434 research outputs found

    Child Under-weight and Agricultural Productivity in India: Implications for Public Provisioning and Women’s Agency

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    This study is part of the ongoing research program on Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) funded by UK Aid from the Department for International Development, UK. The authors are consultants or regular staff of M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, India, one of the six partner institutions of LANSA.A recent global hunger index indicated a 12 percent decline in child underweight rates. This study attempts an empirical explanation of the factors that influence child underweight rates at the district level. Agricultural land productivity, share of women educated above the secondary level and participating in work, maternal, and child health seem to contribute to the reduction in child underweight. However government health and water supply facilities turn out to be ineffective

    Assessing a candidate IIA dual to metastable supersymmetry-breaking

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    We analyze the space of linearized non-supersymmetric deformations around a IIA solution found by Cvetic, Gibbons, Lu and Pope (CGLP) in hep-th/0101096. We impose boundary conditions aimed at singling out among those perturbations those describing the backreaction of anti-D2 branes on the CGLP background. The corresponding supergravity solution is a would-be dual to a metastable supersymmetry-breaking state. However, it turns out that this candidate bulk solution is inevitably riddled with IR divergences of its flux densities and action, whose physical meaning and implications for models of string cosmology call for further investigation.Comment: 33 pages. v2: reference added, clarifications in the introductio

    Screening of hypercortisolism among patients with hypertension: an Italian nationwide survey

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    Purpose Screening of Cushing Syndrome (CS) and Mild Autonomous Cortisol Secretion (MACS) in hypertensive patients is crucial for proper treatment. The aim of the study was to investigate screening and management of hypercortisolism among patients with hypertension in Italy.Methods A 10 item-questionnaire was delivered to referral centres of European and Italian Society of Hypertension (ESH and SIIA) in a nationwide survey. Data were analyzed according to type of centre (excellence vs non-excellence), geographical area, and medical specialty.Results Within 14 Italian regions, 82 centres (30% excellence, 78.790 patients during the last year, average 600 patients/year) participated to the survey. Internal medicine (44%) and cardiology (31%) were the most prevalent medical specialty. CS and MACS were diagnosed in 313 and 490 patients during the previous 5 years. The highest number of diagnoses was reported by internal medicine and excellence centres. Screening for hypercortisolism was reported by 77% in the presence of specific features of CS, 61% in resistant hypertension, and 38% in patients with adrenal mass. Among screening tests, the 24 h urinary free cortisol was the most used (66%), followed by morning cortisol and ACTH (54%), 1 mg-dexamethasone suppression test (49%), adrenal CT or MRI scans (12%), and late night salivary cortisol (11%). Awareness of referral centres with expertise in management of CS was reported by 67% of the participants, which reduced to 44% among non-excellence centres.Conclusions Current screening of hypercortisolism among hypertensive patients is unsatisfactory. Strategies tailored to different medical specialties and type of centres should be conceived

    Analysis of the effect of advanced FO spacer on the specific energy consumption of hybrid RO desalination system

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    Research involving hybrid forward osmosis-reverse osmosis (FO-RO) desalination has gained attention recently due to its potential to reduce energy consumption compared to traditional RO. This paper aims to understand the degree of the impact of advanced spacers in the FO process on the overall specific energy consumption (SEC) of FO-RO systems. The SEC for a representative advanced spacer is simulated and analysed under standard recovery and operating conditions. The results show that advanced spacers can significantly reduce SEC by up to 9.27% under the operating conditions considered. The results also show that placing an advanced spacer on the FO membrane draw side has a greater effect in reducing SEC compared to placing it on the feed side, due to the larger extent of ECP. It was found that FO channel pressure drop has insignificant impact on the SEC. The performance of advanced spacers in SEC reduction is most effective if the contribution of external concentration polarisation (ECP) to transmembrane osmotic pressure is high, if the contribution of internal concentration polarisation (ICP) is low, and if the effective transmembrane osmotic pressure is low. Optimal mixing in FO systems is therefore crucial to reduce SEC, especially for systems with severe ECP

    Insecticide resistance in malaria and arbovirus vectors in Papua New Guinea, 2017–2022

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    Background: Insecticide resistance (IR) monitoring is essential for evidence-based control of mosquito-borne diseases. While widespread pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles and Aedes species has been described in many countries, data for Papua New Guinea (PNG) are limited. Available data indicate that the local Anopheles populations in PNG remain pyrethroid-susceptible, making regular IR monitoring even more important. In addition, Aedes aegypti pyrethroid resistance has been described in PNG. Here, Anopheles and Aedes IR monitoring data generated from across PNG between 2017 and 2022 are presented. Methods: Mosquito larvae were collected in larval habitat surveys and through ovitraps. Mosquitoes were reared to adults and tested using standard WHO susceptibility bioassays. DNA from a subset of Aedes mosquitoes was sequenced to analyse the voltage-sensitive sodium channel (Vssc) region for any resistance-related mutations. Results: Approximately 20,000 adult female mosquitoes from nine PNG provinces were tested. Anopheles punctulatus sensu lato mosquitoes were susceptible to pyrethroids but there were signs of reduced mortality in some areas. Some Anopheles populations were also resistant to DDT. Tests also showed that Aedes. aegypti in PNG are resistant to pyrethroids and DDT and that there was also likelihood of bendiocarb resistance. A range of Vssc resistance mutations were identified. Aedes albopictus were DDT resistant and were likely developing pyrethroid resistance, given a low frequency of Vssc mutations was observed. Conclusions: Aedes aegypti is highly pyrethroid resistant and also shows signs of resistance against carbamates in PNG. Anopheles punctulatus s.l. and Ae. albopictus populations exhibit low levels of resistance against pyrethroids and DDT in some areas. Pyrethroid-only bed nets are currently the only programmatic vector control tool used in PNG. It is important to continue to monitor IR in PNG and develop proactive insecticide resistance management strategies in primary disease vectors to retain pyrethroid susceptibility especially in the malaria vectors for as long as possible

    Técnicas microscópicas aplicadas na identificação e localização de bactérias fixadoras de nitrogênio e biomacromoléculas em tecidos vegetais.

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    Preparo de amostras de tecidos vegetais para microscopia. Fixadores. Resinas. Corantes/Contrastantes. Ultramicrotomia. Aplicações com o microscópio de luz. Microscopia de campo escuro, contraste de fase e interferência. Outras técnicas de microscópia ótica e video-microscopia. Aplicações ao microscopio eletrônico. A imunologia e a microscopia.bitstream/CNPAB-2010/27241/1/doc050.pd

    ‘Bordering’ Life: denying the right to live before being born

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    This study pushes the boundaries of the border thinking discourse to examine grassroots perceptions of foeticide together with how women are valued in a society that is underpinned by preference for a male child. Using a bordering conceptual framework, the paper re-visits the female positionality within epistemic locations of culture and societal values in both colonial and the modern Indian context. Grounded in primary research in the state of Haryana that exhibits lowest female to male ratio at birth in the country, the analyses indicate rigid or at best sluggish movements in social norms as the key driver for India’s declining sex ratio. The border thinking discourse further enables to situate the different aspects of female positionality and gender perceptions in the society into the specific domains of the bordering conceptual framework. This offers a novel approach to engage with social norms that border life and opportunities for females in the society

    The functional connectome in obsessive-compulsive disorder: resting-state mega-analysis and machine learning classification for the ENIGMA-OCD consortium

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    Current knowledge about functional connectivity in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is based on small-scale studies, limiting the generalizability of results. Moreover, the majority of studies have focused only on predefined regions or functional networks rather than connectivity throughout the entire brain. Here, we investigated differences in resting-state functional connectivity between OCD patients and healthy controls (HC) using mega-analysis of data from 1024 OCD patients and 1028 HC from 28 independent samples of the ENIGMA-OCD consortium. We assessed group differences in whole-brain functional connectivity at both the regional and network level, and investigated whether functional connectivity could serve as biomarker to identify patient status at the individual level using machine learning analysis. The mega-analyses revealed widespread abnormalities in functional connectivity in OCD, with global hypo-connectivity (Cohen’s d: -0.27 to -0.13) and few hyper-connections, mainly with the thalamus (Cohen’s d: 0.19 to 0.22). Most hypo-connections were located within the sensorimotor network and no fronto-striatal abnormalities were found. Overall, classification performances were poor, with area-under-the-receiver-operating-characteristic curve (AUC) scores ranging between 0.567 and 0.673, with better classification for medicated (AUC = 0.702) than unmedicated (AUC = 0.608) patients versus healthy controls. These findings provide partial support for existing pathophysiological models of OCD and highlight the important role of the sensorimotor network in OCD. However, resting-state connectivity does not so far provide an accurate biomarker for identifying patients at the individual level