1,964 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study On Anglo And Non-anglo Academic Discourse

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    This article showed that Anglo dialogic academic discourse cannot be separated from several aspects such as linear, more personal, writer responsible and focus on form. This writing convention isunderpinned by cultural tradition. Anglo community is influenced by democratic thought pattern belong to Socrates, who stressed the writing as a medium of negotiating meaning and creating knowledge and truth.. Meanwhile, the monologic discourse is found to be produced in non-Anglo communities which have no long democracy tradition. This academic discourse is characterized by impersonal tone, digressiveness, reader responsible and focus on content.. It encourages writer to use writing as a medium of showing knowledge, in which reader do not necessarily need to be guided in explicit and direct way, and assuming that they are intelligent human whom there is nothing much to be directed, guided and explained

    Environmental changes across the Triassic–Jurassic boundary and coeval volcanism inferred from elemental geochemistry and mineralogy in the Kendlbachgraben section (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria)

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    The end-Triassic extinction (ETE), one of the five largest Phanerozoic mass extinctions, is associated with rapid and severe environmental change, but existing data permit alternative models of causation. Volcanism in the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) has been proposed as the main trigger, but direct evidence for this linkage is scarce. To help constrain scenarios for the ETE and other Triassic– Jurassic boundary (TJB) events, we obtained a temporally highly resolved, multidisciplinary dataset from the Kendlbachgraben section in the Northern Calcareous Alps in Austria. The section belongs to the same paleogeographic unit (Eiberg Basin) and share similar stratigraphy with the recently selected base Jurassic Global Stratotype Section and Point at Kuhjoch. Micromineralogic study of the topmost bed of the Rhaetian K¨ ossen Formation revealed pseudomorphs of altered, euhedral pyroxene and amphibole crystals. Their well-faceted morphology is consistent with their origin from distal mafic volcanic ash fallout. Spherical grains were also observed in the same bed, likely representing clay-altered volcanic glass. Clay minerals of this bed include lowto medium-charged smectite and Mg-vermiculite, both typical alteration products of mafic rocks. The same bed yielded a rare earth element pattern that differs from all other levels in an enrichment of heavy REEs, hinting at some minor contribution from mafic magmatic material. These features from a layer that was deposited very near to the TJB are interpreted as direct evidence of CAMP volcanism, coeval or immediately preceding the ETE and the initial negative carbon isotope anomaly. The kaolinite-dominated clay mineral spectrum of the overlying boundary mudstone records intensive weathering under hot and humid greenhouse conditions. Redox-sensitive minor and trace elements do not support the development of widespread anoxia in the studied section. Although pyrite is common in several layers, framboid size indicates formation within a reductive zone, below the sediment/water interface, rather than in an anoxic water column. Our data provide a direct link between uppermost Triassic marine strata and CAMP-derived material. They support scenarios where CAMP volcanism induced climate and other environmental change, which in turn triggered the ETE and that is also reflected in the carbon isotope anomalies


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    Throughout the world, agriculture has become integrated into the economy at large. Therefore, it is not possible to analyze the process of economic and political transformation of agriculture without reference to the general thrust and speed of reform (Pasour, 1992). In this paper, we will argue that Poland, like other countries in Central and Eastern Europe, faces a dilemma of economic and political reform. Further, we will discuss some of the central variables which tend to constrain the process of economic transition and recovery. Following we will first discuss some of the central effects of partial and stepwise economic reform. Second, we will analyze the pros and cons of economic shock therapy, i.e., of a rapid switch to a market economic system and its implications for institutional change. Third, we will try to shed light on some of the political economic aspects of transformation. Fourth we will discuss a number of factors constraining the speed of economic recovery. We will conclude with some remarks about the prospects for economic transition in Polish agriculture.Political Economy,

    The dynamic model of writing and its implications for the FL classroom

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    The dynamic model of writing proposed by Matsuda (1997) is intended to visualize the complexity of interrelationships between the writer, text, and reader in second language writing instruction. Contrary to the static model, the dynamic model assumes an active role of the writer and acknowledges the writer‘s contribution not only to the text, but also to communication with the writer, and—as a consequence—accounts for intercultural interaction and negotiation of meaning. Because in the context of foreign language writing Matsuda‘s dynamic model is usually unrealistic, this paper proposes a model of foreign language writing which combines features of both the static and dynamic models to illustrate the unique complexity of foreign language writing

    The Analysis Of English Native Speaker And Esl Texts Using Fars Approach

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    This research was a comparison of ESL\u27s and native speaker (NS)\u27s texts in achieving a coherent text. This study aims at investigating the frequency or the number of occurrence of relations, hierarchical structures, and functional relations; paratactic and hypotactic and also to find out the recursiveness occurrences within schema constructed as well as the explicitness of signalling from the two texts analyzed. Both texts were scrutinized based on FARS approach. Each of the texts was segmented into several segments, categorized based on FARS relations and determined in terms of functional relations. The findings indicate that the ESL learner\u27s text was the hypotactic relation which tends to dominantly use cohesive devices or conjunctions within the text in order to elicit a coherent text. On the other hand, there is an equal number of paratactic and hypotactic relation in NS\u27s text as it shows the dominant use of elaborative relation in the text. Referring to recursiveness occurrence, text 1 (NS) has three highest occurrences of recursiveness; Elaboration Amplification, Framing and Elaboration Extension, while text 2 (ESL) has two occurrences; Elaboration Amplification and Framing. Then, in text 1, it is implicitly comprehended that the writers apply implicit signalling beyond the clauses indicated by the low occurrence of conjunctions which shows higher English proficiency of the writers. However, text 2 does not employ any implicit signalling identified by higher number of conjunctions employment beyond the clauses. All of these features found in the texts are possibly linked to the linguistic, type of texts and cultural backgrounds of the writers

    SUMO chain-induced dimerization activates RNF4

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    Dimeric RING E3 ligases interact with protein substrates and conformationally restrain the ubiquitin-E2-conjugating enzyme thioester complex such that it is primed for catalysis. RNF4 is an E3 ligase containing an N-terminal domain that binds its polySUMO substrates and a C-terminal RING domain responsible for dimerization. To investigate how RNF4 activity is controlled, we increased polySUMO substrate concentration by ablating expression of SUMO protease SENP6. Accumulation of SUMO chains in vivo leads to ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of RNF4. In vitro we demonstrate that at concentrations equivalent to those found in vivo RNF4 is predominantly monomeric and inactive as an ubiquitin E3 ligase. However, in the presence of SUMO chains, RNF4 is activated by dimerization, leading to both substrate ubiquitylation and autoubiquitylation, responsible for degradation of RNF4. Thus the ubiquitin E3 ligase activity of RNF4 is directly linked to the availability of its polySUMO substrates

    Neurotrophic factors and corneal nerve regeneration

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    The cornea has unique features that make it a useful model for regenerative medicine studies. It is an avascular, transparent, densely innervated tissue and any pathological changes can be easily detected by slit lamp examination. Corneal sensitivity is provided by the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve that elicits protective reflexes such as blinking and tearing and exerts trophic support by releasing neuromediators and growth factors. Corneal nerves are easily evaluated for both function and morphology using standard instruments such as corneal esthesiometer and in vivo confocal microscope. All local and systemic conditions that are associated with damage of the trigeminal nerve cause the development of neurotrophic keratitis, a rare degenerative disease. Neurotrophic keratitis is characterized by impairment of corneal sensitivity associated with development of persistent epithelial defects that may progress to corneal ulcer, melting and perforation. Current neurotrophic keratitis treatments aim at supporting corneal healing and preventing progression of corneal damage. Novel compounds able to stimulate corneal nerve recovery are in advanced development stage. Among them, nerve growth factor eye drops showed to be safe and effective in stimulating corneal healing and improving corneal sensitivity in patients with neurotrophic keratitis. Neurotrophic keratitis represents an useful model to evaluate in clinical practice novel neuro-regenerative drugs

    Scholarly criticism across discourse communities

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