356 research outputs found

    Stress, évaluation cognitive et épuisement professionnel chez les travailleurs sociaux des maisons d’hébergement

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    Stress and burnout are global epidemics that may cause negative consequences for workers and organizations. Social workers of Residential Child Care are especially at risk, due to the inherent characteristics of their work. Subsequently, this study aimed to analyse these professional’s stress, cognitive appraisal, and burnout. The sample included 92 social workers (90.2% female and 9.8% male) with ages between 25 and 64 years old (M = 38.08; SD = 7.91). The evaluation protocol included a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Stress Questionnaire for Health Professionals, the Primary and Secondary Cognitive Appraisal Scale, and the Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure. Results indicated that 58% of professionals assumed high levels of general stress, and that physical fatigue and cognitive weariness were the burnout dimensions with higher values. The combination of sociodemographic variables, stress factors and cognitive appraisal were important to explain the burnout experience, and can contribute to design interventions directed to these professionals.Le stress et l’épuisement professionnel sont des épidémies mondiales qui peuvent avoir des conséquences négatives pour les travailleurs et les organisations. Les travailleurs du domaine social des Maisons d’accueil résidentiel sont à risque en raison des caractéristiques inhérentes à leur travail. Par la suite, cette étude visait à analyser le stress, l’évaluation cognitive et l’épuisement professionnel chez ces professionnels. L’échantillon comprenait 92 travailleurs sociaux (90,2% de femmes et 9,8% d’hommes) du nord du Portugal, âgés de 25 à 64 ans (M = 38,08 ; SD = 7,91). Le protocole d’évaluation comprenait un questionnaire sociodémographique, le Health Professional Stress Questionnaire, l’échelle d’évaluation cognitive et la Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure. Les résultats ont indiqué que 58% des participants avaient un niveau global de stress élevé, les dimensions de la fatigue physique et de la fatigue cognitive étant les plus élevées dans l’épuisement professionnel. La combinaison de facteurs sociodémographiques, de stress et de processus d’évaluation cognitive était importante pour expliquer l’épuisement professionnel et peut contribuer à la formulation d’interventions destinées à ces professionnels

    Narrativas femininas: género e realismo mágico em textos pós-coloniais

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    Mestrado em Estudos InglesesEste estudo centra-se na análise de diversos textos pós-coloniais que destacam a relevância de re-imaginar a História através de diferentes perspectivas, nomeadamente a re-invenção do passado com base numa abordagem feminista. A dissolução dos limites entre história e ficção é actualmente aceite como um indicador relevante da "metaficção historiográfica", conforme teorizada por Linda Hutcheon. As obras analisadas neste estudo são, portanto, variantes deste género contemporâneo e das suas interseções com Realismo Mágico. Estas narrativas também têm ainda em comum a preocupação com o papel das mulheres em contextos socio-culturais pós-coloniais, bem como as suas representações nesses mesmos contextos. O presente estudo investiga ainda a forma como determinadas representações são preponderantes na construção de identidades num mundo pós-colonial. As narrativas de mulheres engendram novas histórias que desconstroem, realçam e antecipam várias conclusões oficiais das narrações dominantes da história. Assim sendo, a ficção contemporânea incorpora o Realismo Mágico pelas suas possibilidades subversivas que resistem a um mundo singular com um único conjunto de regras ou leis. Deste modo, rejeita sistemas totalizantes e cria uma "espacialidade dual", onde diferentes realidades convergem. Em certa medida, o mágico funciona como um agente cultural, um constructo complexo através do qual vozes silenciadas podem contar suas histórias. Assim sendo, Realismo Mágico aparece ligado a estudos pós-coloniais, ao pós-modernismo, e a estudos de género. Os autores escolhidos justapõem estas características, de modo a criar espaços imaginários nos quais o real seja retratado mas que também seja sujeito a crítica. Além disso, as suas representações dialógicas permitem a possibilidade de um encontro entre o Eu colonizador e o Outro colonizado como momento potencialmente criativo e uma forma de (re)criar um "terceiro espaço" no qual seja possível inscrever a ambivalência gerada por esse encontro. Os textos seleccionados representam ainda a autoridade de vozes femininas e marginalizadas, tendo em consideração as vozes/estórias silenciadas e "outro subalterno". Consequentemente, a polivocalidade destas narrativas pode designar um potencial de resistência às convenções opressivas impostas por um poder hegemónico e eurocêntrico. Por conseguinte, estas narrativas têm em consideração o modo como diferentes culturas interagem e/ou se processam mutuamente sem se anularem. O estudo demonstra ainda que os textos partilham uma necessidade mútua em recontar os passados perdidos das suas personagens femininas, bem como as novas perspectivas que são geradas a partir daí. Estas narrativas e representações de mulheres assumem um papel importante na reavaliação da História como meio de recuperar e restaurar histórias silenciadas que fazem claramente parte de um processo de reconstrução de identidades pós-coloniais.This study focuses on the analysis of several postcolonial texts that highlight the relevance of re-imagining History through different lenses, particularly the re-invention of the past based on a feminist approach. The dissolution of the limits between history and fiction is currently accepted as a relevant indicator of “historiographic metafiction,” as coined by Linda Hutcheon. The novels analyzed in this study are all variations of this contemporary genre and its intersections with Magical Realism. They also share a common preoccupation with the role of women in postcolonial socio-cultural contexts and the representations of women in these contexts. This study thus investigates some of these representations which are connected with the construction of identities in the postcolonial world. The narratives of women selected engender new histories which undermine, enhance, and pre-empt many official conclusions of the dominant narrations of history. In doing this, contemporary fiction incorporates magic realism for its subversive possibilities in resisting a single world with a single set of rules or laws. In this way it rejects totalizing systems, and creates a “dual spatiality” where dissimilar realities converge. To some extent, the magical works as a cultural agent, a complex construct through which silenced voices may tell their stories. Hence magical realism has been connected with postcolonialism, postmodernism and gender studies. The authors chosen juxtapose these characteristics in order to create imaginary spaces that both depict the real and subject it to critique. Furthermore, their dialogic representations allow the possibility of an encounter between the colonizing Self and the colonized Other as potentially creative and a way to (re)generate a “third space” where it is possible to inscribe the ambivalence generated by that encounter. Their texts also enact the empowering of female and marginalized voices, giving agency to the silenced and “subaltern other”. Consequently, the novels’ polivocality may designate a potential resistance to oppressive conventions imposed by a hegemonic and Eurocentric power. Accordingly, the narratives dealt with take into consideration the way different cultures interact and/or process each other. The study shows that the texts share a mutual need to retell the lost pasts of their female characters and the new perspectives they generate. These narratives of women assume a significant role in the re-examination of history as they reclaim and restore unuttered stories that are clearly part of a postcolonial identity process

    Monitoring and Management of the Palliative Care Patient Symptoms: A Best Practice Implementation Project

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    Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the support provided by Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (UICISA: E), hosted by the Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC), and the Portugal Centre for Evidence-Based Practice: A JBI Centre of Excellence, Portugal.Background: In palliative care, symptoms are multiple and combined, evolving and changing, with a multidimensional character and multifactorial causes, and a high prevalence, negatively influencing the patient’s and family’s quality of life. Nurses who provide palliative care need to recognize and respond effectively to their patients’ symptoms. Methods: A project will be applied to implement the best practice in monitoring and managing palliative care patients’ symptoms. The Joanna Briggs Institute Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System (JBI PACES) and Getting Research into Practice (GRiP) audit and feedback tool will be used. The JBI PACES and GRiP framework for promoting evidence-based healthcare involves three phases of activity. First, a baseline audit. In a second phase, feedback will be given to the project team after the conclusion of the baseline audit report. Then, a third phase will be conducted as a follow-up audit. Conclusions: This project will improve the practice of the nursing team in monitoring and managing the symptoms of palliative care patients, positively influencing the quality of life of the patient and his family. The implementation and dissemination of this project could boost its replication in other centres.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    TB-HIV co-infection: spatial and temporal distribution in the largest Brazilian metropolis

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the spatial and temporal distribution of TB-HIV co-infection, as well as the profile of the characteristics of the co-infected population in the municipality of São Paulo. METHODS: This is an ecological and time series study with data from the Tuberculosis Patient Control System (TBWeb), including all new cases of tuberculosis co-infected individuals with HIV living in the municipality from 2007 to 2015. Time trends of the disease were analyzed using Prais-Winsten regression. The cases were geocoded by the address of residence for the elaboration of maps with the incidence rates smoothed by the local empirical Bayesian method. The global and local Moran indexes evaluated spatial autocorrelation. Individuals’ profiles were described and the characteristics of the cases with and without fixed residence were compared by Pearson’s chi-square or Fisher’s exact tests. RESULTS: We analyzed 6,092 new cases of TB-HIV co-infection (5,609 with fixed residence and 483 without fixed residence). The proportion of TB-HIV co-infection ranged from 10.5% to 13.7%, with a drop of 3.0% per year (95%CI -3.4 – -2.6) and was higher in individuals without fixed residence. Incidence rates decreased by 3.6% per year (95%CI -4.4% – -2.7%), declining from 7.0 to 5.3 per 100,000 inhabitants/year. Co-infection showed positive and significant spatial autocorrelation, with heterogeneous spatial pattern and a high-risk cluster in the central region of the municipality. Cure was achieved in 55.5% of cases with fixed residence and in 32.7% of those without a fixed residence. CONCLUSIONS: The data indicate an important advance in the control of TB-HIV co-infection in the period analyzed. However, we identified areas and populations that were unequally affected by the disease and that should be prioritized in the improvement of actions to prevent and control co-infection.OBJETIVO: Descrever a distribuição espacial e temporal da coinfecção TB-HIV, assim como o perfil das características da população coinfectada no município de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: E studo e cológico e d e s érie t emporal c om d ados d o S istema d e C ontrole d e Pacientes com Tuberculose (TBWeb), incluindo todos os casos novos de tuberculose coinfectados pelo HIV residentes no município no período de 2007 a 2015. Tendências temporais do agravo foram analisadas por regressão de Prais-Winsten. Os casos foram geocodificados pelo endereço de residência para a elaboração de mapas com as taxas de incidência suavizadas pelo método bayesiano empírico local. Os índices de Moran global e local avaliaram a autocorrelação espacial. O perfil dos indivíduos foi descrito e as características dos casos com e sem residência fixa foram comparadas pelos testes de qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 6.092 casos novos de coinfecção TB-HIV (5.609 com residência fixa e 483 sem residência fixa). A proporção de coinfecção TB-HIV variou de 10,5% a 13,7%, com queda de 3,0% ao ano (IC95% -3,4 – -2,6), e foi maior nos indivíduos sem residência fixa em todo o período. As taxas de incidência apresentaram diminuição de 3,6% ao ano (IC95% -4,4% – -2,7%), declinando de 7,0 para 5,3 por 100 mil habitantes/ano. A coinfecção apresentou autocorrelação espacial positiva e significativa, com padrão espacial heterogêneo e um aglomerado de alto risco na região central do município. A cura foi alcançada em 55,5% dos casos com residência fixa e em 32,7% daqueles sem residência. CONCLUSÕES: Os dados indicam um importante avanço no controle da coinfecção TB-HIV no período analisado. Todavia, foram identificadas áreas e populações que se apresentaram desigualmente afetadas pelo agravo, e que devem ser priorizadas no aprimoramento das ações de prevenção e controle da coinfecção

    Advances in extraction methods to recover added-value compounds from seaweeds: sustainability and functionality

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    Seaweeds are a renewable natural source of valuable macro and micronutrients that have attracted the attention of the scientists in the last years. Their medicinal properties were already recognized in the ancient traditional Chinese medicine, but only recently there has been a considerable increase in the study of these organisms in attempts to demonstrate their health benefits. The extraction process and conditions to be used for the obtention of value-added compounds from seaweeds depends mainly on the desired final product. Thermochemical conversion of seaweeds, using high temperatures and solvents (including water), to obtain high-value products with more potential applications continues to be an industrial practice, frequently with adverse impact on the environment and productsâ functionality. However more recently, alternative methods and approaches have been suggested, searching not only to improve the process performance, but also to be less harmful for the environment. A biorefinery approach display a valuable idea of solving economic and environmental drawbacks, enabling less residues production close to the much recommended zero waste system. The aim of this work is to report about the new developed methods of seaweeds extractions and the potential application of the components extracted.This work was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) un der the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020—Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. The work was also supported by the Euro pean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant (MSCA-RISE; FODIAC; 778388). Gabriela Matos is recipient of a PhD fellowship supported by a doctoral advanced training (call NORTE-69-2015-15), funded by the European Social Fund under the scope of Norte2020—Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000036). Sara Pereira and Zlatina Genisheva are supported by the project OH2O (POCI-01-0145-FEDER 029145) funded by FCT and Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) under the scope of Programa Operacional de Competividade e Internacionalização (POCI)-COMPETE 2020 and Portugal 2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of ethyl pyruvate on leukocyte-endothelial interactions in the mesenteric microcirculation during early sepsis treatment

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    OBJECTIVES: Experimental studies on sepsis have demonstrated that ethyl pyruvate is endowed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This study aimed to investigate the effects of ethyl pyruvate on leukocyte-endothelial interactions in the mesenteric microcirculation in a live Escherichia coli-induced sepsis model in rats. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were administered an intravenous suspension of E. coli bacteria or were subjected to a sham procedure. Three hours after bacterial infusion, the rats were randomized into the following groups: a control group without treatment, a group treated with lactated Ringer’s solution (4 mL/kg, i.v.), and a group treated with lactated Ringer’s solution (4 mL/kg, i.v.) plus ethyl pyruvate (50 mg/kg). At 24 h after bacterial infusion, leukocyte-endothelial interactions were investigated using intravital microscopy, and the expression of P-selectin and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 was evaluated via immunohistochemistry. White blood cell and platelet counts were also determined at baseline and 3 h and 24 h after E. coli inoculation. RESULTS: The non-treated and lactated Ringer’s solution-treated groups exhibited increases in the numbers of rolling leukocytes (∼2.5-fold increase), adherent cells (∼3.0-fold), and migrated cells (∼3.5-fold) compared with the sham group. In contrast, treatment with Ringer’s ethyl pyruvate solution reduced the numbers of rolling, adherent and migrated leukocytes to the levels observed in the sham group. Additionally, the expression of P-selectin and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 was significantly increased on mesenteric microvessels in the non-treated group compared with the sham group (

    Prevalencia de problemas de conducta en adolescentes en situación de vulnerabilidad social: evaluación desde la perspectiva de los padres

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    Mesmo diante de dados internacionais sobre prevalência de problemas de comportamento durante a infância/adolescência, ainda há necessidade de explorar problemas emocionais/comportamentais vivenciados pelos adolescentes brasileiros, especialmente em situações de altos problemas sociais ou de vulnerabilidade social (VS). Foi realizado estudo observacional, transversal, com amostra de conveniência, que teve por objetivo descrever os problemas emocionais/comportamentais apresentados por adolescentes que vivem em um contexto de alta VS na cidade de Salvador-BA, a partir do ponto de vista de seus pais ou responsáveis. Foram aplicados questionário sociodemográfico e CBCL/6-18 numa amostra de 274 pais/responsáveis pelos adolescentes. Análises dos dados obtidos indicaram que 20,4% da amostra apresentaram problemas na faixa clínica para escala total do instrumento. Variáveis sociodemográficas podem influenciar os problemas de comportamento na adolescência, necessitando ser investigadas. Este estudo colabora com novos dados sobre psicopatologias infanto-juvenis em âmbito nacional, o que possibilita criar ações preventivas e encaminhamentos voltados para esta população.Aún cuando existan datos internacionales sobre la prevalencia de problemas de conducta durante la infancia/adolescencia, aún es necesario explorar los problemas emocionales/de conducta que experimentan los adolescentes brasileños, especialmente en contextos de alta vulnerabilidad social. Se realizó un estudio observacional de conveniencia transversal para describir los problemas emocionales/conductuales presentados por adolescentes, de 11 a 17 años, que viven en un contexto de alta vulnerabilidad social en la ciudad de Salvador-BA, desde el punto de vista de los padres/tutores. Se aplicó un cuestionario sociodemográfico y el CBCL/6-18 a una muestra de 274 padres/tutores de adolescentes. El análisis de los datos indicó que el 20.4% de la muestra tenía problemas en el rango clínico en la escala completa del instrumento. Las variables sociodemográficas pueden influir en los problemas de conducta en la adolescencia y deben investigarse. Este estudio colabora con nuevos datos sobre las psicopatologías infantiles y juveniles en todo el país, lo que permite crear acciones preventivas y referencias dirigidas a esa población.Although there are international data on the prevalence of behavioral problems through childhood/adolescence, there is still a need to explore emotional/behavioral problems experienced by Brazilian adolescents, especially in situations of extreme social problems or social vulnerability (SV). This is an observational, cross-sectional study, carried out with a convenience sample, to describe the emotional/behavioral problems of adolescents living in a high SV scenario in the city of Salvador-BA, from their parents or guardians’ point of view. Sociodemographic questionnaire and CBCL/6-18 were applied to a sample of 274 adolescents’ parents/guardians. Data analysis found that 20.4% of the sample had problems in the clinical dimension for the total scale of the instrument. Sociodemographic variables can impact behavioral problems in adolescence and need to be investigated. This study adds new data on child and youth psychopathologies at the national level and can promote preventive actions and referrals aimed at this population