523 research outputs found

    Identity Salience and Involvement among Resident and Nonresident Fathers

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    The literature on father involvement suggests that the value men ascribe to the father role is important for understanding their involvement with their children, yet this theory has received only limited empirical attention. Using data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N = 3,554), I examined the association between fathers? identity salience reported at their child?s birth and their involvement (accessibility, engagement, and responsibility) when their child was about 1, 3, and 5 years old, carefully considering the role played by fathers? residence status. I found that fathers? identity salience predicted future levels of engagement net of a large number of fathers? characteristics, and that fathers with high identity salience were more likely to reside with their child, which facilitated their involvement. These results suggest that programs designed to enhance the salience of the father role would be useful for teaching men to become more involved fathers.Fatherhood, Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing (FFCW), Longitudinal Data, Parental Involvement, Social Psychology (Family)

    Pharmacist collaborative practice and the development and implementation of team-based care in outpatient healthcare settings: A case study at El Rio Community Health Center

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    Background: The United States is experiencing a primary care physician shortage that will grow in the next decade as demand for primary care services is projected to increase. The growth in physician, Nurse Practitioner, and Physician Assistant supply alone will not be adequate to meet the demand for primary care services by 2020. Creating pharmacist-inclusive collaborative care teams for outpatient clinical care can help alleviate this health care delivery shortage. Methods: A qualitative mixed-methods case study was conducted in Tucson, Arizona to determine the supports and structures behind the Pharmacy-Based Diabetes Management Program (PBDMP) at El Rio Community Health Center. Using key informant interviews from El Rio, other outpatient clinical pharmacy programs (OCPPs), and the Tucson Accountable Care Organization, coupled with Lean Management brainstorming group sessions, the study elicited information about how the experience of El Rio with the PBDMP can inform nationwide development and implementation guidelines for other OCPPs. Results: The PBDMP at El Rio provides a blueprint for other programs interested in creating an OCPP. Key contributing factors to program success within El Rio and the other OCPPs interviewed included a focus on six key practices. Challenges inhibiting success were pharmacist provider status and reimbursement of clinical services provided. Translation: Three public health practice products were developed as a framework to provide future OCPPs interested in implementing a pharmacist-inclusive practice model: 1) implementation guidelines, 2) a self-assessment outpatient clinical pharmacy program worksheet for clinics looking to create or expand an OCPP, and 3) a student management decision case study. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the value of considering all potential members of a care team for diabetes care management. The decision by a clinic to create an OCPP should be based on team-based approaches to patient-centered chronic disease care management. Clinics looking to participate in a CDTM model OCPP need to identify if organizational transformation is needed for program buy-in and consider relational coordination between clinical roles as a major component of the coordinated work needed for a successful OCPP

    Covariant gauge-natural conservation laws

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    When a gauge-natural invariant variational principle is assigned, to determine {\em canonical} covariant conservation laws, the vertical part of gauge-natural lifts of infinitesimal principal automorphisms -- defining infinitesimal variations of sections of gauge-natural bundles -- must satisfy generalized Jacobi equations for the gauge-natural invariant Lagrangian. {\em Vice versa} all vertical parts of gauge-natural lifts of infinitesimal principal automorphisms which are in the kernel of generalized Jacobi morphisms are generators of canonical covariant currents and superpotentials. In particular, only a few gauge-natural lifts can be considered as {\em canonical} generators of covariant gauge-natural physical charges.Comment: 16 pages; presented at XXXVI Symposium on Math. Phys., Torun 09/06-12/06/04; the last paragraph of Section 3 has been reformulated, in particular a mistake in the equation governing the vertical part of gauge-natural lifts with respect to prolongations of principal connections (appearing e.g. in the vertical superpotential) has been correcte

    How many cards should you lay out in a game of EvenQuads?: A detailed study of 2-caps in AG(n,2)

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    A 2-cap in the affine geometry AG(n,q)AG(n, q) is a subset of 4 points in general position. In this paper we classify all 2-caps in AG(n,2)AG(n, 2), up to affine equivalence, for n≤6n \leq 6. We also provide structural results for general nn. Since the EvenQuads card deck is a model for AG(6,2)AG(6, 2), as a consequence we determine the probability that an arbitrary kk-card layout contains a quad.Comment: 36 pages, 20 figures, 5 table

    Existence of spinning solitons in gauge field theory

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    We study the existence of classical soliton solutions with intrinsic angular momentum in Yang-Mills-Higgs theory with a compact gauge group G\mathcal{G} in (3+1)-dimensional Minkowski space. We show that for \textit{symmetric} gauge fields the Noether charges corresponding to \textit{rigid} spatial symmetries, as the angular momentum, can be expressed in terms of \textit{surface} integrals. Using this result, we demonstrate in the case of G=SU(2)\mathcal{G}=SU(2) the nonexistence of stationary and axially symmetric spinning excitations for all known topological solitons in the one-soliton sector, that is, for 't Hooft--Polyakov monopoles, Julia-Zee dyons, sphalerons, and also vortices.Comment: 21 pages, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    When Giant Stick Insects Play With Colors: Molecular Phylogeny of the Achriopterini and Description of Two New Splendid Species (Phasmatodea: Achrioptera) From Madagascar

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    Achrioptera is a taxon of extremely large and exceptionally colorful stick insects endemic to Madagascar and the Comoros Archipelago. We studied the phylogenetic position of the Achriopterini, comprising the genera Achrioptera and Glawiana, based on a multigene phylogeny and concluded that it is a sister group to other Madagascan phasmids (Anisacanthidae) rather than to Neotropical or Australo-Pacific groups as was suggested in a previous study based on morphology. Our results also point to unresolved relationships (potential paraphyly of Achrioptera), taxonomic issues (elevation of A. punctipes cliquennoisi to species level), and detection of cryptic diversity (in A. impennis), demonstrating the need of additional research. A DNA barcoding approach based on COI sequences of Achrioptera species revealed a clear discrimination between closely related and morphologically similar species. Applying integrative taxonomy using multiple lines of evidence, we demonstrated that the well-known species with blue males from Montagne des Français and Foret d'Orangea in the far north of Madagascar, previously attributed to Achrioptera fallax, represents a new species, which we describe as Achrioptera manga sp. nov. based on morphological, chromatic, and genetic (mitochondrial and nuclear) differences. We also describe a second new giant species from this massif: Achrioptera maroloko sp. nov. is among the largest insects (females reaching up to 24 cm total length) and differs from its sister species A. spinosissima from western Madagascar in morphology, coloration, and substantial DNA barcode divergence. These magnificent new species confirm the significance of the Montagne des Français area as a hotspot of biodiversity and microendemism. The biogeographic pattern of the species pair A. fallax/A. manga is paralleled by species pairs of reptiles and amphibians suggesting a similar evolutionary history. Finally, we discuss the sexual dichromatism of Achrioptera species with conspicuous males and mostly cryptic females. As possible reasons, we consider female mate choice and divergent habits of males and females, but aposematism combined with toxic substances produced in defense glands or accumulated in the insect's body from nutritional plants are more plausible explanations for this phenomenon
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