90 research outputs found

    Construções metafóricas na narrativa da criança: o caso do Limpador de Para-brisa dos Trens

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     In this work, we seek to describe how metaphors, conceived as “analogical transferences of denominations” (cf. BENVENISTE, 1963), are established in the displacements performed by the child in language. The theoretical-methodological bias is based on the enunciative acquisition perspective (SILVA, 2009), which is based on Benvenistian principles. In this article, the theme is illustrated with data from a 5-year-old child. The objective is to describe how the “analogical transferences of denominations” are established in the displacements carried out by the child in language. Metaphor is understood as an arrangement of forms and meanings established in the speaker's use of language in a given enunciative situation and in the intersubjective relationship with the other in the enunciation. In the experiences with the other, in the culture of the society to which they belong, the child experiences the power of meaning arising from the symbolic property of language, which allows him to establish analogies between forms and meanings of language and to mobilize, in the discourse, new jobs for words and expressions of the language.Neste trabalho, busca-se descrever como se estabelecem as metáforas, concebidas como “transferĂŞncias analĂłgicas de denominações” (cfe. BENVENISTE, 2020), nos deslocamentos realizados pela criança na linguagem. O viĂ©s teĂłrico-metodolĂłgico pauta-se na perspectiva enunciativa aquisicional (SILVA, 2009), a qual se baseia em princĂ­pios benvenistianos. Neste artigo, ilustra-se o tema com um dado de uma criança de 5 anos. O objetivo Ă©  descrever como se estabelecem as “transferĂŞncias analĂłgicas de denominações” nos deslocamentos realizados pela criança na linguagem. Compreende-se a metáfora como um arranjo de formas e sentidos que se estabelece no uso da lĂ­ngua pelo falante em determinada situação enunciativa e na relação intersubjetiva com o outro da enunciação. Nas vivĂŞncias com o outro,  na cultura da sociedade da qual faz parte, a criança vivencia o poder de significação advindo da propriedade simbĂłlica da linguagem, o que lhe permite estabelecer analogias entre formas e sentidos da lĂ­ngua e mobilizar, no discurso, novos empregos para palavras e expressões da lĂ­ngua.&nbsp

    O PAA, política social e povos indígenas: um estudo de caso do Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos no Município de Ipuaçu - SC

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    This research emerges from the approach and incursions of the discussions on public policy and in particular the Food Acquisition Program - PAA and its implementation in Indigenous Xapecó (TIX), in the city of Ipuaçu / SC. The search option focusing on PAA Program and the Food Distribution in Action TIX, was due to the observation of mostly focused studies, organizations, cooperatives, associations and production systems geared to family farming in areas that do not involve directly the Indian or the indigenous territory. Starting from the reality of TIX and take this public policy, as the object of this study analyzed the implementation of the Food Acquisition Program - PAA and the food distribution action, and their representation in strengthening the autonomy of the indigenous people in the Indigenous Land Xapecó / SC, from 2009 to 2012. In this context, we sought to understand and investigate how to operationalize the PAA and the food distribution action, and whether they implement the strategies of autonomy and protagonism, provided by Law No. 10,696 / 2003 in the city of Ipuaçu / SC. For context purposes, the object of study, is supported in the area of redistributive policies, and its relationship with development. Therefore, the theoretical route initially had the quest for understanding the context of public and social policies and their relationship to the development, anchored mainly in studies of Leff, Iamamoto, Sachs, Teixeira, Yasbek. The methodology of this work involves the qualitative case study research procedure, using techniques of collecting primary and secondary data on the problem of the research study, which used the following search tools for achieving the objectives: document content analysis, literature review, verbal reports through semi-structured interviews and analysis of the collected data. Analyzing the creation of public policy actions that promote the production of food for the supply in the country, aimed to present this work to reflect on the experience of the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) and the Food Distribution Action in Indigenous Land Xapecó in the city of Ipuaçu / SC. The performance study of the Food Acquisition Program for the strengthening of family farming in TIX possible to understand the impacts on the livelihoods of indigenous families, and the role of food distribution action in ensuring a healthy diet. It can be concluded that the PAA fulfill its role in strengthening family agriculture, and sustainable development. This posed for indigenous peoples today as an ally by overcoming challenges and possibilities strategies facing today for this necessary change mode of production and consumption. However, also found up the main negative points for this policy and the effective food distribution action, through qualitative data contained in the interviews. Therefore, it is important to consider the role of users and encouraging autonomy so that services are not only to meet emerging demands, but rather that serve to transform the lives of the subjects. It is in this context that the indigenous are now seeking to create development alternatives to ensure their survival, without abandoning their traditional values.A presente pesquisa emerge da aproximação e incursão acerca das discussões sobre as políticas públicas e em especial o Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos – PAA e sua operacionalização na Terra Indígena Xapecó (TIX), no Município de Ipuaçu/SC. A opção da pesquisa com foco no Programa PAA e a Ação de Distribuição de Alimentos na TIX, deveu-se a observação dos estudos voltados em sua maioria, às organizações, cooperativas, associações e sistemas de produções voltados à agricultura familiar em áreas que não envolvem diretamente o índio ou ao território indígena. Partindo da realidade da TIX e ao tomar esta Política Pública, como objeto deste estudo analisou-se a execução do Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos – PAA e a ação de distribuição de alimentos, e sua representação no fortalecimento da autonomia do povo indígena na Terra Indígena Xapecó/SC, no período de 2009 a 2012. Neste contexto, buscou-se compreender e investigar a forma de operacionalização do PAA e a Ação de distribuição de alimentos, e se os mesmos implementam as estratégias de Autonomia e Protagonismo, previstas na Lei nº 10.696/2003, no Município de Ipuaçu/SC. Para fins de contextualização, o objeto de estudo, está sustentado na área das políticas públicas redistributivas, e sua relação com o desenvolvimento. Para tanto, o percurso teórico teve inicialmente a busca pela compreensão do contexto das políticas públicas e sociais e sua relação com o desenvolvimento, ancoradas principalmente nos estudos de Leff, Iamamoto, Sachs, Teixeira, Yasbek, Veiga. A metodologia deste trabalho envolve o procedimento de estudo de caso qualitativo de pesquisa, empregando-se técnicas de coleta de dados primários e secundários na investigação do problema em estudo, que utilizou os seguintes instrumentos de pesquisa para atingir os objetivos: Análise de conteúdo documental, revisão de literatura, relatos verbais por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e análise dos dados coletados. Analisando a criação de ações da política pública que fomentem a produção de alimentos para o abastecimento no país, buscou-se neste trabalho apresentar algumas reflexões acerca da experiência do Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA) e a Ação de Distribuição de Alimentos na Terra Indígena Xapecó, no Município de Ipuaçu/SC. O estudo do desempenho do Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos para o fortalecimento da agricultura familiar na TIX possibilitou compreender os impactos sobre o modo de vida das famílias indígenas, e o papel da Ação de distribuição de alimentos na garantia de uma alimentação saudável. Pode-se concluir que o PAA cumpriu seu papel no fortalecimento da agricultura familiar, e no seu desenvolvimento sustentável. Este que se coloca para os povos indígenas hoje como sendo um aliado através da superação dos desafios e possibilidades de estratégias que se colocam na atualidade para esta necessária mudança modo de produção e consumo. Contudo, constatou-se também os principais pontos negativos relativos à esta política e a efetiva ação de distribuição de alimentos, através dos dados qualitativos contidos nas entrevistas realizadas. Portanto, é importante considerar o protagonismo dos usuários e estimular a autonomia para que os serviços não sejam apenas para atender demandas emergentes, mas, sim, que sirvam para transformar a vidas dos sujeitos. É neste contexto que os indígenas se encontram hoje, procurando criar alternativas de desenvolvimento que garantam sua sobrevivência, sem abandonar seus valores tradicionais

    A atuação do profissional farmacêutico na saúde mental: uma análise comparativa entre países.

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Farmácia.Pessoas portadoras de transtornos mentais enfrentaram estigmas e exclusão por parte da sociedade e governos durante grande parte da história. A partir de transformações de sistemas de saúde com o objetivo de desinstitucionalização desses indivíduos, essa população pode ser reinserida em sociedade e atuar como partes funcionais dentro do convívio. O presente estudo teve como objetivo abordar o papel do farmacêutico dentro da saúde mental como profissional multidisciplinar e integrante do sistema de saúde, com base em estudos publicados na Austrália, Brasil, Canadá e Reino Unido. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão de escopo organizada em cinco etapas. Inicialmente com a criação da pergunta de pesquisa, em seguida com a busca de dados por meio de descritores em saúde em bases de dados. Após, na terceira etapa, foi realizada a seleção de artigos com base nos critérios de inclusão e exclusão e a quarta etapa foi a coleta de dados. A quinta e última etapa foi a sumarização e reportagem dos resultados. Dentro dos resultados encontraram-se estudos que mostraram atuações diversas do farmacêutico dentro do tema, com intervenções diferenciadas baseadas em sistemas de saúde exclusivos de cada país. Barreiras foram também evidenciadas, dentre elas, a estigmatização da saúde mental, a falta de tempo, privacidade e espaço reportada pelos farmacêuticos comunitários, dentre outras. A partir dessa pesquisa, estima-se poder desenvolver novas abordagens para atuação do farmacêutico no Brasil por meio de maiores pesquisas em conjunto com decisores políticos

    Plasminogen deficiency causes reduced angiogenesis and behavioral recovery after stroke in mice

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    Plasminogen is involved in the process of angiogenesis; however, the underlying mechanism is unclear. Here, we investigated the potential contribution of plasmin/plasminogen in mediating angiogenesis and thereby contributing to functional recovery post-stroke. Wild-type plasminogen naive (Plg(+/+)) mice and plasminogen knockout (Plg(-/-)) mice were subjected to unilateral permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo). Blood vessels were labeled with FITC-dextran. Functional outcomes, and cerebral vessel density were compared between Plg(+/+) and Plg(-/-) mice at different time points after stroke. We found that Plg(-/-) mice exhibited significantly reduced functional recovery, associated with significantly decreased vessel density in the peri-infarct area in the ipsilesional cortex compared with Plg(+/+) mice. In vitro, cerebral endothelial cells harvested from Plg(-/-) mice exhibited significantly reduced angiogenesis assessed using tube formation assay, and migration, as evaluated using Scratch assays, compared to endothelial cells harvested from Plg(+/+) mice. In addition, using Western blots, expression of thrombospondin (TSP)-1 and TSP-2 were increased after MCAo in the Plg(-/-) group compared to Plg(+/+) mice, especially in the ipsilesional side of brain. Taken together, our data suggest that plasmin/plasminogen down-regulates the expression level of TSP-1 and TSP-2, and thereby promotes angiogenesis in the peri-ischemic brain tissue, which contributes to functional recovery after ischemic stroke

    Suppression of uPA and uPAR Attenuates Angiogenin Mediated Angiogenesis in Endothelial and Glioblastoma Cell Lines

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    In our earlier reports, we showed that downregulation of uPA and uPAR inhibited glioma tumor angiogenesis in SNB19 cells, and intraperitoneal injection of a hairpin shRNA expressing plasmid targeting uPA and uPAR inhibited angiogenesis in nude mice. The exact mechanism by which inhibition of angiogenesis takes place is not clearly understood.In the present study, we have attempted to investigate the mechanism by which uPA/uPAR downregulation by shRNA inhibits angiogenesis in endothelial and glioblastoma cell lines. uPA/uPAR downregulation by shRNA in U87 MG and U87 SPARC co-cultures with endothelial cells inhibited angiogenesis as assessed by in vitro angiogenesis assay and in vivo dorsal skin-fold chamber model in nude mice. Protein antibody array analysis of co-cultures of U87 and U87 SPARC cells with endothelial cells treated with pU2 (shRNA against uPA and uPAR) showed decreased angiogenin secretion and angiopoietin-1 as well as several other pro-angiogenic molecules. Therefore, we investigated the role of angiogenin and found that nuclear translocation, ribonucleolytic and 45S rRNA synthesis, which are all critical for angiogenic function of angiogenin, were significantly inhibited in endothelial cells transfected with uPA, uPAR and uPA/uPAR when compared with controls. Moreover, uPA and uPAR downregulation significantly inhibited the phosphorylation of Tie-2 receptor and also down regulated FKHR activation in the nucleus of endothelial cells via the GRB2/AKT/BAD pathway. Treatment of endothelial cells with ruPA increased angiogenin secretion and angiogenin expression as determined by ELISA and western blotting in a dose-dependent manner. The amino terminal fragment of uPA down regulated ruPA-induced angiogenin in endothelial cells, thereby suggesting that uPA plays a critical role in positively regulating angiogenin in glioblastoma cells.Taken together, our results suggest that uPA/uPAR downregulation suppresses angiogenesis in endothelial cells induced by glioblastoma cell lines partially by downregulation of angiogenin and by inhibition of the angiopoietin-1/AKT/FKHR pathway

    SPARC Endogenous Level, rather than Fibroblast-Produced SPARC or Stroma Reorganization Induced by SPARC, Is Responsible for Melanoma Cell Growth

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    SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine) is a matricellular protein whose overexpression in malignant or tumor-stromal cells is often associated with increased aggressiveness and bad prognosis in a wide range of human cancer types, particularly melanoma. We established the impact that changes in the level of SPARC produced by malignant cells and neighboring stromal cells have on melanoma growth. Melanoma cell growth in monolayer was only slightly affected by changes in SPARC levels. However, melanoma growth in spheroids was strongly inhibited upon SPARC hyperexpression and conversely enhanced when SPARC expression was downregulated. Interestingly, SPARC overexpression in neighboring fibroblasts had no effect on spheroid growth irrespective of SPARC levels expressed by the melanoma cells, themselves. Downregulation of SPARC expression in melanoma cells induced their rejection in vivo through a mechanism mediated exclusively by host polymorphonuclear cells. On the other hand, SPARC hyperexpression enhanced vascular density, collagen deposition, and fibroblast recruitment in the surrounding stroma without affecting melanoma growth. In agreement with the in vitro data, overexpression of SPARC in co-injected fibroblasts did not affect melanoma growth in vivo. All the data indicate that melanoma growth is not subject to regulation by exogenous SPARC, nor by stromal organization, but only by SPARC levels produced by the malignant cells themselves

    Transcription profiles of non-immortalized breast cancer cell lines

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    BACKGROUND: Searches for differentially expressed genes in tumours have made extensive use of array technology. Most samples have been obtained from tumour biopsies or from established tumour-derived cell lines. Here we compare cultures of non-immortalized breast cancer cells, normal non-immortalized breast cells and immortalized normal and breast cancer cells to identify which elements of a defined set of well-known cancer-related genes are differentially expressed. METHODS: Cultures of cells from pleural effusions or ascitic fluids from breast cancer patients (MSSMs) were used in addition to commercially-available normal breast epithelial cells (HMECs), established breast cancer cell lines (T-est) and established normal breast cells (N-est). The Atlas Human Cancer 1.2 cDNA expression array was employed. The data obtained were analysed using widely-available statistical and clustering software and further validated through real-time PCR. RESULTS: According to Significance Analysis of Microarray (SAM) and AtlasImage software, 48 genes differed at least 2-fold in adjusted intensities between HMECs and MSSMs (p < 0.01). Some of these genes have already been directly linked with breast cancer, metastasis and malignant progression, whilst others encode receptors linked to signal transduction pathways or are otherwise related to cell proliferation. Fifty genes showed at least a 2.5-fold difference between MSSMs and T-est cells according to AtlasImage, 2-fold according to SAM. Most of these classified as genes related to metabolism and cell communication. CONCLUSION: The expression profiles of 1176 genes were determined in finite life-span cultures of metastatic breast cancer cells and of normal breast cells. Significant differences were detected between the finite life-span breast cancer cell cultures and the established breast cancer cell lines. These data suggest caution in extrapolating information from established lines for application to clinical cancer research

    TRAIL inhibits angiogenesis stimulated by VEGF expression in human glioblastoma cells

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    Tumour growth is tightly related to new blood vessel formation, tissue remodelling and invasiveness capacity. A number of tissular factors fuel the growth of glioblastoma multiforme, the most aggressive brain neoplasm. In fact, gene array analyses demonstrated that the proapoptotic cytokine tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) inhibited mRNA expression of VEGF, along with those of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), its inhibitor tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2), as well as the tumour invasiveness-related gene secreted protein acid rich in cysteine (SPARC) in different human glioblastoma cell lines. Particularly, VEGF mRNA and protein expression and release from glioblastoma cells were also inhibited by TRAIL. The latter also exerted antimitogenic effects on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). With the same cells, TRAIL inhibited new vessel formation in the in vitro matrigel model, as well as it exerted powerful inhibition of blood vessel formation induced by an angiogenic cocktail administered in subcutaneous pellets in vivo in the C57 mouse. Moreover, the expression of MMP-2, its inhibitor TIMP-2 and the tumour invasiveness-related protein SPARC were effectively inhibited by TRAIL in glioblastoma cell lines. In conclusion, our data indicate that TRAIL inhibits the orchestra of factors contributing to glioblastoma biological aggressiveness. Thus, the TRAIL system could be regarded as a molecular target to exploit for innovative therapy of this type of tumour
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