165 research outputs found

    Viejas variedades, nuevas oportunidades: un trabajo de investigación saca a la luz viejas variedades de vid desconocidas en peligro de extinción

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    El estudio molecular de la colección de vides recopiladas por la antigua Estación de Viticultura y Enología de Movera, actualmente integrada en el Centro de Transferencia Agroalimentaria del Departamento de Agricultura y Alimentación del Gobierno de Aragón, realizado en colaboración con la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (CSIC), ha permitido descubrir un número importante de variedades desconocidas en peligro de extinción que podrían ser autóctonas de la región

    Usefulness of microsatellites for positioning the tunisian almond germplasm in its mediterranean geographic context.

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    6 Pags.- 1 Tabl.- 1 Fig. The definitive version is available at: http://www.actahort.org/index.htmIn Tunisia, the almond tree (Prunus dulcis), dating back to ancient times, has been grown extensively since the Carthaginian era. In the framework of a national project on the characterisation and the conservation of the local almond germplasm many morphological and molecular markers (RAPD and SSR) have been used in order to analyse the genetic diversity of the main almond cultivars and to seek for the genetic position of these resources in the Mediterranean basin. For this study, 10 SSRs were used to analyse 82 almond accessions from different origins. Most of them originated from Tunisia (50), the others included in the National collection were from France (9), Italy (7), Morocco (1), Spain (8), USA (3), or were of unknown origin (4). The dendrogram based on UPGMA analysis using the similarity matrix generated by the Nei and Li (1979) coefficient presented four main clusters (A, B, C and D). In group A were present 40 of the 50 local genotypes that originate from the centre and the south contrarily, all cultivars from the north were in group C and clustered with the European and American genotypes. Accordingly, our study stressed the large diversity of the Tunisian almonds and revealed the presence of two distinct genetic groups. One located in the north genetically close to the gene pool of the Northern border of the Mediterranean and the second in the central and southern part that is highly adapted to different abiotic stress mainly drought.Peer reviewe

    Molecular characterization and genetic diversity of Prunus rootstocks

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    The definitive version is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03044238Twenty microsatellite primer pairs, previously developed in peach, were used to characterize and to explore genetic relationships among 44 clones, representing three groups of rootstocks defined as: (1) Peach-based rootstocks (Prunus dulcis x P. persica, P. persica x P. davidiana); (2) Myrobalan - Marianna plums (P. cerasifera, and interspecific hybrids having P. cerasifera as a parent); and (3) Slow growing plums (P. insititia, P. domestica, and P. domestica x P. spinosa). Eighteen SSR markers, from the 20 initially used, were able to amplify polymorphic products for the Peach-based rootstocks and 13 common markers gave also polymorphism for the Myrobalan-Marianna and Slow growing plums groups. The Dice coefficient of similarity was calculated between all pairs of accessions and their genetic similarity represented by a principal coordinate analysis. The genetic diversity detected among the 44 clones studied divided them in three groups, which are in agreement with their current taxonomic classification and their morphological characteristics. A set of three microsatellites (BPPCT001, CPPCT022 and UDP98-407) can distinguish between all the clones analyzed. The analysis within groups reveal another two sets of three SSR to distinguish between the clones from the peach based rootstocks and the myrobalan-Marianna plums respectively and only a single SSR is needed to distinguish within the clones from the Slow growing plums group. These results demonstrate the high potential of the SSR analysis for peach rootstock identification and studies of diversity in Prunus species.This research was funded by CICYT (Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología AGL 2005-05533), INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, RF03-014-C2 and RF2007-00026-C02-01), DGA (Diputación General de Aragón, A44). M. Bouhadida was supported by a fellowship from the AECI (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional) of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and an I3P-PC2006 contract from the CSIC-FSE for M.J. Gonzalo.Peer reviewe

    ddRAD-seq para el análisis de asociación genómico de los principales caracteres agronómicos y calidad organoléptica en melocotonero

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    PósterDouble-digest RAD sequencing (ddRAD-Seq) is a powerful method for SNP discovery at a genome-wide scale. It relies on breaking the genome into a certain size of DNA fragments using two restriction enzymes: i) one common cutter with a short recognition site and ii) a low frequency cutter having a large recognition motif . Amplification step in library preparation can introduce PCR artefacts. Those are expected to skew allele frequency by increasing homozygosity leading to false genotype calls. In this context, we carried out a comparison study between DNA-variants generated with duplicates and those generated after removing with either "'SAMtools:rmdup" or "Stacks clone filter". On the other hand, the accuracy of genetic variants identification is a crucial step towards understanding phenotypical traits and monitoring breeding programs. Thereby, a good combination of computational tools for alignment and variant calling is crucial to tackle the possible artifacts. In response to this challenge, three variant callers (BCFtools, Freebayes and GATK-HaplotypeCaller) were combined on top of the BWA-mem read mapper. SNPs derived from the intersection of these callers were used for a genome wide association study to genetic variants associated with agronomic and organoleptic traits (In this poster, we illustrate only one study case trait). A diverse set of 90 peach accessions were sampled from the Experimental Station of Aula Dei (CSIC) located at Zaragoza (northern of Spain). This germplasm collection includes landraces and modem breeding lines from different origins.EEA San PedroFil: Ksouri, Najla. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Estación Experimental Aula Dei; EspañaFil: Sánchez, Gerardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Pedro; ArgentinaFil: Contreras-Moreira, Bruno. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Estación Experimental Aula Dei; EspañaFil: Gogorcena Aoiz, Yolanda. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Estación Experimental Aula Dei; Españ

    Evaluation of tolerance to brown rot caused by Monilia Iaxa (Aderhold and Ruhland) Honey, in peach germplasm (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch)

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    El melocotonero es uno de los cultivos frutales, de la familia de las rosáceas, de mayor importancia económica del mundo. Existen numerosas plagas y enfermedades que afectan a este cultivo, especialmente hongos patógenos de fruto que son infectivas en el campo, durante el tránsito y en el almacenamiento. Más del 50 % de la pérdida global en poscosecha se ha atribuido a la enfermedad de podredumbre parda causada por especies del género Monilinia, y en los últimos años la enfermedad ha sido tan acusada en el cultivo que ha producido el abandono de la producción de algunas variedades de fruta de hueso. En España, la enfermedad se ha asociado con más del 60 % de pérdidas de fruta después de la cosecha. Aunque existen ciertas opciones de control y tratamiento, la selección genética para la resistencia sigue siendo una alternativa ideal de manejo para el control de la enfermedad producida por la podredumbre parda, teniendo en cuenta su sostenibilidad y la compatibilidad ambiental. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo principal el fenotipado del germoplasma de melocotón existente en la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei-CSIC y de cultivares y progenies para la detección de tolerancias a la podredumbre parda producida por Monilinia laxa. El estudio se enfoca en la mejora de los cultivos de melocotones, en la Valle de Ebro de la zona ecológica mediterránea, a través del uso de variedades tolerantes o genotipos con características de buena calidad en relación a la enfermedad de la podredumbre parda. El Capítulo I establece un método de evaluación, al optimizar los protocolos disponibles, para detectar más fácilmente la tolerancia a la podredumbre parda por Monilinia spp. en germoplasma de melocotónero. Esto se logró con una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva y la compilación de la información actualmente disponible sobre melocotón y el efecto resultante de la interacción (podredumbre parda) con las especies de Monilinia y las opciones de control y manejo disponibles.El Capítulo II examina el efecto de los factores fisicoquímicos del pH y la acidez titulable (TA) en la interacción huésped-patógeno entre el melocotón y M. laxa tanto in-vitro como in-vivo. Este estudio abarca la necesidad de conocer la evolución de la madurez de la fruta en las variedades de melocotones verdes y maduros en relación con la posible infección por Monilinia en frutos inmaduros en precosecha. El Capítulo III es una prueba de detección basada en la inoculación artificial de fruta para validar en varias líneas parentales del programa de mejora genética de melocotón ('Crown Princess', 'Big Top', 'Andross' y 'BabyGold 9'). Además, se incluyeron en el estudio cultivares con diferente contenido fenólico y precoces ('Tebana') o tardíos, como los cultivares tradicionales españoles de carne no firme ('Miraflores', 'Calanda Tardío' y 'Calante'). También se discute la correlación de los factores patogénicos con su composición bioquímica con respecto a los ácidos y los contenidos fenólicos en la pulpa. El Capítulo IV examina sesenta y ocho progenies de la población 'Babygold 9' × 'Crown Princess' del programa de mejora de EEAD-CSIC por susceptibilidad a la podredumbre parda de Monilia laxa. Los rasgos físicoquímicos, tales como la firmeza de la fruta y el contenido de sólidos solubles, se registraron antes y después del 4 almacenamiento. La acidez titulable, el pH y la composición antioxidante también se midieron en la cosecha para obtener la correlación con los factores patógenos.<br /

    Influencia de diversos patrones ciruelo sobre las características agronómicas y la calidad del fruto en la variedad de melocotonero ‘Catherina’

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    4 Pags.- 2 Tabls. Contribución de los autores originalmente presentada, como comunicación,en el XIV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Hortícolas (SECH 2015): Retos de la Nueva Agricultura Mediterránea (Orihuela, 3-5 junio 2015).En este trabajo se estudia la influencia de ocho patrones ciruelo (Adesoto 101, Constantí 1, PM 105 AD, Puebla de Soto 67 AD, Monpol, Montizo y San Julián GF 655-2) y un franco de melocotonero (Benasque), sobre el vigor y supervivencia de los árboles, productividad y calidad del fruto en la variedad de melocotonero ‘Catherina’. Entre los parámetros de calidad se determinaron tamaño del fruto, firmeza, sólidos solubles (ºBrix), acidez valorable e índice de madurez, así como otros parámetros bioquímicos: azúcares y distintos compuestos antioxidantes. El contenido en azúcares (sacarosa, glucosa, fructosa y sorbitol) se determinó mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC). A los doce años de la plantación, se observaron diferencias significativas entre patrones, tanto en los parámetros agronómicos como de calidad del fruto de la variedad injertada.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación (MICINN) AGL-2005-05533 y AGL-2008-00283, con cofinanciación FEDER, y el gobierno de Aragón (A44). C. Font es beneficiaria de una beca JAE-Pre del CSIC.Peer reviewe

    Phenotypic diversity and relationships of fruit quality traits in peach and nectarine [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] breeding progenies

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    The definitive version is available at: http://www.springerlink.com/content/102881/Agronomic and fruit quality traits were evaluated and compared for three consecutive years on 1,111 seedlings coming from 15 peach and nectarine breeding crosses, grown under a Mediterranean climate. Significant differences among and within the different progenies were found for most of the traits analyzed. The breeding population segregated for several Mendelian characters such as peach or nectarine fruit, round or flat fruit, yellow or white flesh and freestone or clingstone. In addition, aborting fruit and flat fruit trees were found in our progeny, and our data seem to support multi-allelic control of both flat shape and aborting fruit. The variation within the progenies of some traits such as blooming and harvesting date, yield, fruit weight and SSC was continuous, suggesting a polygenic inheritance. Relationships between qualitative pomological traits and these agronomic and fruit quality parameters were also found. Valuable correlations among agronomic and fruit quality parameters were found, although coefficients of variation depending on the progeny should be considered. In addition, principal component analysis (PCA) revealed several relationships among quality traits in the evaluated progenies. Based on this evaluation, 26 outstanding genotypes were pre-selected from the initial breeding population for further studies.This study was supported by the Spanish MICINN (Ministry of Science and Innovation) grants AGL-2005-05533 and AGL-2008-00283, and the Regional Government of Aragón (A44). C.M. Cantín was supported by a FPU fellowship from Spanish MICINN.Peer reviewe

    Influencia de diferentes patrones en la calidad del fruto de la variedad de cereza Sunburst

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    6 Pags.- 4 Tabls.- 6 Figs.[EN] The influence of different rootstocks on the fruit quality of Sunburst sweetcherry is studied. To evaluate the effect of the rootstock, parameters such as fruitsize, fresh weigh, color, firmness and some chemical fruit properties (acidity, pHand sugar concentrations) have been determined. The highest fruit weight wasinduced by the most vigorous rootstocks, especially for the high yielding years.Preliminary results indicate that rootstocks with high total soluble solids in fruitsalso showed high values for fruit firmness.[ES] Este trabajo pretende evaluar la influencia de diferentes patrones en lacalidad del fruto de la variedad de cereza Sunburst. Para estudiar los posiblesefectos inducidos por el patrón se consideran los siguientes parámetros: tamaño(calibre), peso medio del fruto, color, firmeza y propiedades organolépticas delfruto (acidez, pH y concentración de azúcares). Se observa que los patronesmás vigorosos muestran un mayor calibre de los frutos, siendo más significativoen los años de mayor producción. En la cosecha del último año se ha observadoademás que los patrones que inducen una mayor cantidad de sólidos solubles.Peer reviewe

    Phenotypic diversity among local Spanish and foreign peach and nectarine [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] accessions

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    17 Pags., 7 Tabls., 1 Fig. The definitive version is available at: http://link.springer.com/journal/10681Phenotypic data for tree and fruit characteristics was collected over three consecutive years from a germplasm collection of 94 peach and nectarine accessions representing both traditional Spanish as well as foreign cultivars with widespread global plantings. All accessions were grown at the Experimental Station of Aula Dei located in the Ebro Valley (Northern Spain, Zaragoza) under a Mediterranean climate. Tree traits evaluated included bloom and harvest date, vigor, yield, yield efficiency and flower and leaf characteristics. Fruit traits included fresh weight, firmness, soluble solids, titratable acidity, levels of individual soluble sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose and sorbitol), vitamin C, total phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, relative antioxidant capacity and ripening index. Extensive variability was observed for most qualitative and quantitative traits with significant correlations identified between many traits. While the traditional Spanish accessions demonstrated good adaptability to the northern Spain evaluation site, opportunities for continued improvement in tree and fruit quality traits were demonstrated by an extensive phenotypic variability within the germplasm collection.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) grants AGL2005-05533, AGL2008-00283 and AGL2011-24576, and RFP 2009-00016 cofunded by FEDER and the Regional Government of Aragon (A44). C. Font was supported by a JAE fellowship from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).Peer reviewe

    Phenotypic diversity among local Spanish and foreign peach and nectarine [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] accessions

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    17 Pags., 7 Tabls., 1 Fig. The definitive version is available at: http://link.springer.com/journal/10681Phenotypic data for tree and fruit characteristics was collected over three consecutive years from a germplasm collection of 94 peach and nectarine accessions representing both traditional Spanish as well as foreign cultivars with widespread global plantings. All accessions were grown at the Experimental Station of Aula Dei located in the Ebro Valley (Northern Spain, Zaragoza) under a Mediterranean climate. Tree traits evaluated included bloom and harvest date, vigor, yield, yield efficiency and flower and leaf characteristics. Fruit traits included fresh weight, firmness, soluble solids, titratable acidity, levels of individual soluble sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose and sorbitol), vitamin C, total phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, relative antioxidant capacity and ripening index. Extensive variability was observed for most qualitative and quantitative traits with significant correlations identified between many traits. While the traditional Spanish accessions demonstrated good adaptability to the northern Spain evaluation site, opportunities for continued improvement in tree and fruit quality traits were demonstrated by an extensive phenotypic variability within the germplasm collection.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) grants AGL2005-05533, AGL2008-00283 and AGL2011-24576, and RFP 2009-00016 cofunded by FEDER and the Regional Government of Aragon (A44). C. Font was supported by a JAE fellowship from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).Peer reviewe