246 research outputs found

    Construction IF-scoring rule within the framework of new generation of metric citations

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    Basing on the scoring rule approach, there was designed a citation metrics, allowing for not only the number of author’s articles published and their citations but also the impact factors of journals in which the articles were published as well as the impact factors of journals with articles citing the autho

    Different Approaches to the Development of Online Learning in Higher Education

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    The relevance of the study is substantiated by the intensive transition of the educational process to the digital environment. In this context, methods and principles of teaching, which are necessary to meet the society needs in modern education, are changing and developing. The authors reveal the issue of the global economy transformation, focusing on digital environments (digitalization). It is highlighted that digitalization contributes to the increasing demand for personnel and the necessity to improve the education system. The analysis of the theoretical features of online education is conducted, methods of its organization are identified, and modern requirements for teaching in higher education are determined. The key concepts that are the basis for the study are clarified. Approaches to the classification of online course formats and their other essential features are generalized. The authors introduce the classification of online learning in terms of time (synchronous, asynchronous) and the classification according to the degree of the educational process integration with online technologies. Additionally, the character of participants’ interaction (web support, blended learning, and fully online learning) is generalized. A review of online courses models by the format of participants’ interaction is carried out (model of online repository courses, xMOOC, cMOOC, hMOOC, ahMOOC, SPOC). The processes of online learning implementation, including e-learning and distance learning technologies in higher education have been revealed. The experience of the development of the first online courses at M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University is described. As a part of the study, the main approaches to the development of online learning in higher education are identified. The authors of the study focus on the work of the advanced training courses for the academic staff as the opportunity for professional competencies development in the context of online education

    Different Approaches to the Development of Online Learning in Higher Education

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    The relevance of the study is substantiated by the intensive transition of the educational process to the digital environment. In this context, methods and principles of teaching, which are necessary to meet the society needs in modern education, are changing and developing. The authors reveal the issue of the global economy transformation, focusing on digital environments (digitalization). It is highlighted that digitalization contributes to the increasing demand for personnel and the necessity to improve the education system. The analysis of the theoretical features of online education is conducted, methods of its organization are identified, and modern requirements for teaching in higher education are determined. The key concepts that are the basis for the study are clarified. Approaches to the classification of online course formats and their other essential features are generalized. The authors introduce the classification of online learning in terms of time (synchronous, asynchronous) and the classification according to the degree of the educational process integration with online technologies. Additionally, the character of participants’ interaction (web support, blended learning, and fully online learning) is generalized. A review of online courses models by the format of participants’ interaction is carried out (model of online repository courses, xMOOC, cMOOC, hMOOC, ahMOOC, SPOC). The processes of online learning implementation, including e-learning and distance learning technologies in higher education have been revealed. The experience of the development of the first online courses at M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University is described. As a part of the study, the main approaches to the development of online learning in higher education are identified. The authors of the study focus on the work of the advanced training courses for the academic staff as the opportunity for professional competencies development in the context of online education

    Different Approaches to the Development of Online Learning in Higher Education

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    The relevance of the study is substantiated by the intensive transition of the educational process to the digital environment. In this context, methods and principles of teaching, which are necessary to meet the society needs in modern education, are changing and developing. The authors reveal the issue of the global economy transformation, focusing on digital environments (digitalization). It is highlighted that digitalization contributes to the increasing demand for personnel and the necessity to improve the education system. The analysis of the theoretical features of online education is conducted, methods of its organization are identified, and modern requirements for teaching in higher education are determined. The key concepts that are the basis for the study are clarified. Approaches to the classification of online course formats and their other essential features are generalized. The authors introduce the classification of online learning in terms of time (synchronous, asynchronous) and the classification according to the degree of the educational process integration with online technologies. Additionally, the character of participants’ interaction (web support, blended learning, and fully online learning) is generalized. A review of online courses models by the format of participants’ interaction is carried out (model of online repository courses, xMOOC, cMOOC, hMOOC, ahMOOC, SPOC). The processes of online learning implementation, including e-learning and distance learning technologies in higher education have been revealed. The experience of the development of the first online courses at M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University is described. As a part of the study, the main approaches to the development of online learning in higher education are identified. The authors of the study focus on the work of the advanced training courses for the academic staff as the opportunity for professional competencies development in the context of online education

    Large-scale Samples Irradiation Facility at the IBR-2 Reactor in Dubna

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    The irradiation facility at the beam line no.3 of the IBR-2 reactor of the Frank Laboratory for Neutron Physics is described. The facility is aimed at irradiation studies of various objects with area up to 800 cm2^2 both at cryogenic and ambient temperatures. The energy spectra of neutrons are reconstructed by the method of threshold detector activation. The neutron fluence and γ\gamma dose rates are measured by means of alanine and thermoluminescent dosimeters. The boron carbide and lead filters or (n/γ)(n/\gamma) converter provide beams of different ratio of doses induced by neutrons and photons. For the lead filter, the flux of fast neutrons with energy more than 0.1 MeV is 1.410101.4 \cdot 10^{10} \fln and the neutron dose is about 96\% of the total radiation dose. For the (n/γ)(n/\gamma) converter, the γ\gamma dose rate is \sim500 Gy h1^{-1} which is about 85\% of the total dose. The radiation hardness tests of GaAs electronics and materials for the ATLAS detector to be put into operation at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have been performed successfully at this facility


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    The article presents a methodology for assessing the radiological criteria for the use of the territory (a land plot with buildings) with residual radioactive contamination from the so-called “green area”, i.e., complete release from radiation control until a number of restrictions are imposed on the use of the territory. In accordance with the further use of the territory, a range of scenarios and pathways for the exposure of the population was considered. A set of models and their parameters, corresponding to the number of the considered pathways of exposure, was defined. Assuming a uniform distribution of a radionuclide with a unit concentration in the source zone, the distribution of effective doses for the population living in the territory with the residual radioactive contamination for different irradiation scenarios was calculated by stochastic modeling, 95% of the quantile of which was attributed to the dose in the representatives of the critical population group. Next, the value of radiological criteria, depending on the implemented scenario, was determined as the ratio of the dose constraint EL = 0,3 mSv/yr and 95% quantile in the distribution of the effective dose from a unit contamination. The numerical values of radiological criteria for the presence of radionuclides in the soil are presented, both for the radiation scenarios that correspond to the permanent residence of the population in the contaminated territory and for recreational use. A further consideration is given to the so-called worker scenario, which corresponds to the limited time spent on the contaminated territory and the simultaneous effects of radionuclides contained both in the soil and in the construction of the buildings. A comparison of the results of the own calculations with the data of other authors was carried out.В статье представлена методология оценки радиологических критериев использования территории (земельный участок с находящимися на нем зданиями) с остаточным радиоактивным загрязнением от так называемой «зеленой площадки», т. е. полного освобождения от радиационного контроля, до введения ряда ограничений на использование территории. В соответствии с целями дальнейшего использования территории рассмотрен ряд сценариев и путей облучения населения. Определен набор моделей и их параметров, соответствующих количеству рассматриваемых путей облучения. Полагая равномерное распределение радионуклида с единичной концентрацией в зоне источника, методом стохастического моделирования рассчитывали распределение эффективных доз у населения, проживающего на территории с остаточным радиоактивным загрязнением для различных сценариев облучения, 95% квантиль которого приписывали дозе у представителей критической группы населения. После этого необходимое значение радиологического критерия в зависимости от реализуемого сценария определяли как отношение граничного значения годовой эффективной дозы EL = 0,3 мЗв и 95% квантиля в распределении эффективной дозы от единичного загрязнения. Представлены численные значения радиологических критериев при нахождении радионуклидов в почве как для сценариев облучения, соответствующих постоянному проживанию населения на загрязненной территории, так и при рекреационном ее использовании. Дополнительно рассмотрен так называемый производственный сценарий, соответствующий ограниченному времени пребывания на загрязненной территории и одновременному воздействию радионуклидов, содержащихся как в почве, так и в конструкциях зданий. Проведено сравнение результатов собственных расчетов с данными других авторов


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    The paper presents at first time in Russian the experience of decontamination of settlements located in the ‘Strict control area’ of the Bryansk region. Large scale decontamination campaign was implemented in summer 1989 by Russian Civil Defence forces jointly with the experts of the Institute of Radiation Hygiene. Radiological criteria  for  decontamination  are  presented  and  external  dosimetry  of  the  public  considered.  Recommendations for  decontamination  of  settlements  were  developed  based  on  modeling  and  experiments.  During  five  months, 93  settlements  with  population  of  90  this.  were  decontaminated.  Repeated  radiation  measurements  next  year and  afterwards  proved  that  there  was  no  radioactive  re-contamination  of  the  treated  areas.  Effectiveness  of decontamination was estimated by modeling and by individual TLD measurements conducted before and after decontamination. The results of two methods agreed well and the average effectiveness was estimated as 20%. The collective effective dose averted by the decontamination works in 1989 was estimated as 350 man-Sv.В статье впервые на русском языке описан опыт кампании дезактивации населенных пунктов Зоны жесткого  контроля  Брянской  области,  которая  была  проведена  летом  1989  г.  силами  Гражданской обороны РСФСР совместно с сотрудниками НИИ радиационной гигиены. Приведены радиологические критерии  для  проведения  дезактивации,  рассмотрены  дозиметрические  аспекты  внешнего  облучения жителей. На основе расчетного моделирования и экспериментальных работ обоснованы рекомендации по дезактивации населенных пунктов. За 5 месяцев были дезактивированы 93 населенных пункта с на-селением около 90 тыс. человек. Повторные измерения через год и позднее показали отсутствие вторичного переноса радионуклидов на дезактивированные участки. Эффективность дезактивации оценили модельным расчетом и путем ТЛД-измерений дозы у жителей до и после дезактивации. Результаты двух оценок согласуются и составляют в среднем 20%. Коллективная эффективная доза, предотвращенная в результате дезактивации 1989 г., оценена в 350 чел.-Зв

    Seasonal changes in chlorophyll and carotenoid content in needles of scots pines (pinus sylvestris l.) Exposed to the thermal field of a gas flare

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    Seasonal changes in chlorophyll (Chl) and carotenoid (Car) content were analyzed in needle samples from young Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in the thermal field zone at various distances from the petroleum gas flare. Experiments were performed in Khanty Mansi Autonomous Area (Yugra) of Russia throughout the autumn–winter–spring period. Two hypotheses were subject to verification: (1) the thermal field of petroleum gas combustion flame imitates the influence of climate warming on plants, thus affecting the pigment complex of the photosynthetic apparatus (PSA) in pine needles; (2) transformations of PSA pigment complex in pine needles throughout the autumn–winter–spring period are sensitive to a long-term rise in ambient temperature by 1–2°С. In the winter period, the seasonal dynamics of certain PSA parameters comprised maxima and minima that are supposedly due to the regulation of Chl and Car content upon changes in air temperature. In trees growing under divergent thermal conditions, seasonal changes of these parameters were not synchronous. Analysis of seasonal changes revealed that winter-related transformations of the PSA structural–functional condition in needles are subject to consistent variations at different distances from the gas flame. The PSA activity of needles throughout the studied period was higher near the flame and decreased with the distance from the gas flare. When Chl content in needles decreased in autumn–winter, the smallest reduction was observed in the location near the gas flare (site I) where temperature was 1–2°C higher than the background level. The intermediate decrease in pigment content was noted at a moderate distance from the flame (site III), while the most pronounced decrease occurred at the largest distance from the gas flare (site VII). At the same time, the Chl a/b content ratio in needles was consistently lower for trees located at site I than at site VII. Hence, the amount of light-harvesting complexes in chloroplasts from trees grown at site I was higher than the amount of photosystems in the same chloroplasts. The Chl (a + b)/Car ratio in needles of trees grown near the gas flare (site I) was higher than in locations III and VII. This ratio displayed two significant peaks in the winter dynamics, which was supposedly due to the sufficient preservation of green pigments. Divergent seasonal changes in Chl and Car content and their dissimilar correlations with air temperature indicate that the pools of these pigments are controlled by different mechanisms. The actual Chl content, determined by the balance of pigment degradation and synthesis, should depend on the environmentally modified Chl synthesis and on the protective function of Car. Photosynthesizing cells produce additional amounts of carotenoids during autumn–winter, thus preventing the photodegradation of Chl in the period from autumn to late spring. © 2021, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.This work was supported by the Comprehensive Program of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 2018–2020 (project no. 18-4-4-10) and by a state assignment to the Institute Botanic Garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    Study of OH• Radicals in Human Serum Blood of Healthy Individuals and Those with Pathological Schizophrenia

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    The human body is constantly under attack from free radicals that occur as part of normal cell metabolism, and by exposure to environmental factors such as UV light, cigarette smoke, environmental pollutants and gamma radiation. The resulting “Reactive Oxygen Species” (ROS) circulate freely in the body with access to all organs and tissues, which can have serious repercussions throughout the body. The body possesses a number of mechanisms both to control the production of ROS and to cope with free radicals in order to limit or repair damage to tissues. Overproduction of ROS or insufficient defense mechanisms leads to a dangerous disbalance in the organism. Thereby several pathomechanisms implicated in over 100 human diseases, e.g., cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus, physiological disease, aging, etc., can be induced. Thus, a detailed investigation on the quantity of oxygen radicals, such as hydroxyl radicals (OH•) in human serum blood, and its possible correlation with antioxidant therapy effects, is highly topical. The subject of this study was the influence of schizophrenia on the amount of OH• in human serum blood. The radicals were detected by fluorimetry, using terephthalic acid as a chemical trap. For all experiments the serum blood of healthy people was used as a control group