13 research outputs found


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    The paper presents the results of testing the chemical and physical soil properties for the hydroseeding needs on the section of the E-75 highway, Corridor 10, Gornje polje-Caričina dolina. The tests were performed in the laboratory of the Department of Agricultural and Food Studies in Prokuplje, on 12 average soil samples in 2020 and on 13 average soil samples in 2021. There were analyzed the chemical properties: pH values in H2O and in 1M KCl, humus by Kotzmann method, total nitrogen calculated from humus, readily available potassium and phosphorus by AL method, and CaCO3 content was determined volumetric, by Schäibler calcimeter. Physical properties were analyzed: water content in the form of mass fraction in soil (SRPS ISO 11465:2002) and mechanical composition of soil by pipette method with preparation of samples with sodium pyrophosphate and classification of texture classes according to ISSS, Baize (1993). The obtained results show that the examined soils are weakly acidic to moderately alkaline reaction in H2O and moderately acidic to alkaline reaction in 1M KCl, very low content of humus and total nitrogen and weakly carbonate on all analyzed samples. The soils are low to medium supplied with easily accessible potassium and very low provided with easily accessible phosphorus. The water content in the form of mass fraction in the soil is used to translate the results of air-dry samples into the result expressed on the mass of dry soil. Heavy clay to sandy loam dominates by texture classes in the analyzed soils


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    The paper presents results of the research conducted at the FE in Jagodina upon the termination of the state of emergency over the coronavirus pandemic in the Republic of Serbia. The research aimed to determine the attitudes of students (N = 87) about the quality of university teaching using Google Classroom and Zoom applications. Students fulfilled their pre-exam obligations in the Methodology of Environmental Studies and Methodology of Physical Education using the above applications. The research was conducted by applying descriptive and survey methods, with special attention paid to students’ competence to use Google Classroom and Zoom applications, student motivation and self-confidence, quality and understanding of materials from the aspect of applicability of acquired knowledge and the quality of pre-exam obligations (assignments) they had to fulfill during the state of emergency. The results show that the students recognized advantages of distance learning, that they did not have major difficulties using the applications, that such a mode of working has positively affected their motivation to participate in online teaching, and that they generally consider the given assignments interesting and useful for their future work with children. The research confirmed that the students’ attitudes toward the possibilities of raising the quality of teaching by applying electronic materials and modes of communication are positive, except that the quality and understanding of materials processed during the state of emergency should be reviewed and examined in more detail.Publishe

    Land use impact on soil structure of Pseudogleys in southern Mačva and Pocerina, Serbia

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    The impact of various types of uses of Pseudogley soils in southern Mačva and Pocerina on theiraggregate distributionand stability was studied on soil samples collected from profiles under forest, meadow and arable land, at three localities. The aggregate composition and stability were determined by Savinov’smethod. The soil structure was assessed by using Revut’s coefficient of soil structure (Ks) and Vershinin’s coefficient of soil aggregate structure (KA). The results show that the studied Pseudogley soils are characterized by an unfavorable structure, while the type of land use has a significant impact on the aggregate composition and stability, especially in surface Ah and Ahp horizons, where these differences are the most pronounced. The most favorable aggregate composition and highest wet-stability are found in Pseudogley profiles under forest vegetation. The aggregate distribution of meadow profiles was intermediate and of arable land the poorest. Statistical analysis of the collected data shows that Ks values, determined by dry sieving, were the highest in forest profiles (2.261.21 on average), while the values for meadow were 1.591.09 and of arable land 1.140.62. The values of KA, used to assess the aggregate stability to water, also show that forest Pseudogleys have the highest average values (2.051.03), followed by meadow (1.96 0.99) and cultivated soils (1.931.22). The results of correlation analysis indicate that Ks is negatively correlated with clay, pH value and base saturation, but positively correlated with soil humus (r=-0.77, -0.70, -0.81 and 0.79, respectively, p<0.01). Conversely, KA is negatively correlated with humus and positively correlated with clay, pH value and base saturation (r=-0.21, 0.82, 0.69 and 0.69, respectively, p<0.01)


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    Erwinia amylovora is a causative agent of bacterial blight of plants of the Rosaceae family. The most important hosts of this bacteria are apple fruits&nbsp; and ornamental shrubs. The paper presents comparative characteristics of Erwinia amylovora strains originating from different hosts and altitudes in Serbia.The presence of Erwinia amylovora was confirmed by classical tests and molecular and serological methods. The tests are: Gram, fluorescence on King B medium, tobacco and nutmeg leaf inoculation, isolation of bacteria on King B medium, presence of bacterial exudate, ELISA test, IF test, BIOLOG test and PCR. PCR can prove the presence of pathogens with a minimal amount of inoculum. Although this method is very reliable, it is necessary to prove it by other methods. A BIOLOG test is used as a very fast, reliable and cheap method for detecting bacteria. The metabolic imprint on the microtiter plate shows the typical characteristics of the bacteria and its connection with the sources of carbon compounds. The studied strains of apple, pear, quince and medlar isolated from different altitudes and different hosts show a negative Gram reaction, do not produce fluorescent pigment on King-B medium, cause hypersensitive reaction to tobacco leaf, cause necrosis of artificially inoculated pears, with the presence of bacterial exudates, react positively with the appropriate serum in the ELISA test, are positive for the IF test, leave a metabolic imprint on the BIOLOG test characteristic of E. amylovora and achieve an agglutination reaction by reacting with an antibody from the Express Kit

    Land degradation neutrality in Serbia

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    Land degradation neutrality (LDN) is defined as a state whereby the amount and quality of land resources necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security remain stable or increase within specified temporal and spatial scales. This concept is a part of sustainable development goal 15 of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development. Target 15.3 aims to combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation-neutral world by 2030. The achievement of this target is measured through indicator called “Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area”. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) endorsed SDG target 15.3 and the concept of land degradation neutrality as a strong vehicle for the implementation of the Convention. Countries are invited to formulate voluntary targets to achieve LDN. UNCCD provide guidance for formulating national voluntary targets and facilitate utilization of the UNCCD indicator framework. Republic of Serbia has ratified Convention in 2007 and actively works on LDN target setting process. This paper aims to present: (a) the basic principles of LDN concept, (b) global datasets provided by UNCCD, (c) SWOT analysis for the country, and (d) to discuss possible national datasets and further activities related to LDN. Indicator “Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area” is measured by means of three subindicators: land cover, land productivity and soil organic carbon. This indicator framework could be broaden with national indicators by decision of the country. Country has been provided by global data on land cover from European Space Agency (ESA). Land productivity dynamics (LPD) dataset was prepared by Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, while soil organic carbon (SOC) dataset was provided by ISRIC. Watershed boundaries are provided from FAO GAUL network. Net area change as a result of comparison between two periods for land covers change and SOC, while LPD is obtained as a trend for the 15 years period. ESA land cover data are given for the two epochs, around 2000 and 2010. These data indicate the loss of 3,800 ha of forests and their conversion to croplands or shrubs. National datasets on land cover exist but their utilization is constrained with the necessity to have dataset for two period of time and to have regular acquisition of future data which are necessary for further analysis and monitoring. Land productivity dynamics data indicated that 5% of the Serbian territory has negative trends in land productivity for the period 1998-2013. There are no national data on LPD obtained according to LDN concept. Soil organic carbon for the country indicates average content of 82.2 t/ha. National data on SOC stocks exist in the databases of relevant institutions but the problems in their utilization are related to the fact that they are sometimes very old, rarely geo-referenced, and obtained by various analytical and terrain procedures. Hence, global data on SOC stocks do not present real country situation, while national SOC stocks data should be systematized to be confident. Indicator analysis at watershed level has recognized the watersheds of Great Morava, Tisa, Sava 3 and South Morava and Nisava rivers, as four watersheds which present 50% of degraded areas according to the proposed methodology. These watersheds should be prone to detailed analysis of around 20 potential hotspots are found in the country. LDN baseline is not yet decided on a country level. Global land cover and land productivity dynamics data will be used until we obtain national data for these indicators. SOC national data should be systematized and used instead of global data. Further activities in LDN target setting process are related to the establishment of LDN baseline, analysis of land degradation trends and drivers, and suggestion of possible national voluntary targets and associated measures at the country, local and/or watershed level. The inclusion of national indicators should be further discussed. LDN concept should be strongly lead by the Government of Republic of Serbia. Hence, Serbian UNCCD NAP document should be finalized, adopted by the Government and LDN embedded into the NAP

    Integration of study courses as means of modernization of tertiary education

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    The university teaching in which the approach to the acquisition of the content is integrated, while simultaneously achieving the correlation of two study courses, is more dynamic, intellectually more valuable, and emotionally richer than the usual, traditional teaching. The paper highlights the importance and advantages of implementing an integrated approach and correlation in working with students training for teaching in preschool institutions. A realization of a class was given as an example during which the content from both the Physical Education Methodology and the Environmental Study Methodology was observed, the principle of rationalization and economy was applied. As a result, the students noticed the interconnectedness between the subjects, gained experience, and saw a number of practical examples that can be applied in kindergartens in their future work. Common, mutually related elements or parts of the content of the Physical Education Methodology and the Environmental Study Methodology, at first, were difficult to notice. For this reason, the integration and combining of contents of these two study courses represented a challenge and a space in which we can express our originality and creative ideas.Publishe

    Integration of study courses as means of modernization of tertiary education

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    The university teaching in which the approach to the acquisition of the content is integrated, while simultaneously achieving the correlation of two study courses, is more dynamic, intellectually more valuable, and emotionally richer than the usual, traditional teaching. The paper highlights the importance and advantages of implementing an integrated approach and correlation in working with students training for teaching in preschool institutions. A realization of a class was given as an example during which the content from both the Physical Education Methodology and the Environmental Study Methodology was observed, the principle of rationalization and economy was applied. As a result, the students noticed the interconnectedness between the subjects, gained experience, and saw a number of practical examples that can be applied in kindergartens in their future work. Common, mutually related elements or parts of the content of the Physical Education Methodology and the Environmental Study Methodology, at first, were difficult to notice. For this reason, the integration and combining of contents of these two study courses represented a challenge and a space in which we can express our originality and creative ideas

    Employees' perceptions of their leaders

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    This paper presents the research about employees and the leaders who are included in leading the organization, as an important segment of the modern business. The aim of this research is to show the real picture about presence new strategies of leaders in the organizations, as well as the analysis of the perception of employees about their leaders. The research in business organizations conducted on the sample of leaders and employees. The construction of high-quality questionnaire represents the important segment of modern statistical and business researches. The issues in questionnaire construction are very complex and they are in the focus of all statistical and research methodologies. It was conducted on the sample of at least 250 examinees (employees) in bigger companies in Serbia. Research results showed that understanding communication satisfaction, with its link to job satisfaction, should provide an ability to better target resources to improve communication satisfaction issues

    Employees' Perceptions of Their Leaders

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    This paper presents the research about employees and the leaders who are included in leading the organization, as an important segment of the modern business. The aim of this research is to show the real picture about presence new strategies of leaders in the organizations, as well as the analysis of the perception of employees about their leaders. The research in business organizations conducted on the sample of leaders and employees. The construction of high-quality questionnaire represents the important segment of modern statistical and business researches. The issues in questionnaire construction are very complex and they are in the focus of all statistical and research methodologies. It was conducted on the sample of at least 250 examinees (employees) in bigger companies in Serbia. Research results showed that understanding communication satisfaction, with its link to job satisfaction, should provide an ability to better target resources to improve communication satisfaction issues