376 research outputs found


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    The Neighbour

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    Analisis Pengaruh the Fed Rate, Indeks Dow Jones Dan Indeks Nikkei225 Terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (Ihsg) Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Bei) Periode 2008-2013

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    This research is addressed to determine the influencesof The Fed, Indeks Dow Jones, and Nikkei 225 against IHSG in Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) for a period of 2008-2013. The data type used in this research is Time Series in the form of the Fed Rate, Indeks Dow Jones, Indeks Nikkei225 and Indeks Harga SahamGabungan (IHSG) data during January 2008 until November 2013.The Analytical Technique that used to conduct the analysis is Vector Auto Regression (VAR), at significant level 5%, by using computer application program aid Eviws 7.0.The output of this research indicates that the Fed variable influences negatively against the IHSG, while Index Dow Jones and Index Nikkei225 influence positively against the IHSG


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    Penyalahgunaan narkotika golongan 1 bagi diri sendiri merupakan kejahatan yang dapat dilakukan rehabilitasi, sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam undang undang nomor 35 tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika Pasal 103 yang dalam isinya menyebutkan bahwa setiap pecandu dan penyalahguna narkotika dapat dilkukan rehabilitasi. Akan tetapi dalam penerapannya hakim sering keliru ( khilaf ) dalam menerapkkan sanksinya sehingga kurang tepat dan menyebabkan tidak tercapainya teori tujuan hukum tersebut bagi terdakwa, sehingga menyebabkan penerapan sistem pemidanaan bagi pelaku penyalahguna maupun pecandu kurang efektif dalam memberantasnya.identifikasi fakta hukum : Apakah dampak jika hakim salah menerapkan sanksi kepada terdakwa pelaku tindak pidana narkotika ?, Apakah putusan Hakim dalam perkara Nomor : 39 / Pid.Sus/ 2020/ PN.Bdg. sudah sesuai jika dilihat dari Undang-Undang No.35 TAHUN 2009 Tentang Narkotika dan Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung No. 04 tahun 2010 Tentang tentang penempatan penyalahgunaan, korban penyalahgunaan, dan pecandu Narkotika kedalam lembaga rehabilitas medis dan rehabilitas sosial., Upaya Hukum apakah yang dapat dilakukan oleh terdakwa Lili Permana Bin Wartum terhadap putusan 39 / Pid.Sus/ 2020/ PN.Bdg ? Alat analisis dalam studi kasus ini adalan intreperetasi hukum dengan tujuan untuk menemukan kebenaran dengan cara penafsiran hukum baik dengan cara penafsiran hukum baik intrepretasi gramatikal dan sistematis. Kesimpulan, pada perkara pidana dengan putusan No.39/Pid.sus/2020/PN.Bdg dampak yang terjadi jika hakim keliru menerapkan sanksi bagi terdakwa yaitu dapat mengakibatkan tidak tercapainya dari teori tujuan hukum tersebut yaitu teori keadilan hukum, teori kemamfaatan huku, dan teori kepastian hukum, jika dilihat dari undang undang no 35 tahun 2009 dan Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung No 4 tahun 2010 terhadap putusan hakim dalam perkara Nomor : 39 / Pid.Sus/ 2020/ PN.Bdg belum sesuai berdasarkan fakta hukum yang yang ada di pengadilan, upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan terpidana apabila merasa keberatan terhadap putusan yang diberikan kepadanya dapan mengajukan upaya hukum luarbiasa yaitu peninjauan kembali ke Mahkamah Agung karna sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap sesuai pasal 263 KUHAP. Kata kunci : Kekeliruan Hakim, Putusan Hakim, Penyalahgunaan Narkotika, Rehabilitasi

    Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku PT Plastik Flexindo Karawang

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    Abstrak: Bahan baku memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam proses produksi. Bahan baku adalah salah satu unsur yang sangat aktif digunakan di dalam sebuah perusahaan produksi guna untuk memproduksi suatu produk. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengendalian persediaan bahan baku di PT Plastik Karawang Flexindo. Pengendalian dilakukan oleh perusahaan dengan mempertimbangan jumlah pemakaian dengan quantity tiap pemesanan. Banyaknya frekuensi pemesanan dalam setahun akan memperbesar biaya dalam melakukan pengendalian bahan baku. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian kualitatif, hasil penelitian yang ditemukan dengan melakukan perhitungan pengendalian bahan baku menggunakan metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). Perusahaan memiliki safety stock dalam pengelolaan pengendalian bahan baku. Titik pemesanan kembali perusahaan adalah sebesar 20ton. Perusahaan ini melakukan pengendalian bahan baku dengan cara melakukan pemesanan bahan baku pada saat bahan baku yang tersedia di gudang sudah mulai menipis. Pengendalian persediaan bahan baku di PT Plastik Karawang Flexindo belum menerapkan metode EOQ. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan pengendalian persediaan menggunakan EOQ perusahaan lebih diuntungkan Rp.1.520.851.294 per tahun.   Kata kunci: Bahan Baku, Persediaan, Pengendalian, Quantity, Safety Stock.   Abstract:  Raw materials have a very important role in the production process. Raw material is one of the most active elements used in a production company to produce a product. Therefore this study aims to determine the control of raw material inventory at PT Plastik Karawang Flexindo. Control is carried out by the company by considering the amount of usage with the quantity of each order. The large number of orders in a year will increase the cost of controlling raw materials. The research method used is a qualitative research method, the research results found by carrying out calculations of raw material control using the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method. The company has a safety stock in managing raw material control. The company reorder point is 20 tons. This company controls raw materials by ordering raw materials when the available raw materials in the warehouse have started to run low. Raw material inventory control at PT Plastik Karawang Flexindo has not implemented the EOQ method. After calculating inventory control using EOQ, the company benefits more than Rp. 1,520,851,294 per year.   Keywords: Control, Inventory, Raw material, Safety Stock, Quantity

    Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in Trans Metro Bandung Services

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    Public services, especially public transportation services for persons with disabilities, have not been well organized and have not been based on equality even though various laws and regulations have regulated them. One form of implementing equality for persons with disabilities is the provision of accessibility facilities to support and assist them in using a service. Based on the characteristics of the research object, the method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The technique of collecting data is done by in-depth interviews, observations, and library studies. This article is intended to provide an overview regarding the provision of accessibility facilities for persons with disabilities in the Trans Metro Bandung services and also provides an overview regarding the implementation of Trans Metro Bandung services for persons with disabilities in the city of Bandung

    Bibliometric Analysis of Governance Research in Indonesia

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    All research should make a significant contribution to the academic literature. However, this can only be achieved when research can highlight its novelty. Hence, mapping previous studies on a particular topic is essential to identify the uniqueness of the research. This study aimed to examine the growth of publications on governance issues in Indonesia using the Google Scholar database and manual searches in SINTA. This was a bibliometric analysis that relied on the Publish or Perish, Mendeley and VOSviewer tools. Studies from 352 journals were collected and analyzed to determine the development of publications on governance topics in Indonesia. Furthermore, using VOSviewer, co-authorship was analyzed and co-occurrence maps were created. The co-occurrence maps showed that the topics of corruption, public service and local governance were over-researched. On the contrary, the topics of district governance, good governance value, elite capture, and humanistic approach were under-researched. Hence, it is recommended that further research is conducted on these under-researched topics. Keywords: Indonesia governance, governance, bibliometric analysi

    Policy on Fulfilling the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia: Quo Vadis?

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    The Law on persons with disabilities is an aspiration and hope in achieving equality, equal rights and opportunities for persons with disabilities in Indonesia. The implementation of this law is currently not well implemented and has not succeeded in creating equality, equal rights and opportunities for persons with disabilities in their social life. Persons with disabilities still experience various difficulties in their social life and their rights are often neglected. The method used in writing this article is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data collection technique is done by studying the literature. This article is intended to provide an overview of the implementation of the law on persons with disabilities in Indonesia and provide an overview of the situation of persons with disabilities after the law was passed

    Identifying a Research Gap in Indonesian Governance

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    One of the major challenges in crafting research is highlighting the novelty and the contribution of that research. Therefore, understanding what has been studied and the progress made in a particular topic is essential before embarking on a research journey. This study was a bibliometric analysis that aimed to collect and analyze bibliographic data from articles, journals and other publications on the topic of governance in Indonesia. Three applications were used: Public or Perish, VOS viewer and Mendeley. 1000 articles published in academic journals from 2015 to 2020 were collected and reviewed. The findings suggested that topics such as transparency, service and quality have been over-researched. On the contrary, topics such as impact, procedure, organization and good government still offer wider opportunities to be researched. It is recommended that any researchers wanting to study governance in Indonesia consider these under-researched topics. Keywords: overnance, Indonesia, resistance, bibliometric analysis, public servic
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