer, sendo extremamente importantes para o desenvolvimento das economias. A procura de aplicações de CRM nas PMEs tem vindo a aumentar, por esta razão, a estratégia de CRM tem apresentado um rápido desenvolvimento nos últimos anos. A minha tese de mestrado, consiste num estudo aprofundado sobre a implementação de uma estratégia de CRM na Nikita Cabeleireiros, uma PME num mercado comum. Examina, também, os principais riscos e benefícios da implementação de uma estratégia de CRM. Outro conceito é apresentado, CEM (Gestão das experiências do cliente), como próximo factor competitivo e elemento de diferenciação entre PMEs. A revisão da literatura resulta de uma pesquisa intensiva e analisa artigos e documentos referente aos tópicos anteriormente mencionados. O resultado desta pesquisa mostra que PMEs devem “abraçar” uma estratégia focada no cliente, tal como a estratégia de CRM, com a finalidade de melhorar o serviço ao cliente o que irá aumentar a taxa de retenção dos clientes e a respectiva, lealdade. Este estudo acredito que será uma evidência útil para as PMEs adoptarem um estratégia de CRM e iniciar mais investigações relativamente a estes tópicos

    Is gold a hedge? The relation between gold and shares

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    Mestrado em FinançasNum período em que uma estratégia de investimento cuidadosa e diligente é cada vez mais necessária, o hedging é uma poderosa ferramenta que pode ser usada pelos investidores com o propósito de reduzir os riscos associados aos investimentos no mercado de ações. Este projecto tem como objectivo estudar a correlação entre os retornos do ouro e os retornos das ações, com o intuito de descobrir se o ouro pode ser considerado um hedge para as ações ou um safe haven. Os resultados do uso de um modelo econométrico, baseado em dados de alguns dos maiores índices a nível mundial e de um índice de rastreamento de referência para futuros de ouro, para o período de Janeiro de 1996 até Dezembro de 2015, sugerem que o ouro não é um hedge para qualquer dos mercados de ações analisados, ainda que aparente ser um forte safe haven sobre condições extremas de retornos negativos do mercado de ações. Ainda assim, é demonstrado que os resultados do modelo econométrico estão dependentes do período analisado.In a period where careful and diligent investing is increasingly required, hedging is a powerful weapon that can be used by investors in order to reduce the risks associated with stock market investments. This project aims at studying the correlation between gold returns and stock returns, intending to find out if gold can be considered a hedge for stocks or a safe haven. The results of the use of an econometric model, based on data from some major worldwide stock indexes and a benchmark tracking index for gold futures, regarding the period from January of 1996 until December of 2015, suggest that gold is not a hedge for any of the stock markets under analysis but it appears to be a strong safe haven under extreme negative stock market conditions. However, it is shown that the results from the model are dependent on the period analysed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Minimally Constrained Stable Switched Systems and Application to Co-simulation

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    We propose an algorithm to restrict the switching signals of a constrained switched system in order to guarantee its stability, while at the same time attempting to keep the largest possible set of allowed switching signals. Our work is motivated by applications to (co-)simulation, where numerical stability is a hard constraint, but should be attained by restricting as little as possible the allowed behaviours of the simulators. We apply our results to certify the stability of an adaptive co-simulation orchestration algorithm, which selects the optimal switching signal at run-time, as a function of (varying) performance and accuracy requirements.Comment: Technical report complementing the following conference publication: Gomes, Cl\'audio, Beno\^it Legat, Rapha\"el Jungers, and Hans Vangheluwe. "Minimally Constrained Stable Switched Systems and Application to Co-Simulation." In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Miami Beach, FL, USA, 201

    Quantum kinetic theory of Jeans instability in non-minimal matter-curvature coupling gravity

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    We present a quantum treatment of the Jeans gravitational instability in the Newtonian limit of the non-minimal matter-curvature coupling gravity model. By relying on Wigner functions, allowing for the representation of quantum states in a classical phase space, we formulate a quantum kinetic treatment of this problem, generalizing the classical kinetic approach [C. Gomes, Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 633 (2020)]. This allows us to study the interplay between non-minimal matter-curvature coupling effects, quantum effects, and kinetic (finite-temperature) effects, on the Jeans criterion. We study in detail special cases of the model (general relativity, f(R) theories, pure non-minimal coupling, etc.) and confront the model with the observed stability of Bok globules.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 3 plot